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To analyse the impact of culture on the performance of the organization.
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Human resource is one of the most important resources for the company needs to be managed effectively by the management. Different factors are having an impact on the performance of the employees in the organisation, and the businesses need to focus on these issues effectively. Culture of the company is having a significant impact on the employees, workplace environment and the entire organisation due to which it is an important topic for human resource management. In the present research report, the researcher focuses on explaining the impact of organisational culture on the performance of the employees and for which the detailed research is being conducted. The report explains the different concepts which are having an impact on the employees and the organisational culture. Different concepts such as leadership, employee motivation, company values, communication, and the employee relations which are having an impact on the organisational culture and employee performance and the businesses need to focus on these concepts. For conducting high-quality research, both primary and secondary approach is being used in the research study.
In the traditional business approach, the main target of the business organization to improve the quality of products that are manufactured by the organization and develop the technology of the manufacturing plant to improve the production capacity of the organization. The traditional approach can be considered to improve the productivity of the company but this approach is not effective to improve the performance of the individual employee within the workplace of the company. In a modern business organization, various elements are considered to improve the performance of the organization along with improving the performance of an individual employee in the company. To improve the performance of employees in the workplace it is important for the organization to develop an effective culture in the workplace to develop a positive impact on the employees. By improving the workplace culture of the organization, performance of employees can be improved which is important to improve the performance of the organization in the global market.
Aim and Objectives
Main aim of the research project is-
To analyse the impact of culture on the performance of the organization. - A Case study of Tesco PLC.
Research Questions
In the current market scenario, this is important for the business organization to consider various factors to improve the performance and reputation of the organization in target market. To improve the performance of the organization, company needs to focus on the performance of individual employees. Effective performance of employees can help the company to improve the effectiveness of internal operations. Role of organizational culture has a huge role in directing the performance of employees within the workplace. In current time, various business organizations are looking for different processes and practices to improve the performance of organization in the target market by focusing on the internal environment and workplace culture of the company. By making development in the organization's culture, the performance of organization can be improved in both internal and external operations. This is the reason for selecting it as research topic.
This research is important for different people who are related to the business organization that is looking for implementing some positive development in the workplace culture or they are facing issue with the poor workplace culture. This research can be used by those business organizations to develop and implement various practices in workplace of the company to develop better environment in the company and improve the overall performance of company in global business environment. This research also can be used by researchers to develop the understanding of the importance of organizational culture for the performance of company in target market and to perform gap-analysis to discuss the topic further. This is how this research is important for both management of business organization and researcher.
Organizational culture is mainly defined as a collection or set of values, practices, and expectations that guide the operations of various teams in the company. Organization culture can be explained as collection of various traits of the workplace of company that can cause both positive and negative impact on the performance and motivation of employees. As per the view of Warrick, (2017), organization culture can be explained as the environment of the workplace of company that can affect social and psychological conditions in workplace for employees. The culture of the organization is based on the shared values, beliefs, customs, rules, and regulation of within the organization. Various things are considered in the organization culture and these cultures can affect the effectiveness of organization workplace. For Example organization's visions, missions, organization's values, norms, systems and symbols, language used in the workplace of company, assumptions that are used in managing various tasks and habits of people who lie in the workplace of the organization. All these things can be considered along to define the workplace culture of company. Some other factorsalso can be considered by the business organization to define the workplace culture of the company. Various other principles that are considered in the organization culture are- Leadership principles that are used by the leaders and managers of organization. The nature of the business organization, values, policies, and environment in the workplace and approaches that are used by the company management and human resource department to manage the people of company.
As per the opinion of Elsbach and Stigliani, (2018), the culture of the organization can be defined in four different categories based on power distribution and level of cooperation in the company. Four types of cultures that are defined in the Handy's organization model are- Person culture, Task culture, role culture and power culture. Based on power distribution and level of cooperation, organization culture can be evaluated. The culture present in the organization can be categorised in one of organizational culture that is defined in the model. The considerations that are applied in the model can be considered by the management of the company to implement various suitable practices in the organization to improve the workplace culture of company.
