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Key Aspects of Ethical Issues in Health and Social Sciences by Native Assignment Help
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This report shall discuss the various important aspects attributed to ethical issues prevailing in health and social sciences for a particular country or economy to further progress with assessment of ethical issues, A necessary impetus shall be further offered on discussing the ethical and moral dilemmas attributed with withdrawal of medical treatment. The withdrawal of medical treatment is often deemed to be a significant factor where the psychological traits and characteristics of an individual are highly compromised. This report shall also discuss knowledge of individual rights entitlements and obligations in a diverse society as well as emphasise on interpretation and application of various ethical approaches. Further emphasis on this report shall be offered for analysing ethical and professional principles as well as utilising a reflective approach for determining a critical inside on own values and moral compass.
A moral and ethical dilemma is considered to be torpedoes and self-inflicted one where an individual becomes a vagabond or does not find any specific direction to counter and solve a problem at hand. The ethical and moral dilemma further attributed to the withdrawal of medical treatment is considered to be a gravely concerning area where an individual is spellbound with regards to how treatment for curing a medical disease or ailment is needed to be received. A significant increase in ethical and moral dilemmas is considered to be a renowned modern problem where proper medication is often compromised. Societal and communal pressure is also considered to be high which therefore leads to insignificant personal development propositions for an individual.
The mission statement is considered to be a combination of interlinking wider knowledge and understanding concerning how the withdrawal of medical treatment applies to the situation of confidentiality and consent of approval seeking. The mission statement also encourages the importance of deriving and linking social issues such as social injustice, human rights violations, and ethical issues about health and social care.
Knowledge of individual rights, entitlement, and obligations within a diverse society can be further established based on various impacts created for the health and social care environment. The health and social care environment is also considered to be a breeding ground that is often neglected by certain influences existing in the common society of a country. As per illustrations and explanations of Klerkx et al. (2019), health and social care for an individual suffering from withdrawals in medical treatment is also deemed to be a critical factor that leads to mental disbalance and communal disharmony for an individual. Human rights associated with the rights and entitlements needed to be compensated for withdrawal in medical treatment and services can be further determined based on social neglect and social unimportance that is often injected into an individual. Moreover, it can be further assessed that impacts on health due to neglect in medical service provisions also affect an individual with an increase in physical ailments. that leads to a diminishing life cycle.
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To further assess the potential impacts caused on an individual based on withdrawal of treatment and medical services is based on finding critical nuances prescribed under the Mental Capacity Act. As observed and idealized by Stier et al. (2020), the Mental Capacity Act is mostly facilitated for individuals who find grave difficulty in ascertaining how mental treatment needs to be facilitated to enjoy a prolonged lifespan. Often this is jeopardized for an individual as necessary medication and treatment are not facilitated when there is a clear neglect in medical services offered. Moreover, the medical services on the provision of mitigating mental and psychological health are also considered to be a rigid act as employing new age nuances and procedures is generally difficult. Therefore, due to the false following of treatments that need to be carried out under the Mental Capacity Act of 2014, an individual's life cycle is threatened which leads to a severe impact on the health and social care environment existing within a country.
Further emphasis on determining the ethical issues observed in mental health and social care due to neglect in the facilitation of treatment services is considered to be fundamentally related to maintaining a high level of confidentiality. As critically voiced and stated by Roth and Van Unger (2018), confidentiality mainly arises when an individual is threatened to openly discuss the magnitude of their mental and psychological issues. The second important factor that leads to a rise in ethical issues is considered to be adverse communication between a patient and medical treatment staff. Case study relevance can be further obtained based on the discovery of the magnitude of self-inflicted injuries by individuals due to retarded adult behavior and neglect in medical treatment. Therefore, it could be summarised that the potential impacts of medical negligence and lack of adequate treatment hampers the mental and psychological balance of an individual to ensure a stable daily life cycle. Moreover, confidentiality and consent are also considered to be breached which leads to insignificant moral and ethical propositions for an individual and the concerned medical fraternity.
The application of various ethical approaches is also considered to be an important determinant involved in various practice situations to resolve conflicting values and ethical dilemmas. The emphasis on consideration of ethical dilemmas is also regarded as a vital and critical stage that needs to be addressed duly by the concerned medical fraternity to ensure that an individual gets proper treatment and medical services. As per illustrations and explanations of Sim and Waterfield (2019), adherence to improvising renowned medical facilities for an individual is also regarded as important, especially in the case of medical facilities and treatments that are not substantiated properly. Various ethical approaches could be further installed and initiated by medical fraternities where approaches such as fairness and justice, virtue, and ethical problem-solving approaches could be implemented.
