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Diabetes Risk: Stress Factors in Young Mothers Case Study by Native Assignment Help
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Diabetes mellitus is one of the prominent growing concerns of modern society that is identified with the various numbers of individuals getting affected with diabetes growing on a yearly basis count. The increasing level of stress and anxiety has substantially added to the rapid growth of diabetes cases around the world in the recent few years, especially among young mothers. Type 2 diabetes is a result of two interrelated issues such as fatty liver and cells, and cells in the muscle, that become resistant to insulin. However, perceived stress is probably a strong risk factor that is found to increase type 2 diabetes. Based on the research work of Farahvar et al. (2019), rising physiological stress is being explored to be one of the risk factors for chronic conditions like cardiovascular disease and arthritis. Apart from this, it has been evident that modifiable risk factors contribute to up to 60% of type 2 diabetes risks. The research study focuses on the various causes that tend to increase the chances of type 2 diabetes Mellitus in young mothers. The chapters consist of the various aims and objectives that will determine the relationship between women and diabetes type risks symptoms.
As per the research, it has been evident that nearly about 23% out of 120000 of the total population in the economy of the UK has been affected by type diabetes during the year 2016-2017. However, the range has increased to near about 148000 during the year 2020-21 (statista.com, 2023). Moreover, stress solely does not contribute to the issue of diabetes but also a high level of hormonal fluctuations and stress hormones contribute to the blockage of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas (Smith et al. 2021). Furthermore, this exhibits improper functioning of the body and a reduction in the quantity of insulin intake. Apart from that, there has been a significant rise in type 2 diabetes despite the integration of interventions based on traditional risk methods. Diabetes is linked with mortality and morbidity that contributes maximum to health care expenditure. As per the estimations done it is seen that nearly about 552 million people are likely to be affected with diabetes by the end of the year 2030 (statista.com, 2023).
Figure 1.1: Total number of diabetes cases in England during the year 2021
The above figure represents the total number of registration of diabetes cases in the economy of the UK. it has been evidently seen that near about 3.2 million in England were affected with type 2 two diabetes (Statista.com, 2023). Apart from this, the increasing problems of obesity have contributed to the challenging disease in the past few years that mainly affects the majority of the population.
The various types of intervention programs that are helpful in the examination of diabetes type 2 Mellitus specifically among young mothers are coaching, education, supportive testing, and monitoring of the diabetes checkup, weight management, diet restriction, and medication adherence are commonly used (Saravanan et al. 2018).
The various risk factors that is associated with the increasing inclination of the risk of Diabetes Type 2 Mellitus specifically in young mothers. The risks include death, obesity, multiple heart disease, fatty cells and livers, and serious health ailments. Apart from that, the protective factors that can be helpful in the modification of the disease are the inclusion of a healthy diet, regular health monitoring, exercise, and health check. The increasing awareness of physical activity will help in the controlling of the issues.
The aim of the research is to identify the various stress and anxiety factors that cause an inclination in the increase of Diabetes type 2 Mellitus in young mothers.
Q1: What are the factors of stress and anxiety factors that increase the chance of diabetes in young mothers?
Q2: What are the impact of stress and its propensity for increasing the risk of diabetes type 2 Mellitus in patients?
Q3: What are the probabilities of causing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in young mothers due to anxiety?
What is the issue?
There has been an increase in the detection of “diabetes mellitus” in pregnant mother that has been under psychological stress. As per the opinion of Murphy et al. (2021), an in-depth analysis of different symptoms has been detected for the increase in anxiety and depression. This is one of the important factors as it causes misbalances in hormone levels. This can be seen as a major issue in pregnant women nowadays due to the increase in anxiety and stress that has impacted hormone levels.
On Each Order!
Why is it an issue?
The issue to be serious now as there has been an increase in the number of stress due to modern problems. According to the view of Dennison et al. (2021), this can be denoted that the growing mental health problems have attracted a high risk. It has been evaluated many studies that have identified the psychological elements, anxiety and depression that are the causes of the illness. The higher amount of release in cortisol and insulin has resulted in an increase in the unified correlation in antenatal or postnatal depression. There is an impact on the blood glucose level on the mother and the baby that has severe outcomes.
Why is it an issue now?
The research topic is an issue in the present date as it is related to the increasing rate of mortality and heart risk among young mothers. Apart from that, diabetes is increasing in the modern environment, which is associated with abnormality in the functioning of the child's health. The obesity percentage among the population is equally identified to be on the verge of the entire economy affecting the professional and personal life of the people.
