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High-Performance Working is considered to be the approach through which the potential and the abilities of the employees of an organization are improvised in order to reach the goal and the objectives of an organization. High-Performance Working can also be justified through the creation of a positive culture within the organization along with the various approaches for maintaining transparency and trust through effective communication. Through the implementation of this approach, several organizations have been identified to erode the traditional structure of their management. This tends to create a flatter organizational structure due to which the employees of the organization remain happy, motivated, and engaged in the vision of the organization. Apart from that, Activity 2 basically reflects the involvement of the Line Managers in the implementation of the High-Performance culture within the organization. The reviewing of the Performance management cycle along with its various stages can be supportive to understanding the aspects of the High-Performance culture within the organization.
High-Performance Working is generally referred to as the approach of an organization that intends to stimulate the effective involvement of the employees along with their commitments in order to achieve a higher level of performance in the organization (Han et al. 2019). High-Performance Working is also considered to be the series of policies and procedures that are implemented during the execution of business. Through this approach, the performance of the employees is aligned harmoniously with the objectives of the organization along with the improvisation of their performance as well (Han et al. 2019). High-Performance Working is referred to be widely recognized as being dropped into three aspects of the organization which is inclusive:
The practices and procedures of High-Performance Working are identified to be beneficial through the approach of collective implementation. Through this approach, the organization gains the advantage of aligning these approaches according to the needs, strategies as well as objectives of executing their business (Ming et al. 2018). Various studies on the High-Performance Working have typically projected that the performance of the employees tends to increase from approx 20% to 40% through the implementation of this approach into the procedures of business execution. This collective approach of improvising the performance of the employee's further results in the improvisation of the organizational performance through the aspect of business growth. Besides that, the strategic approach of implementing the High Performance working within the organization tends to result in a correlation with the rate of business growth (Ming et al. 2018). The improvisation of the innovative approaches along with the level of creativity can be considered as the result in higher satisfaction level of the employees. It has also been identified that the implementation of this approach has also resulted in lowering the rate of employee turnover along with increasing the rate of profitability as well. While implementing the approaches of High-Performance Working the organization has intended to empower the employees by providing them autonomy for their work and planning their days. The ensuring of the clear frameworks along with the policies through the people management process tends to the transparent reflection of what is being expected from the employees. Moreover, in this approach, the managers are considered to be educated about how to maintain the fairness and the consistency of the employee's performance.
An organization is considered to be of High-Performance through the aspects of its achievement of the financial and the non-financial objectives, exceedingly better than that of the other players in the market. This is basically done by focusing on the objects that are considered essential for the improvisation of abilities to execute the business (Kloutsiniotis and Mihail 2018). In other words, High-Performance Organization is considered to be a conceptual framework that is often implemented by the managers of the organization in order to improvise the potential of business execution along with maintaining the consistency of sustainability of the organization.
However, in order to implement this framework, the managers also need to implement the strategic approach of the High-Performance working which basically focuses on increasing the abilities of the employees for performing the task (Kloutsiniotis and Mihail 2018). This is basically done through the implementation of various approaches such as
In order to improve the performance of the organizations, a maximum number of the organizations along with their efficient managers have intended to implement this approach to High-Performance Working. The implementation of the High-Performance work later on results in the High-Performance Organization in the long run with the improvised level of performance through the aspects of business growth and expansion.
On Each Order!
Implementation of the High-Performance Working approach in the organization is typically based on mutual trust, confidence, and effective communication along with a collaborative approach as well (Zhao et al. 2018). However, there are several barriers that restrict the implementation of this approach within an organization along with hampering the performance of the organization also. These barriers to implementing the High-Performance Working are referred to as:
The inability of the employees to provide efficient resolution to the problems along with the matters of conflict tends to impact the rate of productivity. Wastage of time in finding an effective resolution for the problems and the matter of conflicts tends to impact the poor performance of the employees as well (Zhao et al. 2018).
The approach to High-Performance Working typically depends on the mutual trust among the employees of the organization (Xu et al. 2019). Hence the lack of trust among the employees tends to impact the performance of the individuals which collaboratively acts as a barrier to the High-Performance Working approach.
