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Effective Reflective Learning for Business and Management Students Assignment Sample By Native Assignment Help.
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Reflective helps the learner to analyze their future perspective based on the present reading and experiences infer from the current scenario. It helps to develop critical thinking skills by examining their own both internal and external strength and helps to focus on the areas that need to improve. It adds the efficiency of problem-solving and decision-making skills in an individual. Learning helps the individual to motivate him or herself and develop new ideas that may help to foster the growth of their career in future. Reflective reading in the business and tourism industry helps the individual to foster strong personal identities that act as powerful tools in the strong building of personality in the management world. A strong connection built in reflective learning between experiences and learning. It helps to develop self-awareness in an individual and develops the skill of better understanding different persons.
Different model has decrypted in literature in the context of reflective reading, although in this report, Kolb's model has been discuss to help me to learn new things and apply it in my future work. I have learned various kinds of skills that foster my growth in the management industry. This model is base on a four-step cycle such as concrete learning, followed by reflective observation abstract conceptualization and last is active experimentation. Concrete experience is that part of the reflective model that relates experiences in our daily life in terms of educational, personal and professional platforms. Reflection on learning in higher studies helps to gain knowledge and apply it in suitable places helps to gain experience in their career. Reflective observation helps to make better decisions and solved problems based on their experiences and knowledge gained while learning. This helps the leader to help their employees in accomplishing the task based on the experience gained and completed within the time frame. Abstract conceptualization is one-step ahead that helps to plan the strategy as per the experiences and learning gained while learning. The strategy involves channelling the observation into a game plan and approaching it theoretically. This involves the ideas that must be revised, reevaluated and tested at the conceptualizing stage. This helps the leaders to increase theory potential by having effective interaction with their subordinates. Active implementation is the last stage of reflective learning that involves the implementation of existing ideas and creates new experiences. In this stage, the readers and the learners apply their theoretical and skilled knowledge to test various experiments to develop discoveries and experiences. In this theory, the tools and resources that have taught help the individual to use them and effectively test them to take better decisions.
There are four different styles of Kolb such as the diverging style which means feeling and watching, assimilating that means watching and thinking, the converging style that is doing and thinking and last is the accommodating style that is doing and feeling. Kolb's reflective model helps people to learn from their experiences and use them in a positive approach for the benefit of humankind. The model helps e to understand the different skills and knowledge that I have inferred during my college days to apply it more efficiently and develop the skills in me such as critical thinking and problem solving. In short, Kolb's model is based on experience that has been received during the study programs, observations and reflection that involves observing things critically and reflecting it with positive cultivation, development of ideas based on existing skills and knowledge, and testing the ideas into new practice such as proper planning and new learning’s.
Formative work or activities include analyzing the gaps between the expected performance and the current performance meant to narrow the gap in terms of developmental activities. Summative activities involve evaluation at the end of the experiment and provide overall accounting of the activity that has to perform. A formative task helps to recognize the gaps, weaknesses and deficiencies during the task itself and helps the individual to evaluate the key factors that lead to the failure of the task. This evaluation helps in making better decisions and efficiency increased in solving the problem. The types of formative assessment include observations during in-class activities, a reflection journal that is frequent review during the semester project and others. Informal learning usually takes place in form whereas incidental learning is the feature of summative assessment that takes place while completing the project. Summative assessment involves the levels of knowledge that have earned by the individual at the end of the assignment. A formative task is a process-oriented focus on the way that the task is complete whereas a summative task is product oriented that depends on the quality of the product that has been inherited after the completion of the task using prior knowledge and experiences. Module 1 taught me different values of culture and behaviour that helps me to foster a better human being and apply the skills and knowledge gained in management study for a better sustainable future. Behavioural skills such as interpersonal skills help me to understand and foster better relationships with strangers that help me to grow my career in the management system. Management system involves good communication skills and evolved different theories and skills that are required to manage people. Self-regulatory skills developed that help me to regulate any work formally assigned to me. The different kinds of cultures that I study remove all the barriers related to any religion or any specific community and add to foster good relations with them. These skills help me to tackle any adverse situation in the management channel that fosters better growth of the management and society. Culture depends on the behaviour of human beings, it helps to bring a lot of understanding and their cultures, and it solidifies my communication skills. The experiences such as teamwork and peer-to-peer support allowed me to lead a good leadership style and foster team management work in any part of the management organization. The different skills that I have learned from teamwork are problem solving, communication, time management, listening, critical thinking, leadership and collaboration.
