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Experience Of Care – Karl Evans Case Study by Native Experts
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Person-centered approaches help the patient's satisfaction in the hospital. Improving patients' satisfaction is a very important thing to the hospital or any medical institution. In a hospital, every person needs care individually. Hospital authority ensures the patient party and the patients that in their hospital every patient will be cared for individually. The authority gives value to every decision regarding the patient's health; they provide their best care to every person. The assessment has shed light on Karl Evans's experience in a hospital. A few weeks ago Karl Evans had major surgery and now Karl takes an anti-hypertensive drug regularly. The medicine would be taken before an hour of morning breakfast. Cabin nurses have to control the medication, and every morning breakfast will be served at the exact time in Karl’s cabin.
Karl Evans asked the nurses if he could control his medication but the nurses said that Karl cannot do this. Higher authority does not give such permissions. Karls had to eat an icy-cold breakfast every morning. Karl Evans Does not like the cold breakfast, the hospital authority needs to take care of Karl Evan's situation. Karl is a serious condition patient who had surgery last few weeks ago. Karl Evans needs more care and attention at this time. Cabin nurses should pay extra attention to Karl. Eating every day a cold breakfast is not a good thing when the patient is in a serious condition.
During this person-centered approach, the nurse and the hospital authorities actively care for every individual patient. The main concept of the person-centered approach is to focus on every person in this approach, in this approach the patient is in a more positive attitude and also a positive manner. Another option in the talk-therapy process is the person-centered approach. This approach helps the patients a deeper insight into every difficult situation they face (Arcadu et al. 2019). This kind of approach always inspires the patients to a positive change.
This person-centered approach always is not capable to solve every type of problem of the patient, but this approach helps the patient to get out of the difficult situation. This approach helps the patients to give them various types of ideas, this person-centered approach helps a person to change in personal desires, and any person can use this approach to a new self-direction (Clark et al. 2019). In this person-centered approach, the specific person improved their self-esteem and the patients boosted their self-reliance.
On Each Order!
Improving patient outcomes means that the picture considers the importance of the patients. In this case study on Karl Evans's health care, Karls does not get enough attention and importance regarding his health issues. Every morning Karls eats an icy cold breakfast is unhealthy matter that happens with Karl. If the hospital authority regularly checks the patients' records, they should find the problem. The negligence of the patients' outcomes makes an ultimate loss in the hospital's profit. Negative patient outcomes will drop the hospital's reputation, and bad impacts on the hospital's reputation will hamper the hospital's progress. The hospital authority should give extra care to improving patient outcomes.
Implementing the Person-Centered approach will help to satisfy the patient's needs. If the patient's needs are fully satisfied then the patient had not any kind of complaint against the hospital authority (Fatima et al. 2018). In this case study, the cabin nurse and the authority of the hospital do not look after Karl’s needs. Karls told the cabin nurse that if he can take the medicine on time then Karls does not need to eat an icy cold breakfast every morning, but the cabin nurses cannot give permission to Karls.
Public loyalty is directly connected to the reputation of an organization, a specific experience which is memorable sticks in the person's mind forever, however, the experience is good or bad (Ni et al. 2020). If the organization had a good review and the behavior of the organization's members is quite good, then it is sure that the organization can make long-term basis customers. Similarly, if the organization had a bad review or the behavior of the staff is not good then the organization's share drops down. It is the most important thing that always focuses on the customer's experience. In relation to the hospital case, the authority gives extra attention to the patient's checkup as well as the patient's needs. If the patients of the hospitals are well treated, then in future medical issues the patients are recommended to the specific hospital. The hospital authority should give extra care to how the reputation will be gained.
A well-known reputation of the organization help to make profit scale upgrading at the end of the year. A pure and true reputation provides the organization with different kinds of advantages (O'Brien et al. 2019). In this case study, Karls is a major patient; he had surgery in the last few weeks. After the surgery Karls takes a high-dose drug for an hour at the breakfast time. For taking this medicine, Karls should be late to eat breakfast an hour. After an hour, the breakfast became icy cold. Karls was not satisfied with this issue, and it will not notice by the higher authority. In the future, Karls does not recommend anyone for this hospital, and if the matter will be viral it makes a great impact on the hospital's reputation.
Every hospital or every medical institution always needs to maintain or check the room status of patients, and always give attention to the major patient’s health care and their regular food routing goes (Seymour and Clark, 2018). A basic role of a nurse is to give attention to every individual patient, nurses must report on every patient's health condition. Recording this data helps the doctor to make decisions regarding the patient's health. Nurses also give assurance to the patient party that this hospital always takes care of the patient's comfort and that they do their best regarding the patients' fitness. In this case study, Karl Evan's nurse cannot give proper attention to Karl Evan's health. Every morning Karls eats an icy cold breakfast. It is harmful to Karls's health, and nurses are not doing their proper duties. Nurses always give close attention to the major patient health; they should note every detail of the patient's problems, because nurses are the only person to notice the problem of the patients. In an emergency, nurses can handle the patients' health.
Throughout the process of treatment, the nurses are able to see the progress of the patient's health. In the holistic care of the patients, the nurses are fully responsible to give the patients holistic care. The cabin nurse has an important duty to see every patient's needs like the medication or the types of counseling the specific patient needs.
Clear boundaries in any kind of relationship makes the relationship better day by day (Sheard et al. 2019). In this case, the cabin nurse has not cooperated with Karls. Their boundary was not clear, for not clearing the boundaries Karls faces many problems not every morning Karls eats an icy cold breakfast, the breakfast was healthy anymore for Karl’s health. Karls had major surgery last week, and now Karls needs healthy foods but not clearing the boundaries creates those types of problems. It will be recommended to any organization that always sets the boundaries clear.
