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The Psychological Links Between Smoking, Drinking, Diabetes, and Heart Attacks By Native Assignment Sample
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The topic is mainly focused on type 2 diabetes and heart attacks. The health issues have mainly been evaluated for mainly life-challenging events like smoking and drinking. Smoking and drinking are highly related to type 2 diabetes and heart attacks. The study is mainly focused on some of the major areas like the psychology that is related to health-related behaviour, the psychology of the illness and the disease that is mainly based on heart attack and types two diabetes. Moreover, the study is mainly based on maintaining and developing the psychology that helps in coping with all the life events. Smoking is highly related to both of these factors. Smoking can be one of the greatest parts of type 2 diabetes. People with more than 40% of type 2 diabetes face a lack of health activities. However, the overall essay is mainly based on an interview analysis of the father. Based on the main aspects some of the major theories that are based on the health psychology of type two diabetes patients and heart attacks have been demonstrated here. Based on that approaches, mainly the interview analysis of those questions have been evaluated in this project, which helps in identifying and demonstrating all of the aspects.
The topic is mainly based on two kinds of health issues such as heart attack and types 2 diabetes. The overall analysis mainly helps in demonstrating the overall evaluation of these two kinds of disease on the psychological changes and the behavioural changes. Due to that reason, the overall evaluation is based on an interview conducted with their father who is totally experienced in giving those kinds of answers. However, this kind of evaluation helps in improving the well-being activities, and behavioural changes for improving the health impact. The main aim of the study is to find out the impact of these kinds of diseases are type two diabetes and heart attack on psychological changes mainly in the behavioural changes. Smoking is that kind of aspect through which the overall impact of that activity on psychology has been done. The impact can make many negative impacts on behavioural changes (Ntoumanis et al. 2021). However, in this study, some of the major coping strategies have been also evaluated that help in improving the well-being activity and the mental health issues. However, some of the major factors theories in the behavioural changes have been also evaluated here that help in influencing an individual for makings scene of illness and health, which are heart attack and type two diabetes. Some of the major psychological theories, which are based on mainly health-related behaviour, have been approached in this interview process, which makes a lot of impact on this evaluation.
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Mainly for evaluation, the main aim is based on the impact of type two diabetes and heart attacks on health-related behaviours have been focused. Based on the reports of some clinical reports of some authentic hospitals in the UK, it can be evaluated that “type 2 diabetes” has mainly a clinical depression and make some depressive disorders that have sustainable distress that can make some negative impact on the self-care and the health functions. However, it can be also stated that the quality of the life can be changed and depressive of the impact of T2D on the psychological behaviour. However, it can be stated that psychological behaviour and T2D are related to each other. The treatment of T2D is also a long-term process due for that reason, many psychological impacts that are hypoglycaemia can be faced (Hendrieckx et al. 2019). On the other side, the heart track is another kind of aspect that highly affects the psychological process. However, it can also state that mental health like depression, anxiety, and PTSD can cause psychological changes. Due to that reason, it can be easily stated that a heart attack can the development of mental health too poor, which can affect behavioural psychology. The heart attack is mainly overwhelmed with emotions. Due to that reasons, the angry, confusion, sad, and lonely activity can be increased in a human being that can some major affect the changes in psychology. Based on that reason, it can be stated that both T2D and heart attacks are highly related to the psychological behaviour that affects mental illness. Due to that reason, the interview conduction has been done through which the coping strategies can be evaluated on the changes in behaviour.
The main overview of this interview conduction is based on the evaluation of two types of context. One is mainly based on the impact of T2D on behavioural psychology and another one is to find out the impact of a heart attack on psychological behaviour. However, the interview analysis is also based on the evaluation of some theories that have some of the aspects through which the coping strategies can be improved. However, the interview conduction is mainly done with the father. The interview process has been done on the father because maintaining the Covid-protocol and some major pieces of information based on this development. In this interview process, some of the major questions have been asked the participants who are the father. The main aim of this interview conduction is mainly based on the understanding the health condition of the participants of their lives and all of the efforts for changes their overall behaviour from their own kind of perspectives. However, the main aim of the study is to find out the impact of those two diseases on daily life. The interview conduction is also focusing on the ways of the happening of the impact and the kind of difficulties that have been faced by the behaviour changes (Sadowski et al. 2020). However, another aim of this interview conduction is to evaluate the managing efforts of their conditions like medication and exercise. For the interview analysis, the father who is the main participant in this interview evaluation also has filled up mainly the consent form.
