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The Role of Theory in Healthcare Decision-Making
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Patient care delivery system is associated with the definition of nursing values, ethics, and compassion care for patients, families, relatives and themselves. According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2019), Different relationship models are prevalent in the healthcare sector such as nurse connection with the patient, nurse connection with the patient’s families or relative and nurse connection with self. Recent studies revealed that a massive change is required to develop a smooth and feasible patient care system for every patient. In this topic, I will focus on the changes required and essential for improving the patient care delivery system that particularly concentrates on the following areas such as internal environment, external environment, and leadership improvement and so on.
The reason for choosing this topic is that the healthcare system is a crucial part of human life, and improvement in this area involves certain facilities that every human being deserves to receive as a part of their basic right. As per Evans et al. (2017), advanced healthcare service and delivery system entails many facilities such as facilitating patient centric health care system, enhancing better lifestyle of the patient, enriching satisfaction of the patient and healthcare professionals, creating a positive impression regarding the hospitalisation and whatsoever.
Furthermore, improvement in the internal area of the health care sectors encompasses diversification, attitude, and skill developmental elements. Moreover, eternal areas encompass policies, legislations, regulatory or governing bodies’ inclusion to ensure a flawless healthcare delivery service to the patient (Gullettet al. 2020). In addition, leadership skill of nurse and healthcare professionals covers construction of governance arrangements to detect issues and resolve them for sustainable progress. I also like to relate these areas of improvement with the existing legislation acts to underpin the topic and pertinent theories.
Before modifying the area of improvements it is necessary to understand the importance of those areas in the healthcare system and its impact on normal human life. Additionally, while doing assessment on this topic I tried to keep in mind that an alignment between the discussed topic and equivocal laws are necessary because improvised areas in the healthcare sector need to meet all ethical considerations and regulations. For example, in UK’s legislation, Health and Social Care Act 2012 describes legal duties regarding health discrimination, Equality Act 2010 ensures equalised duties for public job holders and Social Value Act 2012 involves health sector bodies to undertake the societal, economic, and climatic improvement incorporated in the service contract (England.nhs.uk, 2021).
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Many principles, models are prevalent in the healthcare system that directs the future development in patient care delivery service (Naidoo, 2016). Every model and theory illustrates a different perspective of the patient care delivery services and interconnected factors and components. I will condense on pertinent theories, principles and models which are intertwined with the advanced transformation in the patient care delivery system such as Patient Care Delivery Model, A threefold approach and so forth. Furthermore the positive or negative impact of those theoretical principles while practising and feasible outcomes will also be generated. In addition, this reflective essay will also condensed on my personal understanding regarding the prevalent challenges, glitches and gaps in the healthcare system that interrupts adequate patient care service. Furthermore the entire process will be performed based on the Rolfe reflective model.
Delivering a qualitative health care service to the patient is a part of the sustainable healthcare system construction of every society and nation. As per Rolf model, I focused on the present situation that is gathering knowledge on the importance of the qualitative health care system and service while performing this assessment. Qualitative health care system and service involves perpetual participation of the patient who seeks palliative care, rehabilitation care, preventative care, vaccination and so on without the interruption of financial expenditure (Aarons et al. 2017). Healthier and qualitative healthcare service not only reduces human suffering but also ensures a sustainable society formation. The United Kingdom many issues are prevalent that challenge professionals in delivering services such as lack of leadership management, insufficient arsenal for performing consistently during the pandemic, discontinuous support system and so on.
Resultantly the consequences create a negative impact on the mind of the professionals such as anxiety, stress, and depression and so on those, eventually, create a hindrance in delivering qualitative service to the patient. As per Buerhaus et al. (2017), this situation was prominent during the pandemic and from the research work I found that many health care professionals go through Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and are incapable of delivering minimum service to the patient because they were scared of the scarcity of personal protective equipment (PPE) support and development of the viral disease. Subsequently many healthcare professionals left their job and there were immense employment turnover issues that developed that took a long time to restore the balance in the healthcare system.
Patient care delivery model on transformation of the patient care delivery system describes interlink between model and associated elements. I learned while doing this assessment that many internal and external factors shape the entire patient care system and design of a plan is necessary for bringing any modification to the existing care service of the patient (Dunlop et al. 2020). The care system and service always vary from person to person and health care centres to centres based on the demand and resources respectively. However, there are some issues prevalent in the healthcare institution that create hindrance towards providing desirable services and these issues are insufficient practical skill, improper data collection process, misinterpreting diagnosis process and profit oriented service system.
