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Chest Radiography: Gold Standard for Pneumonia Diagnosis Assignment Sample By Native Assignment Help!
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The aim of this essay is to critically analyse the evidence that underpins the diagnostic tool used in clinical practice. Therefore, for this proposed assessment Chest radiography or Chest X-ray has to be chosen as the diagnostic tool which is used to diagnose Pneumonia.
Chest Radiography or Chest X-ray is one of the most common and widely used diagnostic tools and the first procedure if any physician suspects the onset of heart or lung disease in an individual. Chest X-ray can be defined by ionizing radiation to produce an image of the inside of the chest or heart. This diagnostic tool mainly uses for evaluating the condition of the heart, lungs and chest wall, and sometimes this diagnostic tool is used to spot the reason for the shortness of breathing, persistent cough, chronic chest pain or the onset of any injury in the chest or heart. As Chest Radiography is one of the easy and fast processes, therefore, it is particularly used in emergency diagnosis process and treatment. The examination by this tool does not need any special preparation (Bitar et al., 2019). So, Chest x-ray or chest radiography can therefore be defined as the most commonly used diagnostic tool for x-ray examination. This tool is used to develop images of the lungs, hearts, blood vessels and bones located in the chest and spins. This tool in clinical practice is considered one of the most helpful x-ray tools which enable physicians to detect and treat any lung or heart-related diseases or injuries or conditions. Some common clinical use of Chest Radiography is to carry out the first imaging test to diagnose the symptoms like:
In this essay, the focus will be given on the critical assessment of different research articles, and journals to evaluate the use of Chest radiography or Chest x-ray for patients suffering from Pneumonia. The gold standard of this diagnostic tool is the PA projection, as it can reduce the risk of producing the lordotic image and cardiac magnification, as in an x-ray examination the patient is unlikely to lean backwards (Ye et al., 2015). In Chest Radiography, PA projection can also be considered the golden standard as it can provide an accurate evaluation of cardiothoracic ratio and measurement for removal of scapula shadow from the lung field. Pneumonia or CAP or community-acquired Pneumonia is now associated with a considerable disease burden across the world (Andronikou et al., 2017). It can be considered the major cause of substantial morbidity and mortality worldwide. One of the initial considerations to manage or reduce the risk of Pneumonia among the population is to carry out early diagnosis and here chest radiography is universally considered the "gold standard". Though, there are discrepancies observed in guidelines and recommendations to diagnose or detect pneumonia among the population or the use of routine chest radiography.
So, as the case against, to evaluate the diagnostic test or use of Chest Radiography or Chest X-ray as the diagnosis tool, here it is important to compare its performance to the "gold standard".
The purpose or aim of this proposed essay is to evaluate the evidence-based research articles and journals to evaluate the use of Chest X-rays in clinical practice. Therefore, in this case, the "gold standard" definition of pneumonia includes chest radiography- then there should not be any comparison (Andronikou et al., 2017). So, to meet the purpose of this essay, the discussion will be carried out on “What is pneumonia”, and “How accurately can chest X-ray be used to detect the onset or perseverance of Pneumonia?”
To meet the gold standard and the aim of this essay, in this assessment, an in-depth discussion on pneumonia and the use of Chest X-rays have to be carried out systematically. Or more specifically, existing literature and journals will be assessed or critically evaluated in this essay and focus will be given to the population who are diagnosed with pneumonia with an average body temperature of >=37.8 degree Celsius with chronic chest pain, rhonchi, rapid heart rate, dyspnoea, and the onset of rhinorrhea (Neuman et al., 2011). To critically analyse the existing literature for underpinning the use of Chest X-rays as a diagnostic tool for the clinical practice (diagnose and treat) for Pneumonia, the CASP tool will also be included in this assessment.
In the previous section, it has been mentioned that one of the most useful imaging modalities to evaluate the onset of pneumonia within the patient is chest radiography. The imaging examination is used to interpret the level of symptomatic within the patient suffering from Pneumonia. With Chest radiography, the degree of dyspnoea, level of impairment of carbon monoxide diffusion in lungs (DI, co), the CD4+ cell count in blood and the presence of leukocytosis can be measured for the patient with Community-Acquired Pneumonia (Amatya et al., 2018). Additionally, the importance of imagining in the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia is it can enable the physician to detect the pathogen and specific imaging appearances. For example, the pathogen responsible for community-acquired Pneumonia is Streptococcus pneumonia, based on which specific imaging appearance will be alveolar or lobar pneumonia.