Within this interview conduction, mainly the time that has been set is last 30 mins. Along with this, the interview analysis has been done based on the interview guide who is pre-prepared. After signing the consent form mainly, the interview conduction can be done. However, based on the answers of the participants, this analysis has been done. In this interview conduction, mainly the father has been chosen because, within the guidelines of the interview, it has been stated that the interview needs to be done with the family member for avoiding the stranger (Heath and Gaeth, 2019). The main topic of this interview process is based on the health behaviour and health condition for the impact of the heart attack and types two diabetes. Some of the major questions based on those have been evaluated in this analysis; mainly the question is evaluated here. The first question is based on the impact of those contexts on health behaviour that is psychology related. The second question is mainly based on some theories that help in understanding and expanding the patient’s condition. The third question is mainly based on some of the coping strategies. Including all of those aspects, this kind of evaluation has been done that helps in improving the evaluation for improving the health behaviour. All of the answers to the interview analysis have been given here.
Based on the interview analysis, some of the major theories have been evaluated. The self-regulatory model is based on behavioural illness has been expressed by the participants. The model mainly helps in examining the relationship mainly between the cognitive representation of an individual and they are coping subsequent. However, this kind of model also helps in demonstrating the control of internal locus. However, this model helps in determining and taking control of their actions. Due to that reason, the psychology of behaviour can be improved. This model helps in giving some of the major changes through which the motivation level can be improved and the re-establishment of the “normality” can be done. However, in the treatment of that kind of chronic disease, it can be stated that this model helps in diagnosing the challenges that help in expressing the stages of the chronic illness that is T2D in these participants. However, this ‘model of illness’ in the behaviour is included three kinds of stages. All of those stages are included coping, interpretation, and appraisal. The implementation of this model in the behaviour changes helps in the information received from the illness possibility. Along with this, the theory helps in enabling a person on developing some of the coping strategies that help in improving the normality state by taking some of the major emotions, and medication.
Another model that is related to health behaviour and health psychology is the “health belief model”. This kind of model or theory is mainly focused on the extent of the health behaviour that helps affect health positively. This kind of model is mainly helping in affecting the concept of influence and risk factors that helps in supporting the level. Based on this interview conduction, it can be stated that the application of this theory helps in improving health activities. Due to that reason, this theory has been used in this treatment. As the interview conduction is based on the impact of T2D and heart attack on the health behaviour helps in enlarging the behavioural responses. Along with this, it can be also stated that the implementation of this progress also helps in improving health-related behaviour. Along with this, it can be stated the impact of the use of those kinds of impacts on change (worldcat.org, 2012). However, the implementation of the “Protection motivational theory” helps in responding to self-efficacy and effectiveness. However, the implementation of those theories helps in the risk reduction of the behaviour that helps in improving the high level of motivation through which the behavioural changes can be done. Along with this, it can also be stated that the implementation of this theory helps in making better progress that also helps in changing the behaviours and beliefs.
From this interview analysis, it can be stated that the application of those kinds of theories in the development of psychological health helps in improving the development of mental health activities. Based on that reason, the negative impacts of T2D and heart attack on mental health and behavioural development can be improved (perpus.univpancasila.ac.id, 2008). Chronic illness acts like the spawn field of the psychology of health. However, it can be stated that the T2D have required some the major medication and self-monitoring process that helps in changing the behaviour. Based on the interview analysis, all of those major developments can be done and the evaluation of the impact of the mental health development can be done through all of the development.
From the overall evaluation, it can be conclusively stated that all those diseases that as T2D and heart attack can negatively affect the improvement of the health behaviour. For the finding of the topic evaluation and the development of the activities and meeting of all of the aims and conducting for the essay, mainly the interview analysis has been done here. From the overall evaluation of the interview analysis, it can be stated that the “Protection motivational theory” helps in responding to self-efficacy and effectiveness. However, the implementation of this kind of motivational theory helps in the deduction of the behaviour of the health that helps in improving the high level of motivation through which the behavioural changes can be easily done. Apart from this, in all of those illnesses of the health model and the health belief model helps in making better progress that also helps in changing the behaviours and beliefs. Along with this, all of those theories and models help in enabling an individual on improving major coping strategies that help in improving the normality state by taking some of the major emotions, and medication.
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Heath, T.B. and Gaeth, G.J., 2019. Theory and method in the study of ad and brand attitudes: Toward a systemic model. In Attention, attitude, and affect in response to advertising (pp. 125-148). Psychology Press.
Hendrieckx, C., Ivory, N., Singh, H., Frier, B.M. and Speight, J., 2019. Impact of severe hypoglycaemia on psychological outcomes in adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review. Diabetic Medicine, 36(9), pp.1082-1091.
Ntoumanis, N., Ng, J.Y., Prestwich, A., Quested, E., Hancox, J.E., Thøgersen-Ntoumani, C., Deci, E.L., Ryan, R.M., Lonsdale, C. and Williams, G.C., 2021. A meta-analysis of self-determination theory-informed intervention studies in the health domain: effects on motivation, health behaviour, physical, and psychological health. Health Psychology Review, 15(2), pp.214-244.
Sadowski, I., Böke, N., Mettler, J., Heath, N. and Khoury, B., 2020. Naturally mindful? The role of mindfulness facets in the relationship between nature relatedness and subjective well-being. Current Psychology, pp.1-16.
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