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The research paper titled “Relational Databases Vs NoSQL Databases" focuses on a detailed overview of relational and NoSQL databases. These two types of databases have several differences and these databases are used for different purposes. According to the research paper, NoSQL and social databases are contending database models. Hence, based on statements and findings, understanding of key highlights from these databases can be understood. Hence, this review paper focuses on developing an understanding of the research that has been done and based on the research areas such as finding major and minor issues has been highlighted. In addition, this research paper includes a description of ACID (atomicity, consistency, detachment, and solidness), reviews have been focused on those areas as well.
In addition, this paper has been focused on data models and schemas followed by a framework such as the CAP hypothesis. The research paper focuses on the analysis of NoSQL over relational databases followed by both issues and advantages having been identified and analyzed. Hence, this review paper has been focused on key highlights that can be derived from the analysis. In addition, issues with security and aspects that are essential while using databases have been analyzed in this paper. Security services are very crucial for database management in both relational and NoSQL databases. Hence, services based on security in both relational and non-relational databases have been focused on in this paper. Keeping these aspects in mind and based on analysis of the paper and outcomes of the research this review has been done. Based on the understanding and analysis key or major issues that are included in this paper and minor issues have been identified and described in this review paper. Hence these are the key aspects that have been focused on in this review followed by the areas of presentation of the paper and style of the paper.
The research paper titled “Relational Databases Vs NoSQL Databases" focuses on relational and NoSQL databases. Aspects related to these databases including security aspects, advantages, and disadvantages over maintaining databases have been addressed in this research paper. This paper mentions web 2.0 and 3.0. However, there is no detailed mention of these areas and their usages. This is an issue in terms of lack of clarity and knowledge in these areas. Hence, the paper fails to provide detailed knowledge on these areas that were needed for a better understanding of its functionalities. In addition, this paper mentioned the distribution of data, administration content, and stream handling. However, there is no detailed overview on these areas as well. In addition, mention of DB2 and Informix Dynamic Server by IBM, RDB, SQL server, and access have been mentioned and there is no significant description of these areas in the paper. These are drawbacks and do not provide detailed ideas about the research that has been conducted.
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Another very crucial drawback of this paper is there are no clear comments on technologies that have been mentioned or databases. Analysis and based on the analysis recommendations have not been provided. In addition, this paper focuses on the future aspect of NoSQL and there are no future aspects for relational databases. In addition, NoSQL databases do not provide additional security over hacking or threats (Gupta, Singh, Tomar,2018). The paper fails to prove this aspect followed by the facts on how relational databases are more secure and help in data security. Hence this paper could also mention that NoSQL databases are not suitable for data analysis as this is not secure.
In addition, as this research paper focuses on security services, it could have provided detailed ideas about security threats such as malicious code injection, data modification by unauthorized control and destruction of data, and issues related to the analysis of data as there is no security. These aspects that have not been discussed in the paper make the paper incomplete and provide knowledge with a shadow.
The research paper provides just an overview of the database and its security and differences. This paper does not discuss any aspects in detail and does not focus on detailed technical research and analysis. Hence, this paper is acceptable for just the overview and gaining an overview of databases. Hence, the paper has a huge drawback over increasing the understanding of various fields related to data storage and management. In addition, there are several misspellings and use of unnecessary comments in the research that is lacking in the relation between them. In addition, in the disadvantaged part of NoSQL, the second point says the full form of NoSQL, which can never be a disadvantage of a database. In addition, this paper says that some NoSQL databases are not ACID components. On the other hand, the NoSQL databases are never ACID components. Hence, these databases lack scalability, reliability, and integrity (Sahatqija et al., 2018). Under the key highlight section of NoSQL, the second highlight has an incomplete sentence that says “they have dynamic”. This sentence does not mean anything to the reader. This paper says the SQL databases are not suitable for use in the progressive interface. On the other hand, SQL databases are the most suitable database for progressive interfaces (Lofstead, Mitchell, and Chen, 2020). In addition, this paper provides contradictory statements about the schema of the databases. Once the paper describes that the NoSQL database has no fixed schema and at the next row it says that the database has fixed or static and predefined schema. These two commits themselves are contradictory. Hence, the research shows a lack of knowledge and research followed by clarity issues in several areas. Hence, the researcher needs to study and research more on topics for gaining clear knowledge and understanding of the databases. In addition, maintaining extra carefulness while constructing a research paper is crucial that has been lacking in the paper.
The research paper titled “Relational Databases Vs NoSQL Databases'' has several issues. Some have been described in the major issue section that includes critical issues that this paper includes. There are several minor issues present in this paper as well that will be focused on under this discussion. One of the issues includes the swap in between relational and NoSQL databases. The researcher has put the words suitable for complex queries under the NoSQL database and not suitable for the relational database. Hence, these are the total opposite aspects that have been mentioned. Hence, the relational database is more suitable for complex queries than the NoSQL databases that have been wrongly mentioned in the research paper (Interviewbit, 2021).
