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Operation management is considered an administrative approach that is used to plan, organize, supervise, and control on various functions in the organization. Flight operation management can be explained as an approach that is used by the operation management staff to manage all the operations that are related to the flight operations(Baron, Babiceanu and Seker, 2018). This report will be providing brief information about scheduling and routing of aircraft between two specific locations. Various aspects related to the operation management of flight will be considered in the report to perform effective management of flight operations. Aeronautical information related to the flight route will be analysed in report. Importance of aeronautical information for flight operation management will be evaluated in report. The regulatory information and data which is needed tobe considered in the flight operation management will be studied in report to understand the importance of the regulatory requirements. The limitations and requirements of the aircraft that is used in particular route will be analysed in study. Process of flight preparation and routing will be analysed to improve flight operation management.Potential hazard and disruptions in the particular route also will be evaluated in report for effective operational management of the flights. Common challenges in the flight scheduling process will be evaluated in report to provide effective solution for better operational management. Different safety management challenges will be evaluated in report. Various solutions and tools also will be discussed in report to reduce the issues in the safety management process.
In this report, London to Frankfurt route is considered for the assessment. The flights that are operated between London to Frankfurt, have different timing on each weekday. On Monday timing of flight is 7:15 AM to 8:15, on Tuesday Timing is 6.15 to 7:15, on Wednesday timing of flight is 7:00 to 8:00Am. On Thursday there is no flight is scheduled for Airbus 320 Neo but aircraft have one flight at 6:00AM. On Friday schedule of aircraft, 1 is at 6:15Am and on Saturday, there is no flight is operated between London and Frankfurt. On Sunday, timing of flight is at 6:15AM to 7:15Am. In month of February-March is completely different from December-January. On Monday, timing of aircraft is from 7:15AM to 8:15AM. On Tuesday, aircraft 2 has scheduled trip from London to Frankfurt at 7:30 to 8:30AM. On Wednesday, Aircraft 1 is scheduled for the same route from 7:30 to 8:30AM. On Thursday aircraft, 2 have scheduled flight from London to Frankfurt at 6:00AM to 7:00AM. On Friday Aircraft 1 have the same schedule as aircraft 2 on Thursday. On Saturday aircraft 1 have tour from London to Frankfurt at 8:15Am. On Sunday there is one more flight is scheduled for aircraft 1 from London to Frankfurt from 7:15Am to 8:15AM. This is how all the flights are operated between London and Frankfurt in moth of December-January and February-March. Both aircraft that are used on particular route are Airbus320 Neo that has sitting capacity of Airbus 320 Neo is 194 passengers.
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Aeronautical Information
All the information that is considered in the AIS document is related to the safety measures and standards that are considered by the government of both countries. All the charts related to the flight route, weather forecasting and other critical information related to the flight route is considered in the aeronautical information service document(Cusick, Cortes and Rodrigues, 2017). This document also consists of information regarding areas that are restricted for the flight path. This is how range of information is considered in the aeronautical information to make the pilots and flight crew aware of possible conditions during flight. Information provided to the pilots can be helpful to improve the safety measures in the flight.
Regulatory Requirement
Regulatory information that is needed to be considered by the flight crew is related to the rules, regulations, and protocols that are made by the international authorities and government of both countries. All the rules that are developed by the standard authorities and legal authorities must be followed by the flight crew to maintain safety and security condition in flight operations.
Aircraft Limitation and Requirements
Airbus 320 Neo is one of the most effective aircraft from the manufacturers. The performance of aircraft is comparatively good. The track record of this aircraft is better than other aircraft that are used in the same route. But some limitations need to be considered to improve safety during flight. There are a lot of development and changes are made by the manufacturer to provide more facilities to the flight crew this is important for the airline to provide effective training to the pilots to maintain higher safety and security considerations in flight operations. The capacity of aircraft to carry weight is limited. So, it is important to plan the ergonomic considerations in the cargo shifting to maintain the centre of gravity of aircraft to make take-off and landing process safe. This is how some safety considerations can be followed for the aircraft to increase the effectiveness of the safety management process.