Figure 1.2: Percentage of the Obesity in the UK from 2000-2021
The increasing rate of obesity cases among individuals in the economy of the UK is seen to be increasing from the year 2000 to 2021. During the year 2021, 21% of the men and women in the economy of England were identified to be struggling with obesity. Moreover, by the year 2021, 26% of the total percentage of women and nearly about 25% of the total male population count (Statista.com, 2023). As per the research analysis, it has been even identified that the total number of hospital registration during the year 2021 has increased in the year 2019-20. It was evaluated that nearly about 8000 of the total women population and nearly 2.7 thousand of the male population was admitted to hospital (Statista.com, 2023). Therefore, it has been evidently seen that women are mostly affected by the rise of type 2 diabetes Mellitus.
What the research sheds light upon?
The research sheds light on the relevance of the stress and anxiety factors that are adding to the grave situations of diabetes type 2 Mellitus. The disease is commonly observed to affect young women and their children from their very birth (Statista.com, 2023). The identification of the various factors will help the people is considering the risky factors and brings some modification in their lifestyle as an initiative towards their health education.
The knowledge gap that is related to the topic is the availability of detailed information about the type 2 diabetes cases that have been increasing over the years. The ineffectiveness of the management and causes associated with diabetes type 2 Mellitus among the total population has created issues for the researcher to collect evidence and authentic information about diabetes type 2 Mellitus. The unavailability of the intervention methods that have been used for the diagnosis of Diabetes type two Mellitus.
Figure 1.3: Outline of the dissertation
The information and details of the source and approaches adopted by a researcher for the completion of the research have been outlined in this section of the study. The specific strategy use to identify the rate of causing diabetes among people due to stress and anxiety has been traced in this chapter of the study.
There are two specific sources of using data in analysis these are primary and secondary databases. As per the reference of Darmal et al. (2022), the primary data set has provided a practical survey to provide a practical picture of the market in the context of a selected topic. However, a secondary database has been collected from authentic websites in the context of a selected topic.
The research has conducted by using secondary qualitative and quantitative methods of the database used. The “secondary qualitative data” has been collectorate by “PubMed and google scholar”. The journals and articles have depicted “anxiety and stress” as the reasons for causing “diabetes type 2 Mellitus” in young mothers. The relevant graph that has reflected stress and anxiety as the reasons causing “diabetes type 2 Mellitus” among the mother.
The strategy that has been used as an implicit systematic process to resolve the question constructed in research relevant to the topic has been ascertained as a research strategy. There are many types of strategies that can be used in the completion of the research. These are obesity, intervention, and health education strategy (McIntyre et al. 2019). The findings from “journal and articles” has used as the guideline to reduce the issue of anxiety and stress among pregnant women.
The strategy of “health education” has been used to conduct the research to avoid the probability of causing diabetes due to stress and anxiety among young women. Heath awareness among people has been created by using an effective research strategy. The inclusion or implications of health education as the strategy have created habits to prioritize health and safety measures among the people.
Figure 2.1: PICO Framework
There are basically two research approaches that are mainly used by the researchers for the completion of the research study adequately. The use of the inductive approach helps the researcher in completing the study with due effectiveness (Ringholm et al. 2019). On the other hand, the use of deductive methods helps the researcher in conducting the research topic with a high level of data and information that helps in collecting factual concepts and knowledge about the research topic.
Figure 2.2: Research approach
The researcher has used the inductive method for conducting the research study. The researcher will complete the research study with the help of the using relevant research background. This will help the researcher to make sure that the information that is fetched is reliable for its users and makes the research completely usable.
The inclusion and exclusion criteria refer to the points and factors that are included and excluded from the research study. The researcher has focused on the stress and risk factors that have particularly affected young mothers and pregnant women of the total population (Mukerji et al. 2020). On the other hand, the researcher has omitted using the data and information that severely affects the obesity issues among the entire population. The inclusion and exclusion of the factors help the researcher in collection of the relevant data.
The methods are of two specific types these are “primary and secondary methods” of data collection and interpretation. As per the reference of Sandsæter et al. (2019), the “data collection and interpretation” method has decided the authentication and realistic outline of the research. Research has been conducted on the effective implication of both primary and secondary methods to avoid unrealistic research methods.
The research has been conducted by the adoption of both “primary and secondary methods”. The primary method has been used to conduct thematic analysis and the information has been collected from relevant journals. Furthermore, specific statistical data related to diabetes cases among women have been used to identify the actual rate of inclination in diabetes cases due to anxiety and stress.