Poor level of interpersonal relationships among the employees of the organization makes the entire team suffer through the inefficiency of performance (Zhang et al. 2019). This can be explained as the members prioritizing the individual growth rather than focusing on the performance of the team.
Leadership plays an important role in improving the performance of the team members which further results in the improved performance of the organization as well (Han et al. 2018). In-efficient leadership in the process of business execution will tend to demotivate the employees which further leads to the downfall of the performance of the individuals along with the organization as well.
The High-Performance Working approach typically includes the projection of the core values of the organization along with the objectives of performing the business execution procedures (Han et al. 2018). Inefficient projection of the core values to the employees tends to impact through the lack of knowledge of the employees about the required task to be performed or even what is being expected from the employees.
The approach of High-Performance Working is considered to be beneficial for both the management of the organization and the employees as well. In other words, the well-being of an employee is considered to be essential for the implementation of the High-Performance Working approach (Tonda et al. 2018). These aspects are referred to as interlinked as the implementation of the High-Performance Working approach tends to reduce the negative impacts on the well-being of an employee, which further results in the improvisation of the organizational performance. Apart from that, the inefficient well-being of an employee not only impacts his individual performance but also trends to affects the well-being of the other employees of the organization as well (Liu et al. 2018). This in the long run adversely impacts the performance of the team which later on results in downgrading the performance of the organization as well. This further concludes that the gradual implementation of the approaches for maintaining the well-being of the employees is better than the final acquisition of the health improvement strategies (Zhang et al. 2020). This in the long run will increase the performance of the organization with effective growth of the business.
The relationship between competitive advantages is significant because it initiates the decision of the HR managers by helping in transferring the capital in terms of employees into a stable source and assisting in competitive advantage. As cited by Hanet al. (2019), competitive advantages are extremely essential to get sustainable profits that increase development for the organisation and it comes through the great capacity to differentiate and a favourable position of pricing. These two practical definitions are assisting to determine the people and firm work performance efficiency and how it impacts productivity and in supporting to reach competitive advantage. HPWs emphasise reflection of the employee commitment and involvement in the process of creating a better organisational culture with the high performance from the engaged workers and three prime ways to enhance the competitive advantage.
Ensuring worker's security:
HPWs point up in the maximum business to collaborating in hiring and downsizing contracts and part-time workers to ignore making obligations to workers. The proof has displayed businesses collaborating in creating new HR practices and developing organisation reputation for the longest time. HPWs actively assist in structuring the traditional practices by engaging workers while generating employee-customer loyalty by taking different advanced technologies. Therefore, an organisation has to be going extra-mile to achieve critical success in terms of competitive advantage.
Selection and better communication:
The selection and recurring category deal with different HR policies that recruit, locate, and selection processes. HPWs initiate the policies by analysing market growth, and customer satisfaction, and it increases productivity with a strategic framework. As suggested by Behravesh et al. (2020), better communication is facilitated by the HPWs system in the organisation by examining new requirements in the organisation through identifying attributes and ski9lls among the applicants. HPWs enhanced the selection process and created short-timing procedures to create a good working environment by including the right talent and better communication.
Achieving the higher scores on the “High-Performance Index” means better results in the financial system. When the organization achieves comparatively higher scores in that index and in that sector it has also been the best financial result compared with the competitors. As per the view of Sukumar et al. (2020), it is true in the case of organizational units where those are compared. Those high-performance practices help in improving the capacity of the organization to attract, hire, select, retain and develop the high-performance.
Organisational performance is calculated by individual and operational outcomes in terms of employee retention, productivity, better services, and group performance. Shareholder return and share value, great revenue is included in the financial outcomes of any organisational better performance. And HPWs are linked with these activities by contributing to the field of employee outcomes that indirectly meet above all the expected organisational performance. As per Bilan et al. (2020), “Sustainable organisational performance” is nowadays more important and HPWs are influencing it significantly by smoothing the ways to meet the real purpose of the organisation while the changing business environment and expectations of the customers. HPWs help out in an agile and proactive way to manage this changing environment. In the process of “Sustainable organisational performance” has three key steps and brighter the future of the organisation.
