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Effective Teaching Strategies in Health and Social Care Case Study By Native Assignment Help!
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This study has been exploring the major aims and objectives of "health and social care" education and training. This study has analyzed the different philosophical issues and challenges associated with healthcare and social care education and training. Along with that, this study has been exploring the structure of the major qualification in health and social care education and training. It also describes its different learning programmes for the better development of students. Collaboration and cooperation with other teachers have been encouraging problem-solving skills and knowledge that help to resolve any kind of conflict situation through effective team collaboration activities. Teachers' collaboration and cooperation have been developed through effective communication skills, teamwork and development, and building trust and loyalty, which helps to increase creativity, efficiency, performance, and effectiveness.
1.1 Aims of education and training
Education regarding health and social care is associated with exploring health and well-being among community people. Teaching training for health and social care is concerned with providing proper knowledge to children and students regarding health and well-being as well as social and health-related aspects among community members (Widyandana et al. 2022). Teaching training aims to improve the skill set, the way of providing proper explanations to enhance understanding capability, and the teaching process effectively. Teaching training for “health and social care" contributes to improving teaching skills with the adoption of adequate techniques and the application of the right tools, which is important for improving the educational system significantly.
1.2 Philosophical issues relating to education and training
The basic problem in the educational training of health and social care is based on aims and objectives concerning the development of skill sets and the potentiality of a teacher. Philosophical issues in teaching training are associated with moral education and critical thinking for implementing educational quality and enhancing teaching effectiveness, teaching training. In this aspect, communication challenges and work-related stress can be raised during teaching students about health and social care (Aughterson et al. 2021). A work-related stressor is associated with increased anxiety and mental issues due to facing different social disasters and consequences, as well as difficulties in explaining each aspect in an understandable way. Most of the time, the public cannot understand the importance of education regarding social and health care practices that lead to affecting the participation of students in this learning program. Lack of involvement in a learning program regarding health and social care is considered an identical philosophical issue in the teaching and learning process (Teachfirst.org.uk, 2022). Communication challenges are responsible for creating gaps in understanding students' potentiality and lacking in the learning process that affects the quality of the educational system.
2.1 Structure of key qualifications
On Each Order!
The required qualifications for becoming a teacher of "Health and social care" in secondary schools in the UK are an undergraduate degree in class 2:2 or equivalent and overhead. PGCE in Health and Social Care is an ideal degree for becoming a teacher of "Health and Social Care". PGCE degree is associated with providing proper educational understanding with an identical degree in Health, Childcare and Social Work (Find-postgraduate-teacher-training.service.gov.uk, 2021). Level 3 qualification in a special area regarding” Health and Social Care" is important to enter into a teaching training program. Working experience as a health worker in the Health sector is a definite advantage for becoming a potential teacher in secondary school, which is considered an essential qualification for being a specialist. A certificate of PGCE and Grade 4 (C) or above certificate in English and maths is required to enter GCSEs and equivalent qualifications. GCSE equivalency test is recognised as a mission test for teaching training regarding health and social care.
2.2 Structure of learning programmes
Teacher training for" health and social care" is provided by "Bradford's leading ITE provider" under "School of Teacher Education at University Centre Bradford College". ITE programmes are responsible for covering Secondary, Primary, and Post-secondary level teacher training programs. QTS programmes with PGCE involve teaching programs for primary and secondary-level students (Find-postgraduate-teacher-training.service.gov.uk, 2021). "Post-secondary Education and Training" is concerned with delivering teaching training for Post-secondary standards regarding "health and social care". "Post-secondary Education Training" is facilitated with part-time, full-time, and in-service with the specification of qualified teacher training. "QTS and Secondary Subject Knowledge Enhancement courses" is concerned with improving the educational system, the teaching and learning process in" health and social care", considering the development of the learning process in socio-economic aspects.
2.3 Application of the approach to planning and preparation
As per my understanding, the application of "Gestault Theory" will be beneficial to increase learning and teaching programs regarding "health and social care". "Gestalt Theory" suggests enhancing excellence in teaching quality for "health and social care holistic endeavour (lsst.ac, 2021). Analysing the human brain concerning psychology is important for enhancing teaching quality and learning programs with an effective education system that contributes to delivering an understandable learning programme for "health and social care". I have realised that being a specialist in the subject area of "health and social care" is associated with nursing care, rigours of regulation and communicating with society people for analysing and minimising health-related issues as well as philosophical issues. In this aspect, eye-to-eye contact, voice improvements, and personality development are important for gathering information regarding social consequences and its implementation process for exploring health and wellbeing and overcoming philosophical barriers in this learning programme.
