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  • What are some good persuasive speech topics?

    Some best persuasive speech topics are:

    • Should tech companies regulate the development of AI systems and automation to protect humans' jobs?
    • Should all schools require students to wear uniforms?
    • Is Homework Beneficial for Students?
    • Should college athletes be paid?
    • Is graffiti art or vandalism?
  • What makes a good persuasive topic?

    A good persuasive topic should be attention-grabbing, relevant and controversial, promoting debate and opposing outlooks. It should resound with the concerts of both the reader and writer, securing emotional engagement. Moreover, the topic should be convenient and not excessively familiar, enabling fresh viewpoints and exciting decisions.

  • What are some unique Persuasive Speech topics?

    Some unique and interesting persuasive speech topics involve:

    • Pets for President 
    • Should We Stop AI from Replacing Human Workers? 
    • Mandatory Voting
    • Banning Plastic Straws
    • Legalising Recreational Marijuana
    • Abolishing the Electoral College
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