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Addressing Hunger in Nigeria: Challenges and Solutions Case Study By Native Assignment Help!
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Living a healthy life requires proper food and nutrition. However, throughout the whole world, every people cannot afford their daily food and the citizen of Nigeria in one of those. According to the "2022 Global Hunger Index", Nigeria was ranked 103rd among 121 countries though out the world. This rank was decided by calculating 2022 GHI scores. Nigeria scored 27.3 in the GHI score, which states, the hunger status of Nigeria is very serious. In the "global Hunger Index", there are five hunger levels and they are “low, moderate, serious, alarming, extremely alarming. According to the GHI score of Nigeria, it is just before the alarming stage (Global Hunger Index, 2023). The "Global hunger Index" depends on key factors like child stunning, mortality rate of children, waste of children and undernourishment. Based on these four key factors, the GHI of a county is decided. Nigeria is going through a so critical condition that most of its citizens cannot get proper nutrition that is why most of the citizens, especially of Nigeria develop nutrition-related diseases.
The main purpose of this study is to understand all the issues, which increase the GHI score of Nigeria and develop the proper strategy to achieve "zero hunger". This study will also help to discuss key factors like agriculture and globalization and property. Through this study, all the relevant data about hunger in Nigeria has been collected and through a proper analysis process, the main issues have been identified. And also issues like low agriculture, improper globalization high property rate has been discussed here (Otekunri, 2019). Based on the analysis of collected data a proper work strategy has been developed to decrease "child mortality", "child stunting", "waste of child" and "undernourishment" and also to achieve the "zero hunger" aim.
There are different issues in Nigeria which are related to food security. Due to these issues, most Nigerian people are facing hunger every day. In the below discussion, a brief study has been done, about the most important issues which increase hunger issue in Nigeria.
In Nigeria, there are around 34 million hectares of total land. Which, 6.5 million hectares are used to cultivate permanent crops, and another 28. 6 million hectares are allocated for pastures and meadows. Agriculture contributes more than 23 % of the Nigerian GDP. (Statista.com) In Nigeria, sorghum, cocoa beans and palm are also grown. However, Nigeria is growing through the storage of food due to its unregulated increase in its population. That is why everyone is not getting enough food on daily basis and also facing a lack of nutrition.
There are some factors like rainfall, climate change, flood, drought etc., which affect agriculture very deeply. Due to climate change, they are unable to produce much food (Etim et al. 2018). Also face deep loss when a certain flood or draught comes.
Nigeria has been affected hugely by globalization because this globalization permits it to export food without restriction. Food insecurity in Nigeria is one of the major key factors in the hunger issue in Nigeria. Due to globalization, the government of Nigeria exports most of its food to other countries. For this reason, the common people of Nigeria do not get their allocated food (Okoruwa, 2021). Although globalization is a key factor to increase the GDP of a particular country, still it is necessary to secure food for its people.
In globalization, all the countries participate and they are doing trade according to their needs. With the help of globalization, one country is connected with another one based on its interest. Most of the countries import goods which they need and also export those goods which they have in excess amount. The main of globalization is to increase the resources of a particular good. However, for Nigeria globalization is effecting negatively on its food security. Due to this globalization, most people are not getting their food and they are facing hunger issues.
Poverty is the main factor among all the issues which is related to hunger issue. To adopt proper food, a common man needs a basic amount of money. However, the earning of a Nigerian is significantly lower than in other countries. There is not an adequate amount of employment, and most of the Nigerian people are jobless due to the economic crisis. Very less amount of Nigerian citizen has a job but they also do not get that much salary to adopt foot. As per the reports of 2019, the per-head income of Nigerian people is less than 361 U.S. dollars per year (Statista, 2019). The income of the Nigerian people is unable to support daily expenses. Due to the globalization of Nigeria, most of the food is exported to other countries and the food available in Nigeria has become expensive. That is why for common Nigerian people it is very difficult to adopt daily needed food.
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Hunger issues in Nigeria are increasing day by day and also going to a very closer alarming rate. According to the current status, the "global Hunger Index" score of Nigeria is 27.3. To analyse hunger issues all over the world, a study was done among 121 countries. Among all these countries Nigeria is placed in the 103rd position (Otekunrin et al. 2019). This states that the current condition of Nigeria is extremely dangerous and if no proper work strategy is adopted to improve the current situation in Nigeria, it may go to the alarming stage of hunger. [Refer to Appendix 2]
In Nigeria, most people cannot afford their daily food due to financial problems. Most of the children of Nigeria are cannot get proper nutrition. There are different factors which regulate the hunger level in Nigeria. The factors like agriculture, globalization and high poverty level directly affect the hunger level of Nigeria. Due to globalization, Nigerian people are affected mostly. Most of the Nigerian crops is exported to another country for the citizen of that country. But here the Nigerian people do not have enough food. The food which is available in the country is very expensive and for normal people, it is very difficult to afford food on the daily basis. The "mortality rate" of children in Nigeria is also very high. Due to not getting enough nutrition from the food most of the children are going through "undernourishment. The GHI depends on these factors like, "mortality rates of children, "waste of children", "stunning of children" and also the level of "undernourishment.
