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LAW5009-Legal and Equitable Interests in 117 Haim Drive Sample By Native Assignment Help!
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Each listed party to 117 Haim Drive's legal and equitable rights have changed over time due to different things. It is crucial to look at the contributions made by each individual towards the acquisition of the property and the following events that led to changes in ownership to comprehend the devolution of these interests.
The home was initially held by all five of the friends as joint tenants in both law and equity. This meant that each individual had an equal piece of the property and that if one of them passed away, the remaining joint tenants would inherit that person's share. This was the pre-arranged agreement at the time of purchase, and all parties understood the shared tenancy's ramifications. Although their donations differed, Jason, Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Zack all contributed to the purchase of the property. Jason contributed 20% of the buying price towards the property after selling his Leeds home. Trini used money from her affluent parents to make up 40% of the buying price. For his 20% portion, Billy obtained a mortgage from Arden Bank. Kimberly contributed 20% of the cost after winning £1 million on a lottery ticket. Although Zack made no financial contribution to the purchase, he volunteered to decorate the home and finish any necessary modifications to make up for it.
The noteworthy occurrence was when Billy cheated on Zack and ended the relationship after finding Zack in bed with another man. Billy left the house and informed the other tenants in a letter that he intended to depart permanently and claim his portion of the property. Billy's joint tenancy was broken by this action, and he no longer had a rightful or fair stake in the property. Billy effectively renounced ownership of the property when he nailed the letter to the front door. The passing of Kimberly was an important event. She had written a will in which she had bequeathed her whole estate to her brother David on behalf of her kid. This meant that while her brother received the property's legal interest, her child's usage of the equitable interest was preserved. Holly would continue to get benefits from her half of the property thanks to this arrangement.
Trini's decision to sell her portion of the land owing to financial troubles was the final noteworthy development. She first approached Billy, but he turned down her offer to sell him a portion. Later, Zack learned about Trini's offer and decided to invest the money he had accumulated by working weekends as a builder. Trini was approached to inquire about her willingness to sell, and the necessary paperwork was created for Zack to acquire Trini's portion. As Trini had sold her portion to Zack, she no longer had a legal or equitable stake in the land.
On Each Order!
The stated parties' legal and equitable interests in 117 Haim Drive deteriorated over time as a result of several occasions that affected their ownership rights. Jason gave his share to Scott in exchange for rent, Billy ended their joint tenancy and gave up his ownership rights, Kimberly's legal interest went to her brother, while her equitable interest was held in trust for her child. Trini gave her share to Zack, who then bought it and became the sole owner. Several things that happened throughout time had an impact on how the legal and equitable interests in 117 Haim Drive devolved. Initially, Jason, Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Zack agreed to be joint tenants in both equity and law and to own the land. This indicates that they had an equal stake in the land and that, in the event of a joint tenant's death, the surviving joint tenants would immediately inherit their part.
The transition of the legal and equitable rights in the property was also significantly impacted by Billy's departure from the property. He expressed his desire to permanently vacate the property and claim his part of the property in a letter to the other joint tenants. Billy did not pass away; instead, he abandoned his stake in the land, therefore his portion of the property did not pass to the remaining co-tenants. Billy's ownership of his portion of the land passed to him, making him the sole owner. Trini's stake was later purchased by Zack, although this did not change the ownership of the property; rather, it was only added to his holdings, leaving the other joint tenants to maintain their shares.
The transfer of the legal and equitable rights in the property will be impacted by Kimberly's passing as well. She passed away while still holding her portion of the property, thus the remaining joint tenants came to inherit her stake in it. But in her testament, she bequeathed her whole estate to her brother David to provide for Holly. Accordingly, depending on the conditions of the trust, Holly could have an equitable interest in Kimberly's portion of the property. Various occurrences throughout time, such as the sale of Jason's portion, Billy's eviction from the property, Kimberly's demise, and the execution of Kimberly's will, have had an impact on the devolution of the legal and equitable rights in 117 Haim Drive. Due to these circumstances, Scott is now a tenant in common, Billy is now the single owner of his part, and Zack has acquired Trini's portion and will continue to be the only owner of that share.
The “Law of Property Act 1925” governs the legislation about joint tenancy and tenancy in common in England. Joint tenants have an equal and undivided stake in the property under this law. The entire property may be possessed and occupied by each joint tenant. When one joint tenant passes away, the remaining joint tenants automatically take over ownership of that tenant's portion of the property. The "Land Registration Act" of 2002 governs the legislation about the sale or transfer of property interests in England. Any sale or transfer of property interests is required by this legislation to be recorded with the Land Registry. The registration procedure ensures that the property transfer is binding on the law and that the interests of the new owner are safeguarded.
The "Wills Act" of 1837 regulates will-related legislation in England. A will must be written and signed by the testator in the presence of two witnesses to be valid under this legislation. In the presence of the testator, the witnesses must also sign the will. The testator must have the legal ability to form a will at the moment of signing, and the will must be unequivocal and explicit. The “Law of Property Act 1925” governs the procedures for ending a shared tenancy in this situation. This legislation states that a joint tenancy may be terminated by mutual consent of the joint tenants or by one of the joint tenants giving the other joint tenants notice. Each joint tenant becomes a tenant in common when the joint tenancy is broken, and their portion of the property can then be sold or transferred separately.