3.1 Inclusiveness of decided approach
According to "Gestault Theory" improvements in teaching capability are based on five significant principles, ly proximity, continuity, similarity, connectedness, and closure. Concerning those aspects, the learning process in “health and social care" can be improved by adopting effective communication and research capability based on social affairs (lsst.ac, 2021). Those with an understanding and work experience regarding social and health care will contribute to delivering remarkable knowledge and understanding to become a specialist in secondary school. Curriculum issues in teaching training and the teaching process of "health and well-being" are associated with a lack of social support and resilience that can be implemented through encouraging social awareness with identical information regarding social consequences. Providing evidence-based information with identical management skills is important for implementing effectiveness in learning programmes. Understanding the psychological aspects and representing the working process as a role model, contributes to improving the learning program significantly, which will attract learners of different backgrounds to learn about health and social care.
3.2 Approach to the planning and preparation of learning programs concerning emerging technologies
"Virtual & Augmented Reality" is a high-tech solution for improvement in learning programs for "health and social care". "Virtual & Augmented Reality" helps to provide health care education with explanations and demonstrations of real-life evidence that is the most current innovation of health care professionals. "Virtual & Augmented Reality" is responsible for creating an environment of professional areas regarding healthcare and surgical aspects, the application of the 3D models (Edumed.org, 2021). Demonstration of "Embodied Labs" with virtual reality is important to learn about each dimension of "health and social care" education. Therefore, the application of “Virtual & Augmented Reality" as an emerging technology contributes to delivering real-time evidence of different health and social issues to improve learning programmes strategically.
4.1 Ways of teaching and learning resources with emerging technologies
Technology-based resources for improving learning programs are associated with Scaffolds and Tools, and Web Quest, that helps to deliver information and improve the cognitive ability of students. "Scaffolds and Tools" is concerned with providing different problems and their solutions to enhance problem-solving and analysing the power of a learner significantly. Web Quest is an information-based application that contributes to providing different information through searching on the internet (Edtechreview.in, 2022). Applying " Scaffolds and Tools" in the learning programme regarding " health and social care" contributes to increasing analytic power with a demonstration of different problems in the professional field and the working process of health and social care that is important for creating concepts regarding the subject area by teachers. Developing knowledge based on "Web Quest" leads to delivering theoretical perception to learners. Therefore, the application of those technology-based applications in the teaching and learning process is important for improving learning quality with theoretical and practical knowledge.
4.2 Inclusiveness of own use of teaching and learning resources
Educators of “health and social care" are facing different challenges due to the increasing curiosity of students and advancements in technology in the learning area. Concerning learner requirements and curiosity, educators have to adopt technology to deliver real-time examples of each aspect for clear knowledge (Machin et al. 2019). The adoption of "Scaffolds and Tools" and " virtual and argumentative reality" with an application of technology helps to create concepts regarding different social issues, wealth issues, and ways to deal with those aspects concerning the implementation of learning and teaching quality. Moreover, the implementation of learning programs is important to attracting students and enhancing their knowledge based on adequate information in “health and social care" that will contribute to delivering an efficient and notable growth of the education system as well as learners' performance. In this aspect, adequate knowledge for delivering proper explanations and demonstrations regarding " health and social care" is important considering students' requirements for the adoption of technology-based resources, ly "Web Quest," is essential (Edtechreview.in, 2022). Therefore, it can be stated that the inclusion of technology-based solutions such as "Web Quest", "Scaffolds and Tools" and " virtual and argumentative reality" will be beneficial for implementing learning programs and becoming specialists in “health and social care".
Collaboration is most important for building a growth-based effective learning environment. Health and social care teachers collaborate in different ways as they interact with other teachers, colleagues, and trainers to exchange resources and ideas, knowledge creation, discuss student learning, and join activities in a team. Therefore, it has been noticed that collaboration is the most effective strategy for working together to gain common goals (Flynn et al. 2021). Along with that, it has been observed that in health and social care teaching, the common goal has always been increased learning outcomes. Effective teaching collaboration has involved planning, debating and problem-solving together, utilizing research and evidence to guide effective decision-making and inquiring together.
Collaborative cultures and strong collaboration require commitment and development over time to the process, whereas the benefits have been clear, and genuine collaboration has been complex. There are three kinds of organizational model that helps to develop an effective liaison with the other trainers and teachers. It includes "Common Planning Time", "Professional Learning Communities" and "Critical Friends Groups". Common Planning Time is an effective model that examines the student's work, plans team activities, practices effective professional development and focuses on coordinating team procedures and policies (Hargreaves, 2019). On the other hand, Professional Learning Communities promote the teacher's collaboration through collaborative analysis of assessment data of students in relation to particular learning targets.