Table 1 Imaging findings of the responsible pathogens for community-acquired pneumonia
Pathogens | Specific imaging appearances |
Streptococcus pneumonia | Lobar or alveolar pneumonia |
Cryptococcus neoformans | Multiple nodules with or without cavities in pulmonary lobes |
Tubercle bacillus | Tree-in-bud appearance with dense branching of opacities |
Mycoplasma pneumonia | Bronchopneumonia and thick wall in central bronchi |
Chlamydophila pneumoniae | Infected bronchiolitis with bronchial dilatation |
Table 2: Clinical conditions of different community-acquired Pneumonia by Imaging findings
Pathophysiological conditions | Imaging findings |
Pneumonia with pulmonary emphysema | Consolidation with pseudo cavities at the surroundings of the lungs which provide delayed resolution |
Aspiration pneumonia | Bronchopneumonia provides a patchy ground-glass-like image in x-ray at the different parts of the lungs (S2, S1+S2, S6 and S10) |
Sino-bronchial pneumonia | Centrilobular nodules are shown in the image, at the bronchial wall. Presence of bronchiectasis, and mucus in the bronchi, the findings of paranasal sinusitis in x-ray image (Lipsett et al., 2018) |
Community-Acquired Pneumonia or CAP can be divided into three distinctive patterns in imaging examination:
the below figure shows the imaging in Chest radiography of pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumonia, which shows an alveolar nodule in a man with the disease. The chest radiography shows the nonsegmental consolidation in the right lung with a minor fissure suggestive which indicates the presence of upper lobe pneumonia (Geanacopoulos et al., 2020.).
(Figure 1: Chest radiography image finding for the Pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumonia)
Peri-bronchial nodules
in the case of bronchopneumonia, the chest radiography or chest x-ray image shows the reticulonodular opacities and focal consolidation in the lower lung. The x-ray image also shows the enlarged pulmonary hilum in figure 2 which can consider a clear indication of the onset of CAP within a patient. Similarly, figure 3 is an example of another chest x-ray image or image findings through chest radiography (Ippolito et al., 2020.). The image shows the faint nodular opacity in the right middle lung. From the image, it can also be detected that the air valve is narrow and the volume of the left lung is less due to the presence of patchy consolidation and thickening of the pleura. These image findings can be considered as an indication of pneumonia and the existence of old tuberculosis.
(Figure 2: Chest Radiography is showing the reticulated opacities and focal consolidation at left middle lungs, due to the onset of bronchopneumonia)
(Figure 3: The Chest Radiography is showing the nodular opacities in the right middle lungs due to the onset of post-primary tuberculosis)
Ground-glass opacity
the below figure is the Chest Radiography image of Pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumonia. The chest radiography is showing patchy ground-glass opacity or GGO with the presence of peri-bronchial nodules in the middle of the right lungs (Litmanovich et al., 2020).
(Figure 4: Radiography image of pneumonia caused by M. pneumoniae)
Chest radiography is being chosen as one of the common imaging techniques to detect the onset of pneumonia for patients due to low radiation dose, wide accessibility and low cost.
The aim or purpose of this assessment is to critically evaluate the evidence that underpins the use of diagnostic tools in clinical practice. In this assessment, therefore, the focus has been given to the use of chest radiography or chest x-ray for the clinical practice of detecting and treating Pneumonia or CAP (Community Acquired Pneumonia). To critically analyse the evidence for highlighting the benefit of using the Chest X-ray as the gold standard for Community-Acquired Pneumonia, five research articles have to be assessed thoroughly. In this section, the CASP tool will be used to assess the research articles.
