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HIV And AIDS Prevention Strategies in the United Kingdom Case Study By Native Assignment Help.
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The phrase Global Health is addressed as an area by which a practice, research and study have been developed in a proper way. This study is taking the place of achieving health equity and improving health in the global world. This specific study has been designed based on a global health issue such as HIV or AIDS in the United Kingdom. Moreover, global agencies and policies on HIV have been discussed in this essay. It is also evaluating the implemented interventions to prevent HIV in the UK. a case study has been selected based on HIV and interventional strategies to mitigate this global health issue. As individuals are able to live longer and healthier lives while living with HIV, the WHO has observed people aged 50 years have been diagnosed with HIV and it is increasing gradually (Krebs et al. 2020). In order to prevent HIV or AIDS, United Nations AIDS or UNAIDS has been implemented hence, it is reducing the HIV transmission rate in England.
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Order AI-FREE ContentThe HIV outbreak has necessitated population-dependent measures in terms of spreading this infection. All these measures are associated with hah services disruptions which include bisexual, gay and MSM and those individuals who are at risk or suffering from HIV or AIDS. According to the case study, it has been observed that around 1.7 million individuals were suffering from HIV outbreaks and 1.2 million individuals died due to this health issue (Amrita et al. 2021). Basically, HIV was observed in United Nations in the year 1981 and key populations are engaging in risky behaviours. Those behaviours include a lack of accessing HIV tests, multiple sexes, unprotected intercourse and MSM among all young sex workers in the UK. Regardless of having a generally low HIV frequency rate, Nigeria has the biggest HIV epidemic in West and Focal Africa because of its enormous populace (Beintheknow.org, 2021). Be that as it may, HIV contaminations have diminished consistently, declining by 39% beginning around 2010. Females are additional at risk for HIV than men (1.6% of women have HIV, diverged from 1% of men). 14,000 young ladies (matured 15 to 24) contracted HIV in 2021, while 3,600 young fellows did. This disparity is rooted in gender inequality (Beintheknow.org, 2021).
Hence, it has been evaluated that the prevalence rate of HIV is increased due to not being aware of sexual habits and it is mostly observed among young adults in the UK. Despite this, all those barriers for HIV treatment and prevention services are persisting especially those individuals who have the risk of being affected by HIV. The usage of Condoms has levelled off measured with the help of condom sales, around 19% of individuals with AIDS or nearly 7.1 million individuals are not aware regarding their health status and approximately 33% of individuals are suffering from HIV (Uduji et al. 2019). However, MSM has represented between 2% to 5% of those men who are considered cisgender. Moreover, those unmet HIV treatments and prevention require MSM has resulted in MSM is accounting by around 24% in the year of 2019. Even though 90-90-90 targets in the year 2020 by the Joint United Nations Programme in terms of preventing HIV are being met at the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak (Padamsee, 2020). This kind of diversion regarding healthcare sectors and resources from the HIV SARS-CoV-2 can jeopardize progress for those target populations and reduce the prevalence rate of HIV in the United Kingdom. Hence, it has been evaluated that the prevalence rate of HIV is increased due to not being aware of sexual habits and it is mostly observed among young adults in the UK
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The “Centres for Disease Control and Prevention” has generated an extensive amount of HIV surveillance information. According to this report, the HIV prevalence rate has been estimated at around 92% and 41% of individuals in London (Ikeda et al. 2019). According to the statement of Hann, (2021), it has been stated that Black African and Bisexual men and Gays have been observed as being more affected by AIDS or HIV than other individuals. Around 106890 individuals are living with AIDS in the United Kingdom and it has been extracted from the 2020 report. Having undetectable viral disease is addressed so that viruses are not able to be replicated. Additionally, it is crucial because it is allowing the immune system for getting more stronger and those individuals are able to combat other infectious or communicable diseases. On the other hand, as stated by Safarpour et al.(2020), the rate of HIV in the UK is catching up from the Urban areas due to several reasons. All those reasons include lack of affordability and accessibility of health care facilities and services and certain pharmaceutical drug usage. It is also addressed as there is not sufficient HIV in body fluids for passing on HIV to other individuals at the time of unprotected intercourse or unsafe sex.
