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Epidemiology Summative Assignment Case Study by Native Assignment Help
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The given topic is based on the epidemiological method in terms of analysing and assessing the increasing incidence of out of hospital CA (OHCA) and identifying appropriate intervention with an effective implementation strategy. The primary cause of cardiac arrest (CA) refers to ventricular fibrillation as well as ventricular tachycardia which are considered the types of Arrhythmias (Fothergill et al. 2021). This is followed by increasing incidence and outcome of OHCA and linking with the context of the pandemic in the UK during the fast wave situation in 2020. It also showed 81% chance of increasing OHCA during the pandemic situation which is a strong correlation between the daily number of covid-19 patients as well as the CA incidence (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023a). This is followed by identification of numbers which refer to increasing by standard CPR for those out of hospital patients during the pandemic situation as well as attempting loan number of resuscitation and EMS response times in the UK. In the UK, there are over 30000 OHCA in every year where emergency medical services are attempted in order to resuscitate the patient (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023a). Approximately 383000 out of hospital sudden CA patients are observed across the globe every year and among these, approximately 88% of CA occurs at home (Bhf.org.uk, 2023). Besides, it can also be stated that fewer than one in 10 people only survive for the issue of OHCA across the globe along with approximately 7 to 8% of people who received resuscitation, are survived in this case (Bhf.org.uk, 2023). While addressing the England and Wales condition in terms of dealing with OHCA in the fiscal year 2021 and 2022, out of 646 988 of CA cases, approximately 298547 patients were arrested for the issue of OHCA (Bhf.org.uk, 2023). Therefore, it is important in order to analyse and assess the underlying causes of rising incidents of OHCA in the UK alongside the identification of appropriate intervention with the aim of using an effective implementation strategic plan.
Public health helps in protecting and improving the overall help of people and their communities and it also promotes healthy lifestyle research on disease and injury prevention along with managing detection and prevention while responding to infectious disease. The fundamentals of public Health service refer to vital statistics, communicable disease control along with environmental sanitation, public Health laboratory service maternal and child Health service as well as public Health education (Virani et al. 2020). It also promotes the welfare of the entire population along with ensuring the overall security and protecting it from the spread of any infectious disease and causing environmental hazards. The purpose of this public Health also helps to ensure the access to save and quality care process which is considered beneficial for the population. For the issue of pillars of public health, it can be stated that it has three core functions such as assessment policy development as well as assurance in order to manage the function for public health (Resus.org.uk, 2023). The fundamental functions of public Health service refer to monitoring health which is part of the assessment component service alongside the management of diagnosis and Investigation on specific disease. These factors are followed by information education as well as empowerment in terms of mobilising the overall community partnership for a better health service system in addition the development of policies along with enforcement of significant legal association as well as linking to the providence of care and assured in competent workforce for public health services. On the other hand, the identified disease (CA at out of hospital care) is considered as a severe health threat for the issue of UK public health (Icrjournal, 2023). This factor implies the requirement of a proper intervention plan in order to manage a healthy community, by changing lifestyle to prevent the health disease and clinical path for the fruitful outcome.
On Each Order!
As the OHCA cases are considered a registry in terms of addressing the initial step in the collection of information on CA, this is part of the epidemiological information for any healthcare system (Virani et al. 2020). This factor is associated with the understanding of specific barriers in order to identify the patient's knowledge along with the regional Health care delivery issues as well as the information on measurements. The major elements including the linking to the chain of survival rate and associated information can be collected from this specific case history (Gräsner et al. 2021). This factor has the capability to improve the overall survival rate for the issue of OHCA. On another note, it can be stated the incidence of OHCA is considered increasing with age and is more common among men (Morentin et al. 2021). Therefore, identifying knowledge and registering the overall collection of information on this cardiac array situation is considered a significant stay in the epidemiological aspect while understanding the overall mortality rate as well as the probability of surviving for the issue of OHCA.
The aim of the following essay refers to the understanding of epidemiological methods in order to analyse the increasing incident of OHCA in the UK.