Name of the article | Author | Aim and Objectives | Methodology | Findings | Limitation | Conclusion |
Diagnostic Accuracy of Chest x-Ray and Ultrasonography in Detection of Community-Acquired Pneumonia; a Brief Report | Ali Taghizadieh, Alireza Ala, Farzad Rahmani,andAkbar Nadi | The aim of the study is to compare the diagnostic accuracy of CXR or chest x-ray and chest ultrasonography (CUS) to detect CAP | A primary quantitative research method has been used. A consecutive sample of patients with suspected Pneumonia or CAP has been selected as a sample. SPSS tool has been used as a quantitative analytical tool to calculate sensitivity specificity, predictive values and likelihood ratios | 30 samples or patients with CAP and undergo CUS, CXR and CT scan. | Small size is one of the major limitations of this study is the specificity of CUS which is not calculable. Additionally, the small sample size is another limitation. | This study demonstrates the diagnostic accuracy of CUS in the detection of community-acquired Pneumonia. |
Diagnostic impact of bedside chest X-ray features of 2019 novel coronavirus in the routine admission at the emergency department: case series from Lombardy region | Davide Ippolito,a,b,* Anna Pecorelli, Cesare Maino, Carlo Capodaglio, Ilaria Mariani, Teresa Giandola, Davide Gandola, Ilaria Bianco, Maria Ragusi, Cammillo Talei Franzesi, Rocco Corso, and Sandro Sironia, | The purpose of this research article is to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy and imaging features of Chest X-rays in a patient who is detected with Pneumonia due to novel Coronavirus, 2019 or SARS-CoV-2 | The primary quantitative research method has been used, where 518 is the sample size with 314 patients having negative and 204 positive RT-PCR results. | The sensitivity and specificity of chest X-rays at the admission in the cohort study were 57% and 89% respectively. The Chest X-ray imaging showcase that the sensitivity is higher for the patient with the symptoms of pneumonia persistent for more than 5 days in comparison to less than 5 days (75 per cent versus 36 per cent). additionally, the result also showcased that the sensitivity and specificity of the incidence of Pneumonia are higher for the patient with the age group of more than 50 years in comparison to those who belong to the age range of below 50 years. | The sample which was selected for the study did not undergo a CT scan examination of the lungs. Therefore, the reliability or accuracy of the Chest X-ray to detect Pneumonia for the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be compared with another diagnostic tool. | This article shows that the sensitivity of Chest X-rays for the SARS -CoV-2 pneumonia was 57%. In this article, the focus has been given to the accuracy and the usefulness of Chest X-rays as diagnostic tools for the clinical practice of detecting Pneumonia |
Imaging of community-acquired pneumonia: Roles of imaging examinations, imaging diagnosis of specific pathogens and discrimination from noninfectious diseases | Atsushi Nambu, Katsura Ozawa, Noriko Kobayashi, and Masao Tago | The purpose or aim of this research article is to examine the role of imaging examination or Chest X-ray as a diagnostic tool for detecting specific pathogens of pneumonia and discriminating it from non-infectious disease. | A secondary quantitative research method has been used. In this article, a thorough analysis of the graphical and numerical representation obtained from Chest X-Ray has been assessed. | Different images and numerical facts and figures (hospital or lab-acquired) are being assessed. | The main limitation of this article is the lack of quantitative data or information regarding the usefulness of Chest X-Ray in clinical practice. This article has discussed the use of Chest Radiography to discriminate different pneumonia and distinguished it from any non-specific pathogens. Though, the lack of primary information does not clearly showcase the actual accuracy level or sensitivity and specificity level of Chest Radiography for the patient with Pneumonia | Imaging results for CAP can vary and are frequently non-specific. Nonetheless, some distinctive data can occasionally point to particular infections. The distinction between infectious pneumonia and noninfectious illnesses can also be made using imaging tests, particularly CT. Understanding the imaging properties of CAP and noninfectious illnesses is essential to achieving this separation. |
Characteristics of pneumonia with negative chest radiography in cases confirmed by computed tomography | Takatoshi Kitazawa, Hisanao Yoshihara, Kazunori Seo, Yusuke Yoshino, and Yasuo Ota, | The purpose of this research article is to investigate the characteristics of pneumonia by using negative chest radiography in case of the case is confirmed by Computer-based tomography (CT) | A primary quantitative research method has been used, where the patients are considered as the sample of the survey. Total population: 138 patients, | Among the chosen sample, 58 patients were from the CR- group and 80 patients were from the CR+ group. as per the negative Chest radiography, it was found that the infiltrated lungs used to differ between CR- group and CR+ group patients | The small sample size and retrospective design are the main limitation of the research. Another important limitation is infiltration of pneumonia has shown poor interobserver reliability. This research article does not show the direct impact or usefulness of Chest Radiography to detect pneumonia. | Chest radiography is one of the commonly used diagnostic tools through which characteristics or nature of the lesions in the lungs due to the onset of Pneumonia can be measured. This, in turn, can be used as a determinant to categorise the diseases or to make a plan for treatment and prevention. Though, to measure the blood cell counts or biomarkers, a Chest X-ray is not applicable. |
