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The essay is mainly based on the evaluation of the role of vascular nursing practices that helps in enhancing the renal nursing practice for improving patient care. Major skills and knowledge have been evaluated for improving renal practices in inpatient care. However, several kinds of health care policies and guidelines have been also evaluated for improving patient care. In that case, the nurses need to include some of the strategies and practices for managing challenging clinical situations. Due to that reason, current renal practices need to be adapted through which the care delivery can be promoted to help in improving patient care. The study mainly focuses on the broader and deeper understanding of renal health care for the patient within the challenges of health care provision.
Thesis statement: The main aim of this study is to provide the specialized expertise, skills, and pieces of knowledge which are relevant to the practice in the renal area for promoting the challenges in some critical situations.
The study is mainly focusing on the nursing practice that is mainly based on renal practices. In that case, mainly the renal practice is one of the important practices that is primarily called dialysis nursing or nephrology nursing. This kind of care management is one of the important parts of patient care with a failure of the kidney. A patient experiencing the needs of kidney failure with an alternative way for mainly filtering and cleaning their blood and this time the renal nurses are highly needed (Wang et al. 2018). The renal nurse needs to be in a capacity with well-skilled in handling dialysis patients with chronic and acute kidney diseases. However, some additional nursing training needs to be required for certifying in providing haemodialysis and peritoneal treatments. Due to that reason, this kind of resource is one of the important aspects of improving the renal nursing practice. Apart from this, some of the major responsibilities have been adopted for the renal nurses in the case of patient care. The responsibility of the nurse in this practice mainly includes checking the vital signs of the patients and talking with those patients to assess their overall conditions (Ghimireet al. 2019). However, overseeing the dialysis treatments from start to finish is their main responsibility in their patient care. Those kinds of resource information have been evaluated in this renal nursing practice.
For this evaluation, mainly some of the skills and techniques of renal care needs to be known.The renal nurses have played an important role in patient care. As dialysis patient care is one of the important cares that helps in improving the patient care. Due to that reason, some of the major understanding, pieces of knowledge, and skills need to be evaluated that help in improving patient care (Shepherd et al. 2018). Mainly the technical skills, organization skills, dialysis understanding, and communication skills need to be added to the dialysis patient that helps in improving the patient care. All of those skills have been evaluated here.
In the case of renal nursing care, the renal nurses have played an important role in the case of the type as access. The renal brushing care helps in giving the management and care in the case of access types. However, it also helps in accessing the needs of kidney failure in some of the alternative ways that need to be filtered and cleaned. In that case, the renal nurses help in working in the case of hemo-dialysis centre management and plan the reception of the care patients (Koraishy and Rohatgi, 2020). Checking some vital signs of the patients and taking with all of them and accessing their condition are another role for renal nursing care. However, the renal nurses have given some care mainly to the end-stage of renal disease patients. Clearing the toxins from the bodies is another role of their access.
The renal nurses also make some impact on infection prevention which is one of the important roles of their renal patient care. For accessing the types of access mainly the infection prevention is the main aspect. The renal nurses help in cleaning the site of the fistula with water and soap in every type of dialysis system (Kim et al. 2020). On the other hand, giving the dialysis of a lifetime in the case of fistula treatment is another kind of patient care in the case of infection prevention. However, giving the hepatitis B vaccine in the case of dialysis is another kind of patient care. Moreover, it can be stated that providing permanent patient care in the case of kidney failure is the main role of patient care. However, removing the kidney dialysis from the waste of metabolism from the blood is another kind of renal patient care that has been given by the renal nurses. All of that infection prevention is one of the main aspects of patient care.
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For infection prevention, mainly the evidence-based practices are highly significant. The meta-analysis is mainly shown that the intervention of nursing is one of the beneficial factors for raising the compliance of dialysis and helps in providing some evidence for strengthening the nursing care (Young et al. 2021). On the other hand, the effectiveness in kidney care, some of the major patient outcomes have been given that helps in improving renal patient care. However, in the case of renal patient care, evidence-based practice helps in making some health-related decisions. The evidence-based practices help in improving the patient care system that can help in improving the types of access in the patient care.
However, for the improving the types of access in the renal care, a clear introduction of the types of access in the dialysis of the dialysis of fistula AVF needs to be evaluated that here been demonstrated here.
