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Conceptualizing is one of the important strategies that is mainly used as the strategic practice. However, this kind of practice is also used as a distinctive approach to studying organizational decision-making, strategic management, and managerial work. Moreover, it mainly focuses on the process, micro-level activities of society, and processes that are highly characterized as the strategizing and organizational strategy. However, this kind of strategy furthermore provides not only an organizational perspective; however, it is used as a strategic angle for the examination of the movements for the organizational process. Due to that reason, it is highly useful as the research h program and some of the social movements for the connection of the strategic management that is contemporary with the practice-oriented organizational development. On the other side, the strategy-as-practice is highly regarded as the recourse to the strategy of the mainstream research via their overall attempts for shifting attention which is away from the focus on the strategic effects on the alone performance to a more in-depth analysis of the strategic planning. Based on that approach, this research is provided with the literature review of the conceptualizing strategy that helps in reworking the praxis framework, practitioners, and practices. However, in this study, also the inclusion and exclusion criteria, methods, and their overall discussion have bee3n described here.
The strategy-as-practice is one of the potential approaches for fully realizing the normal dimension of the conceptualized practice via some of the virtue ethics. However, mainly three kinds of virtue ethics are incorporated within three main kinds of conceptions that are mainly included praxis, practice, and practitioners that are mainly used for understanding the strategic management.
The strategy for the practice in the case of research has highly gained considerable momentum in the recent past. By following this aspect, the practice strategy is used as one of the important progenitors that help in enabling the researcher in that case of in-depth “praxis” and “practitioners” (Tsoukas, 2018).
However, it is one of the important aspects nowadays because it helps in balancing the “capabilities development work” balance for getting a lot of success with some of the “differentiation work” which helps in provisioning some major support of the arguments and several kinds of suggestions for the offering future research.
The study is highlighted on this topic because it helps in analysing some of the major managerial practices that help in focusing on how the strategy can be made. However, the systematic literature review also helps in enabling the corporate strategy through which organizational development and business success can be achieved.
The research is highly followed by a search process that is m annually done. Based on some kinds of database all of the pieces of information have been gathered. Based on all of the journal information, PDFs, and peer-reviewed journals from the “Google scholar” all the pieces of information have been collected (Chapman, 2021). On the other side, mainly some of the articles have been taken for this analysis and some of the articles have been excluded for some major reasons. For this evaluation, mainly 10-12 kinds of scholarly articles have been agitated through which all of the pieces of information have been gathered.
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Based on the scholarly articles and journals all of the data from the “strategy-as-practice” have been included in the collection of data. |
All of those journals which are not included some of the authentic data based on “conceptualizing strategy” have not been considered. |
All of the collected journals are significantly concentrated on some of the practice, which is practice-based as the role of practices, framework of praxis, and practitioners (Nanima, 2020). |
The journals, which are published before 2018, have been excluded (Kristiana and Hendriani, 2018). |
All of those collected journals are highly narrowed by their creditability and reliability. |
The peer-reviewed journals, which do not have current sources, have been excluded. |
All of those online articles that have been taken here are admiringly based on the research topic. |
All of the collected journals, which have been taken here, are mainly based on recently reviewed journals that are released after 2018. |
All of those articles are based on authentic sources. |
From the analysis before the study, it has been stated that the data collection has been done by the scholarly journals and articles, which are based on the research topic. To maintain the quality and significance of this research, mainly the data collection process has been done in authentic ways (Chapman, 2021). However, the data collection process has been done by getting pieces of information from the authentic side, which helps in analysing the research approaches. The research ethics also have been maintained here which helps in making the quality improvement of this research through the CASP tool. Due to that reason, the quality assessments are too high within this review of this research. For the quality assessments, also the CASP tool is a critical appraisal skilled programmed tools have been used that help in synthesizing the evidence which is the qualitative and health-related appraisal. As this research is part of qualitative research so this CASP tool has been used to apprising some of the relevant results that have been covered based on this given topic.
On Each Order!
To maintain the quality and authenticity of the data collection, mainly both methods have been used. In this research analysis of this given topic mainly, both the primary and secondary research analysis has been done here (Kalu et al. 2019). For the authentic data collection from the journals and articles for the literature review mainly the secondary data collection methods have been chosen. On the other hand, all of those secondary data collections have been done through primary ways like surveys, and interviews. For reviewing the data of this evaluation, mainly 10-12 kinds of authentic sources have been used secondarily in the collection of the data are taken in the primary ways.
After the data collection process, data analysis is one of the important aspects of reviewing the research. For the data collection mainly the second way has been chosen has been analyzed by thematic, systematic, and discourses analysis ways. Along with this, the thematic analysis helps in reviewing the data authentically (Peel, 2020). Through the discourse analysis mainly a detailed analysis of this data collection has been done here. On the other hand, from the systematic analysis, the overall analysis has been done in systematic ways. Due to that reason, the data analysis method for this systematic review is highly significant for this research.
