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Managing the BlueIce App Project: Scope, Risks, and Implementation Strategies By Native Assignment Help
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Project management is all about the application of some procedures, methods, knowledge, skills and experience that might help an organisation to accomplish specific project goals considering the acceptance of the project criteria associated with some constant parameters. It has some final deliverables along with a finite budget and time scale (Moradi, Kähkönen, and Aaltonen, 2020). In this assessment, the major consideration towards project scope and drivers, along with project methodology and project life cycle associated with the case study, will be taken into consideration, and at the same time, project risks and risk management strategies will be discussed. Aspects related to the project team, along with stakeholders, will be taken into account in this report.
App development is not a new concept and various app developers are generating new apps on a rigorous basis. In this study it has been seen that a new app has been developed by the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust for managing self-harm in youthful generation. Thus, one of the main reasons behind conducting this study is to provide focus particularly on the below mentioned three points:
In the case study, it has been found that 20% of young adolescents are more likely to self-harm by the age of 18. Additionally, it has also been found that along with immediate physical harm, having poor mental health and an increased risk of suicide are associated with the aspect of self-harm. A team at "Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust" is implementing and evaluating a self-management smartphone application in order to help improve psychological care and outcomes for young people who are more likely to self-harm, and the application is mainly designed for people between the age group of 12 to 17 years (Case study). The name of the application is BlueIce, and it is designed as an adjunct to therapy. In this application, there is a mood monitoring diary as well as a personalised self-help menu that helps to lift the mood through various activities, including physical activities, identification and challenging of negative thoughts, music, photo libraries, distress tolerance activities etc. The application can easily record the mood and mood-lifting, and there is an emergency number in the auto-dialling process that might help them not to self-harm. Considering this, the mobile application will be offered to 50 adolescents who are associating with self-harming and attend child and adolescent mental health service outpatient clinics (Case study). Acceptability, use and effect, and safety of the application will be associated with the project management, and in this regard, there are a number of project methodologies, such as; Agile methodology, Scrum methodology, Kanban methodology, Scrumban methodology, Agile methodology etc.
There are three major constraints that might help a project to succeed, and the major constraints are:
These are called triple constraints of a project, and a project manager can use these aspects to keep balance the project deliverables effectively. In order to improve the quality of the project, there is a significant contribution of these elements, and to maintain the quality of the project, a quality management plan has to be implemented by the project managers (Karanja and Malone, 2022). Additionally, a risk management plan is also significant for the success of a project, and at the same time, there are diverse kinds of benefits that can be obtained from a project, and it is the responsibility of a project manager to ensure the major project stakeholders are associated with the project for getting the best financial support (Henkel, Marion Jr, and Bourdeau, 2019).
Associating with the case study, it can be found that there is an estimated budget of about £200.000 for the entire project, and the cost of development as well as installation of the smartphone application, along with training of the staff, is included in this budget. Additionally, in terms of scopes, it can be mentioned that the smartphone application has higher opportunities to grow in the market since the number of young adolescents who are more likely to self-harm is increasing, and due to this, it will be possible to bring this smartphone application effectively in the market. Furthermore, there are 20 staff members who have been opted from various departments to take an active part in the training. In terms of time constraints, for the training, there are four months to provide training to the staff members.
In terms of discussing how the triple constraint works, it can be found that time and scope can reduce the project scope along with the project duration. However, project managers can increase the length of the project timeline if there are some extra project activities.
In terms of scopes, project managers can also manage scopes effectively by using a scope management plan, and can share the plan with all the potential stockholders. The project managers can use change orders to get rid of scope creep, and at the same time, the project managers manage the expectation of the stakeholders while maintaining the scope of the project. In terms of time, project managers can use Gantt charts to visualising the task sequences and monitor the project duration with a proper schedule (Elia, Margherita, and Secundo, 2021). Additionally, project managers can create policies and documentation required for better implementation of the project schedule, and this can help the project manager to complete the project within a given time constraint.
Managing a project is not an easy task, and there are a number of stages for the completion of a project. There are mainly four distinct phases of a project management lifecycle, such as initiation, planning, execution, and closure.