Lung ultrasound and chest x-ray for detecting pneumonia in an acute geriatric ward | Andrea Ticinesi, Fulvio Lauretani, Antonio Nouvenne, Giulia Mori, Giulia Chiussi, Marcello Maggio, Tiziana Meschi | The aim of this research is to compare the accuracy of LUS or Lungs ultrasound and standard chest X-ray or CXR when it comes to detecting pneumonia in the older patient with acute respiratory symptoms and admitted to an acute-care geriatric ward | Primary quantitative research method, the sample size is 169 with an age range from 83.0+/- 9.2 years | The diagnostic accuracy for pneumonia is higher significantly for LUS with a 95% of the confidence interval or CI in comparison to a chest x-ray (0.67, 95% CI) | This study focused on the comparison between LUS and CXR. This research highlighted the usefulness of CXR without being mentioning the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the tool to detect Pneumonia | LUS was more reliable than CXR for diagnosing pneumonia in multimorbid patients admitted to an acute geriatric unit, especially in those who were fragile. In this situation, LUS should be used more widely. |
An in-depth analysis of paper 1 showcases the diagnostic accuracy f Chest X-Ray in the detection of community-acquired pneumonia. If this paper is thoroughly analyzed, it can be concluded that Chest X-ray is one of the simplest and most dependable diagnostic tools to detect Community-Acquired Pneumonia or CAP. To ensure the use and benefit of using the Chest X-ray for Pneumonia, the patients are being chosen from the ED or emergency department of Imam Reza Medical Research and Training Hospital, Iran. During the selection of the sample, it was ensured that the patients must be suffered from Pneumonia or suspected Pneumonia and underwent CUS and CXR or Chest X-Ray. Analysis of the result showed imaging findings of 30 patients with clinical suspicion of CAP or community-acquired pneumonia. the sensitivity and specificity of the Chest X-ray in Pneumonia detection among the sample were 93 per cent, where the CI value is 75. 8 to 98.8 and 0.0% respectively. On the main strength of this paper is the comparison between the accuracy and beneficial aspect of using Chest X-ray and ultrasonography or CUS and CT scan in detecting pneumonia. As per the result, the sensitivity of CUS in disease detection was 100%, though the specificity could not be determined by CUS. On the other hand, in comparison to CXR, the reliability of using CT scan to detect Pneumonia is high in accuracy (Taghizadieh et al., 2015).
On Each Order!
In the second article, the focus has completely been given to the use of Chest X-rays to detect Pneumonia caused due to novel Coronavirus. Depth analysis of this article shows that a standard chest X-ray can be performed in anteroposterior projection only (Ippolito et al., 2020). This article also showcased that from X-ray images the presence and distribution of parenchymal abnormalities can be detected, which include the presence of alveolar opacities in the lungs of the individual, infected by Sars-CoV-2 virus, presence of reticular opacities or the coarse liner shadow and the pleural effusion. Considering the result of this article, it can be seen that a Chest X-ray has been used to check the overall sensitivity, specificity, NPV, PPV and accuracy of the diagnosis of Pneumonia caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In reference to the accuracy and reliability of using Chest X-Ray to detect Pneumonia or in clinical practice, it can be stated that sensitivity, PPV and NPV values of Chest X-rays showcase a lower value when the symptom appears in less than five days before performing another imaging techniques, whereas the specificity and accuracy value used to be higher in similar circumstances. This indicates that before the development of the disease within the vulnerable individual, the physician can detect the onset of the scenario within the lungs or chest by using the Chest X-ray technique. Additionally, considering this article, it can also be highlighted that by using only Chest radiography, lung appearance can easily be detected (Reali et al., 2014). For example, in case of an infection by SARS-CoV-2, Chest Radiography or Chest X-Ray can provide a clear image of infected lungs, which can be characterized by alveolar or reticular opacities with involvement of bilateral and peripheral lungs. On the other hand, by using the image obtained from the Chest X-ray, the nature of the Pneumonia can also be differentiated. For example, in case of the Pneumonia caused by novel Coronavirus, reticular or alveolar opacities can be observed, whereas no such pattern cannot be seen in patients affected by common or seasonal pneumonia- which also helps to discriminate the origin of the disease.