In addition, in another point, the research says that NoSQL has cross-platform support, and it is secure and free to use. Hence, this is wrongly narrated in this research paper. In addition, it says that the MYSQL, Postgres, and oracle come under the NoSQL database, which is wrong. These databases come under relational databases (Setyawati, Wijoyo, and Soeharmoko, 2020). In addition, this paper provides a very short insight on the figure of NoSQL while there is no detailed overview of relational databases. It is expected that when research is done based on the differences and comparison, researchers should pay equal attention to both the areas that are focused for the comparison. Hence, the research paper should have another section for the future prospects of relational databases as well.
In addition, in these sections for both the databases, a detailed overview should be presented. The research paper lacks the regularity of sampling evidence based on the time period that could have provided an extra edge to the research (Damschroder, 2020). This sampling could be more on dividing the changes of databases and their usages in certain time periods and describing them. These aspects are very helpful for providing a clear and better understanding of technologies and their usages. Also, this paper does not describe any technology on which the databases are used. There are very few areas that research shows that the database uses certain hardware and technologies. However, these technologies and the hardware requirements have not been described in detail so that readers can get an insight into these aspects. Hence, proper knowledge formation is lacking for users. In addition, there is an unavailability of proper referencing. Hence, this creates a blockage for users to retrieve knowledge seamlessly. These are very critical areas that need to be focused on while constructing and introducing information in research. These are the minor issues that this research paper includes.
The research paper that has been developed for determining the differences between the relational and NoSQL databases provides knowledge on several factors and technical aspects of these databases. Presentation wise, this research paper lacks in some areas such as sentence construction, and sometimes there is the use of unrelated words in the paper. In addition, in some areas, the research paper has used sentences that are difficult to understand the meaning of. There are very few pictures and diagrams in this research that could be improved for visual pleasure and overall improvement of research quality. In addition, in some paragraphs, this paper follows justification alignment and in some paragraphs, it follows right alignment. This creates unpleasant experiences or deteriorates the experience of readers which is a very crucial aspect. This change in alignment catches attention towards the paragraphs in the wrong manner. Research papers need to be well constructed and well aligned. In addition, there are very few References that show a lack of research as well. In addition, the power uses tables for showing differences, which is a good aspect of portraying differences in a structured manner. However, in some places the research shows swiping of information that is the research information that is suitable for NoSQL comes under relational database and vice versa. Hence, this has deteriorated the overall quality of the research. The research focuses on different primary contrasts such as scalability, community, language, and structure. A small description of the ACID property also has been provided in this research for the understanding of if the databases are able to meet the properties or not. This has been constructed well as this helps in understanding which areas are covered by the database and areas that are not required for the database application. This additional aspect helps in improvement in presentation. In addition, there is a lack of detailing in the paper. That means the paper fails to provide a detailed overview of areas that have been mentioned in the paper. This issue with extra effort deteriorates the quality of presentation and fails in providing adequate knowledge. However, the writing style and presentation style is not up to the mark and lacks clarity. These areas need to be focused on while making changes in this paper or constructing a paper based on future research (Karras et al., 2020). Otherwise, the overall presentation is satisfactory and needs changes for betterment.
This research paper focuses on areas that are mostly uncovered in research and it presents these areas in a detailed manner. Especially the differences that have been portrayed in this research paper provide detailed knowledge on the differences. Hence, the paper meets the purpose and this is highly appreciated. However, the research could have been focused on diverse areas such as providing some insights about the basic knowledge and background on the technologies and databases that are focused in this research. In this way, the research could have been more meaningful for early researchers. In addition, changes in issues that have been discussed in the major and minor issue sections need to be made clear. Additionally, this paper lacks deep insight and a detailed analysis of facts that need to be included. Sentence construction could be improved as well. In some areas, the meaning of the sentences is not clear to the reader and there is the presence of incomplete sentences. However, the paper meets the requirement that is identifying the advantages and disadvantages of relational and NoSQL databases. Hence, this paper can be accepted once the changes are made. Otherwise, this paper meets the objective of the research that is finding differences between relational and NoSQL databases.
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Damschroder, L.J., 2020. Clarity out of chaos: use of theory in implementation research. Psychiatry Research, 283, p.112461.
Karras, T., Laine, S., Aittala, M., Hellsten, J., Lehtinen, J. and Aila, T., 2020. Analyzing and improving the image quality of stylegan. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 8110-8119).
Sahatqija, K., Ajdari, J., Zenuni, X., Raufi, B. and Ismaili, F., 2018, May. Comparison between relational and NoSQL databases. In 2018 41st international convention on information and communication technology, electronics, and microelectronics (MIPRO) (pp. 0216-0221). IEEE.
Setyawati, E., Wijoyo, H. and Soeharmoko, N., 2020. Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).
Interview bit. 2021. SQL vs NoSQL. Retrieved on 11th February 2022. From:https://www.interviewbit.com/blog/sql-vs-nosql/#:~:text=NoSQL%20is%20best%20suited%20for,Not%20ideal%20for%20complex%20queries.
Gupta, S., Singh, N.K. and Tomar, D.S., 2018, May. Analysis of NoSQL database vulnerabilities. In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT) (pp. 26-27).
Lofstead, J., Mitchell, J. and Chen, E., 2020, May. Stitch It Up: Using Progressive Data Storage to Scale Science. In 2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) (pp. 52-61). IEEE.
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