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In the competitive business world, the organisations are working effectively for having effective business strategies that can help them in gaining competitive advantage over others. Leadership is also a significant factor that is significant for the businesses in the changing business world. Due to ongoing technological advancement and increasing complexities in the corporate world it had become essential for the firms to focus onhaving effective leadership in the firm(Daniëlset. al. 2019). This report is an essay which would focus on explaining the concept of leadership and model of leadership. The researcher would be discussing that what leadership style is required in the chosen area of interest.
Leadership is referred as the process or influencing others and motivating them to work effectively for leading the firm towards success and development. In the changing world the organisation needs to have an effective leader who can manage the changes in an effective manner and can lead the firm towards success and development(Rudolph et. al. 2018). While leading the firm it is essential for the leader to use an appropriate leadership style that suits well to the organisation. It is important for the firms to understand that leadership is having an impact on the organisation performance as it affects the different factors. Leadership is having an influence on employee motivation, employee satisfaction and employee turnover which are having a major impact on the business performance. The leadership style used by the leader is having a major impact on the organisational success. According to me leadership plays a major role in the organisation. Along with this the skills, knowledge and the leadership style used by the leader are having a significant on their effectiveness as a leader.
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In the changing business world, the organisations are more concern for the long-term goals and attaining sustainability had become significant for the businesses.In the recent decades the concept of sustainable leadership had gained a lot of importance. In the sustainable leadership the leader of the company focuses on different factors of the business environment and then focus on achieving the long-term sustainable development goals for the firm. In my view the leaders need to focus on applying the leadership style that can help them in achieving the long-term goals of the company.
Transactional leadership and transformational leadership are two different leadership styles according to the traditional leadership theory. According to the transactional leadership it is essential for the leaders to focus on offering different types of rewards and punishments for motivating the employees to work effectively for the firm(Khan, 2017).In my view offering rewards to the employees is an effective way of motivating them. The organisations should focus on having an effective reward strategy for their employees that can help them in influencing the behaviour of the employees and inspiring them to deliver better work to the firm.It can be said that this is an effective theory that motivates the employees but criticism mention that it increased the competition among the employees and lead a negative impact on organisational culture.
In contrast to this in transformational leadership the leader focuses on working with the team for motivating and inspiring the team to work effectively for leading the firm towards success and development(Andrianiet. al. 2018).When the leader uses this leadership style then they focus on bringing positive changes in the firm according to the changing business world that can help them in surviving in the changing world. I think that in the competitive business world it is essential for the firm to have a leader that can implement change in an effective manner. Along with this when the leader uses this leadership style then it helps them in connecting well with their workforce which further helps in making better decisions related to the human resource management.
Moreover, it also helps the leaders in creating positive relation with their employees which is having a positive impact on employee satisfaction and motivates them to deliver high quality work to the company. In this leadership style leader needs to focus on having collaborative decision making(Builet. al. 2019). But according to me when the leaders are having collaborative decision making then it might lead to delay in decision making and this can have negative impact on the organisation. I can say that both the leadership are having pros and cons, but it is important for the leader to focus on using the leadership style that suits them well according to the organisational culture and their leadership skills.
Autocratic leadership is also an effective leadership style that is widely used by the businesses around the world. In this leadership style the leader focuses on controlling all the decision and act strictly with their employees(Chukwusa, 2018). For an instance Steve Jobs one of the most successful leaders uses the autocratic leadership style. This leadership is effective but according to me when the leaders are stricter than it might led to have a negative impact on employee behaviour and can increase the employee turnover. In contrast to this participate leadership style the leader focuses on involving all the team members in the decision-making process. While using this the leadership the leader develops better teamwork among the team members and motivate them to work effectively towards the organisational goals and objectives (DeBell, 2019).
I think that when the leader is leading the firm then it is essential for them to focus on having some of the skills that can help them in becoming a successful leader. There are some of the skills that are required by the leader which are related to their employment-relates skills. The leader needs to understand that individuals’ differences are having a major role to play when they are leading the workforce. According to this it is essential for the leader to understand their employees effectively before applying any of the leadership style on them. The emotions and feeling of the employees towards their organisation playa major role in the way they work in the organisation.
In my view the leader needs to have emotional intelligence skill that can help them in understanding their employees and managing them in an appropriate manner.According to the emotionally literate leadership concept it is essential to focus it can be said that emotional intelligence is an important factor for successful leaders(Lone and Lone, 2018). Better ability to understand the emotions can help the leaders in developing better communication with their team members and helps them in motivating them. This is also important for self-awareness as it helps the leaders in understanding their own emotions and managing them properly. This would help them in managing their own behaviour and other’s behaviour in the workplace.According to the discussionof the diversity leadership concept the culture preferences based on the organisation culture affects the leadership. It can be said that the leader needs to understand the workplace culture and culture insight that can help them in leading the firm in an efficient manner(YILDIZBA?, 2017).
