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Book Production, Process, Plan Assignment Sample
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The report work addresses and elaborates on the effective understanding on the aspects related to book production, planning and process. With the aid of the report suitable objectives are highlighted that are required to be taken into consideration while addressing the activities of the project. Apart from that, the report work embarks on an in-depth understanding on the aspects related to the book production, plan and process with the views and opinions of the various authors. This has provided extensive support in the analysis and evaluation of the various subject matter that are useful in relation to the examination of the statistics. The report for the effective and suitable results has focused on the application of the quantitative and qualitative methods. The concerned methods provide for useful insights that can assist the individual concern in the application of the suitable approaches (Spicer Fitness Method) in the conduct of the work operations. From the statistics collected with the aid of the questionnaire, a suitable analysis has been made enabling the person concerned in the attainment of the suitable objectives. With the analysis of the overall aspect the report work has highlighted suitable recommendations and suggestions that can be used by the person in charge of the research in making suitable judgment. This further supports in the better decision-making for the existing and future activities. Apart from that, practical implications are also embarked that can further assist in the attainment of the opportunities leading to better growth and success.
Book production is one of the complex processes that initiates with the detailed planning procedure. There are integrated aspects related to the layout of the book production that majorly include printer, paper, printing process and number of copies that are addressed and specified. The process of prepress focuses on concerning itself with the data that is printed. This is done with the view to ensure that the finished printed books exactly correspond with the perception and views (Elyazgi, et. al., 2016). Apart from hat it can be determined that in the process of book production there is required to be seamless interlinking of the process, know-how and commitment of all the parties involved in the process of book production. In addition, it has been embarked on smooth collaboration among various departments such as pre-press to print logistics (Picton, 2014). This acts as a one of the major factor contributing to high print quality, punctual delivery and accuracy of costing.
There are series of the steps that are involved in the process of book production. These steps are required to be appropriately managed so as to gain valuable outcome. To ensure effective application of the process, the main responsibility vests with the book production department. The concerned department takes into consideration design, layout printing, or book coding of the finished book. With the addressing of the series of the stages, an appropriate planning structure must be formulated. This will play an extensive role in the attainment of the objectives in an effective manner. However, it is necessary that the person concern appropriately focus on the evaluation and examine the various methods of production so as to ensure effective application of the various activities or stages related to the process of book production (Elyazgi, et. al., 2016).
To manage with the complexities and the process, there is a great need that the individual concern appropriately focuses on the planning of the appropriate factors (Kourkouta, et. al., 2018). This will support them in managing with the useful insights that can ensure to provide maximum benefits. Additionally, appropriate planning process will assist the individual concern in dealing with the analysis and evaluation of the various terms leading to better command and operations. As such, effective overview must be made on all the terms.
Some various aims and objectives are associated with the research work. Addressing of the objectives will assist in the better conduct of the auxiliary activities. Series of the objectives associated with the research work mainly and primarily includes:
Research question with respect to the subject matter majorly and primarily includes:
Question 1: What strategies and approaches can be adopted by the individual concern in relation to the production of the book?
Question 2: How effectively can the steps in the planning relating to the book production can be addressed and applied?
Question 3: What factors must be considered in relation to the launch of the book?
Question 4: What essential must be focused for involving in the detailed management plan?
Question 5: Evaluate the role of Production Company in the success of the book?
Question 6: Evaluate the platforms of the book through which customers can be attracted and reached?
Question 7: Address and evaluate the role of production company in context of the book launch?
Question 8: Evaluate and examine the prospects associated with the launch of the book.
The main purpose for the selection of the research is to gain in-depth and elaborated understanding on the production of the book. This is done with the view to attain the objectives in an effective manner. Apart from that, the selection enables the authorities in making appropriate planning procedures with respect to the process of production. As such, a suitable analysis and evaluation on the varied sets of aspects associated with the subject matter can also be addressed (Whitten, et. al., 2016). Additionally, the auxiliary reason for the selection of the subject matter is to gain effective knowledge with respect to the application of the Spicer Fitness Method. This will assist in gaining suitable insights about the subject matter leading to the better conduct of the activities.
A series of points related to significance majorly and primarily includes:
Various limitation associated with the research work majorly includes:
Activities or tasks |
Opening Date |
Closing Date |
Duration |
Identification of the subject matter |
December 1, 2020 |
December 1, 2020 |
1 Day |
Understanding the context |
December 2, 2020 |
December 4, 2020 |
3 Days |
Literature Review |
December 5, 2020 |
December 9, 2020 |
5 Days |
Assortment of the statistics |
December 10, 2020 |
December 16, 2020 |
7 Days |
Analysis and evaluation of the statistics |
December 17, 2020 |
December 25, 2020 |
9 Days |
Conclusion and recommendation |
December 26, 2020 |
December 30, 2020 |
5 Days |
There are series of the ethical issues that are related with the process of book production. Important concerns related to ethical aspects while writing a book includes fraudulent publication, etiquette, duplicate publication, authorship, plagiarism and most importantly potential for conflict of interest (Dickinson, et. al., 2012).