Considering the third article, it can be stated that imaging examination specifically the CT scan is more suggestive to detect any specific pathogens. The Imaging examination is considered to be indispensable to managing the CAP, and the primary role of the tool is to confirm the diagnosis of Pneumonia (Nambu et al., 2014). By using the Chest X-ray or Chest radiography, professionals can easily characterize the nature of pneumonia, as the image obtained from the x-ray provide a clear overview of the pathophysiological conditions and specific imaging appearances which in turn can be used as a discriminator for community-acquired pneumonia.
Depth analysis of the fourth article helped to understand that Chest radiography is ideal to use for the clinical characterization of patients with pneumonia. With images obtained from Chest radiography, a thorough comparison between the patients with infiltration of Pneumonia can be carried out based on several clinical factors (Kitazawa et al., 2020). Those clinical factors are age, sex, BMI, CRP level, Laterality, and so on. Additionally, by using chest radiography, a comparison between the pneumonia pathogens can also be carried out which add value to the treatment and prevention of the disease and clinical practice.
The last article has been selected to differentiate the usefulness of Chest X-ray over Lungs Ultrasound. Lungs Ultrasound is another diagnostic tool to detect the onset of Pneumonia. This paper contradicts the other research overviews, by shedding light on the increased accuracy of Ultrasound over the use of Chest X-Ray or CXR (Ticinesi et al., 2016). Lung Ultrasound offers higher sensitivity for the diagnosis of pneumonia compared to the chest X-ray.
This assessment is aiming to critically evaluate the evidence that underpins the use of any diagnostic tool in clinical practice. In this essay, therefore, the focus has been given to the use of chest radiography to detect Pneumonia or more specifically, community-acquired pneumonia. In this essay, five articles and research journals are thoroughly assessed, which underpin the fact that Chest radiography is one of the common tools used for the diagnosis of Pneumonia. A systematic review of the literature showed that community-acquired pneumonia is one of the common conditions associated with morbidity and it can be suppressed by early recognition of a number of international guidelines are recommended about the use of chest radiography or chest x-ray. According to Feldman, one of the initial considerations to optimal manage the onset or outspread of CAP is to confirm the diagnosis and chest radiography is universally considered the gold standard. It is an inexpensive procedure and the only way to determine the nature of Pneumonia by detecting the imaging appearance of the lesion in the lungs. Though, several research articles are being discussed in this assessment, that contradict the fact that Lung ultrasound is more accurate with high sensitivity and specificity in comparison to chest radiography when it comes to early detection of Pneumonia.
Amatya, Y., Rupp, J., Russell, F.M., Saunders, J., Bales, B. and House, D.R., 2018. Diagnostic use of lung ultrasound compared to chest radiograph for suspected pneumonia in a resource-limited setting.International journal of emergency medicine,11(1), pp.1-5.https://intjem.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12245-018-0170-2
Andronikou, S., Lambert, E., Halton, J., Hilder, L., Crumley, I., Lyttle, M.D. and Kosack, C., 2017. Guidelines for the use of chest radiographs in community-acquired pneumonia in children and adolescents.Pediatric radiology,47, pp.1405-1411.https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00247-017-3944-4
Bitar, Z.I., Maadarani, O.S., El?Shably, A.M. and Al?Ajmi, M.J., 2019. Diagnostic accuracy of chest ultrasound in patients with pneumonia in the intensive care unit: A single?hospital study.Health Science Reports,2(1), p.e102.https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/hsr2.102
Geanacopoulos, A.T., Porter, J.J., Monuteaux, M.C., Lipsett, S.C. and Neuman, M.I., 2020. Trends in chest radiographs for pneumonia in emergency departments.Pediatrics,145(3)https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article-abstract/145/3/e20192816/36892).