In the case of this kind of access, two types of needles are mainly attached to the access at the beginning of mainly each dialysis. The blood mainly travels to one line via a machine. In that case, this kind of access is mainly required some the further surgery and treatment and that helps in accessing the infections and the flow of low blood clotting in the case of access (Jaffer et al. 2021). This kind of access is one of the main efficient hemodialysis in the case of the procedure of this access.
This has become the next important dialysis access for renal disease, which is one of the main accesses to renal care. However, this is an actual surgical connection that is mainly made between vein and artery. The AV fistula is mainly created by the access to the hemodialysis process that is mainly referred to as the “gold standard” (Allon, 2019). In 2013, mainly 64% of patients who are having renal problems have used this kind of dialysis access. Due to that reason, in renal patient care, this is one of the main accesses to dialysis.
This is another kind of patient care access to renal care. In that case, this is the third type of access that is mainly called AV craft. The graft recommendation is the highest acceptable process of renal patient care if the damage and block within the veins have occurred (Shahinian et al. 2020). The graft of the AV placement is also one of the surgical procedures that have been used in the tournament process of renal patient care.
The improvement of patient care is one of the important things for care delivery. For the improvement of patient care, some of the major policies have been implemented that help in including care delivery. However, the current healthcare policies are one of the aspects of the improvement that helps in controlling and maintaining workplace activities. Moreover, the implementation of the healthcare policies is one of the major aspects of the workplace health program for containing a combination of organizational and individual strategies and the intervention that helps in influencing the health. All of those policies have been evaluated here.
For renal patient care, some of the major policies need to be inserted into patient care which is based on the infection and the control of the patient. Due to that reason, some of the major policies have been evaluated in renal patient care. However, the infection and control policies are needed to be maintained in the renal patient care that helps in improving the health improvement. Estimating the prevention control helps in measuring the potential transmission in the case of HD set led. The policies are included:
However, some of the major issues also have been faced by the renal cares which are also evaluated here. Renal nurses have faced different kinds of challenges which have been associated with the satisfaction and safety of the patient for accessing the clinical outcomes, services, regulatory changes, and health disparities. Based on these kinds of concerns, some of the major issues have been faced that help in making some of the challenges in inpatient care (Templeton et al. 2019). The barriers of the nurses are the lack of effective power and the lack of their skills. However, nurses help in contributing to the patient care which makes a lot of issues in the patient care that has been faced in the patient care. All of those barriers have been evaluated here that have been faced within the patient care.
Advanced technology is the kind of issue that has mainly faced by the nurses in renal patient care. The rapid growth of information technology has made some negative impacts on care delivery. The advanced kind of digital technology helps in implementing patient care. Some renal nurses are not able to provide the accessibility to the clinical data across the time and setting that can make an impact on the care management and their outcomes (Mar? et al. 2019). In renal treatment, the clinical diagnosis is not so easy that can make a negative impact on patient care. The lack of proper skills and proper knowledge can make some of a major impact on the patient care that can reduce their performance also.
For the lack of advance technology also some of the lacks of evidence based practices have been damaged. The evidence-based practice is one of the important factors for nurses' inpatient care. But some of the barriers have faced in patient care that makes a lot of problems in the patient care. Some of the old renal nurses have did-not able to perform with the evidence-based practices (Abou Hashish and Fargally, 2018). Due to that reason, the lack of effort of the nurses can make some major issues in the patient care that make a lot of problems in the patient care.
This kind of significant consequences can be created by the compact licensure in the case of inability nationwide for keeping the nurses from avoiding all of the misconducts by the hopping across the state lines. Due to that reason, these kinds of factors can impact the patient care that can make some risk factors for the patient care (Maphumulo and Bhengu, 2019). Due to that reason, this issue is one of the most evident in the case of a disaster weather-related when the trained renal nurses have become unable for deploying to the affected states due to the licensure issues.
Some of the nurse-sensitive outcomes also impact patient care. In some cases, nurses have made them sensitive in some special cases. Based on those sensitive approaches some of the major negative impacts can be evaluated in the patient care that can make a lot of problems through which the nursing care cannot be done. Along with this, the lack of skills and efficiencies makes them unable for patient care (Ali and Watson, 2018). Due to that reason, all of those unique challenges can make a negative impact on patient care.
From the above evaluation, it can be stated that some of the major challenges and issues have been faced in the patient care for the renal nurses. All of those vital challenges can make some negative impacts on patient care (Ding et al. 2020). Due to that reason, some of the major and vital strategies need to be incorporated through which the managing of the care delivery can be done that help in reducing the challenging situations. Some of the development of skills needs to be done that help in improving the care delivery that helps in reducing the challenging situation.
