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Altering Skills and Organizational Behavior for Change Management By Native Expert.
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Developing and altering the skills and organisational behaviour becomes a challenge for the manager, as he is responsible for the change. The change should consider the identification of skills or behaviors that are in need of alteration according to the situation. This can be done by thoroughly analysing the situation, the cause for the change and the current capabilities of the organisation. Specific training and development programs can be designed and implemented to enhance the skill set of the employees and change the organisational behaviour as per the situation. It is also important to have clear goals and expectations so that it will be easier for the employees to adapt to the changes as quickly as possible. This also requires a commitment from the stakeholders in the alteration process. This assignment will deal with all the factors that need to be taken into consideration for the alteration process.
Different types of reasons are available for organisational workforces to adopt new skills, such as changes in the. In old times, the organisational workforce relied on human activities for conducting all kinds of operational tasks; however, since modern technology has developed over the years, the organisational workforce has changed its way of conducting operations. As per the study conducted by Chiu et al. (2021), the implementation of AI is going to have several types of beneficial changes. Implementation of AI can be helpful to eliminate all kinds of additional expenses. The issue is that AI is not smoothing; it has been used by the human race for years. It is still one of the new aspects; humanity is still developing. Above all, for executing all operational tasks, AI still needs the help of humans and due to these reasons, employers and staff need to develop their skills largely. Managers have provided leadership abilities to their workers, provided directions, and enhanced the rate of trust. The managers have helped the workers through generations of determination and handling the business activities of generations of potential growth. As stated by Pandey et al. (2019), the implementation of "behavioral learning theory” has generated learning abilities and made a recognised culture through generations of positive outcomes with generations of behaviours. Besides that, it has also helped generations of workers create the easiest culture by ensuring consistency and making certain conditions sustainable. However, Chuang (2021) has argued that the proportions of “constructivist learning theory” have been discovered in the experienced rates through generations of accurate interactions and making an existing culture with accurate interactions of the learning abilities. In addition, the learners have also been making a wider range of developments by making an interpretation of the knowledge rates in a sustainable manner. The reinforced behavioural cultures have also been making a predictable condition by making an effective range of decision-making approaches. The easiest ways have also been generated about the practiced rates with a specific understanding. It has also created quick results by shaping behavioural patterns.
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Apart from those skills, the behavioral style of employees needs to be changed, as it can be helpful in developing bonds between customers and organisations. As per the study conducted by Ajzen, (2020), behavioral changes can help increase positive attitudes toward customers. Since customer demand and customer purchasing behavior are changing, organizational workforces need to change their way of operating and their tasks. After the pandemic, this generation started to shift to online shopping in the industry. Because of this, business platforms are changing their way of selling products. In modern times, monitoring tools are creating a huge impact on organisational performance; hover employees need to be able to operate that tool. To do that, tool managers need to replace the old skills of employees with new ones. Therefore, adopting new skills is very important for business platforms to achieve success within a shorter period of time. Sematext Monitoring, AppDynamics, and SolarWinds Server & Application Manager are some monitoring tools that can help industries meet their organisational goals. For the use of these tools, skills are required; therefore, adaptation of new skills is required.
During the pandemic, people started to make payments cashless due to security reasons. Online payments will reach almost 180.40 billion dollars in 2023, and in 2027, they are estimated to grow by 321.70 billion US dollars (Statista.com, 2023). This information simply reflects that the online payment market is here to grow. According to this report, the market size of this industry is about to show a growth rate of 15.56% per year. Since it is very clear that the online industry is growing and people are choosing online payment options to pay, organizations need to change their old payment processing process. To make all of these matters perfect, organisations need highly developed, skilled individuals; therefore, they need to adopt new skills (Diamantidis and Chatzoglou, 2019). Adopting new skills makes positive changes in the professional life of an employee. Furthermore, it can help increase the decision-making power of employees.