Business organizations are currently focusing on the organizational culture to improve the performance of the organization in target market. Culture of organization's workplace is important for the company in different ways. Better and effective workculture can help the organization to improve the performance of the organization in both internal and external processes. According to the Arditi, Nayak and Damci, (2017), organization culture is important for the organization because company can use organizational culture as internal and external identity of organization. It is about the reputation of organization in market place and employee motivation level. Both these are important factor for the business organization. Reputation of organization helps them to make larger profit from the market place and employee motivation can help the management of the company to improve the internal operations of the organization. The internal performance of organization is based on the values and belief that are present in the current work culture of the company. These values and beliefs can help the company to motivate employees and improve their performance in organization. If the culture of the organization is effective then it can help the organization to make its employees loyal to the company. Better organization culture can help the organization to retain its effective and productive employees for a long duration. This can help the organization to gain higher performance standard in the internal operations. Effective organization culture is effective to develop the workforce of the company and it also can help the organization to make new employees aware of the operations of the organization. This is also important for the organization to develop high collaboration in the workplace to improve the overall productivity of the organization in target market.By developing better culture in the workplace of company, better bonding can be developed between the employees of the organization. This effective relationship between the employees can help the organization to increase the productivity of the organization. If the culture of the organization is effective then it can help the organization to manage the performance, development, and wellbeing of employees in the organization. This is how the range culture of the organization is important for their performance in internal and external operations.
This is important for the organization to develop effective work culture in company. In current time, various processes and technologies can be used by the organization to improve the work culture of the company.There are different process can be used by the organization to develop effective work culture in company. As per the view of Nikpour, (2017), some of the most effective ways to develop effective environment in the organization are- Develop transparency in the operations of organization can help the company to develop a better environment in company.Transparency in the operations of the company can help the organization to avoid conflicts between the employees. This is important for the organization to develop trust between employees and it only can be developed by developing trust between the employees of organization. The first step of developing trust starts from developing transparency in the internal operations of the organization. This is also important to develop effective environment in organization. To develop transparent work culture in organization, management of the company can use various effective way of communication to develop better communication between the people of organization and avoid the outdated communication technology in organization to reduce barriers in the communication process. This is how by maintaining better communication in organization transparent culture which high performance can be developed. This transparency can help the company to develop effective culture that is important to improve the performance of the organization. It also can help the management of organization to encourage employees to give their 100 % efforts in operations of company. This is how transparency can help the company to improve the work culture. This is also important for the management of the company to recognize the performance and efforts of employees by rewarding them and praise them publically. By this process motivation, level within the workplace can be improved.These practices also can be considered as an effective practice to improve the workplace culture of the company.
According to Fitria, (2018), employee engagement is also considered as one of the most effective ways to improve the work culture of the company. In this approach, various practices can be usedby the employees to develop better culture in organization. This is the main role of the leadership of the organization to perform various activities and practices to motivate, encourage, and inspire the workforce of the company. It can help the company to avoid performance issues in the workplace. This will also develop positive and effective environment in company. Different ways can be used by the management of the organization to inspire the employees of organization. The most common processes that are needed to be implemented in the organization are- Setting short-term goals, praise the employees, make the organization vision and mission clear to the employees, and implement regular feedback sessions. These ways are considered most effective to keep the workforce motivated and encouraged. This also required for the human resource management of the company to develop effective workplace policies in the organization to improve the culture of the company. Effective policies and practices can help the organization to develop disciplined and positive environment in the company.