Business and management play a key role in developing the intrinsic skills of human beings that foster better management tactics in future. Reflective learning in business management had helped to develop skills that are use for developing new ideas and tackling problems effectively. In this module, the behaviour and cultural relationships of the team workers have analyze and have experienced me to foster them into a great environment that serves mother earth effectively. The teamwork skills that I have learned in this module help me to deal with the situation cleverly. I have discovered various strength in myself while learning this course study and the skills that are developed envelop my weakness and gives me new opportunities to promote my career into a wide future by struggling against the odds or threat that came or would come in future my life.
Before taking the course I had no idea about feed formative or formative learning procedures. Through taking the course I have experienced that the term formative is revolving around feedback strategies and feedback outcomes that an individuals developmental can possible. That helps the individual for motivation, informing as well as supporting and help to feed forwarding through that the individual can make focuses on providing back the accessed academic works to students. It also helps the student to analyse and identify the missing points and can work towards future progression. That courses can also help the learner to under the learning to understand present-day business and management with different sorts of challenges and determinants of progression. Feedback informs a learner about where they stand regarding their education objectives permitting them to set their improvement, determine the voids in their understanding and bring corrective actions (Azevedo, and Shane, 2019). The feedback whether it was provided by the educators, peers, mentors supervisors or results from the self-assessment is an essential component for effective learning. Feedback concentrated on a learner's recent performance and can only explain the grade granted feed-forward predicts future projects and provided formative feedback on the approaches to do it adequately. A combination of "feedback and feedforward" contributed to assessment that has a developmental effect on education (Soomro, and Shah, 2019). Effective feedback will also motivate the student to take action. The most effective practices see feedback as an outgoing conversation and a process instead of a product. Learners need to think critically about learning things and the approaches that will affect their future careers as well as their personal lives (Herbert, et al.2020). During certain elements' failure, introspection becomes effective. The utilising ability of analytical thinking and establishing sound plans for future endeavours have two advantages that are gained by the strategy implementations. Critical thinking critical components is helping in continuous as well as careful investigations of the learning theory or pattern That also helps the rationale of studying business and management.
I have understood the operation of the self-assessment processes. That helps a researcher to understand the learning significance of understanding goals, asking multiple questions, regaling people right by understanding and respecting their values, making collaborative work, helping other team members, taking responsibility and doing efficiently the work.
In the future understanding, several different formative and feedforward learning styles will help me to achieve an adequate level of success through the implications of learning different styles. For further research understanding the advantages of reflective learning is very essential and very useful for me as I am a learner. That will help me to develop and enhance my performance in my educational career. Due to assuming the course and learning about the fundamental regulations of thoughtful learning I can improve my learning skills and practices the learning for further studies in my student life or my career in my professional life. Further, this will help me to build a relationship with peers as well as educators. This will help me by providing knowledge of the approaches to dealing with different people. That provides me with an opportunity of learning and age more knowledge at an adequate level. Through this, I can also improve 'my reflection learning capacity.
I will be reflecting on my learning from the formative feedback to make improvements to my academic work to submit before summative deadlines. That also helped to improve and develop my activity to make involvement in monitoring and regulation of my performances. In this case, the educator or lecturer or trainer would be very helpful for me in learning my weakness at work and further investigating the subjective things. I will implement this learning of self-assessment process by covering the key principles in that I would be highly engaged with other peers or students, teams and lecturers so that their feedback can later allow me to make improvements to my work quality. It also provides me with the tool to take control of my learning which means becoming a self-regulated learner. Through that, I can reduce the uncertainty about my performance and make corrections in misconceptions task strategies. For that, I will take time of 6 months from the current date.
Peer-to-peer support and team working act as a sense of camaraderie among the students as they learn from each other's activity or share their knowledge. Through this, they also can enhance their skills and work performances. Peer learning creates a team dynamic in that everyone's ideas and opinions are respected (Fu et al.2021). This also helps a student by encouraging them to speak up and ask questions with sharing their thoughts without judgements or fear. In this context, Ariza-Garzón et al.(2020) stated that the peers to peer learning are a mutual learning and training strategy that involves participants of equal levels through engaging in collaborative learning. I have known about the concepts of behavioural expectations from the learners prior for take the course. Peer learning helps me that it acts as an educational method .that helps students solidify their knowledge by teaching each other. One learner tutoring other learners in asupervised environment can result in adequate learning and retention. For example support groups and self-help groups. These are driven by trained peers or learners and make focuses on/their emotional support, sharing their experiences, practical activities and education. In this context, one-to-one support has been called befriending or mentoring (Pierrakis, 2019). On the other hand, the team works benefits productivity. Teamwork helps the learners by teaching them essential communication and social skills such as effective speaking and active listing (Pan et al.2021). During collaborative work or working as a team learners can learn about how to listen to perform every role. Learners learn to listen to each other to work as a cohesive unit. Along with that, this will provide a collective learning of new ideas as well as methods that provides students with common languages and understanding to help them envision more success and worthwhile for their student union. When students collaboratively learn they can accelerate their productivity growth (Cennamo, and Kalk, 2019). Teamwork will help to establish diverse and inclusive teams. that also helps me to understand that it defines clear roles as well as responsibilities for every student. This also helps the team found on trust and loyalty. This provides the team autonomy in innovative decision-making and managing the team meetings wisely. I have properly grasped my understanding of this during the course. I have also learned about several different concepts regarding learning theories as well as models to enhance the communications skills that can be gained through peer-to-peer support orc team working.
