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Cancer Patient Care Amidst Covid: Challenges and Solutions by Native Assignment Help
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During the Covid 19 situation, most people are receiving treatment to increase the immune system of the patients. Receiving cancer treatment including medicine is necessary for individual patients. The Novel corona virus is also known as Covid 19 and the human body is directly affected by that. The special population is also covered by the same situation and overall world waiting for healthcare treatment. The aim of the study is to identify the impact of corona virus and recognize how individual adults or patients are suffering from Covid 19 situation. The importance of the study is to produce medications and treatments for the individual patients to deal with the common situation. Individual people understand that fever, cold, or lung infections are common things but viruses are highly spread due to the unconsciousness of individual people. Cough and sneezing are the main reason to identify Covid disease and most of the patients are already having the common virus.
Covid 19 viruses are made with a lot of viruses and that affect individual people and serious lung infections are the cases of the specific difficulties. Sometimes individual patients are thoughts that a cold environment is the main reason for cough and sneezing and viruses are also common in the common situation (Ratnasekera et al. 2020). Most people can catch Covid 19 from the others who already have viruses and that disease can be spread by small droplets which are ejected from the nose or mouth from the Covid 19 patients. The contagiousness for 10 days is common and symptoms are having only 10 days into the patients. The common infections maximum stayed almost 20 days into the patient's body but the virus can be anytime ejected from the patient's body. Due to unconsciousness, most people are having Covid 19 and that can be highly affected the common people.
Most people are thinking that a cold environment is the main reason for fever or cough but not only that can sometimes be manually spread from the human body. The small droplet as well as coming in contact with the affected people is the main reason for increasing positive cases. Sometimes small droplets from the positive patients are the main causes of spreading Covid 19 viruses. The small interfacing RNA is the main reason for host response and most people are affected during this common situation (Chang et al. 2020). The promotion stability of the viruses is gradually increased due to the unconsciousness of individual people. The medical mechanism, as well as transcriptional regulations, is the main reason for identifying the roles of the coronavirus situations. Most of the positive cases are the main reason for RNA stem-loop structure and the sequence is common during identifying RNA viruses.
In order to improve the Covid, 19 situations and unconsciousness is the main reason for increasing positive cases. The medical sources are necessary to control the common situation and consciousness is the efficient way to minimize Covid 19 cases. Wearing a mask and using sanitizer is another way to reduce positive cases and the medicated response of the medical teams is accordingly treated individual patients (Agua et al. 2021). A reasonable justification is required to identify high-risk and low-risk infections of individual cancer patients. SARS-COV 2 treatment is required for asthma and liver disease patients, medical teams also focus on the particular factors.
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Identifying the conditions of the infections is necessary to be cases most the patients are finding accurate treatment for the best results. The age limits of the patients, who are almost above 60 they have been found to have a very high risk of infections. Most healthcare centers need to start up special treatment for them and scientific trials are also important for those patients. Renal disease is controlled by special treatment and can be found to be the best treatment to minimize the infection level.
Covid 19 disease is an infectious disease that is mainly transmitted due to small droplets which are ejected from the patients. Identifying the high risk, as well as low risk of the individual cancer patients, is necessary. Above 60 age limit are considered very high-risk infections and medical trials sometimes go wrong on the specific patients. The scientific trial, as well as medical treatment, is also important which will significantly develop the health position of individual people. Tiredness, fever as well as dry cough is the major sign of common infections and that can be justified with the common treatment. In certain conditions identifying the health condition of the patients' consciousness medical teams is necessary. The treatment, as well as vaccination, is approved by the government that currently managing symptoms to run out of common virus.
The aim of the research is to analyze the impact of the Covid 19 situation on individual patients by the conscious understanding of those who have been suffering during the common situation. The treatment procedure is necessary which is included by the systematic review of the medical team. In order to, critically analyze the main objectives to identify the purpose of the scientific research in front of the patients. The small droplets of individual patients which are ejected by the nose or mouth are the main reason for increasing positive cases (Editage.com, 2022). During the same time individual cancer patients aged above 60 years, are considered as a high risk of infection level. Identify the basic impact of the Covid 19 situation different types of medications are necessary that cure individual patients or adults.
Question 1: What is the impact of corona virus has on the patients with comorbidities?