Adopting different kinds of new skills can help provide different kinds of benefits. As per the study conducted by Cameron and Green, (2019), critical thinking is one of the most important skills that employees need to hold in themselves to meet organisational goals. Critical thinking power can help increase decision-making power. Furthermore, it can be helpful to develop problem-solving skills. Refining research capability and polishing creativity are two other beneficial aspects that can be gained with help of critical thinking power. These are some benefits; critical thinking skills are going to provide to employees. In modern times, customers are becoming the main priority of organizational workforces, and communication with customers has become a huge issue. Managers need to implement these skills into employees to make their business platforms' operations more successful. Having a higher level of communication skills means employees are going to lead huge traffic to a business platform. As per the study conducted by Yue et al. (2019), 39% of employees have cited that, due to communication issues, collaboration among team members is not successful. Approximately 86% of business platforms cited that they are failing due to communication issues (Pham et al. 2019). This information simply shows the importance of communication.As stated by Chuang (2021), the proportions of the “Social Learning Theory” have been focused on the differentiation of attributes related to natural ways of learning abilities, and the development of skills has been considered one of them. In addition, the rates of learning retention as well as the chances of lower ranges of costing infrastructure have been effectively diminished, which can enhance the rates of production abilities. In addition, the creation of better information results has been made easier by interpreting the relationship between the organisations and the workers. As a result, the generations of skill implementations have also had a positive range of effects by making a required activity with generations of problem-solving abilities accordingly.
Approximately 70% of organisations have said that companies are going to be better with the help of communication. Developing communication skills is going to bring many kinds of new skills. The organisational workforce has cited that companies that are using effective communication tools are producing 3.5 times better results compared to organisations that are not using effective communication. Almost 96% of employees have cited that they want to take an approach toward having better communication to make the organisational workforce more successful. According to the study conducted by Pham et al. (2019), communicating effectively with team members is going to be helpful in increasing the productivity of employees. Almost 25% of productivity can be increased with the help of effective communication. Having a higher level of communication is going to be helpful in mitigating all kinds of conflicts that take place. Sweetening employee engagement rates and improving client relations are two of the best advantages that effective communication can bring to business platforms.
Organizations used to use traditional marketing strategies for promoting their products; however, modern technology has developed so much that they can provide better strategies for the promotion of their products. Therefore, marketing skills are one of those skills that employees need to have to promote their organisational performance. Having marketing skills can bring different types of benefits, such as social media marketing, which can save on additional expenses. It can help to lower the negative effects and provide more brand exposure. As per the study conducted by Desai and Vidyapeeth (2019), marketing helps employees know more about customers, which is very beneficial in meeting organisational goals.
Adopting new skills is a task for the whole organisation but can be done by implementing different strategies. Defining the skills that are needed for the change will be beneficial, as they are required to identify the gap between the current and required skill sets (Bals et al. 2019). Providing training to the employees regarding the working module under the new skill set will be beneficial for the organisation to increase their productivity with the proper use of resources (Kaasinen et al. 2020). Continuous monitoring and providing feedback to the employees will be helpful, as this will help the employees identify the areas where they are lagging for further improvements. Furthermore, rewarding the employees for the successful completion of the work under the new skill set will increase the morale of the workers and increase their confidence so that they will be motivated enough to work accordingly. The rates of development activities can be generated about future growths and cultures that can also be improved by the cultures of the development of ultimate needs. In addition, the rates at which systematic cultures have been making working diversifications through enhanced rates of improvement can also be sustainably improved. The employees should be provided with a positive workplace so that they feel free to raise questions to clarify their doubts and have effective work done without any mistakes. The manager can organise surveys to gain access to the thinking of the employees and their creativity, which can be used in the future to overcome any situation that comes under crisis.
In this assignment, there are discussions related to the changes that have been implemented by the manager to have success in the business. This includes identifying the measures that are responsible for the change and framing the necessary solutions to mitigate the problems. There are strategies implemented for adapting the new skill set and using those for having well-established organisational behavior. This has been done to increase the effectiveness of the employees, keeping in mind the needs and requirements of the customers. This will help the organisation build a strong brand image and become loyal to its customers to sustain itself in the target market. Furthermore, the enhancement of skills is also beneficial for increasing the morale of the employees and their interest in work. Once the employees are engaged in their work with interest, there will be an increase in productivity and profitability.
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