Project methodology refers to the guidelines that help project managers to be associated with project activities and to develop a project effectively. There are a number of project managerment methodologies, such as
For this project, work breakdown structure can be done since it can help a project manager to understand the project constraints better.
Work breakdown structure (WBS) can be mentioned as a tool used in project management, and it includes step-by-step approaches for the completion of a large project. In this regard, the case study, it can be found that there are mainly five stages of this project, such project initiation, project planning, project execution, project monitoring and review, and the last stage is project closure (Amin, Sagita, and Latief, 2020).
Figure 1: WBS
By now it can be identified from given case that a smartphone app is being executing as well as evaluation so as to deal with the issue of self-harm between the youthful adolescents as well as the name of the app is BlueIce. Now while in general at the time of development of any kind of various issues arises related to it. The general risks which most of the app development companies includes the risk of app build up, installation, its upkeeping as well as providing guidance.
Now considering the selected project the stages of the risk assessment are for BlueIce are discussed in detail below:
Company name: BlueIce App
Probability | Results | |||
Insignificant | Minor | Average | Major | Catastrophic |
Certain>90% | Customer Privacy threat | Extreme | ||
Likely50% to 90% | IT threats | Moderate | ||
Unlikely 3% to 10% | Competition threat | Low |
Risk Management Strategies
Now after identification of the prospective risks and stages of risk assessment the next work that needs to be done by the developer of BlueIce will include Risk Management Strategies. In general terms methods for identifying, evaluating, identifying prioritising possible dangers to an institution, business, or person are described as risk assessment practices (Castro, 2008). The risk management strategies that will be need to used by BlueIce will include the following measures:
Following the risk assessment and risk management stage the next step that BlueIce need to do is to find out the mitigation strategies for the risks identified in the app development. But before identifying the risk mitigation strategy it will be important to look into the likelihood of occurring the risk based on which strategies will be developed.
Risk Matrix
Probability |
Results |
Insignificant |
Minor |
Average |
Major |
Catastrophic |
Certain >90% |
Customer Privacy threat |
Extreme |
Likely 50% to 90% |
IT threats |
Moderate |
Unlikely 3% to 10% |
Competition threat |
Low |
Risk mitigation strategy
Mitigation strategy for the above threats based on the occurrence of their likelihood are discussed in the table below:
Types of Threats | Mitigation strategies based on risk matrix |
Customer Privacy threat |
IT privacy threats |
Threats from competitors |
Legal and Non-legal solutions to foreseen and unforeseen risk in the project
Apart from the above identified threats there also be some foreseen and unforeseen risks related to the BlueIce app. Some of the risks will include technical threats, monetary threats, assert threats etc. Now in order to deal with these risks BlueIce need to take some both legal and non-legal solution to deal with these risks which are mentioned in the table below:
Type of risk | Legal solution | Non-legal solution |
Technical threats |
Monetary threats |
Asset threats |
In terms of discussing types of projects, it can be found that there are several types of projects, such as business implementation, IT infrastructure improvement, product development, physical infrastructure improvement, procurement, research and development, service development, transformation and many more. However, considering the given case study, it can be mentioned as a product development project management along with IT infrastructure improvement. Regarding the case study, it can be mentioned that developing a smartphone application to improve psychological care and outcomes for young adolescents who are more likely to self-harm is a great approach, and it might help to provide accessible and real-time guidance to those people, and they will be able to suppress their self-harming urges (Tam et al., 2020). This project is a great approach for the social cause and since it is associated with digital transformation and digitisation, it has wider opportunities to grow in the market (McGilvray, 2021).
For project management, it is important to select effective team members, and in this regard, the characteristics of the team members need to be taken into consideration. First of all, the team members have to be good at communication, and they must have knowledge of project management principles. They have to be organised so that they can organise the project activities effectively, and at the same time, they have to know how to manage project complexities with their accurate estimating skills (Aldaghlas, Hui, and Duffield, 2021).