This is difficult for the management of organization to develop effective and positive culture in the workplace of the company. As per view of Harel, Schwartz and Kaufmann, (2020), different challenges are faced by the management of the company to develop effective culture are- This is difficult for the management of the organization to understand the beliefs of employees to develop organizational culture effectively. For the large size organization, this is highly challenging process to plan an effective process to implement culture development practices in the workplace of company. To develop effective culture in the organization this is also important for the company to develop some ethics in workplace to reduce the conflicts in organization and keep employees satisfied in the workplace of company. With a large number of employees, this is not possible for the organization to define policies to develop effective culture in organization. This is highly difficult for the organization the develop effective values in workplace of the company to keep employees loyal to the organization. To develop better culture in organization this is important for the company to develop social engagement practices in the company to develop better environment in the workplace. This is also important for the organization to develop various training and development modules in the company to make the employees aware of the practices that are part of the organization operations. With diverse workforce, this is not possible to develop training practices to keep the social engagement of the employees high in the workplace. Some other challenges that are faced by the organization in developing effective culture are - This is difficult for the organization to implement change in company and manage the resistance of employees in the organization. Lack of commitment and reinforcement can affect the process of developing better environment in company. These are the main challenges that are faced by the management of the organization to develop better culture in company.
The research methodology is referred as one of the important parts of the research study which explains us about the way in which the researcher had conducted the research and had collected all the information in the research for drawing better results(Snyder, 2019). The research methodology is being defined as the set of different procedures and techniques which are being used by the research for conducting the research in a systematic manner. Different sub-sections of the research methodology provide us detailed information regarding the methods used for the research which are explained below, such as:
Research Philosophy
Research philosophy is being referred to as the way in which the researcher is using the different methods and techniques for conducting the research study. Or in general terms, the research philosophy is referred to as the way in which the researcher used different methods for converting the ideas into knowledge for conducting high-quality research. There are different types of research philosophies which can be used by the research. Four different types of research philosophy are referred to as the pragmatism, interpretivism, realism and positivism. In the current research study, the researcher will focus on using the mixed approach for research philosophy in which the research will use a combination of two research philosophies which are positivism and interpretivism.
The research philosophy is being selected on the basis of the type of research, and the selected research philosophies suit well with the research aim and objectives. In this study, the research is using the positivism philosophy as it is based on the scientific principles and methods, which makes the research study more authentic and helps the researcher in conducting better research. Along with this, the interpretivism research philosophy is more subjective and focuses on qualitative data, which will help the research in conducting an in-depth research study. It can be said that using both these research philosophies would help the researcher in conducting high-quality research(Zangirolami-Raimundo, et. al. 2018).
Research Design
The research design is being referred to as the overall strategy which is being used by the research for combining all the different components of the research study so that a well-defined a systematic research study can be conducted. Selecting an appropriate research design is important for the researcher so that he can conduct the research in an appropriate manner. The researcher can use any of the research design such as descriptive research design, correlation research design, explanatory research design, experimental research design, diagnostic research design and exploratory research design. In the present research study, the researcher had used exploratory research design which had helped the researchers in exploring all the different factors or the concepts which are associated with the research topic. The researcher had used this research design as it helps them in getting better knowledge regarding the research topic and will them in a detailed study. Exploratory research is more flexible and adaptable to the changes and time-efficient, which provide better advantages to the research for conducting better research.
Research Approach
The research approach is set of procedures and a proper plan which can help the researcher is focusing on all the important steps of the research in an appropriate manner so that the research can be conducted in a well-defined manner. Research approach focuses on two important factors of the research, which are data collection and data analysis. There are two types of research approach which can be used by the researcher while conducting the research study, which is an inductive research approach and deductive research approach. In the present study, the researcher is using the inductive research approach. In this research approach, the researcher focus on testing the unknown premises. While using this research approach, the researcher needs to focus on exploring the different concepts related to the research aims and objectives(Hong, et. al. 2020). The researcher is using this approach as it offers better chances to explore the different things and help them in working with probabilities which is important for gaining better knowledge.
Research Method
The research method is defined as the processes and strategies which are being used by the researcher while collecting the data and analysing it in an effective manner so that better results can be drawn from the research study. There are two different methods which can be used by the researcher for conducting the research, which is a qualitative and quantitative research method. In the present research study, the research is using a qualitative research method which focuses on collecting and analysing the qualitative data which can help the researcher in getting in-depth data for the research. In the current study, the researcher is using qualitative research method as it provides more flexibility to the researcher while conducting the research and it helps the researcher in conducting the research specifically in accordance with the research aim and objectives.