On Each Order!
The future scope of the subject matter (book production, planning and its process) is very broad and complex (Borgh, et. al., 2018). This is because there are series of aspects that are continuously changing. Apart from that, there are series of the variations there are also series of variations that are observed in terms of technology in relation to book production. This further tends to expand and elaborate the needs and requirements of the readers as well as the parties associated with the book. In addition, complexities in the book production process will enhance the future need to make appropriate focus on the integration of the linking process so as to manage with the terms of the activities in an effective and appropriate manner (Malliari & Togia, 2014). More efforts must be made to cover motivational content or content signifying the importance of customs and traditions. Furthermore, sample chapters should be provided digitally. This will create curiosity amongst readers and they will seek the concerned book.
According to the views of Dickinson et. al., (2012), Book production is one of the seamless interlinking of processes that involves series of the activities and parameters that leads to an effective overview and control over the procedures related to the subject matter. In addition the author addresses and elaborates that the book production process is highly complex process that requires detailed planning. This is because of the fact that customers are of the viewpoint that the finished book product must exactly meet up their conception. In the views of Alghail & Mahfoodh (2016), book production is a process that requires an effective integration of the team so as to formulate a suitable and effective plan that can ensure the process of book production to b conducted appropriately and effectively. In addition the author highlights that the book production is mainly the activity that imparts and circulates suitable information, literature and other important content to circulate the public to impart suitable information. In other words, the author highlights that book production is a process that elaborates suitable measures in converting the manuscript into a final printed product or a book (Alghail & Mahfoodh, 2016). In this regard the author embarks a major focus on the fact that book production is an essential part of professional publishing. In addition the author address that book production at its most basic functions includes the following aspects such as editing, designing formatting, printing and e-book conversion (Bouhedjam, 2013).
As per the views of Aliponga (2013), states that since the book production is a complex process the publisher must focus on the segregation of the overall activity into small steps. This will assist in the conduct o the activities in the smooth and systematic manner. Additionally, the author elaborates that the segregation of the activities into small step will assist in attaining suitable level of efficiency that will thereby assist in the attainment of the objectives associated with the production of the book (Aliponga, 2013).
In the words of Lin, et. al., (2017), book production, process and plan involve series of the parameters that an individual concern must focus so that to dealt with the aspects. However, the author further states that it is essential to measure such parameters as it ensures to publish a book in an effective manner. Apart from that, it will assist the users in gaining of the effective knowledge leading to their better attraction. This will assist in the attainment of the suitable growth leading to the attainment of the objectives (Bouhedjam, 2013).
A book is a relatively true idea of what a person is doing and what they want to do in the future, this process is based on a long planning process and research that supports the overall outcome of a book. As per the study of Jeschke, (2017), a book is great only when the planning process is equally great as the content. The first part of the planning is the initial edit that says the overall study of the book. This includes vision, book setting, images, plot, and characterization. It in general talks about every aspect of the book. This is one of the traditional way to support all needs. While studying the first cut of the book the next process is the project management process that works upon the edited version of the book. They keep in detail the edited process formalities like the binding, format, crucial inclusions in the process. This is under the supervision of the project manager who sees the end-to-end process. The next process that is seen with the crucial eye is the copyeditor process. They are responsible for the overall editing and confirming the current needs and effective process that suggests relative conversations and remarkable changes be added in the manuscript. A book is incomplete without proper study and learning techniques that show a proper way to communicate the overall process. After that, the next process that comes is the typesetting process which designs the typing needs and other structures to be added in the overall process. Typesetting needs a lot of effort and time that needs coordination to develop coordination amongst colleagues and develop effective shapes to see the implantation of various shapes, images, and relative needs of the document. As per the study of Kelly (2012), some final touch-ups that are suggested while delivering a proper book is proofreading, indexing, and final checks. All these are the final process that develops an effective way to give proper finishing to the book and make changes in the presentation process.
