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COVID-19 Vaccination Policies in the Workplace Case Study By Native Assignment Help!
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The case study has been focused on COVID-19 vaccination in an organisation to track the COVID vaccination status of staff. After some time, it has moved toward the human resources team to assess employability. Therefore, the IT industry is highly concerned about their employees and enabling vaccination in their work premises to avoid chronic diseases. This study aims to identify the proper tools that help to identify the status of each worker. In this context, employers are creating a vaccination database of their employees to track their vaccination status against COVID-19. During this situation, some companies were drawing strict rules that if an employer will not take the COVID-19 vaccination, they will be sacked from the company.
In this regard, most of the organisations are implementing new tools and human resources software to track their employees' databases. In the IT industry, the entire infrastructure is controlled through the proper tools, which are effective to monitor the entire premises. On the other hand, businesses are implementing this rule in their organisation to improve their customer satisfaction, as well as it is an effective way to maintain a proper value in the market (The Guardian.com, 2022). Therefore, the main objective of this "COVID-19 immunisation program" is to protect people from the highest risk of the disease. However, companies are highly concerned about their employees and trying to maintain a proper work infrastructure. In this regard, the IT industries are creating a vaccine passport to identify the number of staff who are working there.
In this regard, there are different kinds of issues raised while taking COVID-19 vaccination, such as affordability, distribution, acceptability, and accessibility at the individual country and individual level. During this situation, most people are suffering from a huge crisis as the world economy has broken down. During the COVID-19 pandemic situation, most people were suffering from social discrimination and inequality, which created more pressure. Therefore, social issues created during pandemic situations are such as exclusion, global unemployment, discrimination, and inequality in the medium and long term.
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During this situation, most people are hopeless due to social discrimination and exclusion policy. It has impacted people's minds day by day and it is causing an increase in the mental health cases rate in the UK. In this regard, there are 14% of mental cases whose rate has increased between May 2020 and January 2021 (Gov.uk, 2022). Therefore, the UK's Government has decided to introduce vaccination programs in different places in the country, which helps to increase the vaccination rate. In this situation, most of the organisations are empowering their values, such as the National Health Services, which are effective for social care services during pandemic situations. Hence, this organisation has provided emergency care services to the people. It has formed a health care community to improve social status.
Social stigma of individuals with covid-19 is a worldwide problem and it includes race, social status, vaccination status, profession, and religious identity (Benoit et al. 2020). It is a negative consequence which rises during a pandemic as people are dissatisfied mentally due to a lack of proper communication and other kinds of activities. In the workplace, different kinds of unethical activities are causing complications and discrimination, which is creating pressure among employees. It creates uncomfortable work circumstances which are not beneficial for an organization.
During the pandemic situation, organisations are implementing labeling procedures to ensure a safe work environment. It provides some guidelines for fighting against coronavirus.
Discrimination has been raised from different variants such as race, sex, color, religion, and so on. In this regard, the problem has increased due to a chaotic work environment (Miconi et al. 2021).
It is a type of criticism that is affecting the work environment and it is increasing an inflexible work environment that is reducing organisational value as well as loss of employees' motivation (Turpel-Lafond and Johnson, 2021).
The COVID-19 pandemic situation is affecting different areas in the workplace, which is creating pressure on an employee (Tétreaultw et al. 2021). Therefore, in an organisation, a group of people is trying to harass a particular person due to some inabilities.
The Department of Health and Social Care is a department that is supported by many agencies and partners of organisations. The agency's main objective is to identify people's crises and provide them with sufficient services to live as independently as possible. During the pandemic situation, the organisation is improving healthcare outcomes with the help of well-supported communities. Therefore, it is reducing health disparities with the help of an excellent workforce (Gov.uk, 2022). However, an organisation is improving its value with the help of an affordable, sustainable, and high-quality adult social care system. It is an effective way to distribute vaccines among people, which ensures a safe and comfortable social environment.
The World Health Organisation is recommending or approving newly invented medicines and vaccinations based on their work progress. During this situation, it has handled temporality unavailability as well as managed emergency cases. The effectiveness of Public Health England against infections is 72% and it is showing a proper value that emphasizes the value of vaccination (Service.gov.uk, 2021). The Human Rights Commission is an effective way to reduce social discrimination as well as protect workforce infrastructure. Therefore, it is protecting people from 9 grounds such as disability, age, sex, religion, belief, and so on. The United Nations is implementing some major policies to ensure security and peace internationally while managing international boundaries.
Hence, in the 19th century, national health services emerged with some poor laws and responsibilities which are maintained in some particular areas (The Guardian.com, 2022). In the previous situation, the national health services provided some major things which are necessary to live a life, such as a basic level of food, clothes, and emergency medication. The NHS has been improving its infrastructure with the help of community and partnership.
