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Health and safety in engineering Assignment Sample By Native Assignment Help in UK.
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Task 1 - PowerPoint:
Slide 1: Accident and emergency procedures and work roles and responsibilities
Slide 2: Introduction
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SN: In this research, the health and safety of the employees in the engineering industry is an essential part as in these types of industries, there is always a risk of spreading fire. Therefore, the Health and Safety Officer is essentially responsible for checking that all the safety processes and the safety equipment are up to the mark or not. The Officers also provide messages to the employees that what to do in a time of risk.
Slide 3: Role of First Aider and Fire Warden
SN: In this case, the role of the health and safety officer has to be the work of the First aider and fire warden that they are working well on safety or not. Therefore, the duties in the time of danger are to manage the risk and which is to make the employees move from the danger areas to the safest place and to make paths which will safely make the people exit from the danger (Veenema et al. 2019).
Slide 4: The use of fire extinguishers
SN: In this modern time, it is observed that different industries of science are rapidly growing in which different types of machinery, as well as chemicals, are used. In this industry, there are different risks of breaking out fire from the types of machinery and chemicals processing. Therefore, different fire extinguishers are used, which prohibits the spreading of fire (Nikola, 2021). The materials coming out from the fire extinguisher acts as the blankets of fire and reduces the level of oxygen in the engineering industries.
Slide 5: How to raise fire alarm
SN: In this case, different modern technological alarm systems are used and inspected by the Health and Safety Officer. This modern system of alarms has different sensors which can judge the rise of fire and alert the worker to evacuate the building as there is any danger. This alerts the workers that there is any break of fire or danger.
Slide 6: how should fire alarms sound
SN: In this case, the sound of the fire alarm should be louder and can be heard from a wider distance which can alert the workers quickly. As it alerts the workers, the workers should evacuate the place as soon as possible and move to a safe place.
Slide 7: The evacuation procedure
SN: the evacuation process should maintain different exit plans for the workers from danger. These are the processes which will provide the workers in the time of existence from the danger to the safe side. These techniques are developed by the health and safety officer (Swift et al. 2017).
On Each Order!
Slide 8: Escape routes and muster points
SN: In the engineering and chemical industries, there is a high risk of fire and dangers. Therefore, the Health and Safety Officer should look after the safety exit. In this case, due to the greater mass of the workers, the safety paths should be covered in such a way that the workers can easily exit the forum (Gofuku, 2018).
Slide 9: Location and provision of First Aid
SN: First aid is the essential thing needed in the time of injury to prevent the spread of infection. In engineering companies, the first aid should be present in bulk as these companies have a higher risk of danger (Veenema et al. 2019). The location of the first aids should be in such a place that the workers can easily find.
Slide 10: Routines for reporting the fire
SN: In the time of occurrence, a fire alarm should be pulled which will alert the people then make calls to the nearest fire stations and lastly find the suitable fire exit which will make the employees out of danger and the most important thing is to avoid lifts (Wang et al. 2020).
Slide 11: Reference list
Slide 12: Thank you
Task 1 - Poster:
Health & Safety at Work Act and related legislation
In every workplace, there are different health and Safety acts which are related to the legislation. This is the major piece of legislation to govern health and safety in the workplace. There are also essential parts of the regulation that are being integrated with the process of managing the health and safety of people in the workplace. This act states that the general duties of all the working people in the industry should maintain their health and safety in the workplace (Sui et al. 2018). Further legislation in the business sector that operates in the high-risk department such as the engineering as well as in chemical industries should essentially take care of the health and safety of the workers as in those industries there is a higher risk of danger.
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the primary thing needed in the work regulation. These include several items like safety helmets, gloves, high-visibility clothing, safety harness, eye protection, safety footwear and many more that are used to keep the employees safe in the workplace. It also includes different types of respiratory protective equipment, which are mainly used in the chemical industries to protect the respiratory system of our body. These equipment are used by the workers to protect themselves from danger which includes breathing in the gases present in the air, protects the head as well as feet from falling materials, protecting the eyes from liquid splashes, protecting the body from excessive heat, as well as cold (Jamshidi et al. 2019).