This kind of situation developed because of the inefficient nurses’ recruitment process, unprofessional relationship development between healthcare professionals and patients or patient families (George et al. 2020). “Patient care delivery model”defines the service delivered by the nurses to the patient considering numerous aspects of the nursing care system. Therefore a model on patient care entails advantages and disadvantages and I gathered knowledge that no single model in terms of dragging metamorphosis to the current one is an ideal concept. However, this model is considered to meet the minimum requirement of the productive health care service that incorporates patient care including the neonatal to elderly patient and preservation of the money.
Consequently this assessment process enlightened me that nurses characteristics influence patient care service delivery. For example, it found that the mortality rate of patients who are under the care of baccalaureate-prepared nurses and nurses with adequate knowledge and practical efficiency reduces the number of visiting patients in the home care centres (Kaufman et al. 2020). My assessment on this topic engenders striking information that reflects insufficient knowledge or training skill can negatively influence nurses in case of patient care. Reversely, full time employment in the nursing practice positively influences the service demand and reduces other issues such as eccentric service, patient centric service system.
Nevertheless there are some demerits associated with white collar employees in the health care sector such as they become exhausted because of depersonalisation and that leads to the inconsistent and disruptive patient care service. However, as per Rolf model, I perceive from this assessment that training, skill development, knowledge enhancing programs or workshops need to be conducted by every health care institution or centre to ensure a proficient patient care service (Li, 2020). Additionally, encouragement also needed to influence others to join this profession and elongate the workforce to combat any critical situation that triggered employee turnover rate. Furthermore, an inspection also requires understanding the persistent issue in the healthcare system and resolving it gradually to meet the goal of a sustainable patient care service delivery system.
A threefold approach encompasses three major goals and they are extension of the patient experience, amelioration of the health of the entire community and people in the UK, and decrease health expenditure. This threefold approach is widely appreciable and accepted by all health care professionals however, not practised because of some issues (Salmondand Echevarria, 2017). The main opacity towards achieving this threefold approach is the Burnout issue. This burnout is interconnected with the patient satisfaction and reduces efficient health care service provided by the physician nurses and other associates at the health sector. Consequently, a qualitative health care system enhances the healthcare service related expenses.
In respect to the Rolf Model, I found that many researchers suggested adding another goal with these three goals to establish a sustainable patient care system and that is to improve the work life of the health care providers including the clinicians, physicians, nurses, attendance, staff, healthcare associates and make it survivable. Many physicians regarding their experience in the health care sector shared their experience and that is highly disappointing for healthcare practitioners. For example “The joy of practicing medicine is gone”, “I hate being a doctor…I can’t wait to get out”, “I can’t tell you how defeated I feel…The feeling of being punished for delivering good care is nerve-racking.” and so on (Ann Fam Med.org, 2021).
There are many challenges right now the UK government is experiencing and the current one is the expansion of the ageing population. The next one is the growing population of the migrated people. Besides these many other challenges are widespread in the healthcare system in the UK such as obesity, diabetes, resistance to antibiotics, lack of advanced medical equipment allocation, increasing demand for private medical services and so on (Crisp and Iro, 2018). The significant issue among this is the lack of sufficient healthcare providers at the workplace especially in the old age home and hospitals. Therefore, to resolve this issue UK government and many private agencies are recruiting nurses from other countries and they at times fail to meet the standard of the patient care system of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in the UK.
During the research process on this topic I also inspected to find out the reason behind this progressive challenges development and that targeted to the centralised healthcare system in the UK (Drennan and Ross, 2019). Additionally, most of their hospitals depend on the income of patients that put them into debt and the economic system of the National Health Service (NHS) is not secure and is always found as a war field.
According to the Rolf reflective model, My experience during performing this assessment were mixed because these issues are practically persistent and to change the patient care system will require a design of a modified and real world based model outline that has to be accepted by all (Lawn and Morello, 2017). Many resolving positions have been already delivered by many researchers and analysts and I also understood that immediate action was required to inhibit progressive worsening of the situation. Already the Covid-19 deteriorated the condition and real world based planning is mandatory to retrieve the condition and betterment of the condition in case of patient care service delivery in the UK.
Every part of this assessment represented issues, challenges and resolving concepts to mitigate the drastic and negative consequences. Many positive and negative consequences of the disruptive and disarrayed patient care system are already demonstrated elaborately and from my perspective I understood that skill enhancement and knowledge extension on the patient care system required by the health care professionals to ensure a qualitative, consistent and sustainable healthcare service (Theguardian.com, 2021). Furthermore, a research based patient care system also needed to understand the evolving health related disabilities among patients and which is increasing in the UK at an admonishing rate.
