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This study is presented based on the relationship between early dental caries and nutrition in Nigeria. Nutrition is extremely important for the development and care of the body. Early dental caries relies on different elements like bacteria in the mouth, swallowing sugary beverages and not washing them appropriately, periodic snacking and lack of nutrition. Malnutrition or the consumption of a poor diet affects the growth and development of children in Nigeria. The lack of nutrition causes great harm to the children of Nigeria.
Nutrition is very important for the growth, development and maintenance of the well-being of an individual and it has also a significant role in the development of the individual. The lack of nutrition causes great oral health-related difficulties which also include early dental caries in children (Branger et al. 2019). Dental caries is a chronic oral disease which is also complex and most prevalent in children. Various oral diseases are affecting the world's children population in a great way, which is led by pain, poor diet and different interferences in lifestyle. This disease has a complex interaction of social, nutritional, behavioural, cultural and biological risk factors which are related to the progression and initiation associated with it.
The lack of nutrition causes several illnesses in the individual like salivary gland hypo function, which reduces the flow of saliva and also alters the components of the saliva (Manohar et al. 2020). The lack of nutrition in children is one of the most critical challenges around the world; these children also endure the threat of death (Reddy et al. 2020). This study is proposed to analyse and evaluate the factors and the effects of the factors on Nigerian children, for causing early dental caries (Eigbobo and Onyejaka, 2020). The study has to be conducted on children from 0 to 6 years old, to gather data on early childhood caries, which is conducted by household surveys.
This research will aim to determine the best ways to investigate the best available evidence to analyze different areas to improve the dental care of children in Nigeria for future interventional research purposes. The results of this study will be contributed to the efforts aimed at reducing early dental caries in Nigerian children.
Previous reviews
One of the major issues that has been identified in the Nigerian children is in accessibility of the healthcare system. As opined b Blinkhorn and Davies (1996), prevention of the dental caries should be considered not only by improving the nutrition but also by increasing awareness among the people. On the other hand, according to Chao et al. (2018), low income family children and middle income family children are mainly suffers from the dental caries which is due to lack of nourishment.
Oral health-related diseases are often been neglected within the healthcare system because of their complexity (Mignogna & Fedele, 2016). Different statistical methods suggest that dental caries does not count in the serious diseases in Africa but it causes a lot of burden and pain to the individual (Wondowossen et al., 2004). Poor nutrition or diet causes numerous chronic diseases like coronary heart disease and cancer; it is also the reason behind different types of food allergies, depression, anxiety and a lack of energy. One of the greatest challenges faced by the oral care management of children in Nigeria is the uptake of low-nutrient foods and the poor treatment services related to oral caries. Therefore, this study is very important to provide necessary details for further research purposes.
The main suggestion is to improve the health care system and the quality of food and provide good treatments for children with early dental caries (Oyedele et al. 2018). Based on the analysis it can be said that the whole world suffers from early dental caries in children. Thus, it is important to provide the necessary measurements to the children for the betterment of their health. These strategies help in the reduction of dental caries among children in Nigeria.
Through the analysis, it has also been discovered that pH plays a critical role in the oral fitness of children, so preserving the appropriate pH is crucial. Obesity and stunting are accountable for the misshaping of the salivary gland and the elements of the saliva which induces or leads to a lack of nutrition. Hence, it requires reasonable engagement (Soesilawati et al. 2019). The study shows that there is a collaboration between lack of nutrition and early dental caries established on body mass index (BMI) and it is also linked to growth losses.
There are again provocative movements detected in early childhood caries generated by the pathogen-related disease which originates from the lack of nutrition. Through this investigation, it can even be said that inadequate diet and some aspects related to the consumption of meals are significantly impacting children. Therefore via this study analysis, it can be illustrated that deficiency in nutrition constructs painful dental caries in children in Nigeria, and it is necessary to consider the issue with maximum importance. Hence it is important to consider all the aspects that are related to this disease.
Justification for the present review
There are numerous investigations which concentrate on the current topic but most of the results illustrate the effects and association between nutrition and early childhood dental caries. Early reviews have their own regulations exploring applicable analysis materials. On the other hand, the latest thoughts have accomplished their relentless examination into all the potential and corresponding sources but none of the thoughts concentrates on the advancements techniques which were needed in the oral maintenance of the children. The whole world is regarding the results of lack of nutrition, especially in children and the outcome of dental caries which is interconnected to it. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of proof to enhance oral health care in children caused by malnutrition. This study is proposed to consider this improvement procedure based on current studies, materials, other relevant programs and substances of further investigation in this area. There are also factors that need to be considered for the above matter.