Manual Handling Operations Regulations
The handling of regulation and operating it manually is the most important part of the workplace, which is maintained by the Officer Health and Safety. These measures are the most required part of the engineering industry, which are as follows:
Use of Work Equipment Regulations
In this case, different equipment is used in the workplace by the workers to stay safe and healthy. Therefore, the uses of types of equipment are as follows:
Display Screen at Work Regulations
In this case, the health and safety equipment regulation has brought a process which is Display Screen Equipment (DSE) that is the computer screens. This process contains different provisions, which are:
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
This is the process of law which is required by the officer of health and safety in order to control subsequences which are hazardous to the health. The officer of health and safety can reduce or prevent the workers from exposing to hazardous by:
Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)
RIDDOR is the most significant thing in the workplace. This is the law which states that workers of any workplace, whether the manager of an employee, should keep the records of various things, which are as follows:
Task 2: Report:
Preparing for and carrying out an engineering activity:
PPE mainly stands for "Personal Protective Equipment". They are used by many front line workers in each industry where there is a high chance or risk of getting injured. PPE basically refers to the line of clothing or any kind of materials of equipment an individual can wear in order to protect themselves against hazardous conditions. The main aim of using PPE is to prepare an individual for any safety and health risks. The PPE ensures an extra layer of protection to the frontline workers in the event of any accidents.
In terms of heavy engineering work, there are high chances of getting injuries from the workplaces. So in order to protect from harmful injuries, an individual needs to use some protective gear and follow some rules and protocols in the workplaces. Usage of protection gears makes the workplace more safe and secure. Previously, the front line workers didn't use protective gears, and even their sense of clothing has led to many accidents in the workplace. In severe cases, the worker has even lost their lives. This creates a very bad workplace culture, and the company has to face many losses. But in modern times, with technological advancements, many protective gears are being available in the market for the workers as well as the employees. Various gear for receptive parts of the human body like eyes; arms and legs are being discovered. Even certain organizations have formed new rules and regulations and dressing codes which an individual needs to follow so that the probability; the city of accidents can be decreased (Simola and Rajamaki, 2017).
As discussed before, there are many protective gears available in the market for each body part. Some of the headgears and protective hardware are discussed as follows:
A suitable form of eye protectors needs to be used in order to protect the eyes from severe injuries. Especially in the cases of molten metal, chemicals that are in liquid form, acidic liquids, chemicals vapors and gases and even in cases of flying particles, appropriate eye protection should be used. The eye headgears should maintain a certain level of requirements to offer protection like the equipment should be disinfected, durable in nature, in good condition and should have visible pepper eyesight.
In the case of head protection, the safety equipment that is being used helps the individual to stand against penetration and helps to absorb the shock of a particular blow. There are some instances when the headgear allows protection\ion against shock waves. There are two types of headgears that are available for head protection. Type 1 is that kind of helmet which comes with a full brim. Type 2 helmets are those which come with a little extending in the forward. These are called brimless helmets. In industrial scenarios, there are three types of classes of helmets. Helmet A provides general types of services and provides protection against voltage. Class B is of utility services and provides high voltage protection, and lastly, class C is a special kind of helmet which allows no voltage protection (Velasquez et al. 2018).
Hands and Arms-
While working in a serious condition, small burns, electrical shocks, cuts, and chemicals affection are some of the basic injuries that an individual can get on their hands and arms. In order to protect themselves from these kinds of injuries, gloves, long sleeves, hand pads, and different types of wristlets can be used for protection. The main component used in these protection gears is rubber. Rubber is the best material that can be used in gloves and also in sleeves for protection against small injuries and shock waves. Other Materials like latex, neoprene and butyl rubber can also be used in clothing materials. An individual should use these types of clothing in hand and arms for better protection.
Legs and Feet-
In order to protect the legs and feet, an individual should use sturdy heavy shoes and foot guards. Even leggings are also recommended for safety purposes against molten metal and other forms of chemical injuries. Many individuals get injuries to their legs because they don't use sturdy shoes while working in hazard conditions. So o sturdy shoes should be worn by individuals for protecting their legs against falling or rolling objects as well as sharp objects. Foot guards are essential and mandatory for protection against wet slippery floors, chemicals, hot surfaces and even in cases of molten materials. So an individual should wear appropriate foot guards and sturdy shoes to workplaces.
In order to protect the lungs or the respiratory part of the individuals, there are some PPE kits that can be used. There are respirators which can be used in workplaces. There are two types of respirators - air-purifying respirators and atmosphere supply respirators. The air purifying machines help an individual by the usage of files, canisters and cartridges, which block contaminants from the air that an individual is breathing (Lavanya et al. 2019). On the other hand, atmosphere supplying based respirators help in supplying a clean form of air in a hazardous environment. These types of respirators can be used to protect the lungs or the respiratory organs of an individual.