Data Collection Method
The methods which are being used by the researcher for collecting the data in the research study is being referred to as the data collection methods. There are different data collection methods which are widely classified as a primary and secondary data collection method, In the present research, the researcher is using a mixed approach in which the researcher uses both primary and secondary data collection methods(Schoonenboom and Johnson, 2017). Using a mixed approach helps the researcher in collecting wide and high-quality data for the research study, which helps him get a better conclusion for the present research study.
In the primary research, sampling plays an important role, and it is referred to as the population or the members who are being selected for the research study. Due to the large population, it is important for the researcher to select the correct group of individuals for conducting the research. There are different methods which can be used by the researcher for selecting the sample size for the research. Two important methods which are being used by the researcher for sampling in primary data collection are probability sampling and non-probability. In the present research study, the researcher is using the probability sampling method, and for this, the researcher focuses on simple random sampling. In this sampling method, the participants are being selected randomly for the research study. In the data collection process 100 employees of company will be considered for the primary data collection process?
Data Analysis
Data analysis is referred to as the method which is being used by the researcher for analysing the data which is being collected for the research study. There are different methods available which can be used by the researcher for analysing the data, and this needs to be very effective as the results of the research are based on its data analysis only. In the current study, the researcher is using thematic analysis for analysing the data. In the thematic analysis, the data is analysed by developing different themes for the research study. This analysis is being used in the study as it represents the data in an effective manner and the themes developed in the research study provides better and clear knowledge regarding the research topic.
Ethical Considerations
While conducting the research, it is important for the researcher to focus on all the different ethical considerations. The different ethical issues which are being considered in the present study are data protection act, plagiarism and informed concern from the research participants. In this research, the researcher had focused on safety, security, dignity, and respect of all the different stakeholders of the research study.
Theme 1 Employee Satisfaction
Q. 1 Are you satisfied with the workculture of the company? |
Frequency |
Strongly Agreed |
20 |
Agreed |
70 |
Maybe |
5 |
Disagree |
3 |
Strongly Disagree |
2 |
AS per the responses collected in the primary data collection process, 20 respondents have provideda strong and positive response to the question. These respondents are happy with the current work culture of the company. 70 other respondents also have answered that they are happy with the workplace culture of the company. Among these 100 respondents, 5 respondents have answered that they do not know anything about the work culture of the company. Total 5 respondents have provided a negative response for the statement above and among these 5 people, 2 have strongly opposed the current culture of the company. According to the majority answers, it can be interpreted that the work culture of the company is effective for the employees and they are happy with the environment of the workplace.
Theme 2 Importance of Organization Culture
Q.2 Organizational culture is important to develop collaborative working in company. |
Frequency |
Strongly Agreed |
20 |
Agreed |
60 |
Maybe |
10 |
Disagree |
5 |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |
According to the information that is collected from the respondents in primary data collection process, 20 respondents have strong agreement that, this is important for the organization to develop workplace culture of company to develop collaborative work in different teams. For the same questions, 60 other respondents also have said that collaborative working can be developed in the workplace of company by developing the culture of the organization. 10 Respondents out of 100 have not provided any specific answer for the above question. Total of 10 respondents has provided negative response. Among these 10 people, 5 have said that culture of the organization cannot promote the collaborative working in the workplace of company. From the major responses, it can be interpreted that, collaborative working can be promoted in the workplace of organization by developing the work culture of the company.
Theme 3 Equality in the Culture of Organization
Q.3 All the employees are provided with equal treatment in company? |
Frequency |
Strongly Agreed |
30 |
Agreed |
50 |
Maybe |
10 |
Disagree |
7 |
Strongly Disagree |
3 |
As per the responses collected in the primary data collection process, 30 respondents have strongly admitted that they are provided with equal treatment in the workplace of company. 50 other respondents have said that they are agreed to the respondents who have said that, all the employees in organization are provided with equal treatment in organization. 10 respondents have said that they do not know anything about this. 7 respondent have shown disagreement for the statement and rest of 3 respondents have shown strong disagreement for the above comment. From the opinion of the majority people, it can be interpreted that that workplace policy of organization is enough effective to maintain better environment in organization and provide equal treatment to all people within the workplace of company.
