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Developing an Automatic Tax Payment System Using Java and QuickSort Algorithm Assignment Sample By Native Assignment Help.
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The application of advanced technologies and different “machine learning” processes is increasing in different sectors for effective data analysis. Thus, the application of “machine learning algorithms” is also increasing for improving the accuracy of the analysis result in an organization. This report identifies such an algorithm with the help of “Java programming” for a “Business Support Services Industry” d “Soft Solution Ltd ''. This organization aims to develop an automatic tax payment system for its client organization in the Uk that is' ' Kamran Plastic Factory”. The project defines all the steps involved in this process from designing to implementation, as the role of the software developer.
The analytical report is based on developing programming for a business support service industry based on JAVA IDE. This programming application is developed to reduce all paperwork as well as to ensure that all employees are well known about the Tax they have to pay. According to Rabiu et al. (2022), the software will develop with the help of a proper algorithm and an effective design structure to develop a software application through the programming language by JAVA IDE.
Figure 1: Java implementation of Quicksort
Therefore, developing an effective algorithm is a methodology that can be used for deciphering a problem or function of computation. Hence, Algorithms act like an accurate inventory of teachings that perform specified activities step by step in both hardware and software modes. In fact, Algorithms are widely utilised throughout all areas of IT. All it can say is that for an initial input, Algorithms use a set of instructions.
Figure 2: A Utility function to swap two elements
The initial input of data is needed to make a decision and those data can be symbolised in numerical or word form. According to Sunanda, ( 2021), this initial input data is obtained through a set of computations that can also include arithmetic and determination-making processes. On the other hand, in an algorithm, the output is the last step. This output can be executed with more data.
On Each Order!
Figure 3: Starting and Ending Index
There are different types of algorithms to design or accomplish for the purpose of programming development of any software, such as “Such engine algorithm”, “Encryption Algorithm”, “Greedy Algorithm”, “Recursive Algorithm”, “Backtracking Al; algorithm”, “Dynamic Programming Algorithm” and Quick-sort algorithm and many more. In this analytical report on the development of software, a Quick Sort algorithm is being used in Java programming. On that point, a Quicksort algorithm is basically, a divide-and-conquer algorithm that can be worked based on two array dividers. In the case of the first element an array selects a “pivot” element and then for the other elements it can separate the element into two sub-arrays considering they are less or greater than the first array element pivot. So, this type of array behaves like a separated sort-type algorithm that's why it is also called a partition-exchange sort algorithm. On the other hand, to generalize Java programming, a quick-sort algorithm is very effective, to evaluate the dataset fit in the memory. Sorting is a way of putting instruction in an organized manner. As per the view of Khoirom et al. (2020), therefore, Quicksort is the commonly used sorting algorithm that can make n log n comparisons in a moderate case for sorting purposes of n number of array elements It is one of the faster and more positively efficient sorting algorithms.
That can follow the “divide-and-conquer approach”. Hence, Divide and conquer is a unique technique of breaking down all subproblems present in an array of elements. After that, it can be solving the subproblems as well as combine the end results together back to solve the unblemished problem. As per the viewpoint of Durrani et al. (2022), On the other hand, Pseudocode is an alternative to flowcharts, that can be a textual representation of an algorithm, which can be considered as the approximated result of the final source code. Therefore, a Pseudocode is effective for fast writing down, in terms of an algorithm's sketch. In this case, the syntax is not a matter of concern, so there are no “hard-and-fast” rules for writing down pseudocode for an algorithm. Consistency is endurance for writing down any pseudocode for any algorithm. Because consistency will make it easier to summarize the pseudocode into real source code. Hence in pseudocode, at the first steps, it presents a partner of DECLARE information, and after that, it introduces all the variables in Ch and count, and then it initializes the default values. After that, it can present a DO loop that can be accomplished UNTIL. On the other hand, Ch contains a character known as a newline. Hence, at the point where the loop ends, a piece of PRINT information as an output value can occur. Therefore, for each and every loop iteration, READ causes a character to be read from the keyboard which is the base of the process. This kind of data factor is generated with the key functional function to manage the direct value of the factors. These kinds of data factors are modified with the key objects to simplify the data.