According to the study of (Swanson, 2012), there a certain challenges that are being faced in the production and planning of the book. These issues can come from an initial level to a further level that suggests the growth pattern of the book. Some of the challenges include the demand and supply chain of the process. This affects the cost and other features associated with the process. These challenges further increase when the expectation standards are way high than the product. This has been affecting the consecutive way forward for the process. Frequent changes in the product planning process can also impact suggestive methods and further alterations in the book. Sometimes these things hinder the actual idea of the book and delay the process. The gaps in the context affect the gross requirement of the publication. Another challenge is the lack of feedback and no special input given to deliver an effective outcome. This spoils the quality of the book.
As per the views of Oyeyinka & Aganbi (2016), planning and process is required for the book production. Book should be produced or published in such a manner that it is able to convey the required message to its targeted audience. For this purpose, it is necessary that not only content but words should also be effective. Apart from that designing of book also plays a major and dominant role. Careful selection of words should be made. For this editors are required to go through the content and make the necessary changes. This will entice the reader and they will remain stick to the book. In this regard, copywriters can also assist when a final draft of the book has been made or prepared (Oyeyinka & Aganbi, 2016). Experienced editor always give priority to the content and selection of words rather than the designing, page color along with others. But it is imperative to understand the fact that presentation is a major factor that cannot be ignored and that secondary aspects cannot be ignored. For the ease of understanding, the whole book can be divided into chapters so that the reader can be able to understand and grasp the content.
According to the words of Lin, et. al., (2017), it has been addressed that the book production is a complex process and as such it involves series of steps so that all the activities related to the subject matter can be conducted effectively. In this regard, the author address that it is very necessary that a suitable focus is made by the individual concerned on every step so as to ensure effective working operations. The author further address that addressing of the process related to the book production will outline the major aspects that will further support in the attainment of the objectives. In the views of Waltham (2013), there are series of the steps that are required to be focused in order to manage the operations. The author in this regard embarks the 7 steps that are crucial for book production. The author states that the first step in this regard includes first draft. The author states that the first step in book production is the preparation of the draft. This includes a sort of manuscript that effectively segregates the subject matter in a systematic manner with the beginning, middle and end points. However, the author in this regard address that the manuscript is to be revised at certain points so as to identify the loopholes associated with the subject matter (Waltham, 2013). The author further added that to produce a manuscript an expert is required to be hired that can effectively analyze the key points associated with the subject matter. The expert is however required to ensure an independent research in the subject is with the effective presentation of the preparatory notes.
As per the views of Oyeyinka & Aganbi (2016), the second step in the process of production includes the revision. The author in this step elaborates that after the final draft is prepared it is very necessary that the writer focus on the revising of the aspects. With the revising if the writer is not effectively satisfied, then the person concern focus on the aspects that can support in the improvement of the subject matter. In this regard, the author elaborates that the wrier can with the help of the developmental editor can solve the issue or problem. The author further embarks that the developmental editor plays an important and effective role in the evaluation of the manuscript (Oyeyinka & Aganbi., 2016). However, the developmental editor takes into consideration the objectives of the book. Apart from that the editor at this step provides suitable insights that can make the reading more effective for the customers. The author in this regard further points, that the editor is mainly concerned with the content in relation to the chapter and section.
As per the words of FRASER (2014), when revision is complete, it has been addressed that there is no efforts made on the rewrite. The author states that the final manuscript after revision is delivered to the professional copyeditor. In this context, the author addresses and highlights the role of the copy editor who is mainly in charge of the aspects related to the correction of grammar, punctuation, and spelling (FRASER, 2014). Apart from that it also includes the clarification of the unclear ideas so as to make it understandable to its users. Further, the author states that the copyeditor also overviews the text insights such that to have a complete understanding of the graphic elements. After all the review procedures the author illustrates that the focus is made on the review of the edits, discusses them and then finally approves the copyedited script (Malliari & Togia, 2012).
According to the opinion of Thompsett & Ahluwalia (2010), the production of book is a complex process. As such, it becomes primarily important to focus on all the steps associated with the book production in an appropriate manner. The author in this respect further adds that to ensure that the book production objectives are effectively achieved, the person concern must overview on the design and layout. The author further adds that the author must properly address the facts that make the book attractive and eye-catching (Thompsett & Ahluwalia, 2010). Apart from that, the pages are also required to be designed taking into consideration three major aspects that is consistency, legibility and aesthetic appeal. In this regard, the author is suggested to make use of attractive graphs, pictures, tables and other graphic elements to ensure that the book represents a professional look. In the words of Birhan (2015), it has been addressed that after the design and layout and other related aspects, it is necessary that the proofreading is made. The author states that the proofreading is done with the view to ensure quality prospects. This will assist in the review of the facts that all the changes are appropriately addressed. The author states that due to continuous proofreading of the varied sets of the stages, the process of book production becomes a complex procedure (Birhan, 2015). However, the author states that it is essential in order to make the book and its content suitable for its users and related parties. In accordance to the words of Birhan (2015), the final stage of the book production is the printing and E-books. The author states that once the file comes out of the proof reading is required to be sent to the printer. This will ensure the conversion of the material or content into hard copy books or converted into e-book format. However, at this stage the publisher is required to take proper focus on the technical requirements. This is because; at every platform of book production there are series of the different requirements. As such it becomes a prime importance to ensure effective planning and manage with the series of the technical requirements.
