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Critical Analysis of Dignity in Acute Hospital Care: A Qualitative Case Study By Native Assignment Help.
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In this descriptive essay, a critical analysis of the article "The views of older people and health professionals about dignity in acute hospital care" byTauber?Gilmoreet al., has been conducted. The critical analysis has been done using a "critical appraisal tool" called "CASP" ("Critical Appraisal Skills Programme") "Qualitative Research Checklist". The "CASP checklist" contains ten questions that help assess the relevance, validity, and applicability of qualitative research studies as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the study (Misiak and Kurpas, 2022). In this essay, a critical evaluation of the research method of the study has been done as well as its findings in comparison to other studies. Further, the essay has discussed the significance of "evidence-based practice" in the clinical setting.The purpose of the qualitative study, under consideration, was to investigate how dignity is perceived by "patients and staff" in "acute hospital care" for older individuals, as the first stage of a "two-year mixed-method" study aimed at enhancing dignified care for this group. The study sought to uncover the definition of dignity, as well as instances that "uphold or violate" the dignity of patients in a hospital setting, as perceived by both patients as well as staff.
This study is a Qualitative type of research to explore staff views and inpatient views on dignity, as for the initial stage 2 year mixed method study has been attempted to "improve dignity for older people". This study was also conducted on action research. In this study, interviews are conducted at a particular time and venue. This method of research was a random sampling method as 38 healthcare professionals including 13 nurses, 9 doctors, 3 pharmacists, 4 occupational therapists, 3 physiotherapists and other healthcare associates and 13 patients were collected randomly from their respective areas. The sample was selected from various wards. Staff and patients were interviewed about dignified care and dignity. The main aim of the interview is to collect the experiences of staff and patients regarding dignity and gathered some meaningful data. There were 2 strands of questions. "Organization" and "self", these questions were made to capture the experience of the patients and health care staff.
Data was collected for the research paper by using the “Primary data collection method”. As in this study, data has been gathered directly from patients and healthcare professionals. This data collection method includes interviews and surveys. A “Pragmatic thematic analysis” was included to analyse the data. This data analysis process was done in six steps, which are “ Familiarisation of data”, Coding, “Searching for the themes”, “Reviewing the themes”, and “Defining and naming the themes”. This study was approved by “The Be Brent Research Ethics Committee” and the “Hospital’s Research & Development department”. There was no Potential for bias as this study was based on a random selection. In this paper, it addresses the “issues of rigour and trustworthiness”.
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Data was collected mutually and shown data has been collected randomly from health workers and interviewed those participants to create questions and as well as this includes some of the interviews which have were scheduled in a setting of healthcare organizations. There are two strands of questions which help to identify the culture of the organizations and also help to provide dignified quality among the workers. Data analysis was based on interviews which were done separately to take interviews and this research paper has become familiar with this data. This was also based on initial coding which was created to revise similar codes which have been arranged in some categories.
In the study under consideration, approval from the "Brent Research Ethics Committee" (reference number "14/LO/1683") and the "Hospital's Research & Development" department has been taken as getting "ethical clearance" from an impartial committee is crucial in guaranteeing that the study is carried out following ethicalregulations and rules. This process also plays a significant role in safeguarding the participants' welfare as well as rights. "Written informed consent" was taken from the participant in the study, as it isvital since it confirms their comprehension of the research's objective, procedures, potential advantages, and disadvantages. It is also important to inform participants that they have the option to withdraw from the study at any time without needing to provide a justification and without affecting their treatment. All the participants including patients and healthcare associates were sure to keep their data anonymous and confidential. All the participants gave concerning information to help in the patient reporting case. This incident was also revealed when their interview was organised (Sterling et al. 2020). This discussion among participants and healthcare associators was already discussed among lead researchers to take action will be taken in "local hospital policy".
