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Impact of Sensory Loss on Individuals: Factors, Communication, and Support Assignment Sample By Native Assignment Help.
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There are several factors that can impact individuals with sensory loss such as communication which creates lack of accessing written or verbal information alongside external barriers for communication and feeling of isolation for the individuals (Liu et al. 2022). In addition, as the cases of sensory loss are considerably hidden and people are unaware of the condition, the lack of information can lead to social isolation along with increased frustration of not being able to communicate freely (Gierthmühlen et al. 2022). The impact of familiar layouts and routine on the individuals with sensory loss refers to the inability to negotiate the environment alongside the lack of independence as well as increasing dependency on others. With sensory loss the mobility is also reduced in individuals and impact on the overall health conditions (Jaeger and Cardello, 2022). However, it also depends on the reason for sensory loss in the form of acquired or congenital illness alongside the age and stages of life when the individual starts using their senses. While addressing the healthcare intervention, identifying the level of environment alongside the support for the individuals is required in order to minimise those adverse impacts.
Any type of sensory loss can lead to people experiencing differentiations in society and reduce their capacity to understand (Cummings and Wertz, 2023). There are several factors that can impact on individuals with sensory loss and it includes people’s perceptions that have impact on the individual’s capability of reading, writing, talking, listening in everyday life. Losing touch can be responsible for isolation and frustration and lead to negative approaches by others for dependency. This factor also leads to individuals being inadequate and isolated at home to avoid backtalk and communicate with others. This is followed by losing the ability to identify facial expression and gesture while understanding the subject of communication as well as not being able to read information for vision impaired individuals (Pieniak et al. 2022). The subtle avoidance along with effect on interdependence as well as lacking privacy make it difficult for individuals with sensory loss to deal with others.
The primary barrier that can impact service provisions due to the societal attitude and belief for the individuals with sensory loss refers to the presence of discrimination in society. It impacts on treating the patient differently and reduces communication while halting the range of activities regarding them with the aim of providing assisting devices as well as rehabilitation services and occupational therapy during healthcare (Chi et al. 2022). It also impacts the person struggling to read people's facial expressions during communication and that results in social isolation and loneliness. While the affected people require some assist devices in the form of hearing aids, glasses, lenses, aur guide dogs, the barriers of obtaining this service can lead to the discrimination which hinders the overall provision of quality care for these people. It also includes affecting their service to access physiotherapy, speech therapy, psychotherapy as well as removing the gaps of communication between provider and patients due to improper communication (Cummings and Wertz, 2023).
There are several ways present that help with communicating skills with individuals who have lost their sight in the care approach. This includes the implementation of information technology along with recording management on a tape or by using a disk along with Braille to manage a patient's communication. The Braille system is used by the individuals who are visually impaired or suffering from sight loss and consists of low vision (Qiao et al. 2022). It can be used by embossing paper as well as a refreshable display of Braille words by connecting these with a computer or smartphone. It is made up with raised dots that can be read or touched while understanding the context and every dot in Braille helps to represent different letters or numbers (Chaudhary et al. 2022). Approximately 7% people are visually impaired and registered in the UK for the use of Braille while managing communication (Liveinsolutions.co.uk, 2023). Apart from that, the implementation of scanners, software along with electronic magnifiers in the hospital setting are capable of associating with these visually impaired patients with reading or writing. However, recording information in a disk and later playing it for the people is also considered a beneficial step in the healthcare sector while communicating (Nagarajan et al. 2022).
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A huge number of the hearing-impaired population in the UK healthcare setting prefer the maintenance of communication process by using lip-speakers and the primary process of this communication refers to the management of speech and repeating them without voices (Sadikovna, 2022). This helps some auditory impaired patients to continue the communication by lipreading. However, there are less than 50 hospitals registered lip-speakers in the UK along with very few under the British sign language company (Xusnora and Yulduz, 2022). On the other hand, people with low access to the hearing process use speech to text reporters that also helps with communication. Besides, using a special keypad is used for producing verbatim and auditory impaired patients can observe the words by using large computer skin along with data projectors (Parmar et al. 2022). The use of hearing aids helps with greatly influenced communication and can be accessible on the basis of loops and converses.
These individuals maintain communications by using the remaining sight power and hearing capabilities. This is followed by touching as well as tactile communication in the form of Braille, moon alphabets (Eubank et al. 2022). In addition, communication is also done by using tadoma, a form of tactual communication in the form of making direct contact by the patients in the healthcare sector.