As per the opinion of Mushtaq & Khan (2012), it has been suggested by the author that the process involved in the process of book production must be considered with proper focus. This is because it is an aspect of major importance to manage with the process so as to make the book and its content understandable to its users. Apart from that the author elaborates that the proper focus and alignment is also required to be made by the person concern on the various objectives so as to ensure the conduct of the activities in a proper manner (Mushtaq & Khan., 2012). The author in addition embarks that inappropriate management of the process of book production will lead to the series of the challenges that can act as barrier in the work operations. Also, it will affect the progress of the objectives for the long prospects of time.
According to Ochoa (2017), a book is an idea of the work and planning one is doing and the resources one plans to adapt to the new process. This helps in making plans and simultaneously helps in making substantial changes in the current process. Valerian Spicer is a boxing player who started boxing when she was 30 and till then she has been participating in many international games. Inspired by kickboxing there have been multiple techniques and fitness regimes that can be added to a book to have effective learning from her journey and can also support multiple values based on massive ideas belonging to the same. As per the views of (Chinchilla-Rodríguez, 2015), the major challenges that can be faced in book production includes a combination of functions in that compels the author to make minimum changes that sometimes hinder the learning and schedule based. The inappropriate time is given and the varied nature of work becomes difficult to handle and substitute in various platforms. Another major issue is the follow up lacking. This affects the meeting schedules and growth process of overall needs that have been differing from the author from the target. The close study of manufacturing capabilities and growth structure has been affecting the optimization of operations and susceptible needs of the process. These have been forcing to re-plan the process and make changes in the optimum process. The book production process is relatively re-planned and compelled to change as per market conditions and plant needs. This has a great impact on the new publication process. As per the views of (Aksnes,2017), the implication process of publication ideas is sometimes affected by the changes in the market trends and the forecasting that has been done that defines market cost and demands. This might increase or decrease the pace of production. The changes in the sales order are also one of the major setbacks in the growth process. This varies the shipment, authorization, and product quantity needed in the process. The quality of the team and their standard and quality of work is also affected by parallel needs in the process.
The processing sheet and the cargo process are simultaneously related. Production suffers when project planning is not being done properly. As per the study of Kingsley (2014), the planning process must be designed to sustain the ideas and goals of the planner and develop a sequence of activities that are needed to develop effective ways to support the growth of production. In the publication process, there should be an effective time line made to set the priorities. The burden on publication houses can affect the correct time to deliver the books. The continuous feedback given on the content affects the original idea of the book. The pressure of the market to changes the content develops fake data and exaggerated points that affect overall needs. This can not only deliver wrong information but also impacts the future need and clarity of the data that comes with the process (Kingsley, 2014).
In the view of Mushtaq & Khan (2012), the challenges addressed in the book production are required to be properly and effectively managed to attain the objectives in the proper manner. In this regard, the author further address that the related parties associated with the book production and planning must focus on the relatable insights. This will assist in the conduct of the activities in a proper manner. Apart from that, management of challenges will assist the users and the other parties in the application of the suitable measures that can provide for the best and optimal results.
As per the words of Kourkouta et. al., (2018), printing of the books is the costliest part of the book production. As such it becomes a matter of prime importance to consider and evaluate each and every variable while planning your book production. The author further elaborates that while planning for the book production, it is necessary that various aspects and factors are properly addressed so that to gain the objectives in an effective manner. The author highlights the factors such as number of pages, quantity, paper, size, covers, binding etc. There are series of sub-factors that are involved in the concerned factors (Kourkouta, et. al., 2018). As such there are series of complexities. Such complexities are therefore required to be analyzed and managed so that suitable approaches can be adopted leading to better and optimal outcome.