On the other hand factors like "agriculture", "climate change" and high poverty level also has some effect on the hunger issues in Nigeria. Due to "climate change" in Nigeria, most of the time they face a huge loss in agriculture. Most of the time due to drought and flood, the people of Nigeria are unable to cultivate crops. At the time of Draught, they don't get proper enough water for agriculture, and at the time of heavy rainfall, all the crops are spoiled due to overwater. So, "climate change" is affecting agriculture very badly (Haider, 2019) Due to the spoilage of crops, the overall production of food is decreased and the overall cost of food is increasing very badly. The increasing amount of food cost makes common people more unsatisfied to adopt food.
A high poverty rate is also a key factor in increasing amount of hunger levels. The per capita income of the Nigerian people is very low. The income of Nigerian people is 362 U.S. dollars, which is very low compared to other countries. With the unequal allotment of income and shortage of food resources, most Nigerian people face hunger issues. That is why the GHI score of Nigeria is so high. For this reason, over half of the Nigerian people can not afford their food and face hunger every day (De Filippo et al., 2021) This hunger issue is very high in Northeastern Nigeria. To work on these hunger strategies, the government of Nigeria should take the proper decisions to resolve all the issues and also to achieve the "Zero Hunger" goal.
In the current situation, Nigeria is going through a very difficult stage. Most of the children are facing hunger and food insecurity. For this reason, the mortality rate of children in Nigeria is very high. Nearly about 6 million children are "food insecure" among 17 million of the population of Nigeria. The northwest region of Nigeria has the most 'food insecure" and malnutrition citizen. At present nearly about 2.9 million people facing very dangerous food insecurity. If a proper work strategy is not developed on an urgent basis, this number of people can be increased to 4.3 million. The UN is inviting the Nigerian government to give support to the suspected family and also telling them to restrict people's migration and food exportation (UNICEF, 2023). By this, every people may secure their daily needed food. The UN council is observing the country, whoever going through a critical condition due to hunger issues. The UN council has asked every country with better economic conditions than Nigeria to donate money or food for the Nigerian People.
The report of 2022 states that, over 12% of Nigerian people is comes under the "undernourished" category. Where, more than 6.5% of children, whose age is under five years old, are coming under the wasted category. On the other hand, nearly about 31.5% of children, whose age is under five come under the stunned category where it is also observed that more than 11% of children have died before the age of 15 (Premium, 2023). Due to low-income sources and high food cost, most of the people of Nigeria are unable to adopt their food. That is the reason, why most children do not get proper food and face malnutrition.
There is no proper restriction on food exportation and also don't have a stable income source. The increasing population rate is also a key factor for the increasing "hunger issue" in Nigeria because the amount of producing food is increasing and the amount of people is increasing every day. Due to these reasons, most of the food available in the market becomes very costly. The current situation in Nigeria is worsening and facing a dangerous hunger issue at the present time. The mortality rate of children has been high and many children also face malnutrition. Due to malnutrition, they are becoming stunned. And if proper action has not been taken the hunger issue will increase day by day. The government of Nigeria should take proper action to secure food for every citizen of Nigeria (Thomas, and Turk, 2023) one proper food can save the life of normal people and children in Nigeria.
According to Otekunrin et al., (2019), “The United Nations" makes a work strategy of 17 goals in a special meeting in Newyork in 2015. Among those 17 goals, the UN council also focused on the "Zero Hunger" policy. The UN council wants to every country be hunger-free through their new work strategy. Through this strategy, they have decided to secure food for every people to provide proper nutrition and sufficient food to every hungry people by 2030. Besides these UN also invites all the countries to cooperate to restrict food trade and also to secure food for every people. The northwest area of Nigeria is in the most dangerous conditions. They do not get their daily food and face a lack of proper nutrition. The mortality rate of children is also very high in this area (ORJI et al. 2023). The current state of Nigeria is just above the alarming category of hungry issues. Most of the children in Nigeria are stunned and wasted due to not getting proper health care food and balanced nutrition. Most of the families lost their children before the age of 15.