It also uses info data and accesses the effectiveness of data instruction, the disciplinary team, the ongoing process regarding action research, and collaborative inquiry. Critical Friends Groups is one of the effective organizational models that help to promote teacher collaboration with other teachers and tutors through identifying or understanding the particular students' learning purpose (Toropova et al. 2021). Also, collaboratively examine the work of students, reflect on techniques for gaining the goals, and use specific protocols and coaches utilized to guide sessions and group assembles voluntarily to enhance technique through collaborative learning.
Collaboration in health care, health care professionals have been cooperatively working together, carrying complementary roles, sharing responsibilities or accountability for effective problem solving, carrying out plans and making formulated decisions. Teacher collaboration has positive impacts on all student achievement or development, and it allows us as tutors to explore new and effective territories (Lall et al. 2021). Teachers encourage collaborative learning by building learning tasks that enhance diversity, but this objective is to better the standards of performance of all students. These kinds of tasks involve all students in effective learning through or thinking processes, including problem-solving and decision-making that is best accomplished through cooperation and collaboration.
The teaching collaboration also involves actively contributing to a supportive and respectful learning environment. It helps to capitalize on other teachers' strengths and work with other teachers' weaknesses. It has been assumed that teachers who learn and work together with each other have been more successful in developing student outcomes rather than those teachers who work alone (Bajpai et al. 2019). I always observed that an effective teacher relationship has developed a better relationship with their colleagues and other teachers, helping to create a positive environment within the academic environment. The experience, particularly in health care and social care working with other professional assistants, has made me think inside out or think towards things from a better or new perspective.
Many proponents of teacher mutual relationship or collaboration believe that trainers working together have an effective and positive impact, contributing naturally to each other to school improvement or development. It has been noticed that specific types of collaboration among the teachers, such as working together as effective teams, building trust, sharing responsibilities, and providing feedback (Colognesi et al. 2020). I have learnt that teacher work together as a team that can do their task in an effective manner that can help to build a greater sense of accountability and trust. It allows teachers to feel valued and confident regarding contributing their dynamic skills and knowledge towards the school's improvement. Working and learning with others makes me dig deeper and helps me to explore who I am as a teacher or learner.
I have learnt collaboration and cooperation are most crucial in the workplace, they often lead to the development of communication between the other teachers and trainers or colleagues, and increased productivity. It has been observed that teachers work together regarding common goals; they can each use their experiences, knowledge, and skills to contribute to better success (Ní Bhroin and King, 2020). I have also learned that there are different advantages to collaborative learning, such as the development of leadership skills, self-management, oral communication, and increasing the higher level of thinking. Collaborative working practices have been increasing the efficiency and performance of teachers in terms of healthcare and social care practices. It has provided the opportunity to team members to learn and work with each other in effective ways.
In healthcare and social care professional development, the key areas for the development of teachers and trainers at work are communication, leadership, time management, flexibility, active listening, collaboration and goal setting (Kálmán et al. 2020). I have learnt there are different professional strengths that have been essential for teachers such as collaboration, persistence, fairness, discipline, organization, kindness, empathy, creativity, and technical skills. Professional development has an ongoing process for social care and health care teachers. As a social care teacher, provide support to other teachers and people with physical disabilities, mental illness, and learning disabilities. The health and social care teachers can cover social work, personal care, and practice activities intended to assist the students receiving health and social care to live comfortably. This kind of teacher has been providing physical support, emotional support, and social support that completely changes the individual's lives and offers them better experiences they do not otherwise have.
I have produced a plan for identifying different opportunities for updating and improving my skills and knowledge in healthcare and social care that have been developed effectively. It includes training courses, video content, online sources, self-assessment, different project management strategies videos, accepting increased responsibilities, and finding an effective management mentor (Toropova et al. 2021). I have learnt that working together and learning together has been increasing the different skills and knowledge that have been helping to develop a positive attitude and behavior in managing any kind of task.
The overall study has been discussed in the three tasks that have been based on the healthcare and social care education and training development. In task 1, this study has developed the major aims and objectives of healthcare and social care education and training that have been developing students into better citizens, human beings, and social-being. It makes students capable of becoming responsible, active and productive. In task 2, this study has been exploring the importance of collaborative working and learning among teachers and trainers. In task 3, this study has been determining the reflective ways of impacts of collaboration between teachers in terms of health care and social care training and education within the organization.
Reference list
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