The adaptation of major skills needs to be implemented that help in improving patient care. However, it can be stated that the technical skills mainly need to be developed and improved which helps in improving the care practices. On the other hand, the nursing practice helps in accessing the data and helps in maintaining and handling the care practices. However, it can be also stated that communication skills need to be developed for managing and identifying the needs of the patients (Maphumulo and Bhengu, 2019). Due to that reason, skills development is one of the main aspects of patient care improvements.
The evidence-based practices are one the important aspect of nursing care. In that case, evidence-based nursing care needs to be implemented in renal patient care which is an important thing. The nursing practices which are evidence-based help in improving the treatment procedure for hypotension during the tournament of haemodialysis for decoding the Trendelenburg position. The evidence-based practices help in showing that the efforts are the main aspects of this development (Dent et al. 2019). Due to that reason, nurses need to be implemented an evidence-based practice that helps in improving patient care through this implementation.
Advance technology learning is one of the important aspects of handling challenging situations. The improvement of advanced technology helps in improving nursing care. However, it can be stated the accessibility across the clinical data helps in setting and the time has also helped in improving the care management and outcomes. The learning of the application of technology in renal nursing practices helps in improving patient care (Apfelbaum et al. 2022). Renal patient care treatments are totally based on advanced technology. Due to that reason, the learning of patient care needs to be done in the monitoring progress. Apart from this, the implementation of advanced technology in inpatient care helps in developing the system of patient care.
Care delivery is one of the main aspects of patient care. In that case, the improvement of the care delivery helps in progressing renal patient care. Innovative care delivery needs to be implemented in the renal nursing practice that helps in improving the care delivery. However, it can be stated that the implementation of high-quality working practice and skill implementation can help in improving patient care (Anselmo et al. 2019). Along with this, some of the healthcare policies need to be incorporated by the renal nurses that help in progressing patient care.
The main goal of nursing care in renal failure and care delivery is that the renal nurses have played an innovative role that helps promote positive changes in care delivery. As per the statement of Thomas, (2019), it can be stated that renal nursing care is one of the critical factors for kidney disease. The accurate management in renal nursing helps in improving care delivery. Renal nursing practices need to be included in some of the significant steps that have been evaluated here.
As per the statement of Chan et al. (2018), this kind of right measurement helps in taking accurate measurement or record of the output and intake that helps in noting the "hidden" fluids like IV antibiotic additives, frozen threats, and liquid medications, and ice chips. However, this kind of accurate measurement helps in measuring gastrointestinal losses and helps in estimating the insensible losses which are mainly included nasogastric outputs, wound drainage, and diarrhea. However, this kind of measurement helps inaccurate the monitoring of I & O which is one of the important factors for determining the need for fluid replacement and renal function. Moreover, it also helps in reducing the risk of fluid overload.
As per the statement of Ulrich and Kear, (2018), it can be stated that monitoring the urine specific gravity helps in concentrating the urine. However, it can be stated that the monitoring process helps in improving the retention of the suggested fluid. However, monitoring the vital signs helps in presenting the sign of the fluid shift. On the other hand, monitoring the process helps in monitoring the heart rate and auscultations of the heart sound and lungs. The monitoring process helps in assessing the consciousness level. The investigation of the monitoring process in the renal nursing practice helps in providing a guide that helps in investigating the mentoring changes and helps in improving the restlessness presence.
Based on the statement of Kashani et al. (2019), it can be stated that quality improvement through maintaining the electrolyte balance is one of the important steps for the development of care delivery. However, it can be also stated that finding some of the perspective solutions can help in improving the quality improvement that helps in maintaining the care delivery. Those kinds of electrolyte balance maintenance help in checking the vital signs of the patient and also help in communicating with the patient help in accessing their conditions.
Including proper responsibilities: As per the statement of Ulrich and Kear, (2018), it can be stated that renal nurses need to be included in some of the significant responsibilities that help in improving patient care. However, answering the major questions of the patient is another way for improving the patient care that helps in making a great significance inpatient care.
As per the statement of Papa et al. (2020), it can be stated that the maintenance of an environment in the health care sector helps in creating and maintaining patient care. Due to that reason, it can be stated that the maintenance and creation of a positive environment help in progressing the procedure of patient care. However, patient care also helps in improving patient health. Some of the major factors also help in improving the patient care that can help in improving the environmental factors. All of those major factors have been evaluated here.