The objectives of the following essay are as follows-
The European resuscitation council guidelines which are considered important for the issue of CA helps in covering the epidemiological outcome of CA across Europe. This also includes equivalent information drawn from the epidemiological UK studies regarding CA in hospital and out of hospital setting (Lott et al. 2021). For the issue of OHCA in the UK, the NHS ambulance service is connected with the resuscitation in approximately 30000 people every year along with the annual incident of this OHCA referred to 55-part 1 lakh inhabitants (Resus.org.uk, 2023). This is followed by approximately 72% of CA occurring at home in comparison with the 15% of CA cases at the working environment (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023a). Even though out of hospital cases are witnessed by the bystanders this case occurs among 98% of adults among whom 33% are women aged between 15 to 64 (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023a). There is also potential evidence in terms of addressing health inequalities during this incidence of CA and the average ambulance response time also matters here which refers to 6.9 minutes. The resuscitation rate of attempting survival to bring to hospital refers to one out of 10 (approximately 9%) (Resus.org.uk, 2023). This is followed by the initial rhythm shockable option is 22 to 25% beaches followed by the approximate 30% of attempted resuscitation for the issue of OHCA in the UK (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023a). For the issue of post resuscitation care across the UK, one out of 10 patients are admitted into the cardiac critical care who require invasive mechanical ventilation. This is followed by the requirement of a sustainable cardiac plan to understand the arrest prior to admission. The average length of hospital days for these patients is mostly 4 to 6 days in critical care along with the overall hospital stays for 14 to 21 days in the UK. One out of 10 OHCA patients among 25 hospitalised patients referred to the critical care in terms of transplantation of organs alongside two third of the patients are generally survived and discharged home. While addressing the knowledge of CPR training for the issue of CA, only 59% of members from the public have training of this and 19% are knowledgeable in order to imply an automated external defibrillator (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023b). This is followed by approximately 291000 people all trained for the issue of CPR as the part of the world restart of a heart program (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023b).
The measurement of determining the challenges regarding OHCA refers to the program associated with this issue organised by the British heart foundation (BHF) alongside the resuscitation council of the UK (von Vopelius-Feldt et al. 2021). This includes the providence of observational study alongside the association with the NHS ambulance service. This factor includes identification of the target population who are adults and are capable of attending ambulance emergency service by the NHS. This information is collected in order to identify the characteristics of the system alongside emergency medical services as well as dispatch characteristics of patience for the issue of OHCA (Surges et al. 2021). The ultimate CA outcome measurements refer to the consensus emerging in order to report on the effectiveness of OHCA among adults including the order survival rate, neurological function alongside healthy related quality of life. These are also associated with the identification of the risk factors including the presence of family history on coronary artery disease along with high blood pressure, high serum cholesterol, other lifestyle management diseases such as Diabetes and obesity in terms of understanding the measurement of the severity of the patients (Genovesi et al. 2021).
The fundamental methods which are generally implied in terms of identifying reliable intervention as well as the dedication of CA centres across the UK refer to the evidence based practice along with the proposal for the pathway of care in order to convey the patient in CA centres (Gao et al. 2021) The former one referred to the regionalisation of care centres for the patients for OHCA and providing specialist care pathways including cardiovascular investigation as well as therapy. The evidence base practices include the geographical variation while providing several services which are associated with the improvement of survival among these patients (Riedel et al. 2021). The proposal includes addressing the potential significance of standardisation of care for the patients with the aim of reducing heterogeneity in practice as well as improving the overall outcome and care process.
The key function of an epidemiological study function refers to the ability to address research questions while using logical explanation. This factor includes cross sectional, case control and cohort studies which are effective in order to determine the exposure and outcome at the same time. However, for the following case of OHCA, the cross-sectional study has been implied with the association of BHF the NHS and resuscitation council of the UK (Gräsner et al. 2021). This factor also includes the providence of descriptive prevalence studies alongside the investigation which are associated between the respected and disease. The identified population who are prone to develop cardiac related issues are considered 15 to 64 years old in the UK and these studies are conducted both descriptively and analytically (Teoh et al. 2021). It also includes characterization of prevalence of health outcome for the population along with the providence of intervention program by the organisers in order to control the prevalence of the disease conditions.
