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HRM Investigating A Business Issue Assignment Sample By Native Expert
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The full of HRM is the management of human resources who approach, support, and nurture the employees. A good relationship is always necessary between a leader and an employee of any company. There are so many variables present like "Leader-member exchange", "person job fit", "person-organization fit", and "organizational citizenship behavior". A leader-member exchange variable is chosen here. It is chosen here just because, gather more knowledge about it, and understood the topic. With the help of this predictor, variable one can understand all the predicted variables like "job performance", "day of absence", "Turnover Interest", and "Organisational citizenship behavior".
Figure 1: Gender inequality in the workplace
According to Ali, et al. 2018 nowadays in the business industry the "leader-member exchange" is very popular and gains so much attraction from researchers. It is a prominent theory that always deals with a relationship between the leader and the employee. The MLX also depends on its quality, if the quality is high then it will exchange high-quality information, role, competence, and trust. In the case of investigating the business issue, the main problem is the relationship or the bonding between a leader and the employees. With the help of member exchange, a leader can have a good impact on the employees and can motivate the employees. With the help of motivation, the employee can give the best performance in their job. So, for output, a leader should always motivate others. With the help of the"leader-member exchange," it also increases the job quality of the employees, gives job satisfaction, and also gives the intention of turnover. For investigating the business issue, it is important to understand job performance.
According to Huang, et al. 2021, LMX mainly describes the leader and employee exchange, where a relationship will be created. In the case of investigation of business issues, the turnover intention is another variable. The "Turnover Intention" which is also called TI can access properly and can take the consideration the cultural context. The "Turnover Intention" mainly defines the intention of any employee to a company. The rate of this "Turnover Intention" sim should be 10% for any employee. There are mainly three types of turnover presented, which is total turnover, voluntary turnover, and involuntary turnover.
With the help of a hypothesis, it will help to predict what can be found in this research paper. In the case of an investigation, the main issue of business can be predicted with the help of a hypothesis. In this hypothesis, one can predict the relationship between a leader and the employees of any company and their outcome and can avoid wordiness, analysis, and observation. In the company, if the leader can improve the engagement between the employees, then they will be more enthusiastic about their work, also they can perform their best. Practicing leadership in any company can have a direct or indirect effect on the employees (Abdullah, et al. 2020). Also, the mood and behavior of employees can boost the action of the leader. While a leader in any organization or company shows the importance of any employee's input, it always helps to foster the subordinate hardworking of that employee.
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As a result, the hypothesis of this research paper is that
H1. Employees demand leader exchange as the previous one favored men over women.
H2. The trust of the women in the organization is less than the man.
In the case of the first hypothesis, it is necessary to gain the trust of the clients. With the help of this client trust, it will manage that the previous style of division head can give favor to the man. The second hypothesis is about the trust of management in the company (Bhatti, et al. 2022). After Some time the hypothesis can be tested with the help of looking at the performance and trust of the employees.
When anyone is going to investigate MRR after investigating the background research they can find 2 critical tasks, which are study design, and the other one is management agreements for doing the research. The relationship between a leader and the employees is very important to consider a successful company (Lee, et al. 2022). It always helps to reduce the level of conflict, can increase the performance of the employees, and can reduce the conflict level of the employees. In case of making a case to the client of the organization, it is always required to do the survey. The main aim of this survey is to analyze the relationship between the leader and the employees, and also find how it gives affects job performance.
In this problem division, it will be observed, all the types of problems, for example, the level of absence for sickness, missed deadlines, less energy, and morale among the employees, increase staff turnover level, lack of engagement, etc. All these problems can have an impact on the output work. It is necessary to monitor the relationship between the leader and the employees, and how it impacts the current situation, and job performance (Ichsan, et al. 2020). The mission of the company is to maintain the global and local competitive scale and provide a working environment for the clients.
Figure 2: Workplace gap based on the leadership
This research paper will help to restore the image of the company with the help of qualified employees and clients. The main outcome of this research paper is if the outlined key is implemented then it will create high turnover from the perspective of the clients and the employees (Yong, et al. 2020). However, a good relationship between the company and the client, and the relation between the leader and the employee should be strong, for decreasing the issues of the business.
The main procedure of this research paper is to collect the data from the survey and analyze it. Also, it should analyze the relationship between the leader and the employees of the company. Another procedure is to monitor the job performance of the employees (Liu, et al. 2019). All this data will be collected from the employees and the leader and after that it should be analyzed.
This project mainly required approximate time to complete the survey and analyze the data. It also has the financial implementation of printing the data and compensation.
The main risk of this research paper is not getting proper information in case making decisions. With the help of surveys, it can give an impact on working hours (Malik, et al. 2021). However, this research paper required some resources, for example, full accession of employees, money, and challenges. After this, it can increase the risk and costs of the research paper.
Based on the importance of this research paper, I request the senior manager of the company to give support, because it will give support to improve the job performance and work productivity of the employees. I am dedicated to running the process smoothly (Manzoor, et al. 2019). I hope this is imperative to the company for maximum turnover of employees and maximum absence.