The literature review of a dissertation and is defined as a complete and general analysis and summary of the topic of research that is related to a specific discipline. A literature review consists of issues related to specific areas of knowledge on account of presenting an evaluation of the current context related to that specific topic. A complete discussion of the three research objectives is provided in this chapter on account of providing a general understanding of the concerned literature associated with the area of study. This dissertation presents a detailed discussion and evaluation of stress and anxiety and their propensity to increase the risk of diabetes type 2 mellitus in young mothers. Stress and anxiety are considered the primary regulator of diabetes levels in the human body. Science has established that excessive and long-lasting stress and anxiety increase type 2 diabetes in young mothers affecting their health in adverse ways. Young mothers with type 2 diabetes mellitus are likely to give birth to unhealthy babies as controlled blood sugar levels increase the probability of giving birth to healthy newborn babies. Moreover, Keeping control of the level of type 2 diabetes will reduce the chances of developing diabetes-related mortalities during and after pregnancy. A complete discussion of the three mentioned objectives is provided in this chapter with a focus on the contemporary challenges related to the impact of stress and anxiety on the overall health of young mothers.
The paper is focused on finding out several psychological factors that include stress and anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorders that are responsible for developing type 2 diabetes Mellitus in the health of young mothers while they are pregnant.
There are various kinds of stress and anxiety factors that have been affecting and raising the chance of type 2 diabetes mellitus in young mothers. As per the view of Hulsbosch et al. (2022), it includes factors such as a poor diet that are consumed by young mothers which affects their functionality and growth. However, it can be said that there are several changes in the growth level of young mothers such as smoking can be a cause of the stress felt by young women which affects and increase the chance of type 2 diabetes mellitus (Hulsbosch et al. 2022).
However, alcohol consumption is to be the main cause of the stress they feel which increases the disease. It can be said that there are various kinds of anxiety problems that can arise among them which affects the increase of the disease. With the high level of increase of stress hormones, the anxiety increases effectively which affects the mothers for the increase of the disease and it may cause a serious issue among them for the pregnancy factors. However various other factors such as increased anxiety reduce insulin intake which affects their stability in terms of bodily growth and development in life.
Psychological symptoms like stress and anxiety are considered the primary regulator of the health of young mothers as these symptoms increase the chances of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus during and after their pregnancy. Based on the research work of Deo et al. (2020), the psychological symptom of stress is considered the primary cause of the raise in blood sugar levels as stress affects bodily and psychological reactions. Stress is defined as the bodily and psychological reactions in new or difficult situations.
Stress is known as the principal cause of increased levels of stress hormones that include "cortisol" and "adrenaline" which is considered as a resistance to the proper functioning of the insulin hormone levels in a human body. In medical sciences, this symptom is known as "insulin resistance". This prevents outer energy from entering a human blood cell. As a consequence, the sugar level rises in young mothers if they are suffering from these psychological symptoms during and after their pregnancy.
Figure 3.1: How stress affects diabetes in the human body
There are various kinds of stress and anxiety factors that have been affecting and raising the chance of type 2 diabetes mellitus in young mothers. It includes factors such as a poor diet that are consumed by young mothers, which affects their functionality and growth. However, it can be said that there are several changes in the growth level of young mothers such as smoking can be a cause of the stress felt by young women affect and increases the chance of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
However, alcohol consumption is to be the main cause of the stress they feel which increases the disease. It can be said that there are various kinds of anxiety problems that can arise among them which affects the increase of the disease (Patti et al. 2020). With the high level of increase of stress hormones, the anxiety increase effectively which affects the mothers for the increase of the disease and it may cause a serious issue among them for the pregnancy factors. However various other factors such as increased anxiety reduce insulin intake which affects their stability in terms of bodily growth and development in life.
There is a huge impact on increasing the stress level of diabetes type 2. “Type 2 diabetes” is a risk factor for failure of the heart. This diabetes increases the level of risk of morbidity and the person's mortality. In scientific statements, it is clearly proven that diabetes 2 is the main cause of the epidemiology. It is shown in the research paper that there are a huge number of people who are affected by diabetes 2. If the person avoiding to consume alcohol then it was less chance for the person to effect by type 2 diabetes.