Maintaining the deviation from protocol is mainly used for the safe measurement of this research. Due to that reason, for reducing the major outcomes within this research, mainly the exclusion and inclusion criteria have been used here (Berkelmans et al. 2020). All of those help in maintaining the awareness of the ethical protocols, which have been successfully clarified.
The overall data collection process is done systematically by reviewing the scholarly journals and articles, which is published in 2018-2022. For these data collection methods, mainly the result that has been come that “strategy-as-practice” is one of the important aspects that helps in the organizational decision-making process through which the strategic decision can be made that helps in getting success rate (Maritz and Du Toit, 2018). By the systematic analysis, it can be stated that strategic practitioners are highly referred to as the direct involvement in the making of the strategies. All of those are also inductively influenced and all of those have been considered the practitioner groups (Danjo, 2021). The praxis practice is highly referred to as the accomplished strategy which is activated within the over-time. However, praxis is highly located as interconnected contributions. However, it can be also stated that systematic practice highly deals with the fundamental issues and helps in their reduction process by focusing on the practice (Perry-Hazan and Somech, 2021). Moreover, study through the strategy-as-practice also helps in highlighting the leadership power, identity roles, and sense-making process for some of the larger social phenomena.
Apart from this, it can be stated that the “strategy-as-practice” is acting as part of the broader practice that is highly turning into “contemporary social theory” and the term of management science over the past more than 21 years. Along with this, conceptualizing strategy as a practice is mainly focused on the social activities that help in characterized by the strategizing and organizational strategy (Ungerer, 2019). On the other hand, the planning process also helps in allowing the reduction of institutional challenges that helps in making some of the major decision that helps in improving the success rate within the organizational level. This kind of approach also helps in preparing the organizational future and helps in distinguishing the organizational form (Omotosho and Anyigba, 2019). Due to that reason, the “strategy-as-practice” is helping in supporting the external and internal alignment. Including all of those approaches, it can be stated that the “strategy-as-process” also helps in organizational development through practice, Praxis helps in achieving success within the organizational level.
The current business scenario is showing a high level of competition in the market. There is a limited amount of strategizing practice available in the market for the implementation of the strategies in the market to survive in this competitive environment. The critical review of the literature is critically done which is completely based on the “Strategy as practice” theories. The strategy of the practice is the backbone of the survival, growth, and competitiveness of the micro firm. In normal cases, micro and macro firms cover 90% of the total population of the whole business market. Strategy as a practice helps in the development of the “fundamental decisions and the actions” which helps to develop the proper guidance for an organization. Proper shaping of the strategic plans is done with the help of the practices. Different kinds of serious issues are solved witty the help of strategic practices and it keeps its effectiveness for a long time for that particular organization (Kearney et al. 2019). The flexibility of the strategic planning is also involved in the development of the organization and the flexibility of the ideas is provided by the proper strategic practice research. The errors under the strategy as the practice are associated with the making of the strategies or the evaluation of the strategies from the perspective of the present market scenario. The main aim of the Strategy as practice represents the different contemporary social theories. The importation of the strategy as practice can occur in the different field of the management fields, such as technology, knowledge management, organizational learning, and accounting. After the literature review on the microeconomics tradition, it can be said that the strategy as the practice is playing a major role to help different micro-firms to survive in the competitive market. This strategy as the practice is a part of the management research is the reason it is completely based on the “humanized theories” mainly on the actions of the practitioners. Practice research is mainly focused on the live experience within the organization. Strategy as the practice is concerned with the presentation of clear insight into the strategic management within the organization (Kearney et al. 2019). The importance of the strategy as the practice is very important for an organization because it helps in the evaluation of the strategies as well as the identification of the problems, which can be solved, with the proper strategies.
The Strategy as practice agenda is completely based on the three different pillars this is concerned with the “socially accomplished activity constructed by the strategies”. The whole research agenda has three focal points, which are completely based on the different angles of the research, and the strategies and those three focal points are as follows:
The first focal point of the strategy is the Focus. This focus point helps to overcome the false dichotomies, which help in the characterization of the strategic management field. The whole strategic literature is completely based on the different polarized categories such as “content/process, intended, thinking/ acting, formulation/implementation and foresight/uncertainty (Sawyer and Brady, 2020).” In this, Practice research practice works as the investigation factor as per the different activities associated with the particular organization and which incorporates mainly the content and different processes. For example, the consent of a firm is mainly constructed with the help of the strategies and it also acts as the feedback into the consent within the on-going “mutual construction.” In the different articles and theories, different theorists gave the alert about the relationships between the “process and the content”. The aim of this focus point is based on the inside of the strategies as the practice which helps to understand the sequence of the dichotomies, such as process and content, emergence, and the thinking and acting which are associated with the shaping of the practice. From the above discussion about the practice research, it becomes very clear that this research helps in the conceptualization and analysis of the strategies with the help of the above-mentioned dichotomies.