As per the views of Elyazgi, et. al., (2016), it has been determined that while planning the process of book production it is necessary to majorly focus on the factor of time. This is because the process of production is quite lengthy process. As such, it leads to a great delay in the final process. With the appropriate planning a suitable command can be addressed on the factor of time such that all the activities related can be managed and dealt properly and effectively. The author further states that there are series of the steps in the process of book production that are required to be conducted in sequential manner (Elyazgi, et. al., 2016). As such the author addressed that it is very necessary to follow the sequence so that all the activities can be attained effectively. In this regard, the author elaborates that it is quite necessary that the suitable knowledge and understanding is grasped by all the related parties. Thus, it will lead to better and effective coordination and cooperation on all the activities leading to better and effective quality of the content in the book (Lin, et. al., 2017).
In accordance to the Whitten, et. al., (2016), it is also required that the process of planning in relation to book production must be broad and effective. This is because there are series of the aspects that are required to be properly analyzed and evaluated in a proper manner. The author further added that this examination will assist in the addressing of the pros and cons that will in turn ensure effective decision making with respect to the existing as well as forthcoming activities (Whitten, et. al., 2016). Apart from that, the author highlights that it is important to manage with the factors in a manner such that all the activities are conducted in the set parameters.
As per the words of Derntl (2014), it is suggested by the author that since the production of a book is a complex broad process, it is necessary that appropriate focus is made on every aspect to gain effective and optimal outcomes. In addition the author recommends that the individual concern in the book production process must focus on the integration of the series of the aspects and facts that are interlinked. This is important as it will assist in the effective management of the series of the perspective (Derntl, 2014). Besides, the author also recommends that there are complexities that are required to be properly managed taking into consideration the factor of time. This will assist in the attainment of the objectives associated with the production of the book in the shortest time frame.
In accordance to the words of Mack (2014), it is also recommended to the authorities that the appropriate focus is made on the application of the effective approach (Spicer Fitness Method) so as to gain suitable outcomes. This will assist in the gaining of the pros and cons associated with the approach enabling the authorities in making bets and optimal decision. The author also recommends that the focus must be made on the application of the suitable steps so as to have better evaluation and examination of all the aspects related to the subject matter (Mack, 2014).
Apart from that it is also suggested that all the factors must be taken into parameter while focusing on the formulation of the detailed management plan. This will assist in managing with the complexities in better and effective manner (Lin, et. al., 2017). In addition, the author also suggests that the factors included in the detailed management plan must be properly examined so that they can be best use for the better attainment of the related objectives.
A per the views of Patel & Patel (2019), research methodology is a process that address on the conduct of the systematic activities so that the data can be collected in an effective manner. Addressing of the research methodology will assist in the effective examination of the data so that to ensure suitable and effective decisions. In addition the application of the research methodology will assist the individual concern in gaining of the suitable reliability, validity and accuracy. In context of the existing research work in relation to the production of the book, process and plans key and derived methods are adopted. This has supported in gaining both the theoretical and practical perspectives' leading to the attainment of the suitable insights. In the current research work theoretical perspectives is gained with the aid of the views and opinions of the various authors in various articles, journals and magazines. In addition, practical statistics is addressed from the collection of the information through questionnaire. According to the Haradhan (2018), application of the suitable research methodology will support in the gaining of the suitable outcome. Additionally research methodology will assist in measuring the outcomes that can be further use for the benefits of the future operations and activities.
Research philosophy is an important aspect that majorly and effectively focus on the collection of the statistics such that in a detailed manner (Patel & Patel, 2019). This aspect assists in the person concern in the gaining of the apt and effective control in relation to the subject matter. For the management of the activities related to the concerned research work, an integrated philosophy (interpretive and positivism) is used. In context of the interpretive philosophy, investigation and examination is based on the qualitative aspects (Synder, 2018). As such in the current research work literature review has been done that supports in gaining the insights of the various authors. This in addition supports in gaining the different perspective that thereby support in better working operations. Further provided, in positivism philosophy data is collected on quantitative terms. This assists in the measurement of the varied aspects. As such, individual concern can also make suitable comparison of the various measures that can further assists in the better and elaborated judgment. It is required that the philosophies are properly examined such that to have effective and elaborated understanding (Synder, 2018).
Research approaches are the approaches that assist in the analyzing of the suitable information so as to gain suitable and effective knowledge (Malliari & Togia, 2012). In context of the current research work, there are two approaches that are adopted by the individual concern for focusing on the addressing of the objectives. Firstly, descriptive approaches has been used that elaborates on the addressing of the issues and problems associated with research work. The approach also assists in the gaining of the apt facts in accordance to the pre-determined criteria. This provides an extensive support in the understanding and demonstration the relationship of interest. The concerned approach was useful as it assists in identification of the key issues that thereby support the individual concern in formulation of the detailed and suitable planning. As such, management of all the aspects and issues can be very useful in the gaining of the objectives.