There are many instances in which different types of protection and rules as well as regulations that need to be followed. In each instance, the individual needs to follow certain guidelines, which are as follows:
Handling Steel plates and Bars
In case of dealing with sheet plates and bars, the individual should wear heavy-duty gloves. Also, a respirator needs to be used by the individual because there is a high chance of inhaling dust from sheet metal. Safety glasses need to be used by the individuals, and washing hands with soaps in regular intervals need to be done (Kyriakopoulos, 2021).
Preparing and marking out steel plates:
Drilling holes with a pillar drill
There are certain rules and protocols that need to be followed by an individual for safely working with drills which are as follows:
Milling a smooth face on a square bar
In the case of mining, there are some practical's that need to be followed, which are as follows:
Knurling a grip on to a round bar:
Knurling tool is mainly used for cutting objects. So there are some protocols that need to be followed while handling a knurling tool which is as follows:
Usage of appropriate PPE is of great importance. It not only provides protection and security to the individual workers but also gives a sense of security among the mounds of the front line workers. All PPEs should not be used. According to the job types and the situations, PPE kits should be used. The proper mechanism should also be kept in mind while using the appropriate PPE kits. If the PPE kits are not used as per the instructor's guidance, then the kits can backfire. A person can suffer from the suffocation of excessive use of PPE kits. In terms of using respiratory, cross-check should be done. If r\the respirator kits are not installed properly, there are high chances that the person can suffer from chemicals breathing and suffocation too (Milligan et al. 2021). In simpler words, it can be said that the PPE kits should be used judging the appropriate situations and under the proper guidance of an expert.
In modern times it has been mandatory by the companies to use proper PPE kits in order to maintain the safety protocols for their workers. PPE kits can be life-saving, and it gives protection from every possible outcome or scenario. Not only that, PPE kits are available for every aspect like for lungs, arms, limbs and even for the torso. Thus it can be concluded by saying appropriate PPE kits need to be installed judging from the requirements and the particular scenario.
Task 2 - PowerPoint:
Slide 1: Title
Slide 2: Introduction
SN: PPE is mainly used for ensuring safety while working in severe working conditions. It is mainly used by frontline workers. While working in extreme conditions, minor injuries like burnt, rashes, respiratory diseases, and even eyes get severe damages. All of these circumstances can be avoided with the proper utilization of PPE kits.
Slide 3: Background
SN: Previously, the frontline workers were not well equipped with PPE kits, and as a result, there were many accidents happening at the workplace. This affected the work culture of a company. Later with technological advancements, many PPE kits were discovered, and companies made it mandatory for the usage of PPE kits for ensuring the safety of the workplace for the employees.
Slide 4: Eyes, Head, and Hands, Arm, Lungs, Legs and feet
Slide 5: Steel plates and Bars drilling holes
Slide 6: Milling and Knurling
Slide 7: Recommendation
Slide 6: Conclusion
Slide 8: Reference list
Slide 9: Thank you
Task 2- Risk assessment:
Soldering is mainly referred to as the process of combining two or more different types of metals together with the help of melting solder. There are many risks associated with the process of soldering, and various precautions can be used to prevent it (Shaari et al. 2019). Some of them are discussed as follows:
Step 1: Identification of Hazards
Step 2: Identifying who all can get affected
In the case of soldering, the front line workers are at great risk. All the soldering activities are done by the frontline workers. They are at high risk of getting infected due to the soldering of iron.
Step 3: How to mitigate the risks
Step 4: Individual findings and implementation
The soldering process contains a lot of risk. In order to mitigate those risks, precautions against electrical hazards, fire and health surveillance are required. In soldering, there are a lot of fumes, and in order to control them, the working condition should be well equipped with fire extinguishers and resin clothes. The employees or the workers should be given basic safety training if there are any emergency situations, how they need to react and act accordingly. A first aid kit should be kept handy. Also, waste management should be done in the right way (Matthews et al. 2019). There is a lot of waste generated due to soldering, and if the waste is not handled in a proper way, then there are high chances of getting injuries.
Step 5: Reviewing the risk assessment
Finally, cross-checking the situation is very important. Whether appropriate measures have been put into practice and proper PPE kits have been provided or not needs to be cross-checked. A final review by the management is needed to be done in order to ensure that everything is working properly
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