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A huge majority of Black African individuals are living in the United Kingdom are not living with AIDS or HIV. Although around 56% of heterosexual individuals are living with AIDS or HIV are Black African and this data has been extracted from the 2018 report.
In 2018, youngsters between the ages of 15 and 24 were the focal point of 40% of HIV contaminations in Nigeria. Only 43% of young women and 34% of young men are fully informed about HIV prevention. Nigeria has the highest annual HIV infection rate in the world, accounting for 14% of the global total, among children (Beintheknow.org, 2021). Progress in this space is slow: Between 2010 and 2020, mother-to-child HIV transmission decreased by 15% in Nigeria, while it declined by 70% in Uganda and South Africa. The penalty for homosexuality in Nigeria increased to 14 years in prison in 2014 (Beintheknow.org, 2021).
As per the words of Beyrer et al.(2021), it has been observed that increasing the number of HIV among Black African individuals and also in the UK because they are not aware regarding unprotected intercourse. As a result, it is increasing the spread of HIV among them and increasing prevalence rate in the local areas of the UK and other countries. It is very difficult for interpreting in the isolation of new diagnoses. In spite of that considered all alongside information from recent years has been assembled incidence and infections estimates (Crockett et al. 2019). Henceforth, it has been considered as essential evidence regarding HIV transmission among bisexual and gay men decline significantly but it is remaining ongoing. Henceforth, HIV has been managed by all secondary HIV physicians and it is helpful for all individuals to be encouraged for combating the negative impact of AIDS.
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus pandemic is remaining a concurrent issue for all individuals and it is affecting every individual’s traditional lifestyle. This pandemic has been measured and associated with the disruption of health services such as Bisexual, gay, and MSM or men who have sex with men who are suffering from HIV (Cork et al. 2020). Additionally, most of the cases are observed in the UK.
HIV or AIDS is such a serious health problem that affects people all over the world. The main cause of the disease known as "AIDS or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome" is HIV, which is also known as the "Human Immunodeficiency Virus" (Delva et al. 2021). Currently, this is a significant problem for public health that also affects the UK community. HIV has affected a significant portion of the population, and many of them continue to live with the condition. According to the government's report on HIV in 2020, approximately 97,740 people are infected with the virus and live with it (Assets.publishing.service.gov.uk, 2022). This demonstrates that many people are affected by this problem, which has an effect on the country's social and economic circumstances.
People who are affected by this problem face numerous social and community obstacles in the country. In contrast, the majority of people suffer from mental health issues as a result of these health issues, which have an effect on their productivity at work. On the other hand, according to a report released by the UK government in 2019, one person in every 16 people has this problem (Nat.org.uk, 2022). This report's critique demonstrates that numerous individuals are affected by this health issue, indicating that it is a significant national health issue. According to NEJM, the HIV virus is the cause of the AIDS epidemic, which has a negative impact on community health (Nejm.org, 2022). There are different ways that increment the spread of HIV infection in local individuals and those are examined down;
The most common way people get HIV is through sexual contact, and the virus is spread through sexual activity. The virus also frequently spreads to other people through blood contamination (Stanford Health Care.org, 2022). Because the virus has spread through the blood, blood transformation is a standard method that aids in the community's HIV transmission. Another strategy contributing to the community's health problem transformation is sharing needles, drugs, or syringes with HIV-infected individuals. The virus's transformation from mother to child is another standard method of transmission (Donenberg et al.). 2021, p. 9). In contrast, “Saliva, sweat, tears, telephones, and casual contact” are not the means by which HIV can spread.
Those routes represent an elevated HIV transmission process in the community. They have systems in place in the event of a single person contracting the virus. According to Gamji M Rabiu Abubakari et al., (2021, p. 13103), HIV-infected individuals exhibit “Fever, Diarrhoea, Weight Loss, Fatigue, Swollen Lymph Nodes, Oral Yeast Infection (Thrush) and Shingles”. The infection's first system is fever, which can be controlled with effective medication. Then again, the disease of Helps is not absolutely preventable however it very well may be maintained for certain limitations and the standard culmination of prescriptions.
