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Management is a part of getting people together to accomplish organizational goals and objectives with effective and efficient utilization of available resources. Management theories can be known as the blueprint of general rules and ideas about managing the workforce at the workplace (Ferreiraet. al. 2018). Itdescribes how individuals should be directed, led, or inspired in order to achieve corporate objectives. Many management theories were developed centuries ago to manage human resources, and firm leaders utilize them as a guide.
This report presents the management of Amazon company. Jeff Bezos established Amazon as an online store for books, and now it is expanded to sell electronics, food, toys, video games, software, groceries, and many more items of consumption. Amazon is the world's largest online retailing company, serving its innovative and modern products worldwide. Amazon's headquarters in Seattle, Washington, UK, has more than 12 lakh employees serving their service with their full potential. It contains how Amazon deals with employees' attitudes, beliefs, and values and keeps growing even in the harsh condition of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Working in the retail industry and developing crucial workplace modifications on a regular basis. Because the organisation is focusing on the expansion of crucial development, it is critical that they achieve the greatest results possible. The situation with Covid-19 is harming business, and it is having a significant impact on Amazon, which is affecting their performance and profitability at work.There are necessary factors of change in which the company improves its performance by adapting. Due to the country's pandemic restrictions, Amazon is having trouble selling its products. They are focused on adhering to the government's standards for COVID-19 regulations.The pandemic is making it difficult for workers to work in a circumstance where their lives are in danger, as well as demotivating them. The organisation must plan for the situation's resolution using the primary workplace hazards. The amazon is using the covid-19 as one of their opportunity in the market and they are following the ways of technologies and online working to develop the change within the Market to increase profitability. The situation is making a lot of employee faces job termination and the amazon are working on the development of their overall process of strategy to evsaluate the use of workers in the online so they does nit nered to terminate their employee.
Management theory can be defined as a method of gathering thoughts and opinions in order to develop regulating norms for an organization's management. These theories are utilized to achieve organizational goals by maximizing the use of existing resources. Leaders use a variety of management ideas to motivate during the covid-19 situation and guide their teams to achieve their full potential and capacity to work. These theories were developed several centuries ago, and leaders must apply them to the circumstance that has arisen in the organization (Edwards, 2018).
On Each Order!
Henri Fayol offered this hypothesis, which reflects the upcoming pioneers and the circumstances they may face. He focused on six perspectives: design, arrangement, figure, order, control, and execution (Afsar and Badir, 2017). It demonstrated that there are few guidelines that can assist directors or pioneers in escaping the problem and adapting to developments within the covid-19 situation.
Amazon can use this notion to adapt changes in order to solve challenges caused by Covid-19. A leader must organize, coordinate, and command personnel to follow with Health Organization Organization's Covid-19 disease prevention principles. Workers must follow the rules and then have the ability to make judgments about workplace safety.
Mayo’s human relation motivation theory is the theory of motivation for the human in the workplace to develop the results and increase the overall process of working with better belief, attitude and results. This approach focuses on the relationship between the leader and the employees. Employees and their working environment should be the center of the leader's attention; if they are happy, they will work more effectively. Employees who receive personal attention are more likely to be motivated and productive. In the post-pandemic period, Amazon's major policies are employee-centered and provide various financial and non-financial perks to its employees. The theory is essential for the Amazon in the covid-19 situation as it led to development in motivation which is vital for the employee in the situation of the pandemic. The people are losing jobs and no market opening are essential for the employee to get motivated towards the working of the company (Pieper, 2021). The company is increasing more of the online and developing its supermarket chain to increase better services for the audience and for that the company required the employee which are motivated to work in the situation and help in achieving the right results.
During and after the Covid-19 outbreak, Amazon did noteworthy work to ensure the safety of its employees and to assist in community relief efforts. Amazon organized on-site immunization events, quick testing, various incentives, bonuses, relief funds, various testing kits, free mask distribution, and social distancing in warehouses and at work(Odor, 2018).
The theory provides the understanding of the human believes and their attitude on different situations. It is essential for the Amazon to create different strategies and utilization of theories to provide better understanding. The human relation theory and the administration management theory provide the understanding of importance of the belief, values, attitude and the overall behaviour of the worker and workplace(Alamsyah andGinting, 2018). The positive and negative impact how the world is or that it is essential for the Amazon to make different strategies in change management in their workplace so that they can provide a better understanding and a better communication with their employees which help in better relation and increasing motivations of the employees towards work. Amazon developed different strategies which provide the safety and security to the employees which are working for them and during the pandemic situation will stop the company is working on the aim for the post COVID situations which they can use as an opportunity for Better Business.
The lack of business and resources during the time of pandemic is one of the opportunities which can be used by Amazon in developing better resources for them in the near future(Tanget. al. 2017). COVID virus is increasing in the market day by day and it is causing a lot of people with increase in the lack of resources within the workplace and for Amazon it is essential for them to manage the COVID-19 situation so that they you can work during the pandemic and increase productivity and profitability by offering services to their audience please stop working on the online platforms as a major factor is providing benefit and support to the organizations which help them in getting better resources. creating new way off working on the behaviour off employees by developing their motivations through different training and development programs so that their attitude stays positive and their values towards the organizations to make the organization achieve their objectives and goals. it is essential for them to manage the overall process of working where they need to change the process of development in their trainings(Padhi, 2017).