Security and safety: As per the statement of the World Health Organization, (2020), safety and security are some of the major aspects that help in improving patient care. Mainly, in the case of renal patient care, it is also important for maintaining the hygienic factors. The safety measurement helps in making the environment secure and safe. Due to that reason, different kinds of hazardless environment can be maintained that helps in monitoring and regulating the safety and security factors. Due to that reason, maintaining a secure and safe environment is the main aspect of improving care delivery.
Routine and schedule: As per the statement of the World Health Organization, (2019), it can be stated that the maintenance of schedule and routine helps in improving patient care. Some of the proper scheduling needs to be maintained to improve the environmental factors that help in care delivery. However, it can be stated that the routine and schedule continuation helps in processing the treatment procedure clearly. However, maintaining a regular routine and appointments in healthcare helps in improving care delivery. However, it can be also stated that noting the effects of changes helps in maintaining and managing the care delivery and helps in improving the environmental development.
Proper staffing: As per the statement of Dietz et al. (2019), it can be stated that proper staffing is one of the important aspects of improving care quality. Nursing care is one of the important aspects for associating with some positive outcomes. However, it can be also stated that the positive relationship between the staff and the healthcare professionals helps in maintaining a positive environment that helps in improving the care delivery. However, home-like nursing care can be improved by implementing the proper staffing. Due to that reason, it can be stated that the proper staffing helps in improving the nursing care that helps in improving the proper environment which helps in maintaining and controlling the patient care.
Promoting team atmosphere: As per the statement by Rudolph et al. (2021), team management is also a necessary thing for improving the environmental factor that helps in promoting care delivery. The promotion of the team atmosphere helps in developing the care delivery that helps in improving the overall management of care delivery. Due to that reason, promoting team management is one of the main aspects that help in developing care delivery.
Theoretical application: Different kinds of nursing theories have been evaluated in nursing care. In the case of renal nursing care mainly three types of nursing theories have been approached that help in improving the nursing care. The nursing theory is mainly based on three types of levels which are included practice-level nursing, middle-range nursing, and grand nursing. In the case of practice level nursing, mainly the nursing need theory, care, core, and cure theory, and also the nursing process theory have been included. All of those nursing theories that have been approached in renal nursing care have been evaluated here.
Nursing need theory: The nursing need theory has mainly come from Virginia Henderson. This theory is mainly focused on rebuilding the independence of patients for helping the boosting rate of their recovery. The nursing need theory also helps in focusing on addressing the patient needs that also helps in learning the meet their needs (Saleh, 2018). The main concept of this theory is mainly included in the healing process and the goals of the nurses that help in guiding the back of the patient to independent living. Due to that reason, this theory is highly significant for renal nursing practice inpatient care.
Care, core, and cure theory: The care, core, and cure theory are one of the main theories that help in improving patient care. However, it can be stated that this kind of theory also helps in concentrating on the nursing elements which are one of the main essential purposes. Due to that reason, all of those elements which are a cure, care, and core help in referring the treatment and attention and patient care that helps in receiving the care from the medical professional. The core is mainly referred that the major roles of the nurses help in provisioning the patient care. However, the cure element also helps in implementing some effective nursing plans (Lobo, 2018). On the other hand, the main aspect of this theory significantly included patient care which is highly focused on the care of nurses and each of the patients may have some of their different kinds of needs.
Nursing process theory: The nursing process theory mainly helps in making an interactive relationship between patients and nurses which is one of the main aspects of patient care. Based on this theory, this patient care is highly included in some of the major aspects which are included the patient’s assessment, treatment plan and diagnosis, implementation of all of the treatment plans, and evaluation of the progress of the patient (Mousavinasab et al. 2020). Due to that reason, this theory is one of the main significant theories for renal nursing practice.
From the evaluation of the essay analysis, it can be conclusively stated that renal nursing assignment practices are highly significant for renal patient care. However, major qualities like infection prevention, evidence-based practices, and access type’s improvement help in improving renal patient care. On the other hand, some of the health policies which are related to the infection and control policies help in maintaining the hygiene and treatment of the renal patient care. Apart from this, the implementation of strategies like skill development, improving evidence of practices, and improving the renal care delivery can help in improving the patient care and also helps in improving their qualities. However, renal patient care also helps in promoting the advanced practices of the renal care services that help in preventing the challenges of renal patient care.
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