Anyone found "assisting couples" faces a possible sentence of ten years in prison. Drug use and sex work are likewise unlawful. These disadvantaged groups have difficulty accessing HIV and other sexual health services due to legal restrictions (Beintheknow.org, 2021). This suggests that some undervalued bodies are certainly more at risk of HIV than others, which frustrates efforts to reduce its spread.
Initiatives are taken to control situations at a larger scale to prevent spread of disease or to create awareness among people. The considered case study shows the immunodeficiency virus spread has remained a concurrent problem during 2019 coronavirus spread along with the government-initiated lockdown. It has been observed that during the respiratory pandemic, almost 1.7 million people of the total population were newly infected in 2019 with HIV and in 2020 the total number of infected people with HIV was 38 million as per a report by National Aids Trust, UK (Nat, 2023). The prevention has been mentioned in a case study is to use condoms and treatment for this is antiretroviral medications.
However, it has been reported that use has decreased and almost 7.1 million people are unaware of this (Marinthe et al. 2020). Therefore, it can be stated that increasing awareness should be the first initiative that needs to be increased by the government at global and local levels.As per considered case study, it has been found that at governmental level anti-homosexuality law has been developed. Additionally, "Joint United Nations Program" was targeted 90-90-90 by year 2020 however health targets were shifted from HIV prevention to Sars cov 19 prevention (Nhs 2023). Henceforth, recently WHO has identified that approximately 73 countries have low stock of antiretroviral therapeutic medication. Another initiative is increasing access to condoms and treatment or medications (Amrita et al. 2021). As opined by Havlir et al. (2020), teaching people using intrauterine protection and its importance needs to be considered by governmental level can influence people to increase its utilization.
An initiative that is important to prevent Aids about the process of safe sexualism as many teenagers are not well informed regarding this. Additionally, it is important to take into account of sex education after a certain age to all gender groups (Hayes et al. 2019). The United Kingdom government has considered the prevention strategy "United Nations Aids (UNAIDS)". As per this initiative England wants to reach zero Aids cases by 2030. Moreover, as an interim target early diagnosis and identification has been ensured by the UK so far (Nhs, 2023). As a result of this initiative, it has been identified that the UK is the first country which has targeted to achieve it by 80? by year 2025 (Gov, 2023). Nhs, therefore, has developed an HIV action plan in which local authorities have been included. The government has ensured that PrEP is routinely as well as its distribution by involving local authorities. Therefore, people experiencing health disparities such as black Africans and others. "National health service England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI)" at national level has begun to expand opt-out testing in the context of HIV on an emergency basis. Highest prevalent areas are targeted areas to spread awareness. Voluntary sectors had also taken part in this initiative.
Public health sector has cooperated with governmental authorities to reduce the burden of mortality rate due to Aids. Around 23 million grants have been provided to the sexual health services in order to ensure safe and early treatment of HIV affected people. On top of that, NHSEI has also provided funds for distribution of the drugs (Amrita et al. 2021). Hence, it has found that compared to previous years awareness has been increased. Another national agency which is working actively is Public Health England HIV innovation fund. This funding system has been able to reach approximately 170000 people who are HIV at risk by ethnicity, gender and other variations. This funding system has awarded 14 local pioneering systems.
Different projects initiated are in the of PROMOTE and Bristol drug project. These projects are mainly developed to protect the health of sex workers of different gender for diminishing chances of occurring HIV. This project has been initiated and targeted almost 150 male sex workers working in Bristol (Nhs, 2023). Success of this project was evaluated to be very high. Similar to this project another project which has been producing a great result in creating awareness related to HIV is National Prison Radio (Amrita et al. 2021). With help of this project radio podcasts were done regarding myths of HIV spreads and Aids occurrence.
