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Dream Beds Leadership Struggles and Employee Satisfaction By Native Assignment Help
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The given case study is related to bed producer company namely the DreamBeds who is facing problem related to leadership team. As the per the survey result given by the workers of DreamBeds it has been identified that they are not pleased with the working environment and due to this a lot of workers has already leaves the company. Also, they have complained about treatment given by the headship team. For company leaders are the main pillars and they are only responsible for keeping or removing out any employees thus fairness in work is very much important for the employees as well leaders to understand.
Now in order to be a good leader the person have to possess some of the qualities that will help in creating a mark in front of his team. Leaders also plays a very pivotal function in motivating the opinion of impartiality among the workers. If they don't able to do thus then automatically problem will arise and the attrition rate will also become high. A lot of researcher highlighted that leaders actually motivates workers in different manner, The work of a leader is to build up lucid long term objective for the company, influence as well as show the correct path to the workers by means of work techniques as well as createmorale (Nielsen, 2018).With regards to the work environment, equity alludes to representatives' view of whether they have been dealt with genuinely in their positions and the manners by which those discernments impact other hierarchical results. Impartiality is required among the workers because it creates proper flow of communication as well as helps in maintaining good connection among them, In addition to this it also helps in creating good working environment which is profitable for both the leaders and the workers (Wayne, 2002).
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Having powerful pioneers might enable an organization to accomplish its objectives and boost proficiency. Much of the time, pioneers affect their representatives. Other than helping them better handle working environment related difficulties, pioneers summon advancement and imagination and move them to arrive at their maximum capacity. Few of the important function which leaders plays in motivating the perception of fairness in between the labors are listed below:
Firstly, creating fairness among the employees will help the leaders in promoting good work culture in which there will be no gender biasness and each group will be treated equally on the basis of their talent and work. Secondly, it will also the leaders in proper flow of communication between the employees which is very much important to maintain in manufacturing companies like DreamBeds. Thirdly fairness of perception among the workers also helps in transparency in the job which helps in maintaining a healthy work environment in the company. Fourthly, maintain a fair work environment by the leaders also helps the employees in giving respect to each other and maintaining that will help in completing the work on time without any kind of delays. Impartiality is probably the most grounded dynamic in a viable work environment. With the help of tis leaders are able tomotivates concordance, kindness and a feeling of value among partners. A pioneer who rehearses reasonableness finds out about the qualities and gifts of the colleagues and attempts to connect with them.Reward system is also a kind of system which needs fairness in every aspect. Usually in many it has been seen that people are given rewards based on biasness which creates a bad working environment afterwards. But good leader will always want to give rewards keeping in the mind the fairness which create a sense of working in the employees (Rossi, 2013). Pioneer reward conduct is decidedly identified with higher undertaking execution and organizational residency conduct, and less goals to turnover. These connections are facilitated by representatives' impression of decency and work spirit.
So, it can be concluded from the above discussion that there are quite a number of ways through which the functions of the leaders play a very in motivating the notion of fairnessamong the employees. Overall, from the study it can be said that leader main target is to create a sound working environment in which all the employees and, also the leaders will work together without crating any kinds of problem. In case of DreamBeds in order to keep the employees work properly the leaders will need to create fair place of working where everybody will feel same kind of resect and this will also help in decreasing the attrition rate too.
The given case study is related to leading a virtual team. The team lead named Divys isaccountable for managing a group of 8 people who will work from diverse geographic sites. The interaction among them will done through digitalized interactive technology.In order to create a successful team few points I would like to advice Divyaregarding virtual.
Firstly,Divya need to understand what the meaning and purpose of virtual team is. Virtuak team is generally eludes to a team of people who toil altogether from diverse geographicalsite along with depends in interactive technology for example mails, Fax and also video and audio conferencing with an intention to work together (Dulebohn, 2017).
