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There are many limitations in the primary qualitative data collection method. Cost is the first limitation of primary qualitative data collection (Vindrola-Padros et al. 2020). Cost is a factor, which affects the researcher for not choosing the primary qualitative data collection method. Researchers always want that the research to be conducted in a concise time. The researcher also wants that the result of the research is to publish in a concise time. There will be a required unique instrument for analysing the data and getting the proper answer research. However, the researcher cannot do this because of the expensive budget. Another limitation of the primary data collection method is time (Nayak et al. 2019).
The time has not only been needed for gathering the data for the research, however, the time has also been needed for conducting the research very carefully. The research should be developed and the answer, which will be taken for the research, should store properly and correctly. Therefore, these processes are taking a long time. Another limitation of the primary data collection method is its feasibility (Archibald et al. 2019). Another limitation of the primary research is that the data, which has used in the primary research, is unique. There is no comparison of data with other work. For this reason, in this context there has happened any mistakes by the researcher, then there are no backup data to recover the original data. Another limitation of primary data is the lack of knowledge (Alam, 2022). There are use interview methods in this research.
For this reason, there will require the interviewees participate in this process. Therefore, the researcher will ensure that the data or answers, which have collected from the respondents, are very specific and proper. In this context, if the participant will give the wrong answer or does not give a specific answer, then the research will be misconduct.
There are many benefits of descriptive research design. Another advantage of the descriptive research design is time. The time has not only been needed for gathering the data for the research, but, the time has also been needed for conducting the research very carefully. The research should be developed and the answer, which will be taken for the research, should store properly and correctly. Therefore, these processes are taking a long time. However, time has taken very short to conduct the research in descriptive research design. One of the advantages of the descriptive research design is that there will use both qualitative and quantitative data methods.
On Each Order!
The descriptive research design will look into almost every part of the data. In this context, there are many research methods where one specific data is used. Therefore, the outcome of the data will be wrong because there is to use only one data and the researcher will get a limited amount of information and this may be the cause of misconducting the research. The outcome of the research will be published in a very short time in the descriptive research design (Pandey et al. 2021). Apart from this, the descriptive research design is very cost-effective.
The previous study I conducted was based on collecting data through primary methods focus groups. However, theta methods produce fruitful results regarding the research topic, henceforth; a follow up study might help in quantifying crucial data about the research. In a focus group, generally, different participants take part to share their life experiences (Nayak & Narayan, 2019). However, all questions cannot be answered with just a limited number of participants, which was 32 in the scenario. The following research can be conducted through survey primary methods where participants are asked multiple questions in context with the research topic.
In focus group primary methods, research here is focused on discussion with participants. The process can take a large amount of time and take a high amount of money for the collection of data. On the other hand, survey methods are only focused on collecting data, which will be more quantified rather than personal information. Data collecting through a focused group consists of data, which are irrelevant to reach a topic, which makes it difficult to filter out crucial data (Braun et al. 2021). On the other hand, the survey collected rich data using multiple questions, which help to visualise data more quickly. In addition, surveys are extremely helpful to conduct research on large groups o0f people where research can cover various crucial information regarding the questions. Additionally, these multiple questions methods can be further supplemented through open-ended questions. These data collection types fully consist of some easily answered MCQ types of questions, which can be easily quantified for the research. Henceforth, selecting survey primary methods will be appropriate to conduct a follow-up study.
Analysis of data is extremely crucial to filter out important data from research and set it up in a statistical manner. Analysis of data help- to visualise crucial factors related to a study that aids to interpret decisions in the future. Data analysis can be completed using various tools like SPSS and Excel analytical tools. In this scenario, the SPSS tool is going to be used to conduct the follow-up study (Singh & Kumar, 2021). SPSS stands for “Statistical Package for the Social Sciences' ' which comes under the most used analytical tool. Hence, SPSS is considered more powerful in comparison to Excel sheets. The data manipulation tool of SPSS allows the benefits of transforming and recording which will be a time-tracking procedure in Excel. SPSS is a software programme, which offers the benefits of fast-visual modelling to understand all kinds of complex models.