Figure 4: Print Stored Array
Therefore, in one sentence, an algorithm is a tool that can be used for mathematical computation. Basically, algorithms are centrally connected with computer science as well as with data structure partially. In fact, an algorithm is a sequence-based interaction structure that can achieve a given task within a basic time period. According to Zulfa et al. (2022), there are several qualities of an algorithm, they are Receiving input is always zero or more than zero, and In last, it produces at least one output consisting of clear and straightforward instructions, another one Discontinues after a limited number of actions or steps, only using a pencil and paper one can easily carry out this.
Therefore, It has become fairly common to use Design patterns through data structures for university students. In fact, to design high-quality data structures different design patterns are useful.
Figure 5: Specified Driver Code
This analytical report paper explains how a good pattern design structure and a full information-based algorithm are useful for designing a programming application to develop software.
Figure 6: Algorithm Output
This figure provides the view for the algorithm of the output which is simplified with the key function to modify the section and data that are managed with the direct value of the process. According to Sharma (2019), this function of the code is modified with the fundamental data aspects to simplify the code. These codes are modified with the source code which is simple with the key function of the data factors to modify the section and data which is managed with the section and process.
Determination of different structures of the programming process is necessary to evaluate its application strategy within the scenario. This develops the required data structure for the identification of the semantic behavior of the dataset and possible operational behavior. Implementation of different programming paradigms requires developing their different specifications and used languages. According to Diefendorff et al. (2019), the development process of the languages is important for the development of the programming with the implementation of the code languages. Hence, some important paradigms for developing the code with programming are described below as per their different applications and specifications.
“Procedural language” refers to the list of different instructions to give a computer as per the different steps involved. In this programming, the software developer notes down all the “line by line code” for the execution of every single action in every command line. In “procedural programming,” the first line is executed first in the coding, and thus the overall processing goes on. There is no option of skipping any line and thus it focuses on the procedure of execution of the programming that is executed in every line (Dolgui et al. 2020). Thus, it adheres to a “top-down approach” for application and is applied in scenarios where flexible operation is required. Some languages that are applied in this programming are “BASIC, COBOL, PASCAL, FORTRAN, C, and PL1”.
This is the most popular programming to be applied in different sectors of software development, including gaming. The main specification of this programming is the identification of the object for determining the code. This code involves different characteristics and specifications of the identified object, such as “height, width, colour, fabrics, padding, cushion, adjustment features, and others”. This programming refers to the generation of a reusable type of object for easy incorporation within the code with the execution strategy. Thus, this programming uses a “bottom-up approach” for determining the programming code. According to Green et al. (2019), this provides improved security to the system by creating different labels of the data, such as “public, private, internal and protected labels”. Different languages used in this programming are “C#, Java, Action Script, C++, Objective C, Ruby on Rails, and others”.
This is also a widely used programming paradigm that considers an event to be a response through developing the signal system. This creates a loop of the venet to sense its occurrence and identify the event. Some of the languages used in this programming are “C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, and Objective-C.”.
All these programming paradigms can be applied in the programming development process. Moreover, the project has identified different types of algorithms for applying these programming languages. As per the specifications of the project, developers have applied the “QuickSort Algorithm” through “Java code” (Li et al. 2020). The algorithm leverages the “divide-and-conquer principle” for sorting of different data associated with the tax policies of the organisation. The input data given to the algorithm is divided into two parts by creating a pivot, as it is a “recursive algorithm”. The implementation of this algorithm is limited in terms of its pivot selection, as it is the most crucial step in this algorithm application. Moreover, this involves a time-consuming process of pivot selection as per the random selection of different objects. This method is applied in Java by sorting different parameters of the dataset with the help of different pivots and this process is called the “partition () method”. The main problem with this algorithm's development is its time complexity, as it requires identifying all the indices for every operation involved in the process.