Sharing information:
Traditionally, organisations are not successful or essential to provide supply-related information to the workers; however, the changing environment assists critically in sharing information between management and employees. According to Zhang et al. (2019), HPWs ensure this process by developing interests and knowledge for better productivity via useful and timely shared information involving strategies and plans. Consequently, it leads to building effective cooperation with the necessary changes. Also, principles of HPWs enhanced more employees' loyalty and commitment towards the organisation as well as towards sustainable performance.
Egalitarianism and Performance-Reward relationship:
In HPWs, issues among labour, managers, and employees unions are enhanced by extra cooperation practices to control the production. However, today, workers are stressed and pressured by the organisational behaviours of parcel and part attitudes. HPWs initiate to make an egalitarian working environment where every solo employee is treated eliminating power, alike, and status differences and more advanced towards teamwork and collaboration. According to Rehman et al. (2022), empowering workers in HPWs provides more influence and control across the decision-making of the workers. Other hand, rewards are directly connected with supervisors and performance; it is only possible if the employees are significantly aligned with the employee's goals. Overall pursuing a mutually beneficial environment for the employees and correspondingly, organisations reach sustainable positions in a changing environment.
A cycle of performance management refers to that process that ensures the company goals and aligns the goals of the employees to that of the company. This cycle also helps in achieving setting the goal at the end of the cycle. As per the opinion of Mbama et al. (2018), the management helps in ensuring the pepper support through constructive feedback and training. This cycle can be from a shorter time to a one-year performance. The most important stages that are discussed in the book “Handbook of Performance Management” by Michael Armstrong are the four stages for appraising the cycle. Those stages are: Planning, Monitoring, “Developing and reviewing” and “rating and rewards”.
It is the first stage of an organization that needs to undertake. The first strategy of the management must be the arrangement of the planning before meeting or hiring new employees and also before adding team members. According to Bag et al. (2021), after fulfilling the pact of the organization the management needs to set the personal target, goals, and objectives for the employees and teams. In case of setting the best goal for the team, it is important for the management to involve the employees so that it will be a fair method with them and they will easily understand the reason behind the team goal.
After doing the plans if it is not followed then it will be a failed recipe. Supervisors and managers need to monitor the goal continuously. As per the knowledge of Lee et al. (2019), for making the plan work it is important to enable the managers all the time. The needs of the employees and the company need to be followed constantly and need to provide support.
“Developing and Reviewing”
When the end of the cycle is near it is important to do a review of the previous cycle. If the whole cycle went well then it will be nothing but a formality and if not then the cycle needs to be redeveloped. As per the view of Bhattarai et al. (2019), during the process of developing some questions such as what has been learned, about the employee's required skills, other skills, and so on. The review aspects focus on the questions of overachieving and underachieving.
“Rating and Reward”
In this stage, the management mainly provides ratings and reviews to the employees and teams. The management needs to take some appropriate action if the team members do not meet the goal (Ogbonnaya, 2019). These actions helped to know the valuable members of the group and result.
Performance review of the team or employees is a crucial process for the organization that helps in boosting the improvement and productivity of the employee’s outcome. A liner manager basically manages and oversees the performance of the employees and informs the work report to the higher-ranking managers (Garavan et al. 2021). There are some methods that help in reviewing the performance process that involves line managers are:
“Management by objectives”
It is one of the important methods by which the line manager and employees both can identify, organize, plan and communicate the objectives of the company and keep their focus during the performance. As per the view of De Vass et al. (2018), after setting the goal, line managers and other subordinates discuss the development and progress for controlling and debating the achievement for setting the objectives. This method sometimes validates using the SMART analysis with specific measure and make time-sensitive of the objectives.