With the provision of the correct environment, it is possible for the provision of effective communication for the patients with sensory loss (Rhodus et al. 2022). The primary rule for treating a visually impaired patient refers to the maintenance of the environment with the bigger, bolder and brighter concepts in the healthcare setting while associating them with communication. Bigger fonts along with prints or buttons are useful for the visually impaired patients and it can be incorporated in their environment to associate them for even communication processes between the care providers and receivers (Collins et al. 2022). This is followed by creating the illusion of bigger objects by moving them closer to the individuals with the aim of helping to touch or access to the communication process. On the other hand, bolder fonts help with making any object visible and creates colour differences (Dos Reis and Malamateniou, 2022). The creation of a large contrast in the living environment for the visually impaired individuals to help with different things easily. Brighter context helps them with proper visibility and makes them comfortable with the hospital environment and communicate freely with their care providers. Apart from that, the primary context of environment facilitation in the healthcare sector refers to the reduction of background noise for the patients with sensory loss along with the provision of good lighting with the aim of increasing visibility of others for communication and stabilising comfortability of the individuals with hearing impairment (Rhodus et al. 2022). This is followed by changes in sitting position along with the implementation of FM system as well as the implementation of picture, graphics and text labels are effective here. This also includes the implementation of technological advancements to improve hearing while communicating with the people.
The primary barrier for the affected patients in hospital setting in sensory loss refers to the lack of consideration by others while treating them or associating with them. This factor makes the patients feel prolonged or unnecessary due to the absence of adequate communication with their family and care providers (Mamali et al. 2022). Therefore, the primary impact of a proper communication with the individuals with sensory loss refer to the elimination of anxiety and frustration as well as isolation (Guthrie et al. 2022). This factor also helps with the improvement of the quality of life by elevating emotional well-being and the overall health contexts. Effective communication also helps those individuals to express their needs and aspirations while accessing control over their own lives during their care aspects (Qiao et al. 2022). Besides, expressing personal opinion along with aspirations help them to provide a positive contribution to the surroundings and it helps those persons with a greater personal dignity and reducing discrimination in the case of accessing healthcare and communicating with the care providers.
There are different levels of hearing and on the range of those levels it can be identified who is deaf and has profound hearing impairment along with the implementation of British Sign language with the aim of communicating and understanding individuals who are deaf and the level consists of profound or moderate on the basis of the hearing impairment (Hall et al. 2022). The reason for hearing impairment refers to age related hearing loss which is considered the largest cause of hearing impairment in the UK with the estimations that approximately 40% of the population over the age of 50 has been suffering from this (Liveinsolutions.co.uk, 2023). It can also be due to the hearing cells being degenerated or exposed to the loud noise and developing illness over the time. For example, some individuals developed hearing impairment due to the development of illness such as mumps or rubella along with injury or infection as well as accident or medications or exposure to loud noises in the form of music machinery or any sudden explosion (Hall et al. 2022).
On the other hand, blindness and sight loss can occur either at birth or later in life and approximately 2 million people in the UK are living with these conditions (Liveinsolutions.co.uk, 2023). There are different levels of blindness in the form of sight loss while affecting central vision or the ability to identify details within visual range and edging of the vision while looking straight forward. There are different causes of this sensory loss which range from genetic issues as well as age related degeneration or affecting from injury or infection or illness such as cataracts diabetic retinopathy or retinitis pigmentosa as well as glaucoma or detached retina (Hough et al. 2022). These are followed by "age related macular degeneration" which is capable of affecting the middle part of the vision and affects people with the age of 50 or 60 and generally linked with smoking or hypertension or obesity or genetics (Liveinsolutions.co.uk, 2023).
The definition of CSL refers to the individuals who are born with hearing and sight impairment or it becomes clear after the first two years of the life of the individuals (Shave et al. 2022). While they have issues with the combination of vision and hearing in daily life, this condition also impacts the daily lives of the affected person while using speech or sign for the communication process.
This can happen for various reasons which are infection during pregnancy along with premature birth or birth trauma or the presence of rare genetic conditions that can be inherited by the child from their parents (Seashelltrust.org.uk, 2023). It is also associated with premature birth before 37 weeks and genetic conditions in the form of “CHARGE syndrome or Down's syndrome”. On the other hand, “Cerebral Palsy” is considered another condition that has a significant impact on developing this condition by affecting the nervous system, along with coordination and movement of individuals (Chen et al. 2022).
The condition of ASL refers to an individual developing sensory loss along with auditory impairment later in life. Any individual is capable of facing these difficulties at any stage of life due to the injury along with illness as well as ageing (Liljas et al. 2016). This condition also sheds light on the combination of losing both auditory and vision of the individual after they learn to communicate properly. The reasons for developing this condition refers to age related hearing loss along with genetic conditions that have significant impact on the hearing, vision or maintaining balance and known as the Usher syndrome (Seashelltrust.org.uk, 2023). This is followed by developing DM retinopathy and brain damage due to head injury along with stroke as well as meningitis.