The "Law of Property Act" of 1925 and the "Land Registration Act" of 2002, in the case of a mortgage, control the legislation on mortgages. A mortgage is a legal agreement that grants the lender a security interest in the property, by certain regulations. If the borrower misses a payment on a mortgage, the lender has the authority to foreclose on the property. The "Trustee Act" of 1925 governs trust-related legislation in the case of a will. When the property is held by one person for the benefit of another, a trust is established by this legislation. The trustee is required by law to administer the trust's assets and distribute its property following its stated provisions.
The "Land Registration Act 2002", the "Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996", and the "Family Law Act 1996" are principally responsible for regulating the legislation of this scenario in England. These laws provide the foundation for trusts to be created and carried out legally, as well as allowing joint owners and cohabitants to hold, transfer, and divide property interests. Joint tenants have equal and undivided shares in the property under the "Land Registration Act of 2002", and in the event of one tenant's passing, the land automatically goes to the surviving tenants rather than to the tenant's estate. As a result, despite Kimberly's death, the property was still legally owned by the other owners after she died away, subject to any potential equitable rights.
The establishment of land trusts, which may be utilized to create equitable property rights, is made possible by the “Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act of 1996”. In the instance of Haim Drive, the owners consented to hold the property as joint tenants in law and equity, indicating that they share equal beneficial and legal ownership rights in the land. They are nonetheless bound by the fiduciary obligations that emerge in the framework of a trust, such as the duty of loyalty and the responsibility to behave in good faith, as a result of their agreement to hold the property as joint tenants in equity.
A framework for cohabiting persons who are not married or in a civil partnership is established under the Family Law Act of 1996. When one party has made a substantial contribution to the property or when there is an explicit or implicit understanding that they would receive a piece of the property, it enables the partition of the property. Trini may have had a legal basis to ask for a portion of the property due to her sizeable financial contribution and the owners' consent to hold the property as joint tenants in both law and equity. But this issue was remedied when she handed Zack her share.
In the case of Jason's decision to lease his interest in the property to Scott, the equitable position would be that Jason is entitled to receive a fair amount of compensation for his share of the property, but he cannot simply sell his interest without the consent of the other co-owners. By leasing his interest to Scott, Jason has retained his legal right to the property but has given up his right to occupy it. The other co-owners have a right to object to the arrangement, but as long as Scott pays the agreed-upon rent and abides by the terms of the lease, Jason is entitled to continue receiving rent until the end of the lease term. In this case, the equitable position is that Jason is entitled to receive fair compensation for his interest in the property, but he cannot sell or dispose of it without the consent of the other co-owners.
In the case of Billy's decision to leave the property and take his share, the equitable position is that the other co-owners have a right to object to his decision, but Billy is entitled to take his share of the property and dispose of it as he sees fit. However, nailing a letter to the front door does not constitute proper notice of his intention to sever the joint tenancy. To legally sever a joint tenancy, a co-owner must give written notice to the other co-owners. Billy's actions may be considered a breach of his duties as a co-owner, and the other co-owners may seek legal remedies to protect their interests. The equitable position is that Billy has a right to his share of the property, but he must follow the proper legal procedures to sever the joint tenancy.
In the case of Kimberly's decision to leave her interest in trust for the benefit of her child, the equitable position is that her daughter Holly is entitled to inherit her mother's share of the property. However, the other co-owners may have concerns about a minor inheriting a share of the property and may seek to have the trust dissolved or the property sold to pay for Holly's maintenance and support. In this case, the equitable position is that Holly is entitled to her mother's share of the property, but the other co-owners have a right to protect their interests and seek a fair and just outcome.
In the case of Zack's decision to purchase Trini's share, the equitable position is that he is entitled to do so as long as the other co-owners do not object. However, if the other co-owners object, they may seek legal remedies to protect their interests. The equitable position is that each co-owner has a right to dispose of their share of the property as they see fit, but they must do so in a fair way and just to the other co-owners.
The final position after all the events that took place with the ownership of 117 Haim Drive can be summarised as follows:
Jason: After Jason moved to Canada, he negotiated with Scott to sell his share of the property. However, Scott was unable to raise the necessary funds to buy Jason's share, so he agreed to pay him to rent instead. This means that Jason still retains his legal ownership of the property but has transferred his equitable interest in it to Scott in exchange for the rent. The rent payments are equivalent to the value of Jason's share of the property, which means that he has effectively sold his interest in the property to Scott. Their legal position of Jason remains the same, as he is still a joint tenant with the other owners.
Billy: Billy decided to leave the property in a fit of rage and sent a letter to the others, stating that he would not return and wanted to sell his share in the property. However, the letter was not a legally binding document, and Billy still retains his legal ownership of the property. However, his equitable interest in the property has been affected by his decision to leave. Billy has effectively abandoned his interest in the property, and his share will be divided equally among the remaining owners. This means that each owner will now have a 25% share in the property, both legally and equitably.