The anxiety has caused fear among the people that have been activated by the adrenaline hormone which has reduced the availability of insulin hormone in the body of people. As per the opinion of (), stress and anxiety have been identified as the main reason for causes of diabetes among young women. “psychological distress” has been identified as the most significant reason for the causes of “type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)” among the young women. “finger-stick blood test” has confirmed that stress has activated the harmful microbes in the body (Gentile et al. 2020). This has reduced the occurrence and secretion of insulin in the body of humans. This has disturbed the water and salt balance in the body of a person. This has been the basic reason for the occurrence of T 2 diabetes among pregnant women. Based on the selected article it has been identified that stress and anxiety have been significant reasons for the causes of diabetes among young and pregnant women. The occurrence and secretion of insulin in the body of humans have been a major reason for causing diabetes among pregnant women.
3.5.1: "Transactional theory of stress and coping" is a theory which is developed by Richard Lazarus, which helps to evaluate stress and anxiety. It describes that the stress and anxiety will be transacted from the parents to their child. It is a genetic effect, it means if the parents of the child have a stress issue then it will be conveyed to the child and if the parents have an anxiety issue then such an anxiety issue will be transferred to the child of the parents, and so on. It is one of the important theories to describe stress and anxiety issues. After that, there is another theory that is there to discuss, “Theory of emotion” is one of the other theories which describe the topic. After that, the “Emergency theory” is one of the other theories to discuss the topic (Udler et al. 2019).``Theory of emotion” is describing that emotion will play an important role in stress and anxiety.
Stress and anxiety will increase or decrease as per the emotion of surrendering. The emergency theory is one of the other theories which states that as per the emergency situation the stress and anxiety in the body will fluctuate and the stress and the anxiety will be identified in the body (Gower and Fowler, 2020). Moreover, there are some identified problems among the kids which are the effect of genetic transfer. However, while talking about diabetes is the main reason for human lifestyle and daily eating habits. Accordingly, it also has been found stress and anxiety is the reason behind higher diabetic conditions among the young generation.
Figure: Stress curve
Stress and anxiety are transferred from the parents to their child, and because of stress and anxiety, an individual cannot perform well. It means the efficiency of an individual can be reduced. Stress and anxiety are the causes of type 2 diabetes. It needs to be however stress-free and anxiety free to avoid type 2 diabetes mellitus in young mothers. Because of the high level of increase of stress hormones, the anxiety increases effectively which affects the mothers for the increase of the disease and it may cause a serious issue among them for the pregnancy factor. However, humans' daily lifestyle is the main reason behind the higher diabolical situation at present. moreover, at present women are addicted to the such thing which is the main reason behind their higher diabetic risk during their pregnancy, also transferring this disease is creating the risk of falling effects on newborn babies.
The discussion of the following chapters represents the detailed study about the identification of stress and its factors, chances of diabetes in youth and young mothers, the impact of stress evaluation, propensity to increase the risk of diabetes type 2 Mellitus in the patients, and the causes of the Type 2 Disabilities Mellitus in young mother. In the represented details of the following information examined the related risk of the cardiovascular-related diseases and the affecting people by the Type 2 diabetes mellitus in the young people and in the young mother. Research can be determined as the investigation done in a systematic way, which can help in the adaptation in the actual causes in the spread of the diseases. The presentation of the multiple factor which are helpful in the prevention or which can promote the body disorder in the dieting pattern by the engine eating. The depth information from the following study indicates the effects of the diseases are how increasing in the UK and over around in the world. The causes of the today's risk factors and the control over all the factors and the recommendation in regard to the risk factors and the treatment target needed to be more developed in the aggressive manner in the people to control the developing diseases like diabetes Mellitus at people of younger ages. The disease like type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and the obesity takes place generally into the young mothers as the anxiety in mothers are commonly seen at the time of pregnancy. The information about the study in the medical emergency helps to find the actual solution of the relatable problem.
Diagnosis of "Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus" and the associated risk of the moralty and cardiovascular
The information about the disease and the factors of the risk provide better outcomes for the purpose of the pretreatment in the public ability and the functions and the health interventions. The pattern of the treatment can be determined by the needed cost for the treatment. The rising prevalence and chances of obesity, over the last 3 to 4 decades it is highly seen into the high income earning countries. In UK and the other developed countries it can be seen as people prefer to eat food from the outside for saving time to make the food and spend that time for earnings. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is increasing in young people and adolescents in a very frequent way. This trend in people are really worrying as other people have shown the risk in the individual have worse affect of it on the body as the mass of the body increases as BMI of the body increases many of the diseases happens and the lipids or glycocemia levels also increases.