The evaluation highlights that not only local authorities but also broadcasting stations play a crucial role in creating awareness about the transmission process of disease and its severity. The UK has announced a zero rate of AIDS by taking help from a global aids forum (Jarvis et al. 2020). This project also received a lump sum fund from PHE. Two charity organizations are currently in order to diminish genital disease and AIDS in females in Berkshire. The World Health Organization also concentrated on this disease to reduce the spread and to ensure holistic health of people at global level. Therefore, guidelines have been provided by WHO on sexually transmitted diseases. As per estimation of WHO, about 38.4 million people are currently living (Who, 2023). Therefore, it is necessary to develop a protocol to achieve the zero case of aids by 2030. Henceforth, it can be stated that guidelines to prevent not only need to identify but also need to spread it among the people. Additionally, it has been found that by describing primary signs and symptoms, people are paying attention which is advantageous for primary identification and early identification ofAIDS (Amrita et al. 2021). Therefore, treatment has been initiated at an earlier stage. As per case study, self-test kits have been distributed among people for enduring early identification of sexually transmitted diseases. Case studies also highlight that about 14% of people respond towards primary treatment ofAIDS. However, the method considered for this case study has limitations that information has been collected using online platforms. Hence, it needs further examination to find the total number of respondents and attitude towards HIV disease of people and its treatment process. It can be summarized from the case study evaluation that the implementation method for HIV prevention approach is to some extent successful; however, its success depends on participation of NGOs, local government and others.
The idea that no one should be left behind is at the heart of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the AIDS response. The needs of HIV-positive people and the factors that influence their health and vulnerability must be addressed in order to end the AIDS epidemic. Because HIV-positive individuals frequently reside in fragile communities and are frequently subjected to discrimination, marginalization, inequality, and instability, their concerns must be prioritized in efforts to promote sustainable development (Unaids.org, 2019).
The right to health, gender equality, human rights, employment, and social protection have all been improved as a result of the AIDS response. It has addressed social norms that have been in place for a long time, as well as social exclusion and legal obstacles that hinder health and development outcomes. Additionally, its investment strategy is increasingly being used to accelerate gains in health and development all over the world (Unaids.org, 2019).
The UN system, including UNAIDS, works toward achieving all 10 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are particularly relevant to the fight against AIDS.
The community's issues may be identified and a solution to them discovered thanks to a variety of changes in practices and policies. The development of an effective strategy for resolving health issues is aided by the identification of the primary causes (Peprah et al. 2022, p. 1097). In the preceding discussion, some factors that may have a negative effect on the community are identified as determinants of public health. In its efforts to provide efficient health care to the nation's population, the UK government has adhered to the slogan "Health to all" (Rong et al. 2019). The success of the community's health and well-being development is aided by these community practices. Several strategies that aid in the community's HIV prevention are being implemented by the government and other related health care facilities.
In the UK's guideline, effective treatment practices are required for adults to prevent HIV transmission, and this was developed in 2015. The British government established a healthcare professional known as "BHIVA" to aid in HIV infection prevention (Hiv Prevention England.org.uk, 2022). The national health care centre developed a set of guidelines for providing HIV-positive individuals with medical care. However, this practice in the UK aids in the prevention of HIV infection and the cessation of its transmission (Sherfa et al. 2021). These guidelines have been developed in such a way that they facilitate the slides' discussion and the development of the prevention procedure in such a way that it prevents health issues.
The health issue in the community is affected in both positive and negative ways by the social determinants discussed in the preceding section. HIV is a major public health problem in the UK and a major public health problem worldwide. HIV is an infection that cannot be completely avoided, so income and social security have an effect on health issues like this (Levitan et al. 2021, p. 9). Because the infection requires a significant financial investment to be treated, it can be challenging for a person who is afflicted by an economic crisis to receive appropriate treatment. The UK has a much lower poverty rate, which benefits the community and contributes to the provision of high-quality HIV care.