Potential for bias can be generated or fere in several various situations which were responsible to provide some accuracy to "Self-report questions", in a structured interview of the survey. In this interview, there might be some of the aspects where in this research might have a lack of bias. In this research, there are include some of the phrases of questions in the interview. As mentioned by Salarvand et al. (2023), responsible bias also can be formed if participants are willing to perceive their research, and all of their outcomes only based on the phrases of perceived questions on the survey and the participation among researchers which will be a desire to get participants in the research to provide all the responses which are desired in this research paper. Response bias also could be done among patients and staff in this interview. This outcome is based on the opinion of patients who have received dignity in an acute hospital.
This research paper is about Trustworthiness which is used as the main concept of the framework of this research work which further helps to appraise the rigour to develop a qualitative study. Trustworthiness also can be described as this research paper's most of the Trustworthiness in terms of quality, truthfulness, and authenticity as qualitative research. This research [paper has maintained this criterion of Trustworthiness as this is a specific standard of rigour which helps to ensure the integrity and Trustworthiness of a research paper which is included in the process of data analysis (Karimi et al. 2019). This qualitative research paper also included computer software, aduit trait, peer review and as well data analysis process and also included the case study of negative analysis. By reviewing the themes f these papers it can be stated that these themes are all explained nicely within a few sentences. By addressing the issues of rigour and Trustworthiness. This paper is rigour which refers that all these facts that have been followed by using rules, these interviews also happened by following these rules. This research paper also shows some of the ethical standards which have been demonstrated honestly and high in moral character.
The majority of the interviews in this study has done in agreement about dignified care, and there were mostly found positive comments on the experience of dignity care, in terms of comfort, respect, compassionate care and treatment. As said by Bylund-Grenklo et al. (2019), it has been found that most of the nursing staff do believe in treating staff individually as care of dignity. Patients and all the staff also agreed that dignified care depends on mutual respect. Both groups also discussed how to treat a person and also maintain confidentiality and dignity. However, Izquierdo et al. (2021), argued in this topic that for a healthcare professional there is a clear understanding related to dignity in a healthcare organization. Though this qualitative research shows evidence of what is dignity, still there is a lack of concept. As proposed by Simione and Gnagnarella (2020), there are fewer accounts of deconstructed dignity that are not well described. Though this is a general core concept of philosophy, dignity care can be useful in complexity. Synthesis of dignity can also be maintained in dignity care that can be maintained and also helps human beings to treat them. Similarly, it also said by Haddad et al. (2023), violation of dignity is common when there are vulnerable people present. In the case of having more power, strength or wealth this results in experiencing shame, helplessness, powerless in the case of dignity care. This result has the findings that dignity is also been associated with every individual and control. These findings also support the previous research paper in terms of the experience of dignity as well as perceptions. There are also many concepts of dignity between patients and staff. These are different in behaviour also.
This current study is concerned with both patients and staff in case of measuring dignity. And all of these findings support the research that was previously made. This continence issue also concerned about the particular undignified and unwillingness of the particular issue. The above report also highlighted most of the concern significance in each of the areas. To support this work it is also opined by Xiao et al. (2020), the perception of the healthcare staff is too close to the other nursing staff which prioritizes the various technical aspects of work, this is also told by Karimi et al. (2019), to ensure the dignity of the patient staff also needs to ensure the patient work. This literature also helps to ensure the care of older people in a healthcare organization. This study also includes professionals and shows attitudes toward older people. This review paper also told that the range of positive attitudes which were neutral among the patients. This is notable that among medical students and healthcare workers, it can also be observed that positive attitudes that help to increase positive educational input. To support this review it has also been said by that the international studies have found so many negligences and negative attitudes towards older people within a healthcare setting. [Refer to Appendix]
It is also proposed by Mohammadi et al. (2020), some more responses have been included which help to identify the factors in a working environment which help to provide guidelines and help to achieve this dignity related to older people in healthcare. Behaviours of staff and nurses and patients have developed a strong theme in this literature. In the UK, it has proposed by Matiti (2020), interviewed healthcare associates in an acute care hospital helps to report that dignity cares among older people can be harmed in a broader aspect. It has also been found that the major sources of these issues are found in older people which has been raised by a healthcare organization. Similarly, it proposed by Buonaccorso et al. (2021), violating dignity among healthcare organizations also shows rudeness, disregard, condescension, objectification and also discrimination in the healthcare settings, which further leads to the violation of dignity among the workers. It is also shown that there are so many significant effects of the behaviour and attitudes of staff that shows a huge significance in threatening or promoting the dignity of older people. It is also suggested by Fuseini et al. (2022), nurses and healthcare workers need education and support resources in adequate amounts to develop knowledge about dignity.