Apart from that, the explanatory approach has been used (Rahman, 2017). The concerned approach assists in the addressing and identifying the suitable and effective answers for the enigmatic question. Further provided, these approaches assist in the investigation of the origin of the cause and effect relationship. Apart from that the concerned approaches provide suitable support in the formulating of the hypothesis that can be used to gain more effective and broad information with respect to the subject matter. Bothe the approaches mainly focus on the integration of the various activities associated with the research leading to better focus on the attainment of the objectives (Shakouri, 2014).
Data collection methods are the methods and approaches that are used in relation to the assortment and collection of the data (Rahman, 2017). The selection of the data collection methods is important as it assists in gaining of the suitable information. In context of the current research work, primary and secondary methods are used in an appropriate manner. With respect to the primary data, the data or statistics are gathered with the aid of questionnaire. With the aid of questionnaire views and opinions of the related parties were gathered that supports in better understanding of the varied aspects (Malliari & Togia, 2012). In addition, suitable relevance and accuracy is obtained with the aid of the concerned method. However, the collection of the statistics with the primary method was time consuming that lead to delay in the process of decision making. On the other hand, in relation to the secondary data, views and opinions of the various authors from different articles, magazines were also gained (DANIEL, 2016). This method provides for the in-depth and theoretical knowledge that leads to better working. However, the analysis and examination of the thoughts were confusing that requires lot of understanding.
Application of the both the primary and secondary method of data collection assists the individual concern in gaining effective insights with respect to the book production, plan and process (Shakouri, 2014). Apart from that, suitable knowledge is also addressed that thereby assist in the analysis and examination of the varied terms and aspects. As such the individual concern must focus on the application of the data collection methods in an appropriate manner.
In the views of DANIEL (2016), sampling is a procedure that is effective and suitable in the analysis of the statistical data. However, in the process of sampling a predetermined observation are considered. In the concerned research work, systematic sampling has been considered. With the aid of the systematic sampling the person concerns focus on the selection of the suitable elements that can better address the questions. In addition, it also assists in aligning the activities of the research work with the series of the objectives. With the aid of the systematic planning, the individual concern can effectively focus on the conduct of the series of the steps that are associated with the process of book production planning. This will ensure the individual concern in making suitable and required changes that can thereby lead to the management of the aspects in a better manner (Mushtaq & Khan, 2012).
For the assortment of the data, a suitable questionnaire is designed. With the aid of the questionnaire suitable information will be collected from the related parties. The use of the questionnaire for the collection of data will assist in the gaining of the reliable and fresh data that can be further use for better decision making (Thompsett & Ahluwalia, 2010). The data has been assorted from 29 candidates who are interested with the objectives of the research work. The questionnaire is formulated taking into parameters varied sets of the aspects. Additionally, all factors that have a direct and indirect impact are also considered. The questionnaire for the given research work is as follows:
Question.1 Which type of book would you like to read?
Question.2 How many books do you read in a month?
Question.3 How much money did you spend on books every month?
Question.4 The price of the book should be?
Question.5 which book genre you like you read?
Question.6 From which platform would you like to buy books?
Question.7 Do you use the library?
Question.8 If you want to lunch a book which method, you like to choose?
Question.9 Does a production company play any role in the success of a book?
The data has been analyzed and evaluated taking into consideration of the view point of the various authors as well as the individual concern associated (Lin, et. al., 2017). Additionally, to analyze a data a suitable pictorial as well as statistical presentation has been addressed. This will support the individual concern in making suitable and elaborative judgment that can be useful for the existing and the forthcoming activities (Waltham, 2013). The data has been represented as a percentage of respondents in relation to the selected option. The graphical presentation represents the percentage of the selection of the selected option.
Q1. Which type of book would you like to read?
Analysis of the data: From the examination of the statistics gained, it has been determined that there are two types of customers with respect to the use of the book. In context of the data statistics represented, it has been observed that the customers in relation to reading of a book prefers for hard copy rather than the electronic book. In other terms, it has been determined that 57.7% of the total numbers of candidates are of the opinion that hard copies are better and effective in relation to the reading of the text (Kourkouta, et. al., 2018). They state that it is easier for them to use such copy both for the current as well as future perspectives. On the contrary, 53.8% of the candidates are of the estimation that the e-books are more effective. This is because of the aspect that the e-books are cheaper in comparison to hard copy. Further provided, it can be accessed in an easy manner at any time making the parameter more feasible. As such from the overall aspect, it has been analyzed that there is a little difference of opinion of the candidates with respect to the aspect. As such, appropriate focus must be made by the authorities on the imparting of the knowledge to the candidates so as to enable them to make a best and effective decision (Bouhedjam, 2013).
