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Enhancing Early Years Learning through Technology and Interactive Pedagogical Methods Case Study By Native Assignment Help.
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The key aim of this study is to explore different ways in which children can improve their English learning, Mathematics or science learning with the help of ICT. Additionally, team-based activities might help students in improving team-working skills, critical thinking abilities, and problem-solving abilities. In order to evaluate each activity relevant theories and framework has been utilised. For the development of English learning skill Goldilocks Song Sequencing activity is being developed and to develop Maths learning skill through number recognition colour matching game in iPad. Finally, the evaluation of each activity has been demonstrated in support of behaviourist theories. Moreover, this assesment helps to explore ways that helps chil;dren in developing english learning skills, mathematics skills in early year through ICT and sequencing game.
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Curriculum refers to the lesson-based planned experience which has some specific standard and students are actively involved in achieving learning skills and proficiency in the specified content (Zhang, 2023). Moreover, social behaviour, content and critical thinking skills are involved in the curriculum. In a word, students get the opportunity to achieve their goals, skills, and aspirations through this instructive educational programme. Moreover, EYFS based curriculum helps to set standards in early childhood and provids oppertunity for learning development. Curriculum planning is important to maintain coordination in learning journey through quality teaching (Zhang, 2023).
Pedagogy generally describes the arts and science of teaching methods of students which are goal-oriented in nature and based on educational theories (Li & Chu, 2021). In a word, pedagogy is the study of teaching that guides teachers to present learning content scientifically. Pedagogy helps to planning early year learning materials for children. In this regard, colaborative pedagogocal aproch has been selected to design curriculum.
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This activity is presenting a brief plan about Goldilocks Song Sequencing to improve the English learning skills of involved students with the help of lyrics posters and picture cards. This activity occurred in the extracurricular class and students of the the concerned class were involved. During this activity class teacher motivated students by describing and students took part in Goldilocks Song Sequencing.
This activity is based on behaviourist theories as students get the opportunity of learning through interaction within the classroom environment. According to Piaget's theory, the interaction-based cognitive development of learners depends on sensorimotor intelligence, preoperational thinking as well as on concrete operational thinking (Langston, 2013). Each aspect of this activity has helped students to work with groups and followed by this it is noted that students became more enthusiastic. Additionally, this learning is based on previous learning activities where students practised reading song lyrics as it is a major part which kept operational thinking activated within students. Through the activity students discussed with team members about the right sequence of songs and it helped them to arrange picture cards accordingly.
On the other hand, in Bruner’s social learning theory, the learning construct of students depends on information organisation and information categorisation as it works as a coding system (Howard et al. 2013). Therefore, participation in the group-based activity helped students to arrange information and they categorise each picture card based on the initial information inputs. Additionally, they use new knowledge in understanding the meaning of lyrics but some of them remained quiet when I asked what they learned from this activity. Additionally, each student used their visual learning skills besides reading skills. As a whole, the entire play-based activity was engaging and helped them by elaborating on unknown meanings of words written in the song lyrics.
The first learning activity was all about English learning and students got the opportunity to improve their English skills through the playful activity of song picture card arrangement. This task not only helped the students to arrange information based on sequence but it improved their vocabulary. Apart from that, I have noted that the majority of students are using new vocabulary in further classes, this indicates that the playful involving activity meets the English learning skill attractive to students. Overall playful activity created a flexible learning environment within the classroom and motivated students to take part in the team-based learning activity as well as improve communication skills. Teachers also took initiative in using instructional approaches to help students in improving their English language-related vocabulary. Additionally, participation in lyric picture card arrangement activity not only improved information arrangement skills but it accelerated the critical thinking abilities of students through group participation. It is found that the communication ability present within children minimises fear of social insecurity as it builds confidence among them and helps them to open up (Mason, Taggart & Broadhurst, 2020).
To start this activity instructional approach was followed by the teacher which was the main strength of these activities as it provided guidance to students and cleared doubt. In a similar context, de Oliveira, Jones & Smith (2021) said that instructional approaches to teaching motivate students to participate in activities especially in first-grade classrooms as it attracts the special attention of students. In this regard, I can mention that demonstration of the instructional activity worked well and helped students to be attentive towards tasks. Though, I think that I could have arranged the this activity-based mathematics class and be arranged better if I would divide the activity among students.