Question 2: What is the fatality ratio between the paediatric patients and adults suffering from the covid 19?
Question 3: Critically analyze the different comorbidities types that are readily affected from the pandemic covid 19?
Question 4: What are the different types of medications and procedures of treatment for curing comorbidities patients?
The significance of the study is to explain the importance of the research or why the research will be needed. In order to, minimize the positive cases of cancer patients; medical teams are gradually using different types of methods. Individual researchers are recognizing that consciousness is important to minimize common difficulties. Future researchers are continuously gaining more knowledge and enhancing experienced levels to minimize the gaps (Moujaess et al. 2021). Specific research is useful to enhance the knowledge as well as experience of future researchers. The significance of the study depends on the strength or weakness of the individual researchers.
The significant gap is the basic limitations of the study but future researchers also identify the challenges which include the common situation. Approximately 55.23% of people are affected due to unctuousness and statistical reports say strong immune systems of the human body can be affected by the common viruses (Who.int, 2022). Above 60 age limits are considered high-risk infections and medical treatment are also important for those people. The small droplets which are ejected from the patient through the mouth or nose are the main reason for spreading up almost 71% of viruses into the human body.
An appropriate research structure has been followed by the research outline which is clearly organized by the project. The purpose of the stressful relationship is described by the research outline and that can be the main reason for maintaining the managerial structure to identify the difficulties. The research is less stressful which is compared or described by the structure which is necessary to identify the research problems. Multiple ideas are necessary to identify the research problems and that can helps to identify the major perspective of the research.
In direct connection with the medical teams, individual cancer patients are trying to cure with medical knowledge. Above 60 years of age, people are considered at a high risk of infections and individual medical trials cannot cure individual people. In order to, avoid the common difficulties most of the patients are conscious and they covered their mouths with the mask, to minimize the spending on viruses. The small droplets are harmful, which is continuously increasing the infections. Most of the patients are following into the deep depression and anxiety is the main reason for the common situation. The small droplets which are ejected from the patient through the mouth or nose are the main reason for spreading up almost 71% of viruses into the human body.
This chapter reflects the critical rejection of the topic with theories and practical assumptions. In this research proposal, the researcher has shown various types of techniques and methods that will be implemented to reduce the risks related to COVID comorbidities. The concept of dependent and independent variables are also discussed in this research proposal. The impact and challenges faced by the medical authorities to maintain peace in the hospital and treatment centers are also elaborated on in this research proposal. The methods and preventions in adults and pediatric patients are also discussed here in brief. The outcomes and findings of the experiments undertaken in these comorbidities are also shown here. A conceptual framework consisting of the entire variable is also presented in this research paper. The literature gap, prevention measures, safety regulations and the overall summary of this literature review chapter are also discussed here.
In this research proposal, there are three parts that are the implementation of comorbidities to the chronic diseases that are occurred due to COVID. As opined by Ayhan et al. (2021), an independent variable refers to a variable which cannot be changed by the presence of other variables. It stands alone in the measurement of the degrees of the research variables that are elaborated in the research proposal. The challenges that are faced in the hospital by the normal adults, children and paediatric patients are implemented by applying various methods. As per the view of Budweiser et al. (2021), the various types of treatment techniques and their regression are referred to as the independent variables. These kinds of variables can manipulate the whole research study.
Treating the patients who are suffering from cancer creates another concern for the health authorities. As per the author Chen et al. (2020), in the COVID scenario, it can be stated that the pediatric cancer patients have more favorable outcomes from the treatment phase than the normal patients. The “systemic anti-cancer therapy in LMICSs is marginally higher” than the reported person cases. In the context of unselected COVID-19 patients, or “cohorts with prolonged time to viral negativity in a substantial number of patients” (Ferrari et al. 2021). Therefore it can be stated that these can be the dependent variables that cannot be changed due to any additional elements or techniques.
In the context of paediatric patients, concerned adults and cancer patients various practical and theoretical assumptions are used to curing them with the best medicines. As mentioned by Giardino et al. (2022), during the initial stages of COVID, it has been observed that patients are frequently dying due to a lack of medical infrastructure in many countries. The “classic theory of cancer and the Theory of Cancer Treatment'' is the theory that contains all the information related to the disease (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2022). The clinical considerations or practical approaches of “oncology pharmacy practitioners' ' and “Delaying adjuvant chemotherapy” show the changes in the treatment segments of the cancer patients with positive outcomes. It can be stated that the treatment or prevention of cancer patients during the pandemic period is not condemned so far.
