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Academic Integrity
  •   Admin
  •   22 May 2024
  •   Views: 50

What does academic integrity mean?

Academic integrity represents the ethical, honest and responsible attitude of students, professors, universities and institutes towards academic rules and regulations. Academic integrity means adhering to the education protocols without using false practices to achieve desirable outcomes. The main agenda of education is to pass on knowledge to students and assess them based on their skills and acquired knowledge. 

But sometimes it happens, students get caught using false means which is strictly disallowed. This gives the impression that they aren’t sincere towards their academics and university protocols. At the higher education level, the consequences are so severe, it can even lead to debarring students. With writing skills, subject knowledge and time management skills, you also need to have firm academic integrity if you want to be in the good books of your educators.

Alongside students professors, and institutes should also be respectful towards the norms of academic integrity for the rightful conduction of education processes. You should identify the factors that can harm your academic integrity and what help sources will help strengthen your academic beliefs. 

Types of Practices that can harm your academic integrity

Students can encounter academic dishonesty at any given point in different forms. Some practices you need to avoid to secure your academic integrity include: 

  • Cheating: When you depend on forbidden sources you shouldn’t access during an ongoing assignment or objective assessment, it comes under cheating. 
  • Fabricating: It might appear okay to change the original data to make it more convincing or favourable for expected results. But it is not. It changes the complete meaning of the study and questions your academic integrity. This type of academic dishonesty is considered a fabrication. 
  • Plagiarism: When you look for fruitful information for your content, you come across various resources. Copying their content as it is without giving proper credit through citations in(MLA, APA, or Chicago) is considered plagiarism. If you pick content from your previous work, it is called self-plagiarism.
  • Using Artificial Intelligence:  Nowadays, students use artificial intelligence tools to get quick and unique results. Little do they know, it is also considered academic dishonesty because you are not working on it yourself. 
  • Sabotage: When a person jinxs someone else works it is considered sabotage. It is unethical to meddle with other scholars' work. For eg harming pieces of information, or printing false information related to the author. 
  • Duplicate Submission:  This type of academic dishonesty occurs when you draft one sample work and submit it for different subjects due to the similarity of topics. It might not appear as a wrong practice, but it is as it suggests a lack of sincerity and less consideration toward each subject’s requirements. 
  • Collusion: If you are given a task but your friends complete it instead of you, it can create problems for you. It is a wrong practice to disobey the guidelines which are strictly set for an individual’s assessment

These were just a few circumstances of seemingly easy methods that can lead to prolonged bad effects. The key is to follow the right protocols. But if you are facing any difficulty, it is better to seek help and walk on the right path.

How Can We Help Safeguarding Your Academic Integrity?

As a team of professional experts and education administrators in the UK, we understand the significance of academic integrity in students' lives. Therefore we are committed to helping students create assignments without tampering with academic loyalty. Here are certain measures we take to ensure this:

  • We are well rehearsed about with general university guidelines of ( the University of Edinburgh, the University of Bristol, Newcastle University, the University Of Southampton, King's College London, the University of Leeds, the University of Exeter, etc.) as well as important instruction related to citation styles. 
  • Native Assignment help experts are well experienced. Instead of depending on other resources, they draft assignments from scratch using their skills and knowledge. 
  • Our Assignment Help guides students in clearing their concepts in every subject so that they are confident enough to draft their assignments with confidence 
  • We facilitate several standard plagiarism-detecting tools to detect even the slightest possibility of plagiarism. We provide free Turnitin reports to students which clearly state that it is 100% unique.
  • Native Assignment Help provides customised assistance. This means no single assignment matches another even if the topic is the same, making it unique and tailored to the student’s requirements.
  • The information we use is completely research-based. We do not use artificial intelligence to derive information as it can tamper your grades.
  • We follow legal procedures commenced by the UK educational administration regarding assignment help writing services. 

Every assignment expert on Native Assignment Help is well aware of our policies regarding academic integrity. We aim to help students become knowledgeable and become better academic writers under professional guidance.

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