Q2. How many books do you read in a month?
Analysis of the data: Book reading is a good and effective habit adopted by various individuals. They enjoy reading a book with so much enthusiasm that assists them in gaining better and effective knowledge (Elyazgi, et. al., 2016). However, there are candidates who read a book multiple times. In this regard, it has been analyzed and determined that most of the candidates read only 1 book in a month. From the statistics, 57.7% of the total numbers of candidates are of this category. Apart from that, from the understanding of the assorted statistics, it has been analyzed that there are only 3.8% of the total number of candidates who reads 4 books in a month. This may be mainly due to the lack of time. On the contrary, a suitable data is also identified in relation to the reading of two books in a month that is 42.3%. From the overall analysis, it has been determined that the maximum proportion is with respect to the 1 book in a month (Oyeyinka & Aganbi, 2016). This represents that there is lack of interest or lack of time on part of the other candidates. In this regard, it is necessary that the suitable measures must be adopted and applied to process so as to develop interest of the candidates with respect to the reading of the book.
Question 3 How much money did you spend on books every month?
Analysis of data: Reading books is a good habit. It has been observed that there are many people who are fond of reading books. As such, they also easily spent the proportion of their income on the purchase of new books (Derntl, 2014). From the statistics addressed and understand, it has been examined that there zero candidates who spent income equivalent to 200£. On the contrary, it has been determined that only 12% out of the total candidates spent 150£ in relation to the purchase of books. In this regard, it has also been determined that maximum promotion that is 76% spent their income up to 50£ on books every month. This is mainly due to the lack of purchasing power of the individual concern on the concerned aspect. Also, a proportion of 24% spend their income (100£) on books in a month. As such, the authorities are required to make suitable parameters with respect to the factor of price related to the books. In this respect, suitable evaluation of the market terms as well as needs of the readers must be examined. This will assist in making useful and valuable decision (Oyeyinka & Aganbi, 2016).
Question 4: The price of the book should be?
Analysis of data: Price is one of the essential factors in almost every type of the product. In context of the book, price play major role in the attraction of the readers as well as the other related parties associated with the book (Shakouri, 2014). From the data assorted, it has been determined that it is very necessary that the individual concern make appropriate focus on the price of the book. This will assist in gaining many buyers that in turn will lead to greater level of profitability. It has been observed that in relation to the price of the book, 65.5% of the total candidates are of the estimation that the price of the book should be kept low that is 30£. This is because this will enable them the people to spend their income on books in an easy manner. Apart from that it has been observed that there are 15.4% of the total candidates who are of the estimation that price can be fixed at 40£. However, it has been effectively addressed that the candidates oppose to the fact that the price of the book should not be fixed more than 50£. As such, this has been addressed that the individual concern associated with the book must evaluate the factor of price appropriately. This will assist him or her in gaining the attention of large audience (Malliari & Togia, 2012).
Question 5 which book genre you like you read?
Analysis of data: There are various types of book that can be adopted by the readers in accordance to their taste, preference of interest. From the analysis of the assorted data, it has been examined that there are various types of the books such as sports, fantasy, biography and history (Haradhan, 2018). Apart from that it has also been analyzed that 60% of the total number of the candidates are of the view point that they focus on the book that depicts historical context. This is mainly due to the interest and also it supports in gaining of the immense knowledge. In addition it has also been observed that there 48% of the total candidates that prefer to read the books that elaborates and depicts fantasy. The least preferred book is with respect to the sports. As such, it is matter of prime concern that the individual concern appropriately and effectively focus on the content of the books with respect to the subject matter. Good content will create suitable interest among the readers enabling them to spend their proportion of income on the reading of the books (Mushtaq & Khan, 2012). On the other hand, it has also been determined that 32% of the candidates also showed interest in the biography. As such, the subject of the book must also be properly managed.
Q6. From which platform would you like to buy books?
Analysis of data: The users who are fond of reading books can explore to different platforms for the purchase of the book (Shakouri, 2014). There are two modes that can be used for the sale of the book that majorly and predominately include online platform and book shop platform. Both the platform provides for the series of the parameters that can be beneficial for the users in relation to the purchase of a book. In brief of the current research work, it has been determined that 73.1 % of the total numbers of candidates are of the estimation that book shop is more effective and reliable platform. This is because this methods provides for the better evaluation of the various factors associated with the book. Further provided, the concerned method is cheap in comparison to the other method (Mack, 2014). On the contrary, 34.6% of the candidates are of the estimation online method is more effective. This is because the individual concern finds it good as it save lot of time. Additionally, it also provides suitable offer that can be more beneficial.