The main paradigm used in this case for the development of the “quick sort” algorithm is “divide and conquer,” with the selection of “pivot and partitions” as power for the given array. This paradigm is beneficial for applying in the programming in this case as it divides all the incidents into subdivisions. According to Niculescu (2022), it also divides a particular problem into different parts for an easier solution to the problem. Thus, the development of this paradigm is beneficial for defying the working principles of the algorithm as per its general approach. This is the simplest paradigm to be applied in the “Quick Sort Algorithm,” as it breaks down a complex problem into smaller parts and again combines all the solutions into a single system. Thus, it allows for solving critical problems with “Java programming” during defending the specifications of the programming. The processing of this paradigm faces some issues of a slower recursion process in defending the solution to the system.
The advancement of the computing system is upgraded with the appropriate way of proper systematic propagation. The phase of programming in any digital electronic device elaborates every perspective of a particular behavior. Developing and promoting the way of computer usage is differently continuing the fruitful life leading. The accommodation of every sector is a total way of the particular implementation. Every work environment is typically synchronized with every digital device with proper discrimination of perfect way of work approaches. Every work of programming is the initial thinkable potion of creating a proper system. The process of technological process is collaborating with typically made for the probability of solving rising computation problems. Different works are particularly done with different approaches to programming within a very small period.
The association between humans and computer programming is, in which humans develop pedagogy for a computer to pursue (code) in a vocabulary computer can comprehend with the appropriate manner of certain mechanisms of work. Every work of programming is a summarization of the explored participation of the dataset. Collecting pieces of information and data sequencing are the backbone of every programming work. The purposes of every programming are spelling the paths of every work completion. The business operation, engineering calculation, and design of every working model are also possible with the help of every prospect of computer programming (Rabiu et al. 2020). A program contains various letters and numerals for solving various work problems in every phase of this particular work.
This particular set of numbers and letters is totally understandable with the side of every capable computer The exploration and finding missions are also smoothly and completely propagated with the wary of every aspect of work propagation. The model of every interaction work is perfectly sequenced with a particular way of proper programming (Khoirom et al. 2020). The nature of tools and applications are totally curved in the way of aspects of every work. Classification of every programming language is organized into five main varieties “Procedural programming languages”, “Functional programming languages”, “Object-oriented programming languages”, “Scripting languages”, and “Logic programming languages”. The procedure of various algorithms is perfectly done with the help of the “JAVA IDE”. The way of arranging or shorting systematically is called the “Sorting Algorithm”.
The particular sorting algorithm is widely used in “n log n” comparisons. The “Sorting Algorithm” is very much faster and highly efficient with a greater way of solving approaches for average cases. This particular algorithm follows the “divide-and-conquer approach”. This particular “divide-and-conquer approach” is evolving into a technique for dealing with various problems with acquired efficiency. These particular problems are divided into sub problems and then solving these sub problems with the fulfillment of work-related satisfaction. After solving the subordinate problems are totally conquered with different propagation of particular work. The setup of every network and establishing a connection with other exposures are also simplified with the help of a vast way of programming. The trends of programming and the consequences of programming are totally achieving the way of appropriate cultivation of various works.
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Conclusion and Recommendations
The paper has developed key concepts regarding the application of code language and the development process of algorithms. The algorithm development consists of some complexity due to the identification of different factors associated with the tax collection process. Different functions of the complexity of the algorithm were developed with the concept of a different paradigm of algorithm development. Moreover, it is recommended to develop security concerns of the system with the development of algorithms and data breaching becoming easier with the machine language. The project has developed a “quick sort algorithm” for determining the effectiveness of the tax system for the proposed organisation (Araujo et al. 2021). This algorithm is beneficial for developing the automatic system as it determines an element as the pivot of the programming. This algorithm should be developed with protective measures of the network security system for the proposed programming.
Reference list
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