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Developing Effective Nursery Standards: Challenges and Strategies By Native Assignment Help
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The study is based on the topic related to the development of the nursery standard study. The study is done on how various organizations that are running nursery studies are facing issues in their work and the possible solution is discussed in this section. The nursery standard is the preschool classes that are attached to the schools where which provide lesions to the children in an early age. The topic is chosen as there is no such literature reviews done by the previous researcher on how they can be managed properly. However, the issues that there is nursery are faced in nowadays are discussed here and the discussion on the solution is also discussed in those sections of the literature review.
The classroom for children is the place where they get the basic education of their study which needs to be very strong. Xin et al. (2020) state that preschool-aged children use it face a most important period do the fundamental development that helps them to perform well in their educational career in future. For the children, the classroom is a new world to the kids and they are facing issues in adopting the culture. Jarrett and Coba-Rodriguez, (2019) have stated that children are facing a lot of issues in their rare study age in the classroom and it also caret an impact on the teacher and the families too. Therefore, the teachers of the preschool need to be focus on different aspects. And they need to create a balance between the class conducting successfully and answering the kid’s curiosity to make the children more in the class.
The issues the parents are also facing during the children's education are the education cost that is very prevalent in recent times. Morgan, (2019) defined that parents on the toddler are facing a gap between the academic and social development which are certain g the achievement gap in the academic. The facing that the parents were facing in recent time is creating a significant issue in the preschool do children too. In the recant contribute market the organization running the toddler preschool are becoming too much expensive which create an issue fort the parent on manage and many children are getting away from the best preschool education nowadays. The toddler education cost in UK is almost £7,212 (Daynurseries.co.uk, 2023). Therefore the gap is generated in toddler education which is creating an effect in their long-term study.
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The educator in the classroom needs to face the issues of managing the classroom of toddlers. Classroom management t silkily is the more primary skill of toddler education which is the most critical issue (Bay, 2020). Moreover, educators are facing many issuers like a lack of proper technology that are hindering classroom management and the session planning strategy of the teacher. According to Stegelin et al. (2020) the rapid expansion of the preschool program of public school are creating an effect on young children in the context of mental health needs and other issues. Furthermore, Seabra-Santos et al. (2022) have stated that classroom management programs in preschools are facing many issues in recent times and educators need to take proper sate in need to this. The ICP nursery is facing many issues in classroom management however there are reshaping its organization bad there are branding its name as a bright star (Nurseryworld.co.uk, 2022). The ICP Education has a top merge with Cresswell Nurseries and has sold their business to Oakley Capital which can care an impact on the business image too.
The organization ICP Education can adopt many cost management threats to manage the cost of education in recent times for preschool
Cost accounting is the managerial approach of managing to account education that aims to manage a company or the educational sector's total cost generation. The accounting theory can be adopted by accessing the various variable costs in each step of production along with the fixed cost. The cost accounting is made for the use of internal accounting purposes and not for external environmental analysis. As per Serpeninova et al. (2019), the cost accounting theory helps the organization to manage the organizational cost balance and it helps the organization to serve the people effectively. Cost accounting can be of various types like fixed cost, variable cost, direct cost and operating cost. The organization ICP Education can adopt the theory in order to manage the cost incurred in the management of the business process. This helps the parents also to manage their education and it helps them to ensure a secure education do the child too.
Benjaafar and H (2020) define that operation management theory and model help the organization to manage their work effectively and help them to manage economic growth too. The operation manages net theory is the strategy generally uses in administering and structuring business practices that help to care high level of business operation efficiency. Operation management helps the organization manage the people working in the operation properly which helps them to provide the good or service in the most effective and efficient way that helps to maximize the profit of the organization. The organization ICP Education can adopt the theory as they are creating a sustainable classroom for toddler education. It helps the organization to manage the work of educating the children properly and managing the issues they are facing in recent times.
As per Uljaevna and Shavkatovna, (2021) preschool is the place where the child's personality, activity and other social-environmental culture developed. Preschool is the most effective way of developing children's internal and external development that helps them to perform well in their future education. Some recent developments the educational organization is taking for the development of the nursery study are discussed here.