Ippolito, D., Pecorelli, A., Maino, C., Capodaglio, C., Mariani, I., Giandola, T., Gandola, D., Bianco, I., Ragusi, M., Franzesi, C.T. and Corso, R., 2020. Diagnostic impact of bedside chest X-ray features of 2019 novel coronavirus in the routine admission at the emergency department: case series from Lombardy region. European Journal of Radiology, 129, p.109092.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0720048X20302813
Kitazawa, T., Yoshihara, H., Seo, K., Yoshino, Y. and Ota, Y., 2020. Characteristics of pneumonia with negative chest radiography in cases confirmed by computed tomography. Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives, 10(1), pp.19-24.https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/20009666.2020.1711639
Lipsett, S.C., Monuteaux, M.C., Bachur, R.G., Finn, N. and Neuman, M.I., 2018. Negative chest radiography and risk of pneumonia.Pediatrics,142(3).https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article-abstract/142/3/e20180236/81664
Lipsett, S.C., Monuteaux, M.C., Bachur, R.G., Finn, N. and Neuman, M.I., 2018. Negative chest radiography and risk of pneumonia.Pediatrics,142(3).https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article-abstract/142/3/e20180236/81664
Litmanovich, D.E., Chung, M., Kirkbride, R.R., Kicska, G. and Kanne, J.P., 2020. Review of chest radiograph findings of COVID-19 pneumonia and suggested reporting language.Journal of thoracic imaging,35(6), pp.354-360.https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/wk/jthim/2020/00000035/00000006/art00008
Nambu, A., Ozawa, K., Kobayashi, N. and Tago, M., 2014. Imaging of community-acquired pneumonia: roles of imaging examinations, imaging diagnosis of specific pathogens and discrimination from noninfectious diseases. World Journal of Radiology, 6(10), p.779.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4209424/
Nelson, K.A., Morrow, C., Wingerter, S.L., Bachur, R.G. and Neuman, M.I., 2016. Impact of chest radiography on antibiotic treatment for children with suspected pneumonia.Pediatric emergency care,32(8), pp.514-519.https://journals.lww.com/pec-online/fulltext/2016/08000/impact_of_chest_radiography_on_antibiotic.4.aspx
Neuman, M.I., Graham, D. and Bachur, R., 2011. Variation in the use of chest radiography for pneumonia in pediatric emergency departments.Pediatric emergency care,27(7), pp.606-610.https://journals.lww.com/pec-online/fulltext/2011/07000/variation_in_the_use_of_chest_radiography_for.6.aspx
Reali, F., Papa, G.F.S., Carlucci, P., Fracasso, P., Di Marco, F., Mandelli, M., Soldi, S., Riva, E. and Centanni, S., 2014. Can lung ultrasound replace chest radiography for the diagnosis of pneumonia in hospitalized children?.Respiration,88(2), pp.112-115.https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/362692
Singh, R., Kalra, M.K., Nitiwarangkul, C., Patti, J.A., Homayounieh, F., Padole, A., Rao, P., Putha, P., Muse, V.V., Sharma, A. and Digumarthy, S.R., 2018. Deep learning in chest radiography: detection of findings and presence of change.PloS one,13(10), p.e0204155.https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0204155
Taghizadieh, A., Ala, A., Rahmani, F. and Nadi, A., 2015. Diagnostic accuracy of chest X-ray and ultrasonography in detection of community acquired pneumonia; a brief report. Emergency, 3(3), p.114.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4608340/
Ticinesi, A., Lauretani, F., Nouvenne, A., Mori, G., Chiussi, G., Maggio, M. and Meschi, T., 2016. Lung ultrasound and chest x-ray for detecting pneumonia in an acute geriatric ward. Medicine, 95(27).https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5058863/
Upchurch, C.P., Grijalva, C.G., Wunderink, R.G., Williams, D.J., Waterer, G.W., Anderson, E.J., Zhu, Y., Hart, E.M., Carroll, F., Bramley, A.M. and Jain, S., 2018. Community-acquired pneumonia visualized on CT scans but not chest radiographs: pathogens, severity, and clinical outcomes.Chest,153(3), pp.601-610.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012369217313922
Ye, X., Xiao, H., Chen, B. and Zhang, S., 2015. Accuracy of lung ultrasonography versus chest radiography for the diagnosis of adult community-acquired pneumonia: review of the literature and meta-analysis.PloS one,10(6), p.e0130066.https://emj.bmj.com/content/29/1/19.short
Ye, X., Xiao, H., Chen, B. and Zhang, S., 2015. Accuracy of lung ultrasonography versus chest radiography for the diagnosis of adult community-acquired pneumonia: review of the literature and meta-analysis.PloS one,10(6), p.e0130066.https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0130066
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