Workday is providing payroll and other human resources software to manage workforce activity, and it identifies the employee’s vaccination status. It is used in 13000 companies in the UK, which is effective to manage the further activities. On the other hand, BrightHR works with 70,000 small businesses all over the world that are influencing organisational culture (Theguardian.com, 2022). In this situation, many companies are abandoning the theory employed due to low workflow, and it is creating a mental pressure among the employees. BrightHR’s VacTrak is an effective way to estimate a worker’s vaccination rate as well as measure the work environment. Therefore, the organisation provides 199 vaccine programs to improve visibility of each employee (Guardian.com, 2022). However, it is helpful for further decision-making as well as maintaining a safe workforce structure. Therefore, the unemployment rate has been estimated at 75.6% during the pandemic situation (Ons.gov.uk, 2021). Thus, organisations are implementing new policies to improve organisational concepts as well as improve theory infrastructure.
IT firms are highly concerned about their infrastructure to improve their work environment and manage a peaceful work environment. Thus, companies are sacked and employees are laid off due to a lack of COVID-19 vaccination certificates, and it has increased unemployment over the country.
Some employees are denied vaccines due to religious beliefs and concepts that are part of the social culture. Therefore, if a company sacks an employee without any notice. The employees who have been terminated and have less than two years of engagement cannot bring any kind of tribunal cases. During the COVID-19 pandemic situation, most organizations are sacking their employees due to various reasons, and it is the biggest cause of mental health issues (Guardian.com, 2022). Therefore, companies do not hire freshers who are unable to take vaccines, which is creating unemployment rates all over the world. Another major issue is the unemployment rate, which is the cause of discrimination, mental disabilities, and racism. Discrimination has been increasing day by day due to uncertainties.
Barchester Healthcare, which is managing 200 care homes in the UK they is highly structurally prohibited from hiring anyone who has refused vaccination for any kind of casual reason (The Guardian, 2022). Saga has mandatory vaccination procedures for all kinds of ship passengers to maintain a safe zone. In this situation, chaotic situations have occurred due to a lack of proper rules and regulations. In this situation, HR associations are forcing their employees to take vaccines (Guardian.com, 2022). Hence, leaders are directing their employees to take their vaccination at the proper time to avoid chronic disease.
During this substitution, discrimination, stigma, and racism have been increasing, which is causing a negative workforce. Hence, in an organization, some employers are creating a community and harassing other people due to some major disabilities. It has created pressure on employees' minds, and sometimes it is a cause of attempted suicide.
In the business organization, customers did not believe in shops due to panic. During this situation, most of the organisation is trying to assure someone of certainties to draw customer attention such as government certification of vaccination. Suppliers did not supply any things while necessary.
Social cognitive theory
Bandura’s social cognitive theory has emphasized the critical role of self-belief in human cognition, behaviour and motivation. This theory is exercising an individual concept for major purposes, issues, thoughts, actions, and feelings (Manjarres-Posada et al. 2020). In this regard, some people or employees do not take vaccination due to their individual thoughts and perspectives.
Labelling theory
It is influenced by the perspectives of self-fulfilling prophecy and stereotyping. During the pandemic situation, HR associations are drawing some rules against the Covid-19, such as proper vaccination, sanitization, and serving healthy and hygienic food (Cascante-Bonilla et al. 2021). Labelling theory enhances the social meanings imputed to dominating behaviour and concerning the unfolding procedures of interaction whereby self-definition is inspired by others.
Social identity theory
This theory describes how esteem creates a group to identify proper issues, find a trustworthy concept, and then favour it (Setterstrom and Pearson, 2019). During the pandemic situation, religion is the biggest issue that creates discrimination and people believe in self-concept. In this regard, in the workforce, some employees are reforming group vans and then creating a chaotic situation.
New perspectives to reduce discrimination
In this situation, people are highly covering their self-beliefs that are hampering the entire work culture. In this context, companies must introduce some policy and regulation to improve workforce culture (Guardian.com, 2022). However, companies must ensure a social vaccination program in the workforce premises to provide a proper context about vaccines. Hence, organisations must include some policies such as sacking employees, and not hiring employees who do not have proper certification.
Evaluation of ideas
Companies must ensure certain policies and procedures to improve organisational abilities and fight against future uncertainties. Some legal acts are necessary to protect workforce circumstances and reduce discrimination from the workforce. “Mental Capacity Act 2007”, has been implemented in England and Wales to promote and safeguard decision-making while making any kind of decision about care or treatment (Scie.org.uk, 2022). “Social Care Act 2014” has been implemented to provide basic needs of people and try to support them while making (Cqc.org.uk, 2022). “The Human Rights Act, 1998” is implemented to treat everyone equally with proper dignity, fairness, and respect (Libertyhumanrights.org.uk, 2022). Those are the basic requirements that are necessary to improve workforce culture and maintain a safe work environment.
4. Conclusion/Recommendation
The study is focused on COVID-19 vaccination and the challenges that are faced while distributing the vaccine over the country. Hence, the major challenge of COVID-19 vaccination is racial discrimination in their workforce. Therefore, some companies do not hire any employees without proper certification of the COVID-19 vaccine. Some companies are highly concerned about their payroll systems and other human resources software to monitor the organisational infrastructure. Hence, the organisation is implementing some legislation to avoid discrimination and make the proper decisions.
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