The present scenario puts on the trends of the hunger issue in Nigeria; the suffering of the people and children due to this issue is a crucial topic that should be resolved soon. The global hunger issue almost affecting 10% of the people globally, in the present situation is on the rise, after steadily declining for a decade. The rate of undernourished people increased to "150 million" from "2019-2022", after the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change of the environment. According to the 2022 report, the rate of the undernourished Nigerian population is "12.7" (Akeet al. m2020). Due to this hunger issue in Nigeria, it has been reported that "11.4%" of children die before their "5th" birthday. The Nigerian economic crisis can be considered as the huge cause of the hunger issue in this country. The report shows that "31.5" percent of children who are below five years are stunted, and around "6.5%" of children under five years of age are left homeless or wasted.
The collected data for Nigerian hunger statistics show the rate of increase or decrease from the year 2001 to 2023, (Macrotrends,2023) which is the present statistics of the hunger issue in Nigeria [Refer to Appendix ]. The data and the statistics show the percentage of the undernourished percentage of the population, which is the people who do not take proper nutrition and are below dietary energy consumption. It shows the five significant possibilities to signify undernourishment below "5%".
The main causes for the hunger issue in Nigeria had been discussed previously, which were poverty, Climate change, Disasters and emergencies, Inequality, and others. Malnutrition, inadequate access to healthcare, high level of poverty and the decreasing GDP rate of the people over there is concerning. Reports and studies of the statistical analysis of the present trends of Nigeria showed that it is the second largest country in the world related to stunted children and children suffering from hunger issues. An estimate, around 2 million children are suffering from severe malnutrition, among which only "2" out of "10" (Ayinde et al. 2020) children can currently avail themselves of treatment and medication. The utmost need for the development of this situation is the growth of the economy of Nigeria so that the living standard of the people can increase in a significant way.
The pandemic situation during the Covid had caused a very acute loss in economic growth globally. There is an expectation that by the year 2030, the condition shall be changed to a better structure. Every country has a goal for the sustainable development of the people and the resources in the country. Goal 2 of the sustainable development list, which refers to Zero Hunger, is the focus now by the government of Nigeria to remove poverty and hunger issues in the country. The government had taken certain initiatives; the "Feed and Hungry" "initiative of T200" (Bakare et al.2019)is the initiative that is taken by the government, which is focused on feeding groups of vulnerable people across "36 states" of the "Federation" and the "FCT". On December 16, 2022, the "area 1IDP camp" had been selected, where this program has started, and identified "7000 people" at the "EYA CAN Centre" Camp in "Maiduguri" are to be fed in "January 2023".
The government had taken an initiative for the "National Food Security" "Mission (NFSM)", having the main objective to provide the Nigerian people with nutritional security and proper food, which would ensure to provide quality foods at affordable prices so that the people can live their life comfortably. The focus had also been on increasing the annual crop cultivation for pulses production and growing them in different technical ways so that there is mass production (Brown et al. 2021). Employment generation with a vision of creating a sustainable country is right now the main focus of the government. Improving the health conditions and quality standard of food production can eradicate poverty and remove the hunger issue in the country. Beneficiaries should be done for the people of Nigeria, the farmers, its markets, and the consumers or customers.
To ensure zero hunger goals in Nigeria according to sustainable development focuses on the development of several awareness, opportunities, and other beneficiaries so that on average at least "133 million" people need not go to bed without having food. The government is focussing on the swift decrease of the causes of the hunger crisis, situations including the conflicts and insecurity in rural areas, and then launching the national policy for hunger and food availability. The government focuses on zero hunger conditions in Nigeria by the end of 2030, which aims to end the issue of hunger and ensure that all Nigerian people, infants, and children get access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient amounts of food throughout the year. Nigeria is an "LDC", and it can be classified as "Stage 3" in "Rostow's Modernization Model" (Elem et al. 2019).
The reason for Nigeria being stage 3 includes chemicals, printing, ceramics, footwear, construction materials, and other textiles industry or products. If the government is considering the issue then, by the end of 2030 (Valin et al. 2021) can be considered the end of hunger issues and poverty in Nigeria. The present data, statistics, trends developments, and decisions are the key considerations for the improvement of the Nigerian condition related to their hunger and poverty. The decision by the government, for increasing employment, can be the most important reason, which could lead to the improvement of the condition of the people. The improvement in the economic condition can be considered as the main revolution cause for the condition in Nigeria.