Preschools are the community where the children use to spend a good amount of time can affect their overall development. The study by Rhodes et al. (2020) explains that the generation of a caring community in the preschool help toddler or children to meet their [physical activity, and sleep behaviour and improve their social behaviour. The caring community helps the children it gets an atmosphere where they can feel safe and supported to grow. The caring community helps the children to learn various new things in various interesting ways.
The choice of the curriculum in the preschool id the most important and effective part that the educational organization needs to follow. Early age education needs to take proper curricula that help the organization to gain the study interest of the toddlers and it creates the effective early education procedure of the organization (Gov.uk, 2023). The curriculum thet7 educational, institute may adopt is hands-on learning, choice and autonomy opportunity, collaboration with the children in the class, self-regulation and others. The ideal framework includes the process of gathering information of the students, the development of taking criteria and the method that needs to be adopted to monitor the Chiltern class progress.
There are almost 136045 children are there in the UK who are availing the nursery education by 2022 (Statista.com, 2023). Therefore it becomes very tough for the educational institute to manage the number of children that is studying in their education.
Figure 1: Preschool children Number in UK
Therefore the institute is adopting a regular assessment strategy to manage the child's learning and development which helps them to monitor the children's growth in learning properly. Monitoring is essential for determining the curriculum's effectiveness and ensuring the children's development (Shepard, 2019). The regular assessment helps the preschool teacher to deal with the children's growth issues in case them or facing id the classroom. The assessment can be in the form of a regular test to observe the student's growth. The result of the assessment helps the organization to make the proper teaching plan for the children.
Therefore the organization ICP Leaning needs to adopt a strategy to manage the organizational goal to develop the space for the preschool activity of the children. The organization can take the help of the organization to manage the organizational objective of providing food educational opportunity to meet the educational standards
The issues that the ICP Education is generally facing are
The kid’s management is the most important factor that the educational industry there helps to manage the kids in the nursery attends effectively (Isik-Ercan, 2020). Kid’s management is the ability of the organizational educator that help term to manage the various kids' needs and canter them to increase their productivity and creativity. The process is very challenging and it requires a lot of patience to maintain the attention of the toddlers.
Technology now a day has become very important ad it helps teachers to make the children attentive to the class and it helps to develop digital education for toddlers. The lack of technology makes classroom education very challenging and it and to be imported.
The assessment plan and preparation of the report on the basis of the kid's performance is very important to maintain the kind performance. Andrade and Brookhart, (2020) state that classroom assessments need to be proper that describe the role of the target and the children in the preschool. Curriculum planning takes a lot of time of educators and it creates a challenge for them to adopt the proper assessment report structure in the classroom. Therefore the organization ICP needs to take into account these issues.
The educational cost of the childcare industry creates a negative impact on children's nursery education. The cost the general needs to bear by the parent are creating a challenge for them to manage. The childcare and the government need to focus on the challenge otherwise the child's proper education will get hampered in the near future.
Early childhood is the most crucial phase of the child's development that helps them to manage theory future education effectively. Early education is very important that help them to grow their future very effectively and efficiently. Nursery education is the most important part of the child's life that needs to be very strong and effective (Hjetland et al. 2022). Early child healthy development includes the physical, cognitive and social development of the organization. Healthy preschool helps strong mental health and numeracy skills. As per Gunning et al. (2019) preschool is the pace for children that help them to manage their future education and grow efficiently to succeed in their career and nursery studies have a significant role.
In the above study the challenges are discussed like kid management that can be managed properly like the teacher need to listen them properly and understate what they need so test they can manage them and make them to become attentive and grow their inertness in class. They can adopt various fun activities that can generate the kind’s interest and become manageable. The technology of the dedication sector needs to be very effective that help the children in the nursery standards to learn digitally (Eutsler et al. 2020). This helps them to reduce the educational cost that the parents of the children need to bear also. The ICP Education are recommended to take the advantage of the technology, develop a learning curriculum, and created a caring community that helps them to meet the issues of childcare management and help them to provide the children a good and quality education. Moreover, there can take the help of the theoretical approaches to manage the operation and curriculum costs too.
In the above study, the discussion is done on the various aspect of eth literature review on the issue of nursery standard management. The organization ICP is facing some issues like kid’s management, technology, and educational cost which they can manage by adopting the cost management and operation management theory. It is also recommended to take the advantage of the development strategy like Regular Children's Assent, acting community and others to work effectively.
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