When patients are telling their problems that time the doctors pay more attention to listening to the issues. Clearly listening to the problems are help to recognize the issues (Takenaka et al. 2020). Many times the patients are uncomfortable telling their problems, they feel uneasy or afraid about their issues. In this situation, doctors paid more concentration or attention to the patients' talk and it is possible that the problem was not that type of major it can be solvable. In this case study, Karls is a major patient who had surgery last week. After the surgery Karls gets a hyper dose of the drug an hour of breakfast. For taking, this medicine on an everyday basis Karls get late to have breakfast and the breakfast became icy cold. Karls asked the nurses about the drugs and change the breakfast timing but the nurses do not take care of Karl's opinion. Karls became disappointed to eat an icy cold breakfast. There was created a misunderstanding between the cabin nurse and Karl Evans, nurses have not heard Karl's problem attention ally.
Most important strategy in person-centered strategies is that always be capable to accept both negative and positive kind of situations. The patients are already disturbed by their problems, and it is important for patients that they should express their feelings or emotions. Even if the feelings or the emotions are positive or negative. The patients can also express their waves of anger and the irritations they face regarding the issue (Goldberg et al. 2019). The patients can express their disappointment in facing the problem. That is why, it is important for doctors that learnt how to accept the negative situation. If the emotions are positive then it was not a big deal to face this. In this case study, Karl Evans had some problems but the cabin nurses are not noticing the Karls problem. It makes the Karls very disappointed and Karls are very disturbed to eat an icy-cold breakfast every morning. Through this, the cabin nurses should be noticing the fact and give Karls a healthy breakfast on time.
It is recommended to the Person-Centered approach is At first in the process of a person-centered approach, select a clear set boundary, boundaries are very important thing in any kind of processing or relationship. Boundaries play a vital role in every approach, therapy and also relationship. Both the patient and the nurse or the hospital authority need to maintain a healthy boundary, if they did not maintain a healthy boundary this can make a negative effect on both parties (Chan et al. 2018). Knowing the patient's every detail and every problem of the individual patient can help to sort out the situation. The best option is not to tell the patients what is wrong with this fact but give a chance to the patient to tell them what is wrong in this phase.
In this situation, the doctors are able to know the fact, and knowing clearly the issues to help the doctors to solve the problem as early as possible. Attention to listening to the patient's problems is a useful remedy for solving medical issues. Always give extra care and concentrate on the words what’s they tell when they are appointed. After listening to the patient's problem, say back to the patient in simple words what the real problem is. In doing this the patient can clearly understand the fact and they feel relief after that. The most vital thing is that do not to be judgmental when listening to the patient's issues. The patients are already in the phase of struggling to deal with the problem in everyday life. Their self-confidence and worthiness about themselves become low. Simply the patients are not in a good enough mood, in this condition if the doctors are judges the patients, the patients are afraid to tell their problems.
Always give advice to the patients it can be helpful for the patient. The doctor's duty is to suggest the best treatment to the individual patients but the doctors Do not take any type of decision for the patients, only the patients have the right to make decisions for themselves. Always notice that the recommended therapies are genuine. The patients share their personal details with the doctor and in any case, if the doctor viral their personal details in a kind of social media, this will hamper the patient's mind and the patient's health. Behave with the patients in every phase in a good manner so that the patient feels safe and comfortable with the doctor. It is an important fact how a person says a problem solution than what the problem is, the tone of the doctor's voice makes a great impact on the patient's mind, and only in this understanding the patient can take any further decisions. Give extra attention to the tone of voice, and also make sure that the sentences are non-judgmental. Voice should use as an extra opportunity to know the patients thinking and the medical condition of the patient. Clearly knowing and understanding the patient's health always gives an extra advantage to the doctors. Medical experts can easily find out the solution and recovering the patients' health as soon as possible. Giving extra care to Patients' comfortless makes patients happy. In this case study, Karl had major surgery last week, after the surgery Karls gets a hyper dose of the drug an hour of breakfast. For taking, this medicine on an everyday basis Karls get late to have breakfast and the breakfast became icy cold. Karl was not comfortable eating this cold breakfast and Karl asked the nurses if Karl can take medicine but the nurses said that it was strictly prohibited by the hospital authority. The hospital authority should give extra care to Karl's condition, they can schedule a new breakfast time only for Karl.
This assessment contained the experience of Karl Evan in a hospital. Karl faces several issues during the hospital days. Karl is a major patient who had surgery last week. After the surgery Karls gets a hyperactive dose of the drug an hour of breakfast. For taking, this medicine on an everyday basis Karls get late to have breakfast and the breakfast became icy cold. Karls asked the nurses about the drugs and change the breakfast timing but the nurses do not take care of Karl's opinion. Karl also asked the nurses if Karl should take own medication but the nurses said that it was strictly prohibited by the authority. The hospital authority should improve its person-centered approach, by improving the person-centered approach, an organization can get positive patient outcomes, and more profit and the vital thing is a positive good reputation regarding the organization. A positive reputation of an organization can help in various ways. Here the assessment discusses the implementation of the person-centered approach and all the benefits of the person-centered approach. Any type of organization can use this person-centered approach method. Doctors' voices should use as an extra chance to know the patients thinking and the medical condition of the patient. Clearly understanding the patient's health always gives an extra advantage to the doctors. Medical experts can easily find out the solution and recover the patients' health as soon as possible. Early recovery of patients is always a good sign for hospital management. Improving patient outcomes, setting clear boundaries and always being able to accept both negative and positive situations give the overall management a positive result.
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