In this research paper, the LMX-7 scale is adopted to determine the interaction quality between the leader and the employees. Here, in the 7 items only 5 points are taken in the Likert scale (Pimentel, et al. 2019). The "Likert scale" is mainly used to measure the interaction between the leader and the employees and also define the work performance of the employees. Some questions are discussed below:
Accumulating all the responses from the questions it is determined that the range of very high lies between 30-35, high 25-30, average 20-25, poor between 15-20, and very poor between 7 to 15. The upper ranges of the responses indicate a good relationship with the leader whereas, the low ranges indicate the ineffectiveness of the leader in employee management.
Analyzing the descriptive statistic of the data of the variable gender reveals the lower number of female employees in the organizations. This correspondingly determines the gender inequality in the organization and the increasingly favorable rate on the men employees than women.
Figure 3: Graph showing the gender frequency of that survey report
The better representation of the data with a total of 257 members who participate in the survey, shows a range of 6 for LMX datasets. It interprets that most of the employees demand leader exchange by assuming 1 as the low response.
The distribution of the data of the responses for leader exchange was determined through Chi-Square analysis.
Figure 4: Chi-square test result for average LXM and Gender
As the P-value of the result is higher than 0.05 by the rate of 0.784, it indicates the probability of a null hypothesis. This suggests that the data is not distributed according to the expected values.
Figure 5: Test of the Anova test
The major variables for Hypothesis 1 are the mean of LMX and Performance appraisal. The significance of the observation is 0.000 which is <0.05, indicating a significant result. The values are distributed significantly by indicating that increasing the amount of a leader's interaction with employees increases performance.
This hypothesis determines the different trust levels of men and women. The used variables in this test are gender and mean trust level. To accomplish the result, a T-test was done.
The result shows a significance level of 0.000 which is less than 0.05 indicating that both variables are statistically significant. Moreover, the values are not normally distributed as measured by the t-critical one-tail analysis.
The HR attraction data provide the output of the interview which helps to concern the relationship of the employees in their job. The analysis of the data collected from the interview is important to identify the main issue related to employee management that operates through the human source management leaders (Purwanto, et al. 2020). The context of the interview is based on the hypothesis that correspondingly relates to the internal business issue of any firm. The data provided in the data set are the main variables that indicate job satisfaction, job performance, trust level, leader behavior on both the individual employee and the organization, and the leader-employee relationship. All these variables are valued by 1 to 5 indicating very poor, poor, average, high, and very high respectively.
The analysis positively proves the hypotheses accurate as expected. The relationship between the employees with the leaders shows very poor responses. Most of the employees urged to change the leader. The trust issues also indicate extremely bad behavior of the leader towards their employees. The absence rate of the employees shows that women stay more absent than men because of unethical behavior towards them (Waheed, et al. 2019). Many of the employees did not respond to many questions as they did not want to reveal anything about the inner environment of the organization. Most of the responses from women can easily depict that they did not trust the organization at all. The interview successfully met both the hypotheses of this research.
The study output generally implies that the minimum number of leaders is being exchanged and this fact puts an impact on job efficiency. To improve this impact on the relationship between the member and the leader, three steps are applied into this. The first and basic part is 'role-taking'. This improves the manager's accessibility and the member's skills along with abilities. This also allocates the member's teamwork capabilities. After that, the next is implemented which is 'role making'. This generally builds a new team that is based on new work and new roles. These kinds of things consist of so many important things. Such as loyalty, believable, and skills. This does not allow the members to betray. The leaders are promised to do their new jobs along with the group members. Leaders also motivate the existing members (Yawalkar, et al. 2019). The third step is also known as the final step of the procedure. This is based on the interaction between the leader and the member. This is a routine-based program. The leader will expect hard and appreciative work from the team members. This will enhance the manager's good aim and focus towards the organization by displaying a good manner, trust, patience, and respect.
The important resources are implemented with the help of time, material and financial abilities of the project.
When I was doing this portfolio I understood so many research papers and also learned how to conduct them effectively. The different kinds of strategies I found here help me to create my job and make it readable. Also, I am thankful to all the writers of those articles from which I get all this information when I am doing this research paper.
Moreover, I provide the citations which narrow down the particular statement. Another lesson I got from this research paper is that I understand how leadership gives impacts the performance of employees. However, enthusiastic leaders are always instrumental and can increase the productivity of job performance.
While I am doing this job, sometimes I feel that if I dramatically improve my data analysis, then I can work with large data with the help of surveys. For now, it's tough to analyze the data which I collect with the help of surveys, reading articles, and journals. Performing on this project, helps me to understand the data and gather knowledge, in different paths. For example, I can say that I make the conclusion based on the information, which is gathered with the help of a survey, asking questions with the help of the Likert scale, and interview.
At the end of this research paper, I can understand How to conduct research. I learn this with the help of articles, literature, and reading journals. This year I aim to analyze more huge and complex data. This process of learning about the data will always help me to handle any survey operation, easily. While I make the conclusion part of this research paper I feel that it is the best course to grow the skill that I want to learn.
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