In one nation, where a higher literacy rate helped to reduce HIV infections, a low literacy rate increased them. On the other hand, education is helping to prevent HIV infection because a higher literacy rate raises awareness of the virus's transmission (Li et al. 2020). The population's rate of infection can be reduced and health problems prevented by raising awareness. Unemployment and job security also have an effect on the community's health and on the population's financial situation. The United States, on the other hand, has a very low unemployment rate but a very high HIV transmission rate (Masis et al. 2020). The way of life of the community in the US is the main cause of this situation.
According to the above discussion, most British workers experience excessive work-related stress. However, this situation influences the community's menial contentment and frequently alters lifestyle (Middleton et al. 2020, p. 7819). Community health and the rate of HIV infection are both negatively impacted by leading a lifestyle that increases the likelihood of HIV transmission. The likelihood of food insecurity in the community rises with an increase in poverty, which contributes to an increase in HIV prevalence. However, increased food insecurity contributes to HIV infection, lowers immunity, and affects community health (Monini et al. 2021). An unhealthy lifestyle has a negative impact on the community's health and increases HIV infection.
The housing and environment of the nation are impacted by an increase in poverty, as are health issues like HIV in the community. However, issues pertaining to housing and poverty are uncommon, and the HIV infection rate is high (Naidoo et al. 2020). Economic stability reduces children's risk of HIV infection and aids in the development of early childhood. Barriers to early childhood development influence children's health and lead to an increase in HIV infection, according to the critique analysis. According to the critique analysis, these social determinants have both positive and negative effects on the community. In addition, the population's HIV transmission increased as a result of those determinants' negative effects.
The Chinese government has made significant progress in its response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, despite making mistakes in the beginning. Its preventive measures in the 1980s and 1990s focused on preventing HIV from entering the country by prohibiting the import of blood products, limiting the entry and residence of HIV-positive individuals from other nations, and combating drug trafficking across borders. In an effort to prevent HIV transmission within the country, laws prohibiting drug use and prostitution were also enforced, and HIV-positive individuals were isolated programs (Zhang et al. 2019). These regulation arrangements ended up being minimal powerful and, surprisingly, counter-compelling, as they likely drove individuals with risk ways of behaving to conceal their gamble exercises and deterred them to look for medical care.
Despite the fact that China has successfully contained HIV epidemics among PWID and FPD, sexual transmission prevention is more difficult than ever. PWID and FPD, the primary populations at risk in the past, were confined to a small number of areas in central or southwestern China, making them simple targets for prevention intervention programs (Zhang et al. 2019). The transmission modes have shifted to heterosexual and homosexual contacts in recent years, necessitating that prevention and intervention programs reach marginalized populations like MSM and female sex workers (FSW). High-risk behaviours may also be spread throughout the general population as a result of sexual transmission, making it difficult to target interventions. There are effective, evidence-based methods for preventing sexual transmission of HIV, despite the fact that there is neither a vaccine nor a cure for eliminating the source of transmission. HIV-infected individuals can reduce sexual transmission by taking antiretroviral medication to lower their body's viral load programs (Zhang et al. 2019). The results of randomized clinical trials conducted with homosexual male couples and Siro-discordant heterosexual couples support this treatment as a prevention (TasP) strategy.
The term "global health" refers to a discipline in which proper practice, research, and study have been developed. Increasing global health and achieving health equity are being replaced by this study. Based on a global health issue like HIV or AIDS in the UK, this particular study was designed. Besides, worldwide organizations and approaches on HIV have been examined in this paper. Additionally, it is assessing the HIV prevention efforts in the UK. The selection of a case study was based on HIV and interventional approaches to reducing this global health problem. The World Health Organization (WHO) has observed that 50-year-olds have been diagnosed with HIV, and this number is gradually rising as people are able to live longer and healthier lives while living with HIV. United Nations AIDS or UNAIDS has been implemented to prevent HIV or AIDS, thereby lowering the rate of HIV transmission in England.
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Amrita, R.A.O., Rucinski, K., JARRETT, B., Ackerman, B., Wallach, S., Marcus, J., Adamson, T., Garner, A., Santos, G.M., Beyrer, C. and Howell, S., 2021. Perceived interruptions to HIV prevention and treatment services associated with COVID-19 for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in 20 countries. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 87(1), p.644.
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