The fairness and justice approach is considered to be the primary approach involved in ethical consideration and approaches where a potential rift can be solved to mitigate the prevailing issues of clashes and ethical adversities. As stated, and idealized by Wiggins and Wilbanks (2019), the fairness and justice approach further encourages the medical fraternity and medical association to ensure that proper scalability of treatment services and medical offerings is arbitrarily provided to individuals suffering from mental health and psychological disorders. The fairness and justice approach is further considered to be an important preposition in the medical field where all concerned stakeholders must employ the same level of emphasis for all individuals. Therefore, every individual needs to be treated equally, and higher emphasis is needed to be offered for propelling faster remedies and medication. However, the proposition of facilitating a faster and more feasible medical treatment for psychologically inflicted individuals is considered to be a tedious job that requires a high degree of skill specialization.
The lack of adequate skill specialization can further lead to increased clashes for professional and personal dilemmas which could therefore upset the mental health and wellbeing of an individual. As critically explained and opined by Chen et al. (2021), finding proper solutions and resolutions also needs to be considered duly for achieving a detailed significance and upheaval in medical propositions. Therefore, the basic solutions that could be imposed by a medical fraternity are considered to be associated with addressing the grassroots problem and the causes leading to the problem. The address of grassroots problems shall further encourage medical staff to initiate healthy communication with patients where a proper direction and a streamlined channel code harmonize mental health and welding of an individual.
Virtue and ethical solving approaches are also considered to be an important aspect where adherence to the identification of important and plausible solutions to speed up mental health treatment is emphasized. As per illustrations and explanations of Ngozwana (2018), the virtue and ethical solving approach further encourages the medical fraternity and associated staff to analyze the core gravity of problems that an individual is going through. This approach further empowers the mitigation of conflicts and discrepancies to facilitate prompt and accurate treatment.
The relevance and significance of ethical principles and their associated contribution to the health and social care decision-making process is further considered to be an important determinant of the structural existence of medical services. The main principles involved in the ethical component influencing decision-making in health and social care are considered to be justice, autonomy, non-maleficence, and beneficence. Therefore, all these principles are considered to be significant and encourage high-quality service requirements and skills demonstrated by medical staff toward patients diagnosed with mental health ailments. The relevance and significance of ethical theories and ethical arguments are also considered to be important to establish the relationship between medical staff and the patient involved in the identification of reliable medical treatments. Following is a detailed illustration of consequentialism theory which appropriately deals with issues raised due to medical negligence and withdrawal of medical facilities and services.
Consequentialism is considered to be an important theory of significance highly related to medication and medical services offered to an individual or a patient based on determining forecasted outcomes on consequences. As expressed, and idealized by Navalta et al. (2019), the uses and application of consequentialism theory further calibrates that this theory indulges in projecting outcomes based on several actions initiated by individuals. As critically expressed, and narrated by Banks et al. (2020), the application of this theory further leads to indifferent consequences where actions and their outcomes could be conflicting in nature. In this scenario of withdrawal of treatment services, a patient could feel that proper and adequate treatment is not being provided to them however it could differ from the fact that adequate medication is being provided which demonstrates outcomes rather slowly. Following is a detailed discussion on the various kinds of issues relating to the professional commitments of medical staff and the associated relation between ethical and professional codes of conduct.
The ethical and professional code of conduct associated with highlighting the professional commitments needed to be injected by medical staff is mostly associated with the degree of ethical and legal issues as well as moral constraints. As per critical illustrations and explanations of Ronaghi and Mohammadi (2020), ethical and professional codes of conduct as well as professional and legal issues are usually subsided by a medical fraternity to ensure that their brand image is not being tarnished. Moreover, the moral constraints on health equity pursuits are also considered to be unfavorable as they increase the chance of moral distress and lower bankability for patients towards medical associations and medical staff. The moral constraints also emphasize the role of financial consideration which could be an instigating factor that leads to unfavourable psychological development of a patient or an individual. This metric is often jeopardized by the medical fraternity and medical staff as lower availability of financial resources for an individual usually gets prompted by delay in treatment. Therefore, this ultimately leads to the withdrawal of treatment services, and a patient is left wondering as to how psychological well-being could be re-established.