Another significant factor related to dignity is it is very effective in case of communication and needs a quality of leadership. This is difficult to manage this practice to show long-term effects on patients and staff. In the healthcare organization of the UK, it has been shown that there was always the importance of treating people with respect and dignity. This helps to cover the threat with dignity. Therefore, this might have been seen there is a barrier of organisational level which can be associated with some of the unknown levels. It is also said by Fuseini et al. (2023), dignity is a shred of qualitative evidence which further helps in the promoting dignity that is common between staff and patients. This also helps to form mutual respect among the staff and workers. However, this referred to the whole culture related to dignified care and support from the healthcare organizations to promote dignified care to the older people who needed it.
“Evidence-based approach” helps to make decisions which are based on a mixture of combinations which helps to think critically to make the best evidence which is available. This also helps to make decisions in a more reliant way. This practice also incorporates proven practices which create more strategies to develop the work, which helps to overall in the reach paper to analyse critically. This research evidence provides any facts, data and information to conduct a research study, this also helps to utilise the types of research for methodology. “Evidance-based practice” is important in this area of work because this provides aims in the most effective care which are available (Sterling et al. 2019). This also aims in improving the outcomes of patients.“Evidence-based practice” helps to use the best available work to that make informed to make decisions in patient care. This EBP shows the impact of this work by integrating the best values and best research which are available in the research evidence. According to Maciaszek et al. (2020), this further helps to implement a new Evidence-based practice to provide guidelines which reduce to prevent. This evidence-based practice helps to make decisions more consistently to improve the quality of care, and this also helps to improve the quality of the research.
“Evidence-based practice” helps in the evaluation that conducted this process with real criticism. This EVP helps in the argument adopted by realistic evaluation that helps in a better understanding of dignity and dignified care in an acute hospital. This helps in a better explanation of complex dignity among patients and healthcare workers. “Evidence-based practice” helps in research work by helping more sophisticated way, which helps to eliminate the gap between the knowledge of research as well as the applicability of a research paper to grow some of the ideas related to the study. There have been various numbers of research papers on help in review-based practices. However, this EVP does not conclude any of the theories related to this study. But it definitely concluded the connection of dignity among patients and healthcare associates. EVP helps to provide contributions related to this topic.
EVP plays an important role to get a return in the process of making a research paper. It helps the candidate to interpret and helps in the proper criticism of this research paper. EVP is very important in research work because this provides most of the effective care which is available. As opined by Mohammadi and Oshvandi (2020), the aim of “Evidence-based practice” in research work is to provide the best outcomes related to such articles. “Evidence-based practice” also helps in the knowledge, findings, and also in basic knowledge. However, this practice-based approach also helps in the research findings to get, more likely research that also helps in the analysis of the given results from a healthcare organization. “Evidence-based practice” also provides many opportunities to research which can be more effective, individualised and dynamic as well as well this affects the critical review of this paper (Bovero et al. 2020). This technological advantage of evidence-based results helps to develop new knowledge about the research study.
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This study helps to illustrate some of the similarities and dissimilarities in the opinions of staff and patients relation related to “dignified care and dignity” in acute healthcare organisations. This study concluded the behaviour of staff and patients are related to providing dignity of care. This study will help to thoroughly criticize the research paper, its method, data sampling and findings by using some “Evidenced-based practices”. There is so much dignity-related research that has been considered. This study will also help to improve the care of dignity among an organisation also in individuals.
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