Review Question
What is the connection between early dental caries and nourishment in Nigeria?
Population | Intervention | Comparison between groups | Outcomes |
The Nigerian children | Appropriate nutrition suggestion | Between Nigerian malnourished children and normal children | Reduction of dental caries in children |
Table 1: PICO
Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria
In this section you should clearly describe, define and justify your inclusion (and exclusion) criteria and frame them using an appropriate tool (PICO, PEO, PICo, or PCC).
?€Have you provided a clear specification and justification for your proposed inclusion and exclusion criteria?
?€Are your inclusion and exclusion criteria framed using an appropriate tool (PICO, PEO, PICo or PCC)?
A systematic review will be taken into account as a study designed to review the research topic related to dental caries and deprivation of nutrition in children age groups between 0 to not more than 6 years old children living in Nigeria.
Inclusion Factors
Based on the purpose of this research which is to investigate the association between nutrition and dental caries in Nigeria, the review question is informal in type and well-oriented to the "Population/Participants, Interventions, Comparison, Outcome (PICO)" framework. Therefore, according to the framework of 'PICO' the inclusion criteria will be as follows:
The articles relevant to the Nigerian demography of children affected by dental caries and the nutritional practices of Nigerian children (ages ranging from 0- less than 6 years) will be utilized for this review work. Various studies of nutrition linked to early dental caries will also be incorporated in this examination for more useful understanding. Studies with dental caries will be also discussed in the review if those studies included children in the age range of 0-6 years.
All the analyses that contain detailed and specified arguments about practices based on nutrition and dental caries of Nigerian children-related (age ≤ 6 years) interventions and assignments will be evaluated for review. The interventions associated with the investigation of energy-dense food requirements as a nutritious practice to decrease malnutrition in children will be also brought into a statement for this review. This kind of intervention will contain investigations and research outcomes associated with the understanding of dental caries, lack of nutrition and consumption of high-energy food requirements.
Comparison Group
The non-exposed management party of children associated with Early Childhood dental Caries (ECC) and children group of ≤ 6 years who aren't encountering nutrition-related issues can be enclosed for comparison.
The primary outcome of this review work will be a reduced growth rate of dental caries cases in Nigerian children demography ageing ≤ 6 years. This review work will also help to lessen the chances of the occurrence of ECC in the demography of Nigerian children ≤ 6 years. The secondary consequence will be an expanded understanding of the consumption of healthful nutritional practices for avoiding early dental caries and lack of nutrition in children groups (not more than 6 years) of Nigeria. The overall analysis shows that the nutritional value is directly related to early dental caries.
Other Inclusion Factors and exclusion factors
Types of Study
This review work will include Randomised Control Trials (RCTs) which illustrate the most diligent pieces of evidence to ascertain causality. Even with the dormant risk of bias, the non-RCTs, before and after the unit studies will also be comprehended as there is a lack of trials in ECC interventions and the challenges of directing fully administrated trials in the children community of Nigeria.
Factors | Inclusion Criteria | Exclusion Criteria |
Type of Journal | Peer-reviewed journal | Non-Peer Reviewed Journal |
Publication Date | Last five years | Before five years |
Topic Related | Nutrition-related Dental caries related | Other diseases related such as cardiovascular, obesity, liver diseases and nutritional abnormalities based diseases |
Language | English | Dutch language, Portuguese, French, Spanish |
Structure | Well structured | Not well-structured |
Table 2: Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Search Strategy
This section should provide your preliminary search strategy. It should specify the databases and additional sources that you will search and also provide example search terms. You should frame your search terms using your PICO, PEO, PICo or PCC tool (as appropriate). This section should also describe your proposed approach for study selection and how you will quality assure the process of study selection.
?€Have you provided detail to demonstrate that you understand the concepts and techniques for conducting a systematic literature search (e.g. by using truncation, combining thesaurus and free text terms etc.)?
?€Have you identified a process for study selection and for how decisions on study selection will be made?