Organizational culture refers to long-term beliefs and values that exist among employees, and their attitude and behaviour toward their work might impact their attitude and conduct. Managers aim to influence employee behaviour and provide job satisfaction by managing leadership behaviour in order to achieve corporate goals (Pyszczynski et. al. 2021).
Employees' future expectations or assumptions that must be valid based on experience are referred to as beliefs. Spiritual, intellectual, social, political, moral, and economic beliefs are all possible. A human seeks to establish his superiority in their social culture, and they expect to be rewarded for delivering the greatest results for the organisation. Organizations believe they can acquire an advantage in a competitive market(Zahroh and Fachrunnisa, 2017).Attitude is made up of three components: action, feelings, and thoughts. Attitude is influenced by the organization's principles and ideas. It depends on the habit, and it can be both beneficial and bad. Attitude is influenced by how we or others have acted in the past. When it comes to observed behaviour, one's attitude can be either judgmental or tinted. False behaviour is possible; for example, a person may act obeisance.Values are concepts, people, and things-based ideals (Hiekkataipaleet. al. 2019). These are universal abstract ideas that serve as guidance for people to behave in a way that promotes freedom, honesty, equality, and other values. In a company, value is really important.
Impact on workplace behavior
Employees' ability to learn and knowledge is influenced by their beliefs, attitudes, and values. These can have both beneficial and bad effects on a company. Individual attitudes have an impact on the Amazon. if the administrator does not manage them through changing leadership practices. Maintaining corporate culture in an internet retailing corporation like Amazon is difficult.It's possible that a person isn't aware of how their attitude affects the organization. A person with a positive attitude can have an impact on coworkers (for example, friendliness, contentment, and many other traits); a positive attitude is productive and active at work, and motivates and enhances people's mood. Organizations should recognize such persons in their midst in order to increase their profitability.
Amazon company is trying to satisfy and maintaining the organizational culture. But sometimes, these can impact the growth of the company.
5. Recommendations
Administrators need to authorize Some progressions Coronavirus had given the chance to preferred them over they were. Chiefs have A choice to support new abilities that may require embracing new innovations. Representatives may profit with being shown another mentality, qualities, and practices in the new and quickly evolving work environment.
Amazon ought to get a reaction to Coronavirus by the fast change of the work environment. Work from home is standard, and the advanced connection between the firm, representatives, and clients is becoming more grounded. Amazon is now a web-based retailing store, so it needn't bother with more exertion; it simply has optimizing patterns like robotization, development, and digitalization. Coronavirus has given brilliant freedoms to draw in individuals by using the ability and HR of the association.
To recommend it is essential for Amazon to work on their opportunities which they can utilize in the post pandemic situations and they can't make those opportunities as one of the process of increasing their profits in the retail industry. They will open different training in process of change during the pandemic and utilization of technologies so that they can perform online services for their audience. Developing the motivations of their employees and also increasing their overall belief and values towards a positive mindset is essential to work in pandemic.To recommend the company is working on motivation as well as increasing the salaries of employees so that the employee retentions can increase in providing the benefits during the working of those roles and responsibilities in the COVID pandemic. it helps the employee gets motivated towards the organization and also increased their loyalty towards organization which can be a major factor for Amazon to increase their retention as well as employee’s performance.
To recommend the Amazon needs to work on implementing the change as one of them regular process in the workplace so that when in emergency situation the employees does not resist to work in the change in different situations. working on online platforms through their applications and providing different vouchers and rewards to the audience to attract more audience from the market which can help in service awareness as well as increase in profitability and productivity. The company need to work on their overall process of change to understand about the situation which can rise in future and they also need to find the right strategy to evaluate better results in the workplace so that they can cover their losses in the market which happen due to covid-19.
6. Conclusion
Thus, the above report highlights the workplace behavior of people working in Amazon. It is mainly based on the distinct values, beliefs, and attitudes of the employees. It showed the importance of integrating different attitudes and behavior of employees, and it guides the distinct behavior of employees towards the achievement of the organization's goals. Also, it includes a detailed analysis of the changes that happened in the workplace culture of Amazon after the pandemic, i.e., Covid-19. The company imposed many rules and regulations like mandatory use of face masks, hand sanitizers and maintained social distancing to ensure the health safety of employees working for the organization. It presented that the company used several techniques and theories for combating problems caused due to COVID-19, like administrative management theory, human relation theory, and many more.
Through these theories, the management of the company made plans intending to enhance the remuneration of the employees, and it also focused on maintaining equity in the distribution of safety measure products like hand sanitizers, PPE kits, and many more. The company should increase integrity in different attitudes, beliefs, and values of employees of the company. Also, the company can use a variety of methods for combating the problems caused due to COVID-19 in the workplace.
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