Flight Preparation and Routing
In the process of flight preparation, different factors and elements are considered by the operation management staff to execute all process effectively. The major stages that are considered in the flight preparation process are- AIS Briefing, Meteorological Briefing, Route Selection, Chart Preparation, Flight Plan Preparation, and Further reading(Lekota and Coetzee, 2019). This specific process is followed in the flight preparation process.These steps are essential to perform all operations within time. These stages are effective for flight and route preparation process. These are five stages that are comprised in the flight preparation process. These processes are used to manage the flight operations efficiently without any safety or security issue.
AIS Briefing- AIS briefing is considered a process in which, aeronautical information is considered by the pilots and related staff. Aeronautical information is most important for the flight crew because it can affect the flight. Aeronautical information is contained in the Aeronautical information publications or commercial flight guidelines. This aeronautical information is printed on the aeronautical charts.Some other documents are considered for temporary information. This information is consists of all security and safety considerations that must be followed by the flight crew.
Meteorological Briefing- This is also important for the flight crew to have information about the weather conditions to stay prepared for expected conditions. In this stage, all the information related to the weather forecast and actual weather condition is explained to the flight staff.On the regular intervals, these weather reports are published by the air traffic controller to make the flight crew aware of the actual weather conditions.
Route Selection- In process of route selection process some considerations are must be followed by the flight staff and flight operation management to maintain safety consideration during the flight period. Major information that is needed to be considered by the flight crew and flight operation management is- flight across the national boundaries, controlled airspace, airspace restrictions, RVSM Airspace, weather conditions, mode of navigation and overwater flights. The crew of international flights must be aware of the relevant regulations to keep their actions legal.
This is also important for the flight crew to aware of the controlled airspace to keep the flight in predefined route. This is also important for the flight crew to stay aware of the restricted airspace to prevent any type of rule or regulation violation. Flight crew must be aware of the RVSM Airspace and weather conditions. RVSM airspace must not be violated until the crew is provided with permission to be in the RVSM airspace(Bonser, 2019). This is also important for the flight crew and pilot to be aware of the mode of navigation that is used in the particular aircraft. For the over-water flights,the flight crew and operation management crew needs to consider all measures to keep passengers and flight crew safe.
Chart Preparation- It is also important part of the flight preparation process.Charts that are provided to the flight crew are consists of all information related to the AIS. This chart preparation helps the flight crew to maintain safety and security during transportation.
Flight Plan Preparation- This is important for the flight and operation management staff to prepare ATC flight plan or navigation plan for the route that is consists of all planned levels, minimum safe flight level, distance, tracks, time, fuel requirement and other information. This information can help the flight crew to maintain safety and control over the flight operation.
Further reading- All the additional information related to the flight is considered in the flight preparation and route planning to manage the flight operations efficiently.
This is how range of considerations and processes are involved in the flight preparation and routing process to manage safety and continuity in operations.
Challenges in Flight Scheduling and Solutions for Route
Different challenges are faced by the airlines and airport authority's in-flight operation management process. This is a highly challenging process that can affect the scheduling process for all the flights that are needed to be operated from one airport. All the challenges that are faced by the operation management team are related to the mistakes in the planning and execution stage. These are most important for the operation management team to consider all the aspects related to the expected and unexpected conditions to prevent operational failure at the airport. Most of the challenges that are faced by the operation management team are related to the unexpected changes in the flight plan(Mwikya and Angeline, 2018). Any unexpected issue or challenge can force the operation management team to make immediate changes in the flight schedule to maintain the safety and security of passengers and flight crew. For example, in any hazardous situation, operation management team and airport safety teams have to take initiatives to prevent major crashes. The preventive actions taken by ground staff can force them to make exception from the flight schedule. This is how unexpected interruptions can affect the flight scheduling process. Major disruption in the scheduling process is related to flight delay, Poor weather conditions, immediate landing, medical emergency, aviation accidents, and airport. These are major challenge that is faced by the airport operation management team in the flight scheduling process.