The treatment and techniques or methods for curing the diseases and problems of CIVID are very important in the current time. As per the author Larsen et al. (2021), as the disease is spreading with a high source, in the last two years many people have lost their lives due to a lack of medical equipment and help. This can be mutually invested that the chronic disease has no proper medicines that can save a life. Different trails and booster medicine has been provided to the people but they are of no use. Various vaccines and boosters were also given to the people to get immunity to fight the COVID. As opined by Madariaga et al. (2020), all these methods and medicines have shown effective results but they cannot stop the diseases to spread. It is very important to reach the roots of the problems that are caused by the SARS COV-2.
The main terms which reflect the importance of the usage of the best treatment procedures in curing the diseases that are caused by the COVID are as follows.
There were two methods adopted by the health professionals to cure COVID that are Antiviral treatments and the development of Monoclonal antibodies. As stated by Marcianò et al. (2021), this is stated to be an effective solution for the infected patetients. This is because it has negative effects on cancer patients. In the context of gastrointestinal and lung diseases, the COVID got cured to a great extent. Proper treatment for the inverse and chronic diseases shows a high reluctance in maintaining the health of the infected people. This also reduces symptoms delays the complications and prevents the diseases in a short span of time. As per the view of Meseguer Barros et al. (2021), corona virus influences many there diseases that can cause severe illnesses in people and can affect their health in a long run. The diseases such as “hypertension, cardiovascular illnesses, lung infections, and also neurological infirmities” can affect each life to a great extent.
These above-mentioned diseases cover all the medicines that are stated above including all the practical assumptions. As opined by Schons et al. (2022), it also develops or increases the potential of the immune systems of the people that can show effective results in a short time. The main difference in the effects and severity of covid-19 is the treatment procedure of the health problem in two different ways. This difference shows the possible measures of the health professionals where they have crated alternative solutions for crying for different people at the same time. As mentioned by Stirrup et al. (2021), vaccines and Penicillin are the last development in the healthcare department which have the ability to cure many issues that generic medicines do not. Therefore it is highly recommended that the abovementioned medicines need to adopt beach countries to solve the issues.
Progression of the medical field in solving the COVID crisis related to the medical alignments shows the effectiveness of the medicines developed in the context of this. As per the author Suarez-Reyes and Villegas-Valverde (2021), generally, the issues or symptoms are classified in the initial stages but in the case of corona virus, it can be stated in a different way. The importance of examining the different medicines shows the impact of Comorbidities in the context of the pandemic. However, there are other developments that are inherited to solve the crises of medical support for the general people in all over the world.
Comorbidities refer to the combination of two diseases that are caused by a single symptom. As stated by To et al. (2020), in the context of COVID, the symptoms were similar to cardiovascular illnesses and cough and cold. On the other hand, this disease can be cured by applying medicines that are useful in analysing a few elements. The symptoms also affect the neurological parts of the body. Therefore it can be seen that at the same time one symptom can show the severe diseases that can submerge the human body into death. As per the view of Vidali et al. (2020), the mortality rate has increased in the middle of 2020, due to the lack of medical support. People were unaware of the implications of the corona virus, this led to difficult situations that lead to many health hazards.
Therefore health professionals are developing many insights to remove these hurdles in curing diseases. This has created a huge impact on the patients as they are not immune to absorbing the high dosage of the medicines. Explicit hospitals in a few countries were treating the people who are suffering from comorbidities. From there, it will be created that in the upcoming era medicines must be prepared to cure more than one-two disease. As per the view of Zhu et al. (2022), the comorbidities are related to organ coarseness where different organs damage their capability by the occurrence of changes in one of the organs. However, the comorbidities can be treated by endothelial decay, where the clinical examinations are done when it comes to the patients.
The major impact of Comorbidities are evaluated in “cardiovascular ailment, hypertension, weight, diabetes, and renal histopathological revelations” of the Corona virus patients who show hurt endothelium. The respiratory system got the most dangerous impact as it has affected the whole system with just a particle. Therefore it can be stated that the chances of Comorbidities will be reduced by applying a few techniques and medical pieces of equipment.
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