The current patient care system in the UK is not up to mark and continuously failing to meet the satisfaction level of the patients (England.nhs.uk, 2021). There are no doubt the changes in the patient care system required for the benefit of the patient and healthcare profession simultaneously. From my point of view I felt that this is a chain process and the change needs to be initiated at the root of the healthcare professional’s creation process. Awareness among the people also needs to be generated that will eventually enlighten them about their rights and process in the patient care system in the UK.
This topic discussed the importance of change in the patient care system delivery in the United Kingdom. Briefly speaking, during preparing this assessment I demonstrated the Patient care delivery model and three fold approaches for clear understanding of the patient care system at the healthcare sector (Theguardian.com, 2021). Many important features are delivered in this assessment such as healthcare professional’s dissatisfaction, disappointment and so on. Sequentially the impact of the stress of healthcare professionals on patients was also highlighted.
The entire assessment process was conducted based on the Rolf reflective model that helped me to understand the situation, issues and current condition regarding the position. Therefore, I gradually developed this assessment based on every desirable criteria mentioned by Rolf and also generated my personal insight on the topic (Theguardian.com, 2021). I believe that health and treatment are some basic rights of every individual and building up productive health care is the prerequisite of a healthy social structure. In the UK ageing people are susceptible to deprivation of productive and qualitative care which needs to be lessened soon. Therefore, to construct this reduction of disappointment of the healthcare professionals need to be reduced similarly.
Moreover, many challenging situations and conditions of the healthcare system in the UK also illustrated in this assessment such as lack of advanced equipment in the hospitals, insufficient skilled workforce, and financial crisis and so on. I think the government of the UK must invest more money in the patient care system that will enable every patient to get service from public hospitals with the same facilities and care. Additionally, the government must arrange some training and skill development programs to enhance the literacy and research skills of the healthcare professionals to ensure best care delivery to the patient and meet their expectation level.
I also gathered information on the negative impact of nursing illiteracy and inefficiency on the patient. This is the most risk associated factor that needs to be focused mostly because this increases the death rate of the patient and impoverished care service delivery. On the contrary full time employees are liable to their responsibilities however; they lack depersonalisation because of the work pressure that eventually affects the patient care service delivery in the long run. From my point of view this situation can be resolved if the workforce is increased.
The government must take initiative to motivate common people to engage in this noble profession. Therefore the curriculum system in the healthcare institute needs to be improvised and it should be more research oriented since many evolving diseases are increasing in the UK that require special treatment and care regimen for ensuring the reduction of the transmission of the disease to the next generation. Furthermore, the training program needs to be organised for the healthcare professionals to enhance hands-on experience. Finally, I perceived that changes in the patient care system are a holistic approach that involves modification of every stage which starts from education to execution of the plan in the service delivery.
Evans, D., Coutsaftiki, D.,and Fathers C.P. (2017) Health Promotion and Public Health for Nursing Students 3rd Ed. USA: SAGE Publications
Gullett, Diane L., editor. & Smith, Marlaine C. (2020). Fifth edition Nursing theories and nursing practice
Naidoo, J (2016) Foundations for health promotion. Denmark: Elsevier
Stanhope, M. and Lancaster, J. (2019) Public Health Nursing Population-Centered Health care in the Community. Denmark: Elsevier.
Aarons, G.A., Sklar, M., Mustanski, B., Benbow, N. and Brown, C.H., 2017. “Scaling-out” evidence-based interventions to new populations or new health care delivery systems. Implementation Science, 12(1), p.111.
Buerhaus, P.I., Skinner, L.E., Auerbach, D.I. and Staiger, D.O., 2017. Four challenges facing the nursing workforce in the United States. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 8(2), pp.40-46.
Dunlop, A., Lokuge, B., Masters, D., Sequeira, M., Saul, P., Dunlop, G., Ryan, J., Hall, M., Ezard, N., Haber, P. and Lintzeris, N., 2020. Challenges in maintaining treatment services for people who use drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Harm reduction journal, 17(1), pp.1-7.
George, P.M., Barratt, S.L., Condliffe, R., Desai, S.R., Devaraj, A., Forrest, I., Gibbons, M.A., Hart, N., Jenkins, R.G., McAuley, D.F. and Patel, B.V., 2020. Respiratory follow-up of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Thorax, 75(11), pp.1009-1016.
Kaufman, H.W., Chen, Z., Niles, J. and Fesko, Y., 2020. Changes in the number of US patients with newly identified cancer before and during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. JAMA network open, 3(8), pp.e2017267-e2017267.
Li, L., 2020. Challenges and priorities in responding to COVID-19 in inpatient psychiatry. Psychiatric Services, 71(6), pp.624-626.
Salmond, S.W. and Echevarria, M., 2017. Healthcare transformation and changing roles for nursing. Orthopedic nursing, 36(1), p.12.
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