Theme 4 Focus of Manager on Culture of the Work Place
Q.4 Managers of the organization are focus on developing effective environment in the workplace. |
Frequency |
Strongly Agreed |
15 |
Agreed |
55 |
Maybe |
15 |
Disagree |
10 |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |
From the primary data collection process, some responses have been collected from the people who are involved in the research process. For the above statement, respondents have provided different responses. 15 respondents have said that management of the organization is highly focused to develop effective environment within the workplace of the company.55 respondents have said that that is also agreed to the statement that manages are playing active role to develop better environment in the workplace of company. !5 respondents have said that they do not know anything about the activities of the managers. 10 respondents have shown disagreement to the above statement and rest of 5 respondents have said that they completely disagree to the statement. From the above responses, it can be interpreted that, managers of the organization are highly focused on the environment of the company and they are willing to develop better culture in company.
Theme 5 Employee Engagement in Decision Making Process
Q.5 Employees are provided with opportunities to get involved in the decision-making process. |
Frequency |
Strongly Agreed |
20 |
Agreed |
60 |
Maybe |
10 |
Disagree |
10 |
Strongly Disagree |
0 |
As per the information that is collected in the primary data collection process, 20 respondents have strongly said that employees of organization are provided opportunity to get involved in the data collection process and other 60 respondents also have supported the this statement. 10 respondents have not provided any specific answer for the above question. Total 10 respondents have shown disagreement for the statement above. From the above responses and from the majority answers it can be interpreted that employees are provided with various opportunities to get involved in the decision making process of the company.
Theme 6 Feedback Session as Culture Improvement Strategy
Q.6 Do the management of organization conducts regular feedback sessions in order to improve the culture of the company. |
Frequency |
Strongly Agreed |
25 |
Agreed |
65 |
Maybe |
0 |
Disagree |
8 |
Strongly Disagree |
2 |
This is important for the organization to take regular feedbacks from the employees to analyse the current situation in the company and find the issues that are faced by the employees in the culture of company. This is important for the organization to maintain performance in the market place. As per the responses collected from the respondents, 25 respondents have said that management of the organization regularly takes feedback from the employees to know the effectiveness of the organization culture. 65 other respondents also have shown agreement for the above statement. Total 10 respondents have opposed the above statement in which 8 respondents have just shown disagreement for the statement and 2 respondents have shown strong disagreement for the above statement. From the above responses, it can be interpreted that, management of the company takes feedback from the employees on the regular basis to evaluate the effectiveness of the organization culture.
Theme 7 Relationship between Workplace Culture and Productivity of Employees
Q.7 Positive culture in the workplace can help the company to increase the productivity of individual employee. |
Frequency |
Strongly Agreed |
25 |
Agreed |
55 |
Maybe |
10 |
Disagree |
10 |
Strongly Disagree |
0 |
This is important for the organization to maintain higher productivity of the employees in the organization to maintain effective performance in target market. For this statement, 25 respondents have shown strong agreement that, positive environment can help the company to retain higher productivity in the market place. Other 55 respondents also have shown agreement to the statement that, positive work culture of the organization can help the employees to improve their performance in the internal operations of the company. 10 respondents have not provided any specific answer for the above statement. Total of 10 respondents has shown disagreement for the above statement. From the responses that are collected in the data collection process it can be interpreted that, impact of positive organizational culture is also positive on the employee and positive organizational culture can improve the productivity of theemployees that can improvise the profitability ofthe organization in target market.