Presentation of the risk factors by "Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus" and the obesity (200)
In this chapter the research about the details and the multiple factors and the methodology of the prevention of the diseases like Type 2 diabetes which can be seen in adults and in 90 % of people globally. In the European counties like UK reports for the type 2 diabetes and obesity can be seen most effective than type 1. The type 2 diabetes incidence among the young girls and the children are rising rapidly over the past decade. The family history, the nonwhite ethnicity, and the ity among the female gender are strongly connected and associated with type 2 diabetes from the time of childhood. The risk for the mortality and Type 2 diabetes appears differently by the age difference (Sattar, et al. 2019). Associated risk factors from these can be measured by analysing the data of the mortality , non-cardovescular, cardiovascular, coronary disease of heart and the acute myocardial infarction as well as the stock and the heart failure or heart attack.
The clinical implications
The target for the treatment of the deseases and to find the factors, which are the causes of the risk. It included the recommendations, which are regared by the factors of risk control. The aggressive management are required in this field to control the risk factors. The needs of the Diabetes -Screening is also important to collect the data as to take the vast control over the spreading cause for the following diseases.
Stress and anxiety in young Mothers and the intensive care units
Many patients like young mothers haves the anxiety during the pregnancy as the changes of the hormonal effects occurs and the fat increases in the young pregnant females which increases the causes for the Type 2 diabetes Mellitus (Murphy, et al. 2021). The implication of the medical and the clinical recommendations helps them to prevent from the decease like Anxiety and the stress which are mainly the risk factor for the diabetes type 2 and the obesity (Assari, 2014).
The diagnosis age of T2DM is important prognostic ally for the purpose of survival and also for the cardiovascular risk and its implication for the determination. The information taken for the determination of timing and risk intensity factors which can be helpful for the decision of the clinical measurement and in providing the direction and the guideline with its care. The observation from the following study amplify the support for the prevention on and to avoide the delaying T2DM in the young mother and the young individuals. The aim of the study is to determine the stress and anxiety in maternal cases as the pervasiveness of the mothers whoes infants which are premature and are admitted into neonatal care for the intensive care unit.of
Linking with objectives 1: To assess the methods to control the Anxiety and obesity
To identify the stress and anxiety factors that increase the chance of type 2 diabetes Mellitus in young mothers
This objective has been fulfilled in the literature review chapter. There are several kinds of impacts of stress and its propensity for increasing the risk of diabetes type 2 Mellitus in patients. It has been seen that there are impacts such as the reduction of stress and functions which are been affecting the disease factors among young mothers. Moreover, it can be said that stress affects their health. Stress causes an increase in alcohol consumption as well as smoking of them can also rise anxiety factors. These affect them negatively in their health which might lead to an increase in disease among them. Moreover, stress can increase blood pressure and the sugar level which can be effective in terms of healthy growth and development of their health for their betterment in life. Further, stress factors can lead to a fall in the insulin that are been taken by the young mothers for controlling diabetes in order to stabilize their physical health. However, it can be said that there are factors such as the pregnancy of young mothers that can get affected due to the increase of stress that can increase the diabetes level, which is type 2 mellitus among the young mothers. This objective is linked with the literature review chapters and the relateble articles analysis are taken to show the effect and the position of the medical condition of the young mothers. The methods are taken to control the non-probability for convenience and to survey conducted into public hospitals. The data of collected on 180 mothers which have completed 26 items which causes to perceive stress scale and other 40 items stated the trait inventory of Anxiety. In the assumption of the survey the report can be found that the 56.5% of the mothers were having the high level of stress and 85.5% mothers were suffering from the high level of anxiety.
Linking with objectives 5.2: To identify the probability of causing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in young mothers due to anxiety
The result from the following research describes the linked objectives of the causes, which are affecting the young mothers for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The factors which are affecting the young mother at the time of the vulnerable premature infant and the perceived anxiety and the stress scale inventory items are included into the ending of the trait of the Anxiety trait and the stress level experiencing by mothers. The measurements taken by the UK government for the finding the data are helpful in the determination of the significant relationship of anxiety and the obesity with the Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in young mothers. It is not the factor for showing the characteristics of the infant and for the mother but it is useful to state the trait of the anxiety level. The objective of the following id to prevent the maternal stress and the mother's anxiety at the time of early stage. The immediate action and the interventional focusing for the program me aims for the relieving.
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BMP6015-21-UOB-A: Evaluating the Impact of Performance Measures on the Business...View or download
Examining Lidl’s marketing environment in Finland by conducting a SWOT...View or download
Introduction - Factors Limiting Jobs Impact on Violence Reduction In general,...View or download
Effective Auction Mechanisms to Maximize Participation Problem 1: Allocation...View or download
Effective Team-Building Methods for Healthcare Partnerships Introduction The...View or download
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