Nigeria ranked "103rd" out of "121 countries" facing hunger issues in the "2022 Global Hunger Index". The report "2022" "Global Hunger Index (GHI)" released on October 14, 2022, (Udosen et al. 2021) focussed on the hunger crisis in Nigeria. The developments and decisions made by the government for reducing the hunger issue could have certain pros and cons for the country. The challenges faced by Nigeria regarding sustainable development goals are as follows -
Nigeria with zero hunger conditions can have a positive impact on health, economy, social development, equality and education, and other factors respectively. Food security in Nigeria serves as the backbone of the economy of Nigeria. As long as food security serves as the backbone of Nigeria, the economy of the country has the scope to grow. The reason for this is that Nigeria has the maximum population of farmers and people who are involved with the food production industry, or crop production, thus it is such an industry that would never fail. Moreover, the drive for the "National Food Security Mission (NFSM)" (George Fomunyam et al. 2019) has certain benefits such as
Related to this, one of the major impacts of climate change is based on food insecurity in Nigeria. The reason was the climatic change conditions that had continuously affected the agricultural productivity, increasing the instability and unsustainability of their food-making procedure or productions. Not only the decisions and development plans taken by the government can lead to the success of the aim for zero hunger, (Haddabi et al. 2019) but also climate change plays an important function in it. The effects of climate change on food production include the reduction of agricultural production, difficulties in choosing the land for the identical target crop production, an increase in the heat of summer can lead to longer growing seasons, untimely rainfall, and also CO2 fertilization can increase the effect on the crops.
Thus it is crucially important for climate change in Nigeria because climate variability in Nigeria is increasing intense and untimely rainfall which is leading to landslides, floods, soil or gully erosion, and other occurrences. Apart from the need to change the climate, there is an urgent need for promoting farming in a mechanized way, on which the government is presently focussing. Manual farming is used among 90% of farmers presently, it had been reported that only 3% (Khanal et al. 2021) of farmers use mechanized farming as a tool for their crop growth. As a result, crop production is not increasing in Nigeria, which is leading to hunger issues among the people. Thus, increased mechanized farming can be the solution for increasing agricultural productivity, as a result reducing food insecurity.
According to reports, improving the production of the food, providing quality food and high supply can reduce the issue among the Nigerian people. The cons that the country can face regarding this issue can be insufficient policies, the corruption related to trade, economy, agriculture, and other sectors. If the government fails to meet the targets and the policies, the hunger issue can even be the worst situation (Onoja et al. 2020). The main cons of world hunger could be, famine killing more Nigerian people than any other diseases like HIV, AIDS, malaria, or TB. The cons or the challenges that the government may need to face while ensuring food security in Nigeria can be the possibly high population level, poor m monitoring, change in climate, increase in the level of BPL families, other corruption in the governmental measures, etc.
According to the statistics of the World Bank, "90%" of the agricultural production is the result or output of "inefficient small scale" farmers in Nigeria. This results in the farmers who can only manage for producing sufficient food and support to sustain their children and families. Increased risk for diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, mental disorders, etc can be the result of food insecurity and lack of affordable nutritious foods. Although present studies have been recorded which show that 75% self-sufficiency in "rice production" (Otekunrin et al. 2020) has been achieved by now in Nigeria. One more major reason for the government to bring success in the zero hunger aim could be the Foreign exchange problem. Nigeria is a country that majorly depends on imports, and the scarcity of "FX" increases the cost of the commodities like dairy products, wheat, maize, pulses, and other products of Nigerian imports. Thus, the high cost of food in Nigeria can cause the hunger issue respectively.
Thus to conclude it can be said that the efforts of the government in building the proper system and infrastructure for canals, water supply, food production, roads, and other agricultural products can bring fruit to the sufferings of the Nigerian people. By doing both farmer institutions and farmer's groups and organizations that overshadow them, are also encouraged by the government of Nigeria. Recommendations for the zero hunger issue in the country could be introducing new technology in the country, for farming structures. The existing sustainable goals to bring zero hunger are considered the main aim by the Nigerian people and its government to stop the hunger issue by 2030. Other aspects could be reducing malnutrition, providing good quality food, and promoting sustainable agriculture could be the main goal for the country to survive.
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Provided resources
From Canada
Association of Local Public Health Agencies, 2017. Healthy Food for Low income Ontarians. Available at: http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/alphaweb.siteym.com/resource/resmgr/res_det_of_health/resa05-018_briefing_note_equ.pdf [Accessed 17.03.19].
From WHO
WHO, 2017. NICE Guidance and advice list. Available at: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/published?type=lgb [Accessed 17.03.19].
From NHS Cambria
Healthcare for the Future, 2017. Briefing notes. Available at: http://www.wnecumbria.nhs.uk/briefing-notes/ [Accessed 17.03.19].
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