Theme 8 Impact of Poor Work Culture on Operations of organization
Q.8 Poor work culture can affect the internal operations of company. |
Frequency |
Strongly Agreed |
35 |
Agreed |
60 |
Maybe |
3 |
Disagree |
1 |
Strongly Disagree |
1 |
From the responses that are collected in the primary data collection process, 35 respondents have shown agreement to the statement in which they have considered that poor work culture can affect the effectiveness of the internal operations of the organization. 60 other respondents have shown support for the statement and reflect agreement that poor working environment can reduce the productivity of internal operations of the company. 3 employees have not provided any specific answer for the above statement and 2 respondents have shown disagreement for the statement above. Among 1 person have shown normal disagreement for the statement but another person has shown strong disagreement for the statement. From the above responses, it can be interpreted that, impact of workplace culture is directly related to the productivity of the internal operations of the company.
Theme 9 Performance of Employees and Culture of company
Q.9 Performs employees is dependent on the work culture of the company. |
Frequency |
Strongly Agreed |
30 |
Agreed |
40 |
Maybe |
20 |
Disagree |
5 |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |
This is crucial for the organization to find the relationship between the organizational culture and performance of employees. For the above statement, 30 have provided strong and positive response. They are strongly agreed to the statement that the performance of employees is highly dependent on the culture of the organization workplace. Other 40 respondents also have shown agreement for the above statement that, the performance of the employees is directly related to the workplace environment of the company. Total of 20 respondents has not provided any answer for the question. 10 respondents among 100 have shown strong disagreement for the statement. From the above data, it can be interpreted that, the culture of the organization can affect the performance of employees within the workplace. A positive culture can improve the performance of employees and poor organization culture can reduce the productivity of the employees in the internal operations of organization.
Theme 10 Improvement in the Culture of Company
Q.10 Does your organization focus on cultural needs of the workplace? |
Frequency |
Strongly Agreed |
30 |
Agreed |
50 |
Maybe |
0 |
Disagree |
10 |
Strongly Disagree |
10 |
For the above comment, respondents have provided different answers in the primary data collection process. According to the responses collected in data collection process, 30 respondents have provided a strong positive response for the question. These respondents have said that organization is highly focused on the cultural needs of the organization's workplace. 50 other respondents have stated that management of the organization is highly focused on the cultural needs of workplace in company. 10 respondents have provided negative response for the company and 10 respondents have said that management of organization is not focused on the work culture in the workplace. From the above responses of respondents, it can be interpreted that, management and leadership of the organization are highly focused on the cultural needs of the workplace and they are actively participating in the process to develop better environment in the company.
Organization culture can be explained asset of values, rules, expectations, and practices that directs the person to act in an organization. This is highly important for the business organization to consider various aspects and factors in the company to develop better environment in company. This is highly important for the business organization to develop better culture in the company to maintain performance of the organization in target market. In the organization culture, various aspects are considered by the organization to get better outcomes with business processes(Wei and Miraglia, 2017). The main objective of setting organization culture is to implement set of practices in the company workplace to develop a positive environment of the company.
There are mainly four types of cultures are considered in the business organization to understand the internal environment of the company. As per the information collected from the secondary sources, these four cultures are- Role culture, Task culture, people culture and power culture. These four types of organization culture are defined on basis of how the power is distributed in company and collaborative working of the organization. By considering these aspects, culture of the company can be evaluated. This is how culture of the organization can be analysed on basis of power distribution and collaboration in the workforces of the company.
In different ways, organization culture is important for the business organization. Effective organization culture can help the company to gain higher productivity in the internal and external operations.Organization culture can be used to define the internal and external identity of the organization. The organization culture is attribute for the business organization. Effective culture can help the company to gain higher productivity in market place. There are some core values that are followed by the organization to maintain productivity in the internal operations and maintain the reputation of company in global market. Organization culture can help the company to maintain better environment in the company and improve the motivation level of the people who are connected to the organization. Support of the employees is most important for the company to gain high performance working in the internal operations(Ax and Greve, 2017). Without employee support, organization can lose its performance standard.Effective organization culture can help the management of the company to retain their older employees and develop better workforce in the company. Organization culture is also crucial in the internal operations of the organization. It can help the company to coordinate all operations in company.
Effective organization culture can help the organization to provide comfortable environment for the new employees. Better culture can improve the onboarding process of organization and provide the opportunity to the company to improve the recruitment process. Organization culture is also important for developing high performance working for team with high diverse workforce.