If I reflect on my own experience that I would say that I really don’t like autocratic leaders and instead of I like democratic or the participative leaders. From my experience I can say that when the leader is democratic then it will gain better support from their employees and this will help them in becoming more successful leader(Caillier, 2020). According to me it is essential for the individuals to focus on having effective leadership skills that can help them in developing better employability skills and can help them in being a successful leader in future.I think that democratic leadership style is an effective leadership style that can be applied in the selected area of interest.In my future when I will be working thenI need to focus on developing some of the skills that can help them in using the selected leadership style in an effective manner. The leadership styles and models are developing continuously,and the new models of leadership are emerging. The different emerging models of leaderships are leading change leadership, visionary leadership and others. It can be said that the leader can develop their own theory of leadership.
From the different leadership styles and models discussed I think that the leaders need to have their own leadership style that can help them in working effectively. I would focus on using the combination of democratic leadership and transactional leadership style(Kalsoomet. al. 2018). I will focus on offering different rewards to my employees for keeping them motivated and will also work with them in a cooperative manner. I think that this would help me in gaining support from all the employees and influencing them to become a more valued employee for the firm. With the increasing globalisation the workplace diversity is also increasing in the businesses and this is also a concern for the leaders.
Using the democratic leadership would help the leaders in connecting well with the team members. Along with this it will help the leader in developing positive and healthy relations with their team members. This helps the leader in inspiring the employees andmotivating them to work effectively for the firm.According to me with the help of this leadership the leader can lead the firm effectively towards the achieving the aims and objectives(Hilton et. al. 2021).
In my view when the leader focuses on being effective then it is essential for them to have better and effective critical thinking skills that can help them in evaluating the different situation. Businesses face diverse situations, and it is essential for the leaders to be effective in all the different situation. I think that as a leader I would emphasis on developing better critical thinking skills that will help me in improving my decision-making skills. If I reflect on one of my experiences, then earlier I believed that as a leader I have to make quick decision so that I can work according to it, but this is not true. Now I believe that the leader needs to have critical thinking skills that helps them in deciding that which leading style will suit well in the firm and can help them in leading the firm towards success.
Being a leader offers a lot of responsibilities to the leader. I think that the leader needs to be responsible towards their roles and responsibilities that can help them in being a successful leader. Along with this the leaders needs to be act in an ethical manner as they are having a major impact on other employees of the firm. The above discussion had reflected the views on the different leadership models and styles that are been used by the leader across the world. All the leadership styles are having both pros and cons. It can be said that the leaders need to focus on all the different factors associated with their leader for becoming a successful leader. Moreover, the leader needs to have different employability skill that can help them in becoming abetter employee for the firm. For an instance the participate leadership or the democratic leadership has been selected for the chosen area of interest.
As a leader I would be focusing on managing diversity in an appropriate manner that can help them in managing the organisational issues and motivating the employees to work hard. According to me the culture of the company is also an effective factor that affects the effectiveness of the leader. Moreover, I would be focusing on ethical behaviour and will ensure that all the employees should work in an ethical manner. Now if as a leader when I will be implementing this leadership style then it will help me in developing effective employability skills and leadership skills. Better implementation of this leadership style will help me in developing teamwork skills, collaboration, cooperation, ethical behaviour and commercial and self-awareness. In my view these skills would develop my employment relates skills and will help me in becoming a successful leader in future.
Andriani, S., Kesumawati, N. and Kristiawan, M., 2018. The influence of the transformational leadership and work motivation on teachers performance. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 7(7), pp.19-29.
Buil, I., Martínez, E. and Matute, J., 2019. Transformational leadership and employee performance: The role of identification, engagement and proactive personality. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77, pp.64-75.
Caillier, J.G., 2020. Testing the influence of autocratic leadership, democratic leadership, and public service motivation on citizen ratings of an agency head’s performance. Public Performance & Management Review, 43(4), pp.918-941.
Chukwusa, J., 2018. Autocratic leadership style: Obstacle to success in academic libraries. Library Philosophy and Practice, p.1.
Daniëls, E., Hondeghem, A. and Dochy, F., 2019. A review on leadership and leadership development in educational settings. Educational research review, 27, pp.110-125.
Hilton, S.K., Arkorful, H. and Martins, A., 2021. Democratic leadership and organizational performance: the moderating effect of contingent reward. Management Research Review.
Jan DeBell, C.D.A., 2019. Democratic leadership. Dental Assistant, 88(2), pp.6-7.
Kalsoom, Z., Khan, M.A. and Zubair, D.S.S., 2018. Impact of transactional leadership and transformational leadership on employee performance: A case of FMCG industry of Pakistan. Industrial Engineering Letters, 8(3), pp.23-30.
Khan, N., 2017. Adaptive or transactional leadership in current higher education: A brief comparison. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(3), pp.178-183.
Lone, M.A. and Lone, A.H., 2018. Does emotional intelligence predict leadership effectiveness? An exploration in non-Western context. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, 5(1), pp.28-39.
Rudolph, C.W., Rauvola, R.S. and Zacher, H., 2018. Leadership and generations at work: A critical review. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(1), pp.44-57.
YILDIZBA?, F., 2017. The relationship between teacher candidates’ emotional intelligence level, leadership styles and their academic success. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 16(67).
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