360-Degree Feedback
This is a multidimensional performance reviewing process that evaluates the employees using the feedback that is collected from the circle of the employees to influence the managers, customers, direct sports, and peers. This method helps in eliminating the bias as well as offering a clear understanding of the competence of the individual (Basu et al. 2022). This method contains five components such as: Self-appraisal which offers the employees to look at their performance and understand their weaknesses and strengths. Managerial reviews can be done with the help of the managers as a part of the basic or traditional appraisal form. These reviews include the rating of the employees and awards by the supervisors. Peer reviews help in determining the ability of the employees to work well with team members.
The method of assessment center
This method enables the employees to get a clear picture to know the observations of others and the impact on their performance. There is an advantage such as it will assess the previous existing performance as well as the future predictions of the job performance.
Psychological Performance Reviews
It is the hidden potential that is determined by the employees. This is the method that mainly focuses on the future performance of the employee rather than the past work (Abdin et al. 2018). Those reviews help in analyzing the seven different major components such as cognitive abilities, leadership skills, emotional quotient, personality traits, intellectual traits, and other types of skills.
There are different advantages that are associated with the implementation of the system of performance management. The performance management contributions are discussed in this portion.
“Motivate to perform” increased
Receiving feedback referring to one’s performance increases the efficiency as well as the motivation of the employees (Hassan et al. 2019). This also increases the future performance. Knowing the details about the work increases future accomplishments.
Managers gain perception of subordinates
Managers and supervisors that are in charge appraise the new insights and appraise the person. Gaining new perceptions of the personality and performance of a person helps the managers to build a relationship with the person. It is also followed that the supervisor gains a better understanding of the contribution of that individual for the organization.
Job criteria and definitions are clarified
The job of the person that is being apprised can be clarified and also more defined. In the other words, the employees got a better knowledge and understanding of their behaviors and outcomes that are required for obtaining their specific position (Ogbonnaya, 2019). Employees gain an understanding for becoming successful performers.
Better protection from the challenges
Data collection from the system of performance management cna helps in documenting with regulations. Those can be equal treatment for all the employees without diversity. The lawsuit and the other challenges such as integration absence, less of leadership commitment, and incompetence are protected by the performance management.
Personnel actions are appropriate and fair
The system of performance management provides valid informants about the performance that can use for the personnel actions like merit increases, transfers, promotions, and also the terminations. Generally, performance management helps in ensuring the distribution of rewards on the basis of credibility and fairness. That contribution also increases the ability of the employees and employees are sustained more energetic.
The approaches that are helpful for creating a high-performance culture for the organization can be analyzed in some steps.
Clarify values and communication
Adding values to the activities makes the company a suitable palace for work and profitable. the values drive the behavior of the employees suitably and make it contribute to the success of the company. Communication is also the key to bundling the trust with the employees as well as supporting the commitment.
Strengthen positive behavior
Pushing out the negative thoughts from the mind helps in adding value to the company. Developing a positive value can add to the attitude of the company (Garavan et al. 2021). Leaders need to reward the individual representatives for the organizational values because it helps in increasing the ability to do the job.
Increase and encourage the self-esteem
Receiving feedback about the performance fulfills the basic need that needs to be valued and appreciated at the work. This thing increases the self-esteem of the employees. Encourage open communication in the workplace.
Employee empowerment
A leader wants to empower the employees by asking them to contribute to making decisions so that it will build trust. It also needs to notice that empowerment leads them to make more decisions that are directly or may be indirectly related to them (Abdin et al. 2018). There is some ability that can create the employees attain their full potential such as: Showing them their trust in the leader, providing them the required training, communicating the vision clearly, and allowing them freedom within a limit.
This essay is about improving organizational performance and different kinds of improving methods are discussed in this context. The different concepts of high-performance working are analyzed along with the contribution from the organization for supporting the high performance. The different barriers to implementing the HPW in the case of the organization are established. High performance working management with its link with the employees well being is evaluated along with the competitive advantages. Contributions of high performance working towards sustainability are developed. Four stages of the performance management cycle are developed along with the performance reviews. Those factors of performance management are also discussed with the help of methods that are involved with the line managers. Performance management for promoting the challenges and capabilities of the employees is also elaborated. Suitable approaches for building trust and commitment to supporting the high-performance culture of any organization are precisely discussed.
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