There are some measures and processes can be implemented by the operation management team to maintain flight schedules efficiently. The most important for the operation management team to develop contingency plans to prevent issues in the scheduling process. For example, in the emergency conditions, airport operation management team can implement contingency plan to avoid any kind of disruption in the flight schedule. This is important for the operation management team to provide marginal time to each flight to perform take-off or landing without affecting the flight scheduling process.Alternative runways can be used in emergency conditions to avoid disruption in the flight management process. Proper weather forecasting can be used to avoid unwanted delay in flights(Law and Ariffin, 2020). Better information management system can be used in the flights to avoid major and unpredicted delays and cancellations of flights. There are some other tools and software also can be used by the operation management team to prevent issues in the flight operations.
Potential Hazards & Disruption Management for City Pair
In aviation industry, level of risk is very high. Different type of hazards and disruptions can be encountered by the flight crew in operation. From the experience there are different type of hazards are possible in the airline industry.Most common type of hazards and disruptions that are potential risk between the London and Frankfurt are- uncertain weather conditions are major potential risk for the aircraft. Extreme weather conditions can cause damage to the aircraft that follows major accident or crash. The major risk factors associated with flight operation need to be considered by the operation management team to avoid major accidents.major hazardous factors that are related to the route are- CFIT, LOC-I, Mechanical Failure, Landing Issues, In Air Collisions, Intentional Acts, Safety Conflicts on Runway, Animal or Bird Strike, Unhealthy Crew, and External Threats. These are major hazardous conditions that are needed to be considered by the operation management to keep people safe.
CFIT- This is the condition, where completely controlled aircraft collide with any object on runway. Flying pilots do not have idea about the objects on ground until it is too late. This collision can cause major mechanical damage to the aircraft. It can affect the airworthiness of the aircraft. This type of hazards is result of the human factor.
This type of hazard can be avoided by better planning and developing effective safety considerations on airports. Effective technology also can be used to prevent this type of cases.Effective planning can help the ground staff to follow all the safety considerations to prevent accidents.
LOC-I- This hazard is most common type of hazard in the flight operations. In this, condition pilot lost control on aircraft temporarily or permanently. This loss of control can deviate the aircraft from the actual flight path and develop situations from which aircraft cannot be controlled(Doi?, 2019). This uncontrolled stage of aircraft and deviation in flight path can lead to major accidents. This hazard could be result of failure of flight controlling system.
Mechanical Failure- This type of hazards are also commonly identified as reason for air crash. In this type of hazards, failure of any mechanical part like engine, flaps and landing gear failure, can cause major crash. In this condition, aircraft became unworthy to fly. It is how pilots are not capable to control aircraft in this situation. Later these situation leads to fatal crash of aircraft.
Landing Issues- Landing is the most difficult in the complete flight. In the landing process range of considerations are need to be followed by the pilot to make the landing process safe. This is a calculative operation that is performed by the pilot(Wolf and Serpanos, 2017). In this process range of aspect are considered by the pilot to make the landing process safe. For example, altitude of aircraft, surface of runway, and airspeed of aircraft, wind speed, length of aircraft, weather conditions, and flaps engaged in the landing process. This is how all these factors can be considered in the lending process to keep all people safe and secure.
In Air Collisions- In air collision are mainly result of the human factors in the operation management process. Issues in the communication process and human error can lead to major accident in the process. This is most important to reduce human error in the operation management process to prevent accidents(Lykou, Anagnostopoulou and Gritzalis, 2018). To reduce this hazard operation management team of the airport can use effective communication tools and technology to avoid level of human error in process.
Safety Conflicts on Runway- Safety conflicts on the runway are considered as issues in the process of taxing process(Wolf and Serpanos, 2017). This hazard is related to the issue in the planning process and human factor error. It can cause major damage to the structure of the aircraft or it also can affect the major control systems of aircraft to reduce this type of hazards in the flight operations.
Animal or Bird Strike- This is most common cause of flight hazards in common days. Strike of bird or any animal can cause major damage to the surface of the aircraft and it can lead to major hazard. Impact of bird or animal on parts like engine of aircraft can cause mechanical failure in aircraft. It is how bird and animal strikes are major reason for aviation accidents in aviation industry. This is highly difficult to avoid this issue.