The strategy of searching the studies related to the review work will be constructed on the basis of the factors stated in the inclusion criteria. The database available through the libraries of the most effective and accurate data related to the research topic will be taken as relevant search sources. MEDLINE is the most frequently utilized database for healthcare band Medical issues related intervention will be also considered along with CINAHL, PUBMED, EMBASE and Cochrane Library which have a slender focus on this targeted section. This library will provide the most relevant search results related to the ECC dental issues found in Nigeria. The preliminary search tactics utilized in PUBMED are as followed bellow:
# | Search Terms |
S1 | Nutrition OR nutritional malfunctioning OR malnutrition |
S2 | Early childhood dental caries (ECC) OR dental caries OR Dental plaques OR Dental diseases |
S3 | Nigerian children OR Nigerian 0-6 years demography |
S4 | S1 AND S2 AND S3 |
Table 3: Search Strategy
Screening and selection of study
The screening can be constructed through two different steps. The first step is the one-handed screening of the title and the construction of the abstract. The screening quality can be maintained by doing it twice within a particular interval of time. After that, it needs to be checked by the supervisor for complete and accurate results. The final step is to create a full-text screening based on the first step. Availability of additional information is crucial due to the difficulties that can occur during the selection of studies. PRISMA will be used to screen the articles and remove the duplicate articles to ensure the high quality result (Sarkis-Onofre et al. 2021).
Figure 1: Prisma Diagram
The screening process needs to be as accurate as possible because the whole framework of the study depends on this very portion.
Quality Assessment & Data Extraction
For systematic reviews, this section should describe your proposed approach to quality assessment and data extraction. This should include a process for recording extracted data and some details about the information that will be extracted from your included studies. For systematic reviews, this section should also describe the approach to quality assessment and explain why a particular tool has been selected.
For scoping reviews, this section should describe your proposed approach to data extraction (also referred to as ‘charting’). Scoping review do not typically involve a quality assessment step. This section should describe the process that will be applied to chart the data and a good level provided about the information that will be extracted from the included studies.
For systematic reviews:
?€Is your approach to assessing the methodological quality of included studies described and justified?
?€Have you selected an appropriate quality assessment tool? Does the selected tool assess the quality of all of the types of study designs you will include in your review (i.e. is it fit for purpose)?
?€Have you included details about how the results of the quality assessment will be used?
For both:
?€Have you identified a process for recording your extracted data?
?€Have you described the types of information that will be extracted you’re your included studies? For scoping reviews, are all variables for which data will be sought listed and defined?
Assessing the quality of the research study is important within the systematic review as it also helps in judging the data quality and article quality. It has been identified that results lots obtained from a poorly conducted study reduce the impact factor. Hence, a quality appraisal is required to perform for every research specifically, in the systematic review (Eriksen and Frandsen, 2018). Potential biased can be identified with the quality assessment which helps in helps in avoiding these problems while conducting the research work. Quality assessment is possible to conduct simultaneously with the data extraction process. The CASP tool will be used for the assessment of the quality of this systematic review. CASP has 10 questions to answer based on the selected articles which define the appropriateness and relativeness of the research topic (Long et al. 2018). CASP is a generic tool which has been developed to appraise the limitations and strengths of systematic review articles. For this research, about 10 articles will be reviewed and every article will be appraised using the CASP tool. This CASP tool will be utilised to measure the robustness of the research which can be prevented further by consulting with the researcher.
Data extraction is the procedure by which research workers and surveyors obtain the required information and resources about study characteristics and findings related to the targeted research topics from authenticated studies, articles and journals (Romero and Ventura, 2020). Data extraction form will be created using MS excel and MS word in cooperation with the project administrator and will be driven with 3-4 articles. Extraction done single-handedly will be taken place by the reviewer and the administrator will juice out data from the 15% of the article to perpetuate accuracy, error avoidance and completeness. Data extraction can be done with various data extraction tools. Data extricated from the journals will contain:
Study Details
Year, context, place of research work, type and aims etc.
Number, exclusion criteria, inclusion criteria, socio-demographics, age, number and percentage of participants, nutritional practices at baseline etc.
Types of interventions taken for review (either educational interventions and studies or resource provisions or research journals), description, implementation methods, place and time frame of interventions, duration of intervention etc.
Unit of assessment, the timing of outcome assessment, statistical and methodological tactics used for analysis, types of outcomes, methods of collecting data, methods of refining of collected data etc.