SPSS is chosen in this scenario; hence it is simple to use and its commanding language can easily be followed. It includes several data analysis tools like bivariate statistics, and cross-tabulation, which help researchers to build up predictive models (Li & Zhang, 2021). Visualisation Designer features in SPSS help researchers to develop visual representations from collected data. In addition, data files can be easily transported here from a different programme. It handles procedures as if merging files between different variables will provide significant advantage to research in this scenario. Hence, statistical analysis is quite helpful, if it can be arranged in a table or graph. The software also provides such benefits to reporting data patterns through a chart or table which makes this analytical tool dynamic (Andry, Christianto, & Wilujeng, 2019). Additionally, error caches with the SPSS tool are infinitesimal which makes the research procedure more accurate and precise. There are different types of graphs available, hence in this scenario, the researcher can select a graph type, which meets distribution requirements.
Research design is a pivotal factor for research, which helps in constructing a strategy to complete the research. In a research design, different variables and components integrate with each other to develop the strategy (Seeram, 2019). It is considered a blueprint of a research fort effectively addressing research problems. There are mainly five types of research designs available to conduct research. However, for regression analysis, the correlation research analysis is going to be the best fit.
Correlation research is quite useful for establishing an understanding between different research variables. It helps to measure such variables in terms of realistic settings that build in-depth visualisation regarding the way the real-world works (Leimkühler et al.2019). This research is based upon two variables FIFA ranking and case numbers who are affecting from covid-19. Researcher to find out the relation between different variables mostly uses this research design. It allows researchers to predict whether these variables are connected to each other or not (Cataldo et al. 2019). Additionally, this research design aids to conduct studies on the real-life events that people encounter. Hence, this research is based on real-life events and constructing the relationship between these two variables is objective, correlation design is chosen in this case.
This research is all about developing a relationship between FIFA ranking and covid number of cases for that respective county. Hence, this research is based on developing relationships between two different variables; a correlation research design is used here. The above diagram clearly portrays a significant relationship between “FIFA ranking and “COVID-19 case numbers '. The graph gives a visualisation of the standing of international foot teams of a country and Covid-19 case of that country (Menebo, 2020). The above graph shows an increasing slope of FIFA ranking along with the increase in the case of covid-19. This graph gives a clear understanding of a positive relationship between both of these variables. Henceforth, the government should take action to cancel all upcoming FIFA matches to alleviate the spread of covid-19. This cross-sectional design approach builds a strong relationship between the variables to track real-life incidents.
In the graph, “Covid ranking” is placed on the X-axis whereas “FIFA ranking” is placed on the Y-axis. All the idiots are carte an incremental slope which helps to deduce the fact covid-19 cases increases with an increase in the standing of that respective country. Henceforth, from the above graph it can be interpreted as a positive increase in the cases of Covid-19 along with its international football l position. Additionally, this graph helps the government to make decisions regarding upcoming football sports.
In order to conduct research on this topic, the collection of authentic data is essential. This research is conducted using a correlation research design. In this case, secondary data collection is used which saves a lot of time. In order to collect data on covid-19 cases, a worldometer is used. On the other hand, the FIFA ranking of a country is collected from the “ Fédération Internationale de Football Association” (Islam et al.2021). Both of these platforms are authentic which makes the research work genuine. In most cases, the collection of secondary data creates business in research.
Collecting data through these sites makes it most effective and reduces the hurdle during the research. The research work is all about finding the relationship between two variables and making interpretations from it (Wu et al. 2021). Secondary data help to create visual insights from earlier analysis. This data collection procedure can be accessed by anyone. In addition, this data can be easily available from any remote place. FIFA association and Worldometer are secondary resources used here for collecting the information. Both of these sites give numerical data regarding cases and its position. Placing data in a graph helps to create the relationship between two variables “Covid-19 case number” and “FIFA ranking”.
The proposed research design is correlation methods, which are extremely beneficial to construct relations between different variables. In the scenario, two variables are present hence correlation approach is proposed to be the best fit (Chicco & Jurman, 2020). However, this research design also consists of several disadvantages, which can create a turmoil situation during research.
Henceforth, correlation research design does not only consist of advantages alone it has several disadvantages. However, correlation research work depends on the types of variables, which the expertise of the researcher needs successfully implement it.
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