There are different processes and practices can be used by the management of the organization to develop effective culture in the workplace of the company. Some of the most common processes that can be used by the business organization are- This is important for the organization to develop trust between the employees of company. This is all about the relationship between the management and employees of company. This relationship can be developed by maintaining transparency in the work culture of company. This is also required to motivate the employees on frequent basis to develop positive and effective environment in the workplace of company. For the employee, motivation organization can use various processes like reward, recognition, and motivation sessions to boost the morale of the employees. Motivated employees can help the company to develop effective environment in the workplace of company.
The other processes that can be used by the business organization are- Flexibility is one of the most important elements of the effective culture of the company.The management of the company needs to develop some flexibility in the workplace of the company to provide more comfort to the employees. More comfortable workplace can help the company to keep employees motivated and happy in the workplace.The most important element of the organization culture is communication(Bowers, Hall and Srinivasan, 2017). The management of the company must implement proper communicational channel in the workplace of the company to develop effective transaction of information between people. Effective transfer of information is effective to avoid confusion and conflicts within the workplace of the company. This is how different processes can be used by the company to develop an effective culture in the workplace of the company.
This is a highly challenging process for the organization to develop better culture in the workplace of company. Range of challenges is faced by the organization to develop effective culture in company workplace to develop high performance working in company. The common challenges that are faced by the organization in developing effective culture are- Employee resistance is most critical and crucial challenge for the company. Employees of the organization have perception about the change implementation in company and also the employees of organization are afraid of changes that are about to be implemented in company(Alimudin and Sukoco, 2017). This is most challenging for the organization to avoid this employee resistance in the change implementation process. It is also difficult for the organization to develop second or contingency plans to avoid failure in the change implementation in the culture of company. The organization needs to involve all employees in the culture development process but it is challenging for them to consider all people in process of cultural development.
In the highly competitive business environment, it is important for the businesses to focus on managing the human resource in an effective manner as they are having a significant impact on the overall business performance. The present research is being conducted for exploring the impact of organisational culture on the performance of the employees of the company. Culture plays a major role in the organisation, and it is having a significant impact on the way the employees behave and develop a relationship within the organisation. The study founds that there are different factors of the organisational culture, which are having an impact on the performance of the employees. The businesses need to focus on all the diverse factors which are having an impact on the performance of the employees as it is having an impact on the overall business performance, profitability and productivity.
The businesses need to create an effective organisational culture on the basis of the visions and missions of the company, which can help them in working effectively and leading the firm towards success. For exploring the impact on culture on employee performance, the research had focused on both primary and secondary, which had provided them with better knowledge for the research topic. The data collected from the secondary sources had provided better qualitative data, and along with this the questionnaire survey conducted with the employees of the company which had provided better knowledge regarding the employees view on the topic that how the culture is affecting their performance in the workplace. On the basis of the results of the research, it can be said that the businesses need to create a positive organisational culture which is based on better-shared values which can help the company in developing better cooperation and collaboration among the employees of the company and make the workforce effective as well.
The culture of the company should motivate the employees to work effectively for the company so that all the employees should focus on delivering better performance in the company, which can lead the firm towards success. In the research, it is being found that leadership is having a greater impact on the organisational culture and it is important for the leader to be effective in developing an effective culture which can help the company in managing the employees in an effective manner. The leader needs to focus on applying better leadership styles which can help them in being affecting while leading the company. The workplace environment is a very important thing which affects employee behaviour and employee relations. It can be said that the companies should focus on creating better open communication among the employees and the firm should have better policies and values which can help them in managing the different factors of the organisational culture effectively.
With the increased interconnectivity of the businesses, the companies are having different issues related to the culture of the company. Due to increased globalisation, the employees belonging to different social and cultural backgrounds are working together, and because of this, the business needs to develop a culture which can support the concept of mixed culture. The companies need to develop better values, policies and strategies so that all the employees can feel values and share better values among them so that they can work effectively. The research mentions that it is important for the businesses to understand that how the business is affected due to the organisational culture and the employees are highly affected by it. For all the businesses it is important that they should ensure that all the employees are working in an effective manner and no employee is being illtreated or discriminated which is an important concept of the organisational culture that the company should have a discrimination-free organisational culture.
