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Human resource management is considered as approach or process that is used by business organization to manage peoples who are associated with organization. In approach of human resource management organization focused on the development of workforce. Main objective of human resource management is to improve performance of company in internal businessoperations(Strohmeier, 2020). This report is based on human resource management of Tesco Public Limited Company. Tesco PLC is United Kingdom-based Companythat was established in year 1919 by Jack Cohen in Hackney, United Kingdom. This report will provide brief overview of Human Resource Management in Tesco PLC. Purpose of human resource management will be analysed in report. Different roles and responsibilities of HRM functions will be evaluated in report. Different approaches of recruitment and selection will be evaluated in study. Advantages and disadvantages of different recruitment and selection approaches will be evaluated in report. Range of human resource management practices will be evaluated in report. Benefits of human resource management practices will be analysed for employer and employees of organization. Benefits of performance and reward management will be evaluated in report. Effectiveness of various HR practices will be evaluated in study. Different internal and external factors will be analysed in report that can affect the decision making process of company. Application of human resource practices will be analysed for work related context of company. Through this report, importance of human resource management will be analysed for business organization.
Purposes of HRM
Main purpose of human resource management is to develop effective coordination between the people of organization, improve workforce of company, and maintain employee satisfaction in organization(Collins, 2021). By focusing on the workforce of company, high performance standard can be developed in the workplace of company.
There are different benefits of human resource management for business organization. In different ways, human resource management can help the organization to maintain business operations in target market.Major benefits of human resource management are-
Recruitment and Training
This is most difficult for human resource of company to find suitable candidate for the workforce of organization. Human resource management is most important aspect for hiring right candidate in the workforce of organization. Human resource management is also helpful to organize different training and development programs to meet the skill standards in the workforce of company(Ahammad, Glaister, and Gomes, 2020). Effective recruitment and training processes is important to meet the business objectives of Tesco PLC within time and develop an effective workforce for company.
Performance Management Strategy
This is the responsibility of human resource management to develop a performance management strategy for the workplace of the organization. It is important to maintain higher performance working standard in organization. To retain and improve the performance of the organization, range of practices are performed by the human resource department. These practices are helpful for organization to complete all business operations within time and improve the motivation level of employees(Anwar and Abdullah, 2021). This is how a performance management strategy that is developed by human resource of organization can help them to meet all business objectives within time.
Building Relationships
Human resource management is also important to develop effective relationship between employer and employees. This strong and effective relationship is important for better performance of company in target market. Effective relationship between employees and employer can help the organization to improve internal operations of company(Kianto, Sáenz, and Aramburu, 2017). This process helps the organization to fulfil moral values of employees that are important to maintain their confidence level in workplace and keep all employee motivated in organization. Human resource management can help the organization to develop effective workforce that is consists of motivated employees. It is directly related to the performance of organization in internal operations.
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Conflict Management
Human resource management of organization is responsible for maintaining effective work practices in organization. It is their responsibility to develop various workplace policies to avoid conflicts in organization. It is also responsibility to perform conflict management in workplace. Conflicts within the workplace of organization are managed by human resource management of organization to develop effective relationship between employees of organization. It can help Tesco PLC to maintain higher performance standard in business operations.
Employee Retention
Maintaining proper workforce of a company is major role of human resource management in organization. Various operations and practices are performed by the human resource management of organization to retain skilled and experienced employees in the workforce of company(Mousa and Othman, 2020). Practices like workplace flexibility, competitive salary, employee motivation, additional benefits, and growth are provided to employee to retain them in workforce of company.
This is how human resource management is most important function of business organization like Tesco PLC. In different ways, human resource management is important for business organization.
Staffing function is mainly related to management of the workforce of company. This is most important for the human resource management to hire eligible candidates in the workforce of company as per the need of organization. In this function requirement of workforce is analysed by the human resource management to complete all business operations within the time. In Staffing, process suitable candidates are hired by the human resource of organization according to their skill and specific job requirements(Pucik, Evans, and Björkman, 2017). It is process of acquiring, deploying, and retaining workforce of company to complete business operations within time with high accuracy. For staffing function, specific plan is developed by the human resource of company to meet all the staffing needs of organization within the time. This function of HRM can help the management of Tesco PLC to complete all business operations within the time.
Different policies are designed and implemented by the human resource department of the company to maintain effective practices in the workplace of company and develop effective culture in organization. Different workplace policies are developed by the human resource of organization to meet all ethical standards in workplace. All the policies are designed by HR department to provide solution for day-to-day problems and improve the decision making of organization. It also helps the management of organization to maintain effective practices in the workplace of company. Employment policy, Code of Conduct, Employment Wages, Leave policy, and Workplace Policy, are major policies that are developed by the human resource department of company to meet all ethical and legal requirement of the Tesco PLC.
Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment can be explained as process that is used by HR of company to identify open job positions in company, analysing job requirement for particular position, review job applications, screening of job applications, shortlisting candidates and selecting suitable candidate for open positions in company(Brewster, 2017). Recruitment and selection processes are performed by human resources of organization to meet the workforce-related needs of company.
Employee Welfare
This is also responsibility of human resource management to design and implement various practices in organization to maintain employee wellbeing and welfare in workplace. In this process, employees are provided with different facilities and benefits to ensure their wellbeing in organization.
Performance Appraisal
Performance management is a corporate management tool that can be used by the organization to monitor and access the performance of employees in organization. Main Objective of performance management practices to develop effective environment in workplace of company. In this process, HR department of company can focus on skill development and performance development as per the requirement of the company.
Training and Development
Training and development are considered as educational practices that are implemented by human resource department of company to improve knowledge and skills of employees. By working on training and development practices, overall performance of Tesco PLC can be improved.
Recruitment is most important process that is performed by the human resource management of organization to develop effective workforce of company. In Recruitment process, different approaches are used by human resource management of organization to hire suitable candidate for the workforce of company(Troth and Guest, 2020). Internal and external recruitment are two most common approaches are used by HR department of company.
Internal recruitment can be explained as process of recruitment in which Human resource department of company looks for potential candidate within the existing workforce of company to fill vacant position in company. For example, promotions, Transfers, and employee referral can be considered as most effective and common approaches of internal recruitment to meet workforce requirement of company.
Advantages of Internal Recruitment
Major advantages of internal recruitment process are- Internal recruitment process can be considered as time saving process for business organization. In short, time, open position in organization can be fulfilled by the existing employee of company. Internal recruitment process also helps human resource department of company to pass on-boarding process which is time consuming in recruitment process. Cost of recruitment is also high for the organization and cost of internal recruitment process is very low(Meijerink and Keegan, 2019). It can help the organization to save money. It helps the organization to develop effective relationships with employees and maintain proper engagement with employees. These are major advantages of internal recruitment approach that is used by the human resource management of the organization.
Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment
There are some disadvantages of internal recruitment process that can affect performance of organization. Major Disadvantages of internal recruitment process are- This type of recruitment approach can develop negative environment in company and it also can affect the performance of organization in internal processes. Internal recruitment process leaves gap in the existing workforce of company. In the internal recruitment process, organization have only few options to fill vacant position. It also can create negative culture in organization and it also can develop inflexible culture in organization.
External recruitment can be explained as process in which people outside the organization are considered to fill open position in company. This is most common approach that is used by the organization to hire suitable candidates.
Advantages of External Recruitment
There are different advantages of external recruitment process. External recruitment process can help the organization to get larger pool of candidates in recruitment process. This approach is effective to get fresh talent with unique and effective skills. It can help the organization to develop competition in the recruitment process(Bonache and Festing, 2020). External recruitment processes are fair and effective to hire suitable employees for workforce of company. Better growth opportunities are available in the external recruitment process.
Disadvantages of External Recruitment
There are some disadvantages of external recruitment process. Major disadvantages of external recruitment process are- Hired candidate have least information about the internal operations of company so it is important to implement on-boarding process to develop understanding about internal processes of company(Obedgiu, 2017). External recruitment is a time-consuming process and cost of external recruitment is also high as compared to the internal recruitment.
Employer benefits for ‘Training and Development:
Employee benefits for ‘Training and Development:
Employer benefits for ‘Job and Workplace Design’:
Employee benefits for Job and Workplace Design
Employer benefits for Workplace Flexibility
Employee benefits for Workplace Flexibility
Employer benefits for Performance and Rewards
Employee benefits for Performance and Rewards
Hiring is most important practice to meet the workforce requirement of the organization. Performance and profitability of organization are directly related to the effectiveness of hiring process. Effective hiring process can help the organization to develop effective workforce which is important to maintain quality standards in business operations. This can help organization to improve profitability in business operations
Training and Advance Development
Training and development processes are designed as per the requirement of the company. Training and development processes can help the organization to improve the performance of employees(Hoon, Hack, and Kellermanns, 2019). This can help organization to improve internal operations of organization. High skilled employees can help organization to meet performance standards and fulfil profit goals of organization.
Benefits and Rewards for Performance
In business organization, all the employees are provided with some additional benefits and performance based rewards to keep them motivated. This is also important to ensure employee wellbeing in workplace of company. Higher motivation and satisfaction level of employees is important to maintain performance in internal operations of organization. Higher employee motivation and satisfaction level can support management Tesco PLC to meet business objectives effectively and fulfil profit goals.
Promotion based on key performance indicators
Different performance indicators can be used by organization to evaluate performance of employees in workplace(Karami, Farokhzadian, and Foroughameri, 2017). Performance indicators can be considered by the human resource management of company to manage promotions in organization. This practice can help organization to encourage employees to improve their performance in workplace. This approach is effective to improve internal operations of organization and it can be effective to achieve profit goals and productivity.
