Introduction Raising awareness of health issues is a critical aspect of public health promotion, influencing individual behaviors, healthcare systems, and policy decisions. In the UK, public health initiatives and legislative frameworks emphasize the importance of awareness campaigns to address emerging and existing health concerns. These campaigns play a crucial rol...View and Download Sample
Portfolio Task 1: Academic background to the topic: Lifestyle acts as an essential factor that has been recognized in modifying physical and mental health and is associated with mortality and illness. This has been involved with physical activity, healthy food, alcohol, and smoking addiction. Here we are mainly focusing on the young aged group of people from 15 to 2...View and Download Sample
Introduction Partnership in the medical profession is one of the most important aspects as it allows to development of knowledge of every medical staff with the help of coordinated meetings and good communication. Hence this essay has shed light on the importance of partnership in healthcare and social care. Besides that, this study has also analyzed diverse aspects ...View and Download Sample
1. Key Workplace Safety Laws and Risk Management 1.1 “Health and Safety at work Act 1974 is an Act of Parliament that is referred to as HASAW” and is responsible for all the employers that ensure safety and health welfare at the workplace. RIDDOR is a regulation where the employers and self-employed "report work-related deaths or any injuries” (Bla...View and Download Sample
Introduction The number of elderly older people with unmet care and support needs is increasing substantially. Case of challenges faced by the formal and the informal care system in the UK addressed that, in case of living a healthy life care is required. This may evaluate the level of urgency that was required for securing the health condition of the elderly ageing ...View and Download Sample
Assignment 1 Introduction People who are homeless or families who live in emergency shelters, transitional housing, or other places not meant for human occupancy lack a secure, comfortable place to call home at night. A major socioeconomic problem, homelessness has repercussions for both individuals and society at large. About 8329 people rough sleep in London with ...View and Download Sample
Introduction - Personal Experience in Healthcare and Dementia Care Healthcare centers are places where people think about their safety that what I am going to talk about in this paper. The assignment is based on “the fundamentals of Health and social care”. Which discussed the role of health care centers, which will include my strategies to become a profe...View and Download Sample
Introduction Duty of care is a fundamental principle in care settings, ensuring that individuals receive safe, ethical, and high-quality support. This unit explores the meaning of duty of care, its relationship with safeguarding, and its role in protecting individuals' rights to live free from abuse and neglect. It addresses potential conflicts between duty of care a...View and Download Sample
Introduction The Unit 3 Mental Capacity and Restrictive Practice in Care Settings outlines essential principles, legislation, and practices that ensure individuals' rights, safety, and autonomy in care environments. This unit emphasizes understanding mental capacity laws such as the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and its amendments, alongside the Care Act (2014) and Data...View and Download Sample
Introduction Safeguarding in care settings is a critical aspect of ensuring the safety, well-being, and rights of vulnerable individuals. This unit explores the legislation, principles, and frameworks that underpin safeguarding practices, alongside the roles of various agencies in protecting individuals from abuse and neglect. It highlights the importance of person-c...View and Download Sample
Introduction Working within agreed ways in care settings is crucial to maintaining safe, effective, and high-quality care. This unit explores the importance of adhering to defined roles, responsibilities, and training when delivering care services. It outlines the significance of delegated healthcare tasks, including who may delegate them and why such tasks may be as...View and Download Sample
Introduction - Ensuring Compliance and Best Practices Introduce the Purpose of this piece of work - Health and safety in healthcare __APH 9_____. Health and Safety in healthcare is a legal requirement to protect employees, service users, sub-contractors and members of the public when they are involved with your business. Healthcare safety or patient safety is a dis...View and Download Sample
Learning Aim B & C Start with the summary of both case studies (Rebecca & Ben) In case study 1, there is a child, Rebecca Brown, who is 8 years old and uses a wheelchair after facing a road accident at the age of 5. She needs personal care due to her physical disabilities, as she fractured her spine during the accident. She has a learning disability, autism,...View and Download Sample
Introduction Cardiovascular diseases are considered a number one cause for death in the global scenario along with are the leading cause of death in Asian population as well (Ahajournals, 2023). The problem of increasing these factors for the specific disease in Asia refers to the lack of surveillance as well as lacking in proper diagnosis of disease (Ahajournals, 20...View and Download Sample
Understand the types of mental ill-health 1.1 Describe the following types of mental ill-health according to the psychiatric (diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM)/international classification of diseases (ICD)) classification system: psychotic disorders anxiety disorders personality disorders mood disorders substance-related disorders e...View and Download Sample
Introduction - Key Differences in Nursing, Paramedic, & Social Work Roles This study is presented based on the relationship between early dental caries and nutrition in Nigeria. Nutrition is extremely important for the development and care of the body. Early dental caries relies on different elements like bacteria in the mouth, swallowing sugary beverages and not...View and Download Sample
Blog – Vitamin D and Immunity Vitamin D is a certain category of vitamin that helps regulate phosphate and calcium in the body of a human being. Calcium and phosphates are the main ingredients which are required to maintain the bones, muscles as well as teeth in a proper healthy state. The specific amount of lacking in the amount of Vitamin D in the body leads ...View and Download Sample
Introduction - Effective Mentorship Strategies in Pastoral Nursing Mentorship is essential in order to provide assistance, guidance, and support to the nursing staff and all nursing students. The program based on nursing mentorship is crucial as it is helping to provide high-quality care and treatment to the patients. Mentoring and Coaching nursing staff are making m...View and Download Sample