Project resource refers to the limited asset that plays a significant role in the development of a project to complete the project within given time constraints. The major resources of a project are research and development, brand equity, intellectual property, licensing rights, goodwill etc., and these can be mentioned as intangible resources of project management. Additionally, there are some tangible resources for project management, including people, materials, information, tools, money, and time. In order to align all the resources, it is important for a project manager to make the team members understand their roles and responsibilities; hence they will be able to deal with their activities effectively (Chofreh et al., 2020). Moreover, effective team management, as well as the interaction between the project manager and the team members, can be responsible for developing a project effectively. Considering the given case study, the project manager will discuss with the team members about the team roles and project deliverables so that they work hard to accomplish the goals. The project manager will establish a good relationship with the team members to develop the project with all resources.
In terms of discussing the roles and responsibilities of the project manager, it can be found that a project manager needs to manage the planning and monitoring of the project, and in this regard, the project manager has to adopt delegation and the use of project tools so that it can be possible to develop the project effectively. Additionally, it is the role of a project manager to manage all the resources by keeping the requirements in check (Hartmann and Briskorn, 2022). The project manager has to coordinate with the team to make sure that the project deliverables are delivered.
In terms of discussing how to build and develop successful project teams, it can be found that there are some team theories that might help a project manager to make successful teams. Considering this, there are the stages of Tuckman for group development where five stages can be found, such as “forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning”. “Tuckman's theory” discusses the way how a team can tackle a task from the beginning to the end of a project.. In this regard, in this theory, changes in leadership style as well as the importance of relationships, have been taken into consideration that might help to make an effective team (Nicholas and Steyn, 2020). Additionally, there is the “theory of McClelland on human motivation”, and it can be found that there are mainly three types of emotional needs of every human being, such as power, achievement and affiliation. Regarding this, if the project manager can be able to understand the major needs of the team members, it will be possible to improve their productivity, and thereby project development will be possible (Guinan, Parise, and Langowitz, 2019). Considering the case study, if the project manager will take care of the emotional needs of the team members to motivate them and a sense of negotiation will be considered as well. It will help the project manager to develop an effective team for managing project deliverables.
Identify the key stakeholders and their relative power/interest in the project
Considering the Mendelow Matrix, the major stakeholders of the project are as follows:
(High) Level of power (Low) |
(High) (Low) Level of interest |
Key players ? Investors ? Trust members/Owners |
Whom and how to keep satisfied? ? Resource managers In order to keep the team members satisfied, rewards and recognition can be given to them. To keep the resource managers satisfied, their expectations should be considered. A good return on investment has to be offered to the investors to keep them satisfied. Managing the requirements of the project and keeping company owners satisfied will be possible (Rahma et al., 2021). |
Who and how to keep informed? ? Senior management Interaction and regular meetings can be helpful in keeping all the stakeholders informed (Li et al., 2019). |
Minimal effort ? Team members Improving engagement can be helpful. |
In this table, it can be found that the major stakeholders of the project are team members, investors, resource managers, owners and senior management. However, owners and investors have a higher interest in the project since it will be highly profitable. Additionally, due to this, they have the power to develop the project effectively. Team members have the least power and interest, if they get good wages, recognition and rewards, they will be motivated and will work hard for the development of the project. Better engagement with stakeholders can help to resolve conflicts among the stakeholders and at the same time, establishing good relationship with stakeholders can help to resolve the conflicts.
On Each Order!
So, from the overall study it can be identified that BlueIce is considered to be a very important app that will help the young people from harming itself. It can also be identified from the above study there needs to some fixed amount of time based on the prioritise based on which the work needs to be implemented. Also. Considering the risk assessment stage, it has been seen that there are various kinds of threats related to app development for which various measuring strategies has been provides. From the above discussion, it can be summarised that project management is of utmost significance since it has the ability to bring leadership and direction to the project. Without the elements of project management which have been discussed above, a project team cannot deal with project values and policies, and thereby it is hard for project managers to allow and enable team members to follow their rules and responsibilities. Additionally, effective team management and readership are extremely important for the delivery of a project.
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