The utilization of a reflexive approach to developing critical insight into individual moral values for influencing future professional practice is considered to be based on various important elements associated. These important elements could be further filtered as veracity, gratitude, and integrity. Velocity is considered to be the primary element that is important to be factored in by the medical fraternity and individuals for prompting faster and more accurate medication as well as treatment services. As per narrations and illustrations of Arigo et al. (2018), veracity is often considered a due obligation on the part of both medical facilities and individuals afflicted with psychological diseases to establish truthfulness and honesty about ailments experienced and the possible treatment that could be catered in near foreseeable future. Moreover, the important aspects of veracity also consider the needed rules and responsibilities that must be fulfilled by all existing stakeholders to ensure that adequate medical services are facilitated quickly.
The subsequent usage of a reflexive approach is further considered to be important for both patients and medical staff to encourage healthy and prosperous life sustainability prospects. Therefore, the second important element or factor associated with the reflexive approach is considered to be based on gratitude. Gratitude or courtesy is often considered to be a critical and vital step where all associated stakeholders involved in the medical facilitation program should be able to initiate thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is often deemed to be a vital proposition that needs to be facilitated in a dual communication channel where every individual needs to thank the other person for showing support, and kindness and for being a constant helping hand.
The third important factor or element associated with the usage and application of a reflexive approach to mitigate and resolve issues about the withdrawal of medical services is considered to be related to integrity. Integrity is often the underdog which is usually neglected on the part of both patients as well as medical staff which should be present thoroughly for addressing a vital medical issue. Therefore, the important propositions of integrity further necessitate the application of strong moral adherence for allowing the facilitation of high medical treatment and services. The traces of ethical and moral dilemmas cannot be fully mitigated, however, they can be prevented to a certain degree by encouraging resolutions to psychological issues and problems. Hence, it can be assessed and summarised that both these approaches when initiated gleefully and harmoniously would mitigate the problems associated with mental health to a significant degree and proportion.
This report has highly stressed the fact that withdrawal from medical services is considered to be a gross problem that further hampers the fruitful life cycle of an individual substantially. Therefore, the application of various approaches to ethical and moral consideration needs to be wholeheartedly incorporated to ensure that all important parameters of the health and life cycle of an individual are respected. Important elements such as integrity, veracity, and gratitude also need to be encouraged to ensure that both the medical fraternity as well as patients live cohesively in a harmonized manner for a long time.
The main recommendation propagated for individuals experiencing mental health and psychological breakdown is associated with initially identifying the causes leading to the problem. These causes could either be professional or personal by nature and need to be communicated to near and dear ones to seek a plausible solution. The recommendations advised for the medical fraternity are considered to be related to ensuring unconditional medical service facilitations irrespective of judging the background of patience and their respective kin.
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Banks, S., Cai, T., De Jonge, E., Shears, J., Shum, M., Sobo?an, A.M., Strom, K., Truell, R., Úriz, M.J. and Weinberg, M., 2020. Practicing ethically during COVID-19: Social work challenges and responses. International Social Work, 63(5), pp.569-583.
Chen, I.Y., Pierson, E., Rose, S., Joshi, S., Ferryman, K. and Ghassemi, M., 2021. Ethical machine learning in healthcare. Annual review of biomedical data science, 4, pp.123-144.
Klerkx, L., Jakku, E. and Labarthe, P., 2019. A review of social science on digital agriculture, smart farming and agriculture 4.0: New contributions and a future research agenda. NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 90, p.100315.
Navalta, J.W., Stone, W.J. and Lyons, S., 2019. Ethical issues relating to scientific discovery in exercise science. International journal of exercise science, 12(1), p.1.
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Ronaghi, M. and Mohammadi, H., 2020. Identifying and Ranking Ethical Issues of the Internet of Things in Medical Sciences using Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis. Health, Spirituality and Medical Ethics, 7(4), pp.25-32.
Roth, W.M. and Von Unger, H., 2018, September. Current perspectives on research ethics in qualitative research. In Forum qualitative sozialforschung/forum: Qualitative social research (Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 1-12). DEU.
Sim, J. and Waterfield, J., 2019. Focus group methodology: some ethical challenges. Quality & Quantity, 53(6), pp.3003-3022.
Stier, S., Breuer, J., Siegers, P. and Thorson, K., 2020. Integrating survey data and digital trace data: Key issues in developing an emerging field. Social Science Computer Review, 38(5), pp.503-516.
Wiggins, A. and Wilbanks, J., 2019. The rise of citizen science in health and biomedical research. The American Journal of Bioethics, 19(8), pp.3-14.
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