External Threats- This type of hazards are related to the external factors that can compromise the safety of aircraft. For example, cell phone batteries and other inflammable liquids can lead to major accident. By developing safety considerations, these type of hazards can be prevented.
Safety Management Challenges and use of Safety Equipment
This is highly challenging for the flight operation management staff to maintain safety and security. This safety management is a challenging process that can take more time in development of proper safety plan. The major issues in safety management process are related to the methods that are implemented by the operation management staff to assess the possible risk in different flight operations. If the potential risk is not analysed or assessed effectively than it can reduce the effectiveness of the safety management plan(Ryon and Rice, 2018). This is highly difficult to develop effective measures and plans to reduce potential risks and hazards. In unexpected condition, it can affect the effectiveness of the safety management process. The other problem or issue that is connected to the safety management process is associated with the procurement process. This is not possible for the operation management team to make available all the resources to control the hazard condition. For example, uncertain cancellation or delay of flight cannot be prevented by the operation management because reason of delay or cancellation could be different. This is how range of issues are connected to the safety management process that can reduce the effectiveness of the operation management team to improve the safety considerations of the flight operations.Some other issues are also related to the safety management process. Major issue is related to the lack of practical training in the staff of the operation and safety management team. It reduces the effectiveness of the measures that are implemented by less experienced team.
There is range of processes and methods that can be used by the safety management department and operation management team to improve the effectiveness of the safety management process. For example, effective training process can improve the effectiveness of the safety management process. This is also important for the safety management team to develop effective plan to reduce the safety management issues in process. Effective plan will be consists of all the measures that are effective to manage the safety incomplete process. Other aspects that are needed to be considered in the safety management process are related to the communication process(Imbeah and Bujdoso, 2018). By developing effective communication system in safety management process, information transfer process can be improved and it will help the crew to take immediate effective action. This how different process can be used to improve the safety management process. In the safety management process, some tools also can be used by the safety management team to provide better conditions to the flight crew. For example, better information management and transaction management systems can be used to track down the safety of aircraft and initiate effective safety measures. Involvement of AI in safety management system can improve the effectiveness of the safety management process.
This study is concluding the importance of flight operation management in aviation industry. In the report, information about flight route and timing has been analysed to prepare proper plan for the operation management. Range of information related to the route has been considered to reduce the risk of hazardous situations. Various potential hazards also have been analysed in report to develop effective safety management process. Challenges in the safety management process have been evaluated in report to provide better suggestion to improve the safety measures in the flight operation process.
Books and Journals
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Bonser, M.P., 2019. Global aviation system: Towards sustainable development. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace. 6(3). p.8.
Cusick, S.K., Cortes, A.I. and Rodrigues, C.C., 2017. Commercial aviation safety. McGraw-Hill Education.
Doi?, S., 2019. Multi-criteria decision making methods: Application in the aviation industry. Journal of Air Transport Management. 79. p.101683.
Imbeah, N. and Bujdoso, Z., 2018. Tourist safety and security in the Central Region of Ghana-overview and case study. Ecocycles. 4(2). pp.33-45.
Law, M.S.A. and Ariffin, A.H., 2020. A Review on the Aerodrome Standard in the Aviation Industry. Journal of Aviation and Aerospace Technology. 2(2).
Lekota, F. and Coetzee, M., 2019. Cybersecurity Incident Response for the Sub-Saharan African Aviation Industry. In International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (pp. 536-XII). Academic Conferences International Limited.
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Mwikya, N.K. and Angeline, M.S., 2018. Implementation of aviation safety standards and performance of air transport industry: a conceptual Perspective. Ajbuma Journal. 4(2).
Ryon, L. and Rice, G., 2018, September. A safety-focused security risk assessment of commercial aircraft avionics. In 2018 IEEE/AIAA 37th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
Wolf, M. and Serpanos, D., 2017. Safety and security of cyber-physical and internet of things systems [point of view]. Proceedings of the IEEE. 105(6). pp.983-984.
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