Activity two is aiming to improve mathematics skills as well as ICT skills among students while helping them to play this game on iPad. This colouring and number counting game was arranged during the mathematics cactivity time and students participated in it. Moreover, teachers and students were involved in this fun-based maths learning activity which involves ICT.
After completing the activity with students it is noted that each aspect of the task is significant to the development of students' mathematics skills through a fun activity. Primarily, activity of playing this game on iPad grab the attention of students to learn counting colours, counting filled circles numbers and colour s as well. Overall activity not only improved the mathematics skills of participants but it helped them to improve their general learning abilities while involving ICT. The overall game was involved and conducted in an indoor class environment and it was associated with different learning skills. These skill development activities are also linked with previous activity as it is being completed with the same type of equipment Misra & Mazelfi (2021) stated that team working ability present in one child teaches essential social communication skills and eventually improves self-confidence. It is expected that in the end, students would easily beagle to communicate with broader society in the future life. In a similar context, Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development pointed out that mediated social interaction improves each child's learning ability (McLeod, 2022). Therefore, participation in the team-based counting game holds the potential to develop social communication skills as well as language skills. This indicates that culture and society is an integral parts of the learning process and it develops sense among children by highlighting their role within the community.
Apart from that, the involving coloure in this activity and counting helps students to improve their visual, aural, reading and creativity skills and overall kinaesthetic (VERK). On the other hand, Piaget's theory mentioned that children's intellect level changes through the development phase and the overall cognitive development process of children not only depends on skill acquisition but depends on the mental model of the surrounding world (Kazi & Galanaki, 2019). Throughout the activity, it is observed that each student participated in this enthusiastically and they asked me several questions about new colours they identified.
All of the students were excited as they were getting an opportunity to know the of new colours besides the counting activity. Each time a student asked me about the of a colour I helped them to learn the of the colour by speaking and writing on the blackboard. As a result of it, they not only get to know the of colour but then note down the spelling of colour which additionally improved their language skill besides mathematics skills. This indicates that the performance-based team activity of learning helps students to use multiple learning skills. The teacher also observed that students were using different learning styles which included visual learning style, tactical style, auditory style and kinesthetic style. Nugraha, Putri & Sholihin (2020) stated that students generally use a kinesthetic learning style while they learn counting as it makes it easier to count things by moving them to different places. The involvement of openable eggs helped students to implement their kinesthetic skills while they were counting a total number of eggs and implemented visual skills at the time of identifying colours.
It has been observed that this dot sheet colouring game on iPad improved ICT an mathematics skills of students as children are feeling more comfortable interacting with classmates. After observation, it was found that students learned to implement observation skills, analytical skills, and information evaluation skills unconsciously which reflected their cognitive development. Though it is observed that some students were not able to identify the of the colour then I took the initiative of what type of problem they are facing. After close observation, I came to know that they are colour blind and took initiative to contact their parents to know whether they are aware of it or not. After identifying this issue, I realised the need to arrange the game differently next time so that students with eyesight issues do not face difficulty in participating in this game. Next time, the team-based action would be designed based on the specific needs of children. Sewell (2021) suggested that a value-based curriculum programme recurs a conceptual framework which helps teachers to understand programme goals. Additionaly, I helped them to learn how to play this game on iPad by just clicking and fliping the dot cards displayed on the screen. Additionally, Drake (2013) said that teachers need to develop planning before initiating group-based activity within a multicultural environment. Hence, I have decided to plan and divide members' activities to minimise chaos among the team. Hence, it can be said that teachers are required to develop a conceptual framework for successful curriculum planning unless the programme assessment procedure can be disrupted and the overall implementation programme can fail.
In the end, it can be concluded that curriculums are vertically aligned which develops students' cognitive abilities, learning abilities, reading, communication and information evaluation abilities. Additionally, it is found that in-depth knowledge of pedagogy can guide teachers in initiating best practices within the classroom. Moreover, it increases knowledge about the different learning styles of students by developing awareness and observation ability. Moreover, one teacher needs to be aware of the different learning styles of students at the time of curriculum-based activity design, unless they can face challenges during implementation. Knowledge about the special needs and learning styles of students might make it easy for teachers to divide them into different groups for group-based language development and mathematics skill development activities. Additionally, it is found that the alignment of curriculum activity with previous learning programmes has more potential to develop students' skills as it conducts the entire process sequentially. Additionally, it motivates students to apply their skills in daily life and improves overall cognition and social communication skills.
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