As per the source of BHF, it can be stated that the organisation is working in terms of improving people's chances to survive the chance of CA outside of the hospital while walking with the in HS alongside the ambulance service as well as the use of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in terms of creating the circuit (Bhf.org.uk, 2023). The circuit is a national network of defibrillators which is capable of linking the overall UK with a network of the defibrillators to every ambulance service across the country. This is followed by a public involvement in order to associate with more lives for the issue of OHCA (Bhf.org.uk, 2023). As the UK survival rate of OHCA is low along with a high number of OHCA every year where emergency medical services are required it is important in order to improve the chances of surviving for the CA situation (Egger et al. 2022). This factor also includes early CPR along with defibrillation which are considered significant in order to improve the chances of surviving for the issue of OHCA. The circuit network is a significant concept for by standard as well as ambulance services in terms of connecting across the UK for the providence of a better service.
The OHCA is considered a significant challenge for the National Health service in the UK and is considered a priority condition and strategic plan in order to improve the overall outcome. This factor is followed by the establishment of a national framework for the specific case in the UK which is followed by resuscitation to recovery program alongside the providence of recommendation for the patient pathway which is known to be the chain of survival and improving the overall outcome (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023b). The significant hierarchical order for all the patients refers to the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) which is considered a significant step. The ROSC needs to be adopted by the patients for the issue of designated CA centre for the management of further assessments along with the triage and the providence of appropriate treatment process. These are considered to be endorsed by the 20 professional associations such as the British Cardiovascular Intervention Society (BCIS) (Cassidy et al. 2021). In addition, these are followed by the further five such as the national institution for cardiovascular outcome research alongside the national audit of cardiac rehabilitation. The next includes the involvement of national confidential enquiry into patient outcome as well as the death review of hospital care of patients who are admitted for the OHCA in recent time (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023b). These are identified on the basis of numbers of areas for improvement along with the implementation of prompt assessment of cardiologist and interventional cardiological service.
Stakeholders regarding the community resuscitation groups are integral involved for the issue of developing automated external defibrillators in the UK. These are considered effective in order to guide for schools by the department of education since 2014 and mostly associated with the tendering process for the improvement of outcome and the implementation of intervention. This is followed by increasing the availability of these defibrillators in schools throughout the scheme and mostly followed by reviewing the signage for the usage of these defibrillators (Moneer et al. 2022). The implementation of these programs and a continuous quality improvement are followed for this scheme which are associated with the stakeholders for the identification of potential effective intervention and improving the overall outcome.
The intervention list regarding the improvement of outcome from CA refers to the improvement of one or more links for the issue of identifying chain of Survival. This also included stay privatising to ask for help at the early stage by the patient alongside identification of signs of CA including unresponsive and non-breathing characterization (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023a). This is followed by highlighting the managing the role of by standard in order to provide early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This is considered a significant step which has an effective impact on elevating the survival rate up to 50-70% (Rasmussen et al. 2022). Another strategy by the NHS refers to the implementation of automated external defibrillators which have significant positive impact on the survival of OHCA. Apart from this the improvement of by standards chance in order to provide CPR along with the by standard defibrillation are effective in order to improve the overall quality of intervention for this case (Bhf.org.uk, 2023). These are jointly conducted by the BHF along with the UK resuscitation community.
In addition, first aid school curriculum and CPR are added to the secondary level of school program across the UK from September 2022 in order to introduce training for the issue of OHCA (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023a). This also includes Scotland's 32 local authorities' involvement in order to ensure the involvement of secondary students to leave the school before training with light saving CPR. For the issue of Wales, the lessons regarding fasting along with lifesaving skills including CPR are recommended to the guidance for schools in order to accompany the students while implying a new curriculum for the school (Bhf.org.uk, 2023). On the other hand, within the Northern Ireland curriculum the opportunities of learning CPR skills were introduced at primary and secondary level and started with the 2014 community resuscitation strategy. This factor includes encouraging students to provide CPA training to people twice during their school career along with continuing to engage with the executive and educational sector for ensuring proper knowledge for the incidence such as OHCA (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2023b). This factor also includes providing training courses by the resuscitation council UK in order to train healthcare professional and instructor for the providence of support during the OHCA.
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