Employee Relation
Employee relation can be explained as efforts that are made by management and human resource management of organization to develop positive relationship with employees.
Importance of Employee Relation
In different ways, employee relation can be productive for business organization. Effective relationship can be developed to retain employee for long term in organization. Positive relation with employee can help organization to develop better environment in company(Stewart and Brown, 2019). Employee relation is also effective for employee motivation, improve revenue of organization, and reduce level of conflicts between employer and employees. This is how employee relationship must be considered by organization to maintain performance in internal and external operations.
Ways to Maintain Effective Employee Relation
Strategies for Improving Employee Relations and Engagement
Different strategies can be used by human resource management to develop effective relationship with employees. Major strategies that can be used by the human resource management of organization are-
Equality Act 2010 was designed to protect people against different type of discrimination. This is one of most important act for the workplace of company. Equality act protects employees against discrimination which is based on race, religion, education, gender, age, sexual orientation, marriage, pregnancy, and family background. This is important for organization to align equality policy with Equality Act to avoid discrimination within the workplace of company(Fenech, Baguant, and Ivanov, 2019). This is also important to consider equality Act 2010 in decision-making process to keep workplace of organization free from different type of discrimination.
Equality act 2010 is most effective to develop better work culture in company. High social values can be developed in workplace. All employees can be provided with equal opportunities for development and growth in organization.
This is highly difficult to find relevant case study of Equality Act 2010 for organization. This is also complex to develop deep understanding of equality Act 2010. This is also difficult to monitor minor level in organization.
Influence of Equality Act 2010 is positive for Tesco PLC. It can help organization to develop positive and effective environment in workplace. This act also can help organization to maintain motivation level of employees.
Impact of equality act is crucial on the decision-making process of company. This is important for organization to consider various aspects of Equality Act 2010 to keep their actions legal. It improves the ability of organization to deal with
Data protection act 2018 designed by the legal body of country to ensure effective use of information collected from different resources. Lawful use of information and maintain transparent use of information for specific and explicit purpose. This act protects organization and their stakeholders from issues related to data protection and data privacy.
Advantages of Data Protection Act 2018
This act protects organization and their stakeholders from issues related to data privacy and data security. It also helps the organization to protect valuable data and information.Data Protection Act 2018 also effective to protect copyrights and patents of the company.
Disadvantages of Data Protection Act 2018
This is complex process to maintain proper security and norms as per the standards considered in the data protection act 2018. Cost is also major aspects of data protection act. Cost of data protection is prohibitive. Process of implementing data protection act is also needed effective knowledge of legal factors associated with data protection act 2018.
Influence of Data Protection Act on Tesco PLC
Influence of Data protection act is beneficial for organization. This act can is effective to protect information and data of company which is important for company. It also influences on various practices of organization that are related to the management and transaction of information.
Influence of Data Protection Act 2018 on decision-making of company
In decision-making process Influence of Data, protection act is too high. This is important for the management and human resource management of company to effectively and precisely use information and data(Chaudhary, 2020). Different aspects related to data protection act must be considered in the decision making process.
Main concept of Health and safety at workplace Act 1974 is related to safety and health conditions in the workplace or organization.Health and safety at workplace 1974 act ensure the safety and health standards in the workplace of company.
Health and safety at workplace act 1974, is effective to ensure wellbeing and safety in the workplace of company. This act is also effective to ensure safety of employees in organization that can help organization to reduce employee turnover. Health and safety act is also effective to improve the reputation of organization in target market.
Health and safety act can impose some changes in the business plan of company and it can force the organization to implement some changes as per the legal requirement of the act. It can cause extra cost to implement changes in the structure of company and maintaining safety considerations in organization.
Influence of health and safety at workplace is directly related to all the operations of organization and this is important for organization to consider all elements of health and safety act to keep their operations safer and healthier for people in workplace of company.
In decision-making process role of health and safety at workplace, act is most crucial for organization.Organization needs to follow complete guidelines that are provided by government to ensure safety and health of employees in the workplace of company.
These are different legislations that must be considered by the organization to keep their actions legal. It can help organization to avoid legal action against the organization and maintain regularity in business operations.
According to my experience as marketing manager in multinational organization, I have good experience in managing marketing operations of company. I have applied for this position of marketing manager in company because I have good experience of leading international marketing plan of company and I am suitable candidate to manage marketing operations of company
This report is concluding importance of human resource management for business organization. Purpose and functions of human resource have been analysed in report. Various practices of human resource management have been studied in report and importance of these practices has been evaluated in report. Different approaches of recruitment that are used by human resource management of organization have been evaluated in report. Different advantages and disadvantages of recruitment approaches have been evaluated in report. Various human resource practices have been evaluated in report that is most important for the business organization. Role of legislation and other business aspects also has been studied in report. Different practices of human resource management have been explained in study with help of examples.
Books and Journals
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