Experiencing pain along with discomfort or the presence of mobility issues as well as feeling anxiety or depression are significant reasons that impact on the poor quality of life and can influence the development of hearing or vision issues in life due to ignorance towards the severity of the discomfort or mobility issues (Nichols et al. 2022).
This factor consists of two levels in the form of social engagement as well as social isolation. Low social interaction can cause isolation and reducing the will to continue the treatment for impaired sensory loss or going through health difficulties alone.
The absence of care provisions or the capability of accessing formal care approaches for the congenital sensory loss or acquired sensory loss can lead to the improper treatment or follow up with the proper treatment and medication (Saito et al. 2022) that can worsen in the present situation or reduce communication for the patient.
If the living environment or the working environment consists of loud and noisy aspects it can contribute to hearing loss and influence the incidence of sensory loss in the population.
Poor physical functioning along with food health and social interaction among the older population (Fuller-Thomson et al. 2022) can lead to sensory impairment and an impacting lifestyle factor that leads to the increased issues in regards to vision and hearing.
Vision is considered one of the most important senses and helps an individual to be independent. The primary symptoms of sight loss refer to the double vision or bloody vision along with seeing flashes of light as well as sudden decrease in vision, increasing sensitivity to light and glare and sudden eye pain. This is followed by itching or burning eyes, continuous presence of red eyes along with changes in the colour of the eyes are considered one of the significant reasons for sight loss symptoms (Sarki et al. 2022). On the other hand, the presence of disease and conditions in the form of "glaucoma or macular degenerations or cataract, diabetic retinopathy along with pigmentosa, inflammation of optic nerve and inadequate blood supply to the retina" can lead to the decreasing site and eventually losing them.
The fundamental signs of hearing loss refer to muffling of speech and other sounds along with issues of understanding words in a crowded and noisy place alongside trouble hearing letters of the alphabet that are not considered vowels (Nhs.uk, 2023). This is followed by asking others to speak in a slow motion with a clear and loud voice along with increasing the volume of the television or radio from the normal range and changes in social setting can dictate the development of hearing loss for some individuals. Besides, being bothered by background noises along with a continuous ringing in the ears which is known as tinnitus are major signs of hearing loss (Nhs.uk, 2023).
The sign of deafness refers to the difficulty of hearing other people in a clear tone and misunderstanding their intention alongside continuously asking others to repeat themselves (Trpcevska et al. 2022). This is followed by difficulty of hearing while speaking on phone and keeping up with a continuous conversation. On the other hand, the sign of blindness refers to cloudy vision along with the inability to identify shapes, tunnel vision as well as poor night vision and being able to see only shadows (Zhang et al. 2022). It also includes redness in eyes along with continuous eye pain are another significant sign of blindness for individuals.
The primary symptoms of sensory deprivation refer to yawning, drowsiness along with sleeping or decreased attention span, difficulties in concentrating or memory problems as well as disorientations or hallucinations and emotional lability (Liu et al. 2022). The primary action that can be taken by the health and social care aspects during sensory deprivation refers to the providence of books or newspapers to the patient as well as the providence of objects that are pleasant to touch and encourage visits for the patient. This is followed by adjusting the environment as well as the use of eyeglasses and hearing aids with the aim of communicating frequently (Liu et al. 2022). The overload of sensory aspect also provides symptoms of fatigue, restlessness, anxiety along with sleeplessness as well as irritability, disorientation, reduction of problem-solving ability, hallucinations and illusions. Here, the nursing intervention on postoperative teaching refers to observing patients by instilling medication alongside avoiding activities that increase patient anxiety and provide meditations for pain or itching or redness. The priority of health and social care aspects refers to reducing the risk of injury and managing disturbed sensory perceptions for the patients (Hwang et al. 2022). The intervention also includes frequent re-orientation alongside addressing patients by and providing clear and concise explanations to make the environment comfortable.
The primary support refers to the assessment of the person to identify the reasons for sensory loss along with accessing information about available techniques and aids or equipment in order to cope with sensory loss (Alain et al. 2022). This is followed by identifying rehabilitation programs for the patient with visual impairment. It also includes provision mobility training for the person with sensory loss in terms of helping them to gain confidence and skills independently. In addition, the overall care requirements assessment along with the requirement of social care needs to be accessed and identified for the patients with the aim of supporting them for accessing benefits as well as welfare right along with debt and housing advice (Mukuria et al. 2022). On the other hand, provision of information about organisation as well as support group services and concessions for the patients and helping them to access online service while dealing with impairments. Besides, equipment is also provided by sensory services in a loan free condition and can be returned after recovery by the local government for the benefits of the patients.
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