The next focal point of the Strategy as the research agenda is Practitioners. This focal aim is based on “reinstating the actor in the strategic research”. The positivist tradition within the strategic research helps to identify the frustration with the positivists. This concept helps in the marginalization of the strategies. The concept of the Strategy as practice develops from the interactions among the people and the different people who belong to different professions such as “middle managers, employees, consultants, accountants, investors, regulators consumers, etc”. Not all the people who are associated with these professions are identified as the Strategists but their interaction and role in the organization help to make the proper strategies for a particular organization. The previously mentioned practice agenda helps to address the different errors, which are done by the practitioners. This type of error can represent different issues like strategic issues, managing mental issues, etc. In this research, the practitioners are identified as the “social individuals” who can interact with the social circumstances with the help of strategies and research methods (Sawyer and Brady, 2020). The whole research and the focus point are based on the action of the practitioners and in which way they do their work under an organization, by the help with the interaction. Overall the practitioners work as the eyes of an organization to understand the strategies which are made by the practice research.
Praxis helps as the free framework for the manage mental of projects and programs. This framework includes a “body of knowledge, methodology, competency framework, and capability maturity model”. The praxis framework helps to estimate the practices, which are carried by the practitioners and the proper skill-sets, which are used by the practitioners in the field for the implementation of the strategies. The main key role is played by the practitioners in this praxis framework. The concept of the praxis is based on the practices or the actions, which are done by the human beings. Due to that reason, it is highly useful as the research h program and some of the social movements for the connection of the strategic management that is contemporary with the practice-oriented organizational development. That is the reason the overall activities and the actions under the praxis are very much important for the improvement of an organization or a firm to stay in the competitive environment. That is the reason the implementation of the strategies is also done with the help of the Praxis framework (Thakhathi et al. 2019). Practitioners play a major role to make the praxis framework that is the reason the whole concept of the praxis framework is somehow dependent on the practice research and the role of the practitioners. The praxis framework is based on the different steps under this and the steps are “on-going spiral of practice, self-reflection, Scholarly inquiry and theorizing which leads to changed practice”. Overall, the concept of the praxis framework helps in the development of the strategies for the improvement and survival in the competitive market.
The concept of the Strategy as the practice is the alternative representation of the strategic research. The impact of the Strategy as the practice is based on the in-depth analysis of the factors, which are responsible for the development of the strategic formulation. This research is also able to cover the microenvironments. That is the reason the whole concept of the strategy as the practice is focused on the development of the strategies and to evaluate the strategies, which are formulated after the market research (Thakhathi et al. 2019). Micro-level social activities are also covered with the help of this type of practice research. After the proper planning, the implementation of the data is completely based on the development of the strategies with the help of the practices. The focus is mainly on the micro-levels, which is the reason the whole concept of the strategy as a practice helps to create the different strategies and theories. These theories are also implemented with the help of this research. The whole research and the impact of the research are completely focused on the development of the different strategies for the improvement of the organization, which will ultimately help them to survive in the competitive market.
The main limitation of this research is mainly based on the data collection process. It has been highly stated that the data collection can be done from the articles, which are published after 2018. Due to that reason, the data collection from the current sources is highly limited. On the other hand, some of the challenges have been faced in the data examination and canalization that is based on “conceptualizing strategy practice”. On the other side, the time limit is one of the major limitations that have damaged the quality of this research (Berkelmans et al. 2020).
In contrast, also the future scope of this research is highly significant. From this research, some of the major strategic practice has been evaluated that is highly significant for this research. However, by this research analysis, the impact and role of the strategic practice can be evaluated that helps in the organizational decision-making process that also helps in achieving the success at the corporate level.
The concept of the strategy as the practice is an alternative form of marketing research. This research is completely based on the formulation of the different strategies and also making of the proper planning in which way the strategies will be implemented under the organization. In this whole assignment, the research perspective and the research rationale are mentioned in the first section which is clearly showing the role of this research in the present day where a huge amount of competition is going on all over the world. In the next step, the methods and the research questions are discussed which are helping for the identification of the role of the strategy as practice in the context of the present marketing scenarios. In the discussion section, the role of this research within an organization is mentioned. The main three pillars of this research are the practice, practitioners and the Praxis framework is discussed which could give the proper ideas about the research to the readers. In this research, the CASP tool (Critical appraisal skills program) is analysed for the systematic review which is done understand the current scenario and the impact of the research on an organization. This tool was chosen because it was used for the quality appraisal in the qualitative evidence synthesis. For this evaluation, mainly the secondary research in a systematic way has been done based on 10-12 articles. The discussion portion is completely based on the role of the Strategy as practice and the role of the practice, practitioners, and the Praxis framework. This portion is based on the process of the formulation of the planning and the implementation of the strategies in the market scenario.
This is the reason this tool is used for the proper identification of the articles, which are completely based on the strategy as practice research. At the end of the whole research, it can be concluded that there are different impacts of the marketing strategies, which are available in the market. However, the Strategy as a practice helps in the development in the formulation of the strategies and in the implementation of the strategies, which are so much beneficial for a particular organization to survive in the competitive market.
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