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BlueIce App: Project Plan for Self-Harm Management Case Study by Native Assignment Help
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A Smartphone application will offer reachable, real-time management for the young persons to aid them to survive self-harming compulsions. (Favril, et. al. 2020). To aid increase psychological care or outcomes for the young persons who self-harm, the team at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust is applying or analyzing self-management smartphone apps, particularly designed for a young individual between the ages of 12-17. A Bluelce application has been co-produced with the young persons who have a self-harmed or is intended as the helper to the treatment. It comprises moods observing book or the personalized self-help menu of amood-lifting happenings, containing music or photo collections, physical actions, audio-taped mindfulness or recreation exercises, challenging or determination of undesirable thoughts, and suffering tolerance accomplishments. After using this app, young people are requested to re-rate their moods or must route to an emergency number if they are quite feeling the compulsion to the self-harm. The BlueIce will accessible to the 50 young persons who are repeatedly self-harming or appearing in child or adolescent mental strength facility out-patient clinics situated crosswise bath and in North East Somerset, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Swindon as well as Wiltshire. This task will include measuring the acceptability, effect, safety, or use of Bluelce. To safeguard that this project is successfully executed, the need has risen for the project leader to set-up the task managing team comprising smartphone application specialists who will implement project as a prerequisite.
The report will highlight a project management plan for a smartphone application named BlueIce. This study includes three major highlights in which different aspects of project management are included. In the first highlight, the report comprises of project life-cycle, project scope, and drivers along with the development and budget breakdown of the smartphone app project. In the second highlight, the study develops the understanding of risk aspects that are included in developing and maintaining the project application. And in the last task, all the participants and stakeholders that are involved in the project are discussed with their potential roles and responsibilities.
Projects are time-bound activities, which intend to yield value over results, products, or facilities that satisfy their aims or achievement parameters. It is dissimilar from further forms of management as of its time-bound character. Project management is use of the processes, techniques, competencies, and information to confirm the project’s effective completion. Management is ongoing movement, while project management is merely done in the duration of the project. The project management procedure is methodical method of handling projects from start to end (Nicholas, and Steyn, 2020). This contains planning, forming, executing, monitoring, or closing stages. Project scope is a part of project planning, which contains documenting or identifying the list of particular project tasks, goals, deadlines, deliverables, and costs. Documentation of the project's scope is known as the scope statement and terms of the reference (Muneer, et. al. 2022). A scope statement also offers the group rules for creating results about change requests during the project.
The ability to form projects, which facilitate the growth of the business is necessary for the overall attainment of an organization. However, several elements must work cohesively to attain successful outcomes. An innovative management solution has settled the following main drivers for successful project management:
Figure 1: Project life cycle
The project life cycle is structure of four stages that are intended to aid project leaders to guide their assignments effectively from start to end (Tokede, et. al. 2021). A project life cycle aims to make an easy-to-follow outline to guide projects.
Talking about project management methodologies it is an experience that there are top five methodologies, which give a way to handle or manage the project in a business. The project management methodology refers to the set of principles, tools and techniques, which are used to develop a project's strategy, and implement or accomplish projects.
For project planning of the BlueIce app, a project methodology that is mainly used in PMBOK and agile methodology. As the PMBOK gives a proper way of implementing and achieving the project goals. And on the other hand agile methodology regularly improved the performance of a project by using upgraded technology. In Agile methodology, sustainability here refers to forming the development in a professional, measurable, consistent, and repeatable manner. Whereas, in PMBOK sustainability denotes a fixed timing and deadlines of the project completion,in which both organization and individuals have equal importance in achieving the task objectives.
Figure 2: Mobile development cost chart
The app development budget breakdown is discussed as under:
An application development procedure can be distributed into numerous phases. Each stage will take a piece of the app development budget, or knowing the price per phase can help the project manager to get more accurate answersto the budget planning questions.
Figure 3: Mobile app budget for each development phase
Development and implementation of the smartphone budget development plan are described:
A project manager can also discover risks related to team fellows, like a lack of motivation and skills. A third type of risk is typically related to the exterior factors which are changes in the market situations and controlling project necessities. Risks are suspicions, which might affect projects. These suspicions can be either inner or outer to the company's project. Interior risks create inside the project team, comprising lack of skills, resources, or poor communication. Contractual risk can be referred to as the probability of experiencing financial loss and other penalties as a result of the party's failure to observe an essential term of the contract. These types of risks might arise in various ways. Such areas of risk are non-performance translates in contract implementation risks -the probability that terms will not be met or obligations will be penetrated, economic risks - failure of one of the parties to fulfill financial obligations of a contract, or reputational risks - bad relationships with the 3rd parties, etc.
Key players | Responsibilities |
Project Manager: |
Responsible for the overall success of the project, including planning, budgeting, and scheduling. |
Designer: | Responsible for the overall look and feel of the app, including user interface design and user experience design. |
Developer: | Responsible for coding and implementing the app, including debugging and testing. |
Tester: | Responsible for quality assurance and testing, including regression testing and user acceptance testing. |
Business analyst: | Responsible for understanding the business requirements and defining the functional requirements for the app. |
Product Owner: | Responsible for the overall vision and direction of the app and ensuring that it meets the needs of its target audience. |
Figure 4: Different responsibilities in different project types
On Each Order!
Project management is an essential part of any organization or company (Gunduz, and Almuajebh, 2020). It aids to manage the task of the team or also aids in decreasing risks related to it. The risks can be opportunities and threats or can be recognized through numerous methods. Risk denotes future improbability about aberration from predictable earnings and probable results. It measures uncertainty, which stakeholder is enthusiastic to take and understand the improvement from the investment. Risks can derive in several forms, comprising risks connected to the project, like reasonable delays, scope creep, and over runs. Here are several risk issues in project management.
Figure 5: Project management risk
Risk in the project management description denotes those parts in which scheduling can lead to diverse significances (Willumsen, et. al. 2019). Such risks are often more common than others. Some of the common risks contain:
The risk management plan is crucial part of a risk managing development (Gasmi, et. al. 2020). After classifying risks as well as evaluating the probability of happening, a manager will need to decide how to treat them.
There are 4 key risk management policies, and these are denoted as a non-legal solution for risk mitigation in project development and management:
Figure 6: Pros and Cons of risk management strategies
The above figure shows both the negative and positive sides of the risk management strategies that are adopted in developing or implementing the project.
Legal solutions for risk mitigation are discussed as follows:
The structure of the project completion is followed the same as the image below (Stepinac,et. al. 2020). Most of the projects have similar functional structures to successfully or effectively manage the project. The following structure of the project reflects that every participant engaged in the project which has their particular place and responsibilities according to their position.
Figure 7: Project team structure
The stakeholders that are participating in the project are listed below with their roles and responsibility (Nasr,et. al. 2020):
Sometimes stakeholders have conflicts between them as they have different mind-set at the workplace(Derakhshan, et. al. 2019). To mitigate or effectively respond to the stakeholder conflict there are ways that are described below:
From the above-mentioned report, it is concluded that every project has its way of completion. The report concludes with the various project scope as well as project drivers discussed through differentiating the project manager’s responsibilities with their advantages and disadvantages. It is also concluded what are aspects of the project development and maintenance, and how can budget breakdown is possible. It is summarized that various projects have a different level of risk and all have different solutions. At last, the participants and stakeholders of the project are identified with an effective respond to the stakeholder conflict.
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