Question 7 Do you use the library?
Analysis of data: A library is a crucial and effective place that contains a suitable collection of the books, periodicals and sometimes recorded videos (Fauzi & Pradipta, 2018). The library provides a suitable assistance in the lending of the suitable and required books to the users for a period of time. With respect to the current research work in relation to the book production, plan and process, it has been determined there is an equal proportion of the positive and negative opinion with respect to the use of library. The person concerns use the library with the view to ensure a minimum spending on the purchase of the books. However, the person concern that does not make use of the library for the reading of the books has high purchasing power. As such, it is required that the authority concern of the libraries appropriately focus on the maintenance of the appropriate stock of book. This will enable them to attract many users that can in turn provide greater level of growth and profitability (Bengtsson, 2016). Additionally, it has also been determined that use of the library is an effective process that can enable the individual to explore their knowledge with the viable availability of different types of the books.
Question 8 If you want to launch a book which method, you like to choose?
Analysis of data: There are various methods that can be adopted by the individual concern in relation to the launch of the book. In this regard, the individual concern can focus on the methods such as self-publication and traditional publishing (Bengtsson, 2016). In order for the selection of the suitable method, it is quite essential that the authority concern must focus on the addressing of the pros and cons so as to enable the individual concern in making suitable selection. In context of the current research work, it has been addressed that 52% of the total number of candidates are of the estimation that self-publication is better option with respect to the launch of the book. This is because of the fact that it supports in the better grasping of the varied aspects that can lead to the success of the company. Apart from that, it has also been determined that 48% of the candidates are of the estimation that traditional publishing is more effective option for the launch of the book. This is because it is easy for the users to manage with the procedure in an easy manner. Apart from that, it has been observed that the method of selection for the users is examined with the series of the aspects that can be useful and beneficial for the future as well as forthcoming activities (Fauzi & Pradipta, 2018).
Question 9 Does a production company play any role in the success of a book?
Analysis of data: Production Company or a production team is a business that provides suitable platform that assists in various activities such as technical, financial etc. In context of the production of the book, the production company plays an effective and successful role in providing suitable resources that can assist the individual concern in managing with the related aspects in an appropriate manner (Borgh, et. al., 2018). In context of the data or statistics collected, it has been analyzed and determined that a great proportion of the total number of candidates that is 96.2% are of the view point that the production company pay ma good and effective ole in the success of the book. On the contrary, only 3.8% of the total number of candidates oppose to such fact. This may be due to the lack of the appropriate knowledge. As such, it is requisite that the individual concern associated with the book must make proper understanding with respect to the function of the production company. This will assist the person concern in gaining series of the benefits that can be used in attaining suitable success and growth. Additionally, it has been also examined that the individual concern must ensure to have a god dealing with the production company (Borgh, et. al., 2018).
From the evaluation of the data collected, it has been examined that there are series of the factors that are required to be managed and addressed in an appropriate manner. This is because these factors play major role in the success for the launch of the book. For instance, the role of the production company in context of the launch of the book. This is important as the company provides for the valuable resources that can lead to better working operations. Additionally, the types of the platform those are available to the individual concern such as online or traditional approach for the selling of the book. As such, it can be determined that the evaluation is must by the person concern in gaining suitable insights. This will lead to the attainment of the suitable and valuable decisions.
From the understanding of the overall report it can be addressed and determined that the book production process and planning is a complex and broad process. In addition in this regard report concludes on the series of the points of significance that can be gained by the person concern while focusing on all the aspects. Apart from that the report work also concludes on the application of both the qualitative and quantitative approach so as to gain effective and suitable statistics. This has assisted in the gaining of the suitable information with respect to the subject matter. The report work also determines on the assortment of data with the aid of questionnaire. This leads to attainment of the views and opinions of the users in an effective manner. Besides, views and opinion of the various authors are also concluded so as to gain in-depth information. The report work also concludes on the examination of the statistics enabling the authority concern in making suitable and effective judgment with respect to the current as well future activities. The overall report work elaborately concludes on the suitable recommendations that can be beneficial for the future reference leading to the attainment of the objectives.
While conducting the research work, series of the aspects are required to be managed in an appropriate manner for the attainment of the effective outcome. Apart from that, there are complexities that act as a barrier in the smooth operations (Fauzi & Pradipta, 2018). For the purpose, there are series of the recommendations and suggestions that must be used by the individual concern for better conduct of the actions in reality to the production of the book, its process and plan. Some of the recommendations that can be used by the authorities with respect to the subject matter majorly and predominantly include:
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