For developing a better and effective organisational culture, it is important for the businesses to focus on managing the human resource effectively and creating a healthy and positive workplace environment. The businesses should focus on recruiting highly skilled and knowledgeable employees who can help them in creating a better workforce. Leadership is the most important thing which is having an impact on the employees of the company and the organisational culture. The company should focus on having an effective leader, and the leader of the company should use different leadership styles which can help him in being effective while making important decisions and managing the firm. The firms should focus on developing better communication in the organisation among the employees and the managers both.
If the company is having better and effective communication within the workplace, then it reduces the chances of conflicts among the team members, which is having a positive impact on the organisational culture. Along with this, better communication can help in developing better cooperation and collaboration among the employees of the company, which is also having an impact on the culture. The firms should also focus on developing better strategies and policies which can help them in creating a positive culture in the company. Values and ethics of the company on which the organisational culture is based need to be effective, and the company should hold the values nicely in the workplace. It can be said that if the company has effective culture than it would help them in motivating the employees, employee behaviour and better human resource management which is having a positive impact on the performance of the employees. From this research, it can be said that it is important for the businesses to have better organisational culture as it is having an impact on employee performance and also on the overall performance of the company.
Value of Research
Organization culture is most important element of the business organization. This is highly important for the performance of company in target market. Through this research, I have learned various things about the organization culture and its importance for the business organization. I have analysed that it is highly difficult for the business organization to develop effective environment in company. This is a challenging process for the business organization. Initially, I have analysed various topics that are related to the business organization and organizational behaviour. After analysing and researching, I have found this topic that is related to the performance of the organization. The main aim of the research that I have decided in the research process is about the impact of organizational culture on the performance of the company in an internal and external process. I have analysed that organizational culture is most important part of the business operation. I have found that it is silent element in the success of company. In my opinion, organizational culture can be considered as interrelation between organization and its employees. Organization culture can be explained as process in which various internal values of the organization, expectations of people and personal values of employees is considered to define the internal environment of the company. I have also used various sources to analyse the importance of organizational culture in the performance of in target market. After the topic selection, I have developed the aim and objectives of the research process to complete the study effectively. To develop an understanding of the research process I have analysed different works of literature and books.
To perform the research in the right direction, I have developed various themes and research question. As per the research objective and research objective, I have analysed all the works of literature to explore the research topic effectively. Initially, I have analysed the concept of organizational culture and types of cultures that are possible in the business organization. I have considered various models and theories to effectively understand the type of organization culture. In the research process, I have learned that the culture of the organization can be classified into four types of cultures to effectively analyse the working and operations of the company. This is how I have analysed and evaluated the concept of organizational culture. After understanding the concept of organization, I have studied the importance of organizational culture for the company and various benefits of effective organizational culture for the company and employees. All the aspects of the organizational culture have been analysed in the research to evaluate the benefits of the effective organizational culture.There are some other factors are also considered in the research process. In the research process, I have considered various processes and methods that are used by the business organization to develop positive culture in the workplace of the company. In the last part of the study, I have analysed various challenges that are faced by the company in developing effective culture in company. I have also considered the primary information sources to collect information about the research topic. This is how I have analysed the research topic effectively and along with this, I have also developed better understanding of the research topic.
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Theme 1 Employee Satisfaction
Chart Theme 2 Importance of Organization Culture
Chart Theme 3 Equality in the Culture of Organization
Chart Theme 4 Focus of Manager on Culture of the Work Place
Chart Theme 5 Employee Engagement in Decision Making Process
Chart Theme 6 Feedback Session as Culture Improvement Strategy
Chart Theme 7 Relationship between Workplace Culture and Productivity of Employees
Chart Theme 8 Impact of Poor Work Culture on Operations of organization
Chart Theme 9 Performance of Employees and Culture of company
Chart Theme 10 Improvement in the Culture of Company
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