Other Additional Information
Details of any additional related outcomes relevant to the research topic, limitations of the study, funding sources, resource use, any adverse campaigns or events, and Study gaps related to the research done. There is more information that can be incorporated into the study for future studies.
Data Analysis & Synthesis Methods
This section should describe your proposed plan and approach to data analysis and synthesis. It should describe a recognised method of synthesis that is consistent with your chosen review approach. The objectives for scoping reviews are different to systematic reviews and this section should also provide details about how the evidence will be presented if the scoping review approach is being followed.
?€Have you specified a clear plan and strategy for your data analysis and synthesis?
?€Is it the appropriate method for the topic, review question and review approach that you have selected?
?€Have you shown that you understand the concepts and techniques for data synthesis for your chosen review approach?
This investigation was performed to establish on the connection between nutrition and early dental caries in Nigerian children. The data is analyzed based on the previous studies conducted on the present topic. Data synthesis of this investigation will be achieved by approaching the query as it seeks the investigation of the interventions that can enhance the early dental caries in children in Nigeria forced by lack of nutrition (Whelton et al. 2019). This study also considers the statistical and other approaches to analyze and evaluate the collected data. Based on the data and analysis the evaluation was constructed and the outcomes are created.
The data will be presented through thematic analysis, which helps to find the patterns in the data which are important or interesting and to utilize the themes to point out the research or the issues related to the topic. Several tools and strategies are used in the analysis of the data (Coker et al. 2018). The purpose of this study is to analyze the data and make proper measurements to improve the oral health carter of children in Nigeria.
Therefore, thematic analysis will be followed for the data synthesis and analysis.
In this section you should provide a time schedule for your proposed systematic or scoping review. It’s a good idea to depict your timeframe graphically, showing the tasks to be completed and identifying key project milestones. Also, show how long you think each task is likely take and if/how different tasks might overlap.
?€Have you suitable identified tasks and project milestones? What are the steps involved in doing your review and when will you do them?
?€Is the timeframe clearly presented and realistic (i.e. it is designed as a student project)?
?€Have you shown that you understand how to plan for and manage a systematic or scoping review?
Final tips ?€Read back through your completed proposal. Have you been consistent in terms of your review question and review approach? ?€Have you chosen the right framework (PICO, PEO, PICo or PCC) for your review question and review approach? ?€Are the other methods you plan to use consistent with your review question and review approach? For example, if you are doing a systematic review have you selected an appropriate quality assessment tool for the types of evidence that you plan to include in your review. ?€If you’ve chosen to do a scoping review have you provided a clear justification in the Introduction for why this is the right approach for your topic? |
Task | 1st month | 2nd month | 3rd month | 4th month | 5th month | 6th month | 7th month |
Selection of articles | |||||||
Creation of the review protocol | |||||||
Searching of the unpublished and published articles | |||||||
Quality assessment | |||||||
Data extraction | |||||||
Analysis of data | |||||||
Writing and development of draft | |||||||
Submission |
Table 4: time frame for systematic review
On Each Order!
Reference list
Manohar, N., Hayen, A., Fahey, P. and Arora, A., 2020. Obesity and dental caries in early childhood: a systematic review and meta?analyses. Obesity Reviews, 21(3), p.e12960.
Branger, B., Camelot, F., Droz, D., Houbiers, B., Marchalot, A., Bruel, H., Laczny, E. and Clement, C., 2019. Breastfeeding and early childhood caries. Review of the literature, recommendations, and prevention. Archives de Pédiatrie, 26(8), pp.497-503.
Reddy, P., Krithikadatta, J., Srinivasan, V., Raghu, S. and Velumurugan, N., 2020. Dental caries profile and associated risk factors among adolescent school children in an urban South-Indian city. Oral Health Prev Dent, 18(1), pp.379-86.
Soesilawati, P., Notopuro, H., Yuliati, Y., Ariani, M.D. and Alwino Bayu Firdauzy, M., 2019. The role of salivary sIgA as protection for dental caries activity in Indonesian children. Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dentistry, pp.291-295.
Whelton, H.P., Spencer, A.J., Do, L.G. and Rugg-Gunn, A.J., 2019. Fluoride revolution and dental caries: evolution of policies for global use. Journal of dental research, 98(8), pp.837-846.
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