Kimberly: Kimberly made a will leaving everything she owned on trust to her brother David for the benefit of her child. This means that David is now the legal owner of Kimberly's share of the property, and he holds it in trust for the benefit of Holly, Kimberly's daughter. However, as Holly is a minor, she cannot hold legal title to the property. Instead, David holds the legal title as trustee, and Holly holds the equitable interest in the property. This means that Holly will be entitled to her mother's share of the property when she reaches the age of majority, and David is responsible for managing the property until then.
Zack: Zack purchased Trini's share and remained a joint tenant with the other owners. This means that he now has a 20% legal interest in the property, and he also holds the equitable interest in Trini's former share. Zack's total equitable interest in the property is now 40%, as he owns 20% legally and 20% equitably. The other owners still hold their 20% legal interest in the property, but their equitable interests have been affected by Zack's purchase. They now each have a 20% equitable interest in the property, rather than the 25% they held previously.
[Law Firm Name]
[City, UK]
Arden Bank
[City, UK]
Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: Billy's Arden Bank Mortgage on 117 Haim Drive
I am writing to you on behalf of [Law Firm Name] regarding the mortgage that Billy has with Arden Bank on the property at 117 Haim Drive, London. As you may be aware, there have been concerns about Billy's defaulting on his mortgage payments, and we are here to provide advice on your legal position and suggest a suitable remedy.
Our firm has thoroughly reviewed the mortgage agreement between Arden Bank and Billy and the relevant laws and regulations regarding mortgages in England. Based on our findings, we can advise that Arden Bank has the right to take legal action to enforce the mortgage contract and recover the outstanding payments from Billy. This is because Arden Bank has a legal charge over the property at 117 Haim Drive, which is a third-party right over land that grants Arden Bank the legal right to enforce the terms of the mortgage agreement.
In England, the legal charge over the property is created by way of a mortgage deed, which sets out the terms and conditions of the mortgage agreement. The deed will usually contain a clause that allows the mortgagee, in this case, Arden Bank, to take legal action against the mortgagor, Billy, if he defaults on the mortgage payments. This can be done by applying to the court for an order for possession, which will give Arden Bank the right to repossess the property and sell it to recover the outstanding debt.
If Arden Bank successfully obtains an order for possession, several remedies are available. These include the right to apply to the court for a money judgment, which will order Billy to pay the outstanding debt. Arden Bank may also choose to sell the property to recover the debt. However, it is important to note that the proceeds from the sale of the property will be used to pay off any outstanding debts secured by the legal charge before any surplus is returned to the mortgagor.
In light of the above, we advise Arden Bank to take immediate legal action to enforce the mortgage contract and recover the outstanding payments from Billy. We would suggest that you consider sending a letter before action to Billy, setting out the amount of the outstanding debt and demanding payment within a specified period. If Billy fails to pay, Arden Bank can then apply to the court for an order for possession.
Please note that this letter is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. If you require further advice or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
We hope that this letter has been of assistance to you, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
[Lawyer's Name]
[Law Firm Name]
Harpum and B. Bubb, Registered Land: Law and Practice (Oxford University Press, 2nd ed, 2019)
Keay, 'Joint Ownership of Land and the Severance of the Joint Tenancy: An Empirical Analysis' (2019) Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Sandbrook, 'The Current State of Land Law: Reflections on its Meaning and Purpose' (2019) Journal of Property Law
Abbey, 'A Review of the Law Relating to Mortgages' (2019) Journal of Property Law
Cooke and S. Cunningham, The Modern Law of Mortgages (Routledge, 3rd ed, 2019)
Collins and N. Skelton, Collins, and Skelton's Law of Mortgages (Sweet & Maxwell, 15th ed, 2019)
DiMatteo, 'The Future of Property Law: An American Perspective' (2019) Journal of Property Law
McGhee, 'The Law of Property and the Construction Industry' (2019) Journal of Business Law
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Gaudron, 'The Development of the Concept of Property in English Law' (2019) Journal of Property Law
McLaughlin, 'Title and Registration of Title to Land' (2019) Conveyancer and Property Lawyer
Hopkins, 'The Role of the Trust in Modern Property Law' (2019) Modern Law Review
Butt, Land Law (Oxford University Press, 8th ed, 2019)
O'Donovan and J. Jackson, Land Law: Text, Cases, and Materials (Oxford University Press, 3rd ed, 2019)
Dixon and G. Gerry, 'The Many Faces of Property: An Overview of Property Law' (2019) Journal of Property Law
Ferguson, 'The Evolution of Property Law: A Historical Perspective' (2019) Journal of Property Law
Dixon, Modern Land Law (Routledge, 11th ed, 2019)
McGhee, 'Property Law Update 2019' (2019) Journal of Business Law
Snell and J. Martin, Principles of Equity and Trusts (Oxford University Press, 10th ed, 2019)
Foster, 'Property Law in the Digital Age' (2019) Journal of Property Law.
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