Several research provided evidence that collaborative work helps to solve critical and complex problems for gaining adequate outcomes (Panke, 2019). People can take calculated risks that lead towards innovations in case they have the proper support of a team behind them . Working in a team leads an individual to encourage personal growth by increasing satisfaction and eliminating stress (Cennamo, and Kalk, 2019). Through this, I have learnt about the concept of peer-to-peer learning that has an application to constructive theories of learning. In this course, brainstorming process applications among students will provide an opportunity to the student for improving their learning. I have learned the benefits of the peer to peer support or teamwork through this course that will help me to foster personal attitudes as well as individualism in the learning procedures increasing my engagement and building my confidence in future. This also helps me to enhance my teamwork skills. The learning benefits from this course are in the future this will provide me with an opportunity for academic achievement. This will provide me with a deep insight and understanding by having personalised andcollaborative learning experiences.
I will be utilising peer-to-peer support and the teamwork learning process for enhancing my skills. Ads thew communication skills help to get the new opportunity for my career and establish a strong bond with my friends. It also helps me to conquer all challenging concepts through brainstorming and critical solving skills. It also helps to engage with others while making meaningful development for each of the modules in the future. The collective learning of team working and peer-to-peer support advantages will be implemented by developing my interpersonal relationship. Through this, I can achieve an adequate learning environment that helps me to enhance my learning motivation. The implication will be done within 9 months.
Strength | Weakness |
Opportunities | Threats |
Table 1: SWOT Analysis
On Each Order!
The strength had helped me to achieve my goals and that is best achieving by problem solving and decision making skills. I discover different weakness and work on it to expand my career into different business Management Company and give me immense opportunity to participate in different career and opportunity. During the module, one reflective reading based on my experiences and learning, I have developed different strength and recognized my weakness. I also discover new opportunities that help me to get success as a student and come to know the threats and odds that usually put obstruction in my career path (Gryazeva-Dobshinskaya and Dmitrieva, 2020.). The strength, weakness, opportunities and threats as a student has been evaluate in the table above.During the module, 1 reflective reading based on my experiences and learning, I have developed different strengths and recognized my weakness. I also discover new opportunities that help me to get success as a student and come to know the threats and odds that usually put an obstruction my career path. The strength, weakness, opportunities and threats as a student have evaluated in the table above.
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Ariza-Garzón, M.J., Arroyo, J., Caparrini, A. and Segovia-Vargas, M.J., 2020. Explainability of a machine learning granting scoring model in peer-to-peer lending.Ieee Access,8, pp.64873-64890.
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Herbert, I.P., Rothwell, A.T., Glover, J.L. and Lambert, S.A., 2020. Graduate employability, employment prospects and work-readiness in the changing field of professional work.The International Journal of Management Education,18(2), p.100378.
Martínez-Jiménez, R., Pedrosa-Ortega, C., Licerán-Gutiérrez, A., Ruiz-Jiménez, M.C. and García-Martí, E., 2021. Kahoot! as a tool to improve student academic performance in business management subjects.Sustainability,13(5), p.2969.
Morris, T.H., 2020. Experiential learning–a systematic review and revision of Kolb’s model.Interactive Learning Environments,28(8), pp.1064-1077.
Pan, G., Seow, P.S., Shankararaman, V. and Koh, K., 2021. An exploration into key roles in making project-based learning happen: Insights from a case study of a university.Journal of International Education in Business,14(1), pp.109-129.
Panke, S., 2019. Design thinking in education: Perspectives, opportunities and challenges.Open Education Studies,1(1), pp.281-306.
Pierrakis, Y., 2019. Peer-to-peer lending to businesses: Investors’ characteristics, investment criteria and motivation.The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation,20(4), pp.239-251.
Soomro, B.A. and Shah, N., 2019. Determining the impact of entrepreneurial orientation and organizational culture on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and employee’s performance.South Asian Journal of Business Studies.
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