Now there are many ways though which Divya will be able to manage its virtual team staying in different location. Firstly, she needs to define the work structure to her employees. Diverse people have diverse manners of completing the work, creating as well as defining the schemes might help in shortening down the time required to attain the demanded outcome. By establishing schemes as well as explaining the repeatable working framework the group generally ask fewer queries as well as also receives a sense of how much time I will need to complete a task. Secondly, Divya will need to create diverse communication tools. The advantages of setting up different specialized instruments is two-crease. At first, your group has an approach to convey something that is earnest to the opportune individual right away. Furthermore, it binds together cycles, for example, what to use for telephone calls, screen accounts, etc. It is clear what device is utilized for what, which adds to making that inside sentiment of harmony (Morley, 2015). Thirdly, Divya will require to change the entire meeting process in video conferencing process. Communicating over Skype and email being accessible readily available, it is enticing to visit and offer a brisk email at whatever point there is something to talk about. This might without much of a stretch lead to misconceptions. With virtual groups, video calls or possibly ordinary calls are in excess of an approach to evade false impressions. They associate the colleagues on a closer to individual level. Last but not the least she needs make utilization of proper project administration tools which are available an match with her project, Project administration tools might be the best to keep track of the work time, It also some kinds of alarm for the work to be submitted by keeping all the records. She can use Google Docs in this case where eachwork will be updated on a daily basis by her team and she can easily keep the track on it (Bhat, 2017).
From the above discussion it can be identified that there are many ways in handling a virtual team however with that some challenges also comes in managing a virtual team. Some of the noticeable challenges which Divya might face at the time of handling the virtual team will firstly include the time zones. On the off chance that Divya is utilizing staff universally and hence overseeing worldwide groups she should consider the time regions where individuals work. Contingent upon Divya's business trend, this probably will not be a noticeably big challenge. She will also face problems related to work morals. Divya may feel that the confidence of her group will be decreased when they are not working from their workplace (Nydegger, 2008). This isn't really evident; truth be told, numerous representatives feel a feeling of appreciation while having the option to work distantly and are more disposed to work more diligently, yet a few representatives will battle with inspiration.In general, virtual employees are required to give their own gadgets to deal with. In any case, an issue that Divya might confront while dealing with a virtual group is the usefulness of their gadget. Most gadgets can be smoothed out and cooperate, yet now and again PCs and PCs can break, web can go down, and more established gadgets probably won't work with more current models. In addition to this struggling with net connection is one of the major problems which more or less every employee face and this problem is surely going to bother Divya and the other employees too. Many a times it happens that Wi-Fi connection got disconnects in between of a meeting and that creates a lot of problem for the whole team as the sync between the call and meeting get hampered (Hertel, 2005).
Bhat, S. K. (2017). Virtual Team Effectiveness: An Empirical Study Using SEM. Jaypee Business School.
Dulebohn, J. (2017). Virtual teams in organizations. Human Resource Management Review 27(4), 569-574.
Hertel, G. (2005). Managing Virtual Teams: A Review of Current Empirical Research. Human Resource Management Review 15(1), 69-95.
Morley, S. ( 2015). An Analysis of Virtual Team Characteristics: A Model for Virtual Project Managers . Journal of Technology Management & Innovation Volume 10, Issue 1.
Nielsen, M. B. (2018). Are Leadership Fairness, Psychological Distress, and Role Stressors Interrelated? A Two-Wave Prospective Study of Forward and Reverse Relationships. Front Psychol.
Nydegger, R. V. (2008). Challenges In Managing Virtual Teams. Journal of Business & Economics Research (JBER) 8(3), 69-82.
Rossi, M. E. (2013). Relationships of leader reward behavior with employee behavior Fairness and morale as key mediators. Leadership & Organization Development Journal 33(7), 646-661.
Wayne, S. (2002). The Role of Fair Treatment and Rewards in Perceptions of Organizational Support and Leader-Member Exchange. Journal of Applied Psychology 87(3), 590-890.
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