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Migrant Female Entrepreneur Setting Up A Salon In The UK Case Study By Native Expert.
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Female migrant entrepreneurs created a revolution, as per the records of 2022, in the entire region of the UK. It was noted through the study of venkataramakrishnan and Raval (2023) that female entrepreneurs had created around 6000 more companies in the UK as compared to the year 2021, which was 145 271. The number is twice the contribution of female entrepreneurs as per the reports of 2018, through which they are establishing new goals and are enlarging their goals efficiently. Apart from this, it was found through the study of Prowess (2022) that only 1 in the 3 entrepreneurs in the UK are female, and they are contributing to reducing the gender gap in the country. The increase in number of self-employed women gradually increased after the pandemic period, through which women account for 17% of business owners because of their higher churn rates than men entrepreneurs.
The study of the University of Cambridge (2022) shows that female entrepreneurs are an exceptional case all over the world as the male co-workers associated with them take most of the credits through which they are unable to grow in the social environment. This also lacks their confidence which further leads to failure. Women entrepreneurs, in this case, also face issues regarding financing, which reduces their control of the business, and they are unable to open a huge business as compared to men. The main reason behind this is the poor access to funding which shows that around 2.3% of the ventures only went under the female entrepreneurs.
With the growth of women entrepreneurs in the social environment and with their increasing importance in terms of creating job opportunities, they still get nuances that further lead to improper behaviors in the workplace. Women, in this case, face issues regarding the conservative culture of the workplace through which they are unable to maintain proper innovation in their businesses. The cultural norms also reduce the attractiveness of female entrepreneurship all over the country through which they are unable to maintain appropriate rules and policies in the workplace, as per the study of Bullough et al. (2021). Apart from this, it was noted through the study of Diana et al. (2021) that female entrepreneurs have the full potential to achieve successful business, but due to improper ,behavior they are unable to participate in the cost structure through which the rate of unrealized profits have been extended to $28 trillion all over the world. It was also noted that women entrepreneurs are capable of handling different types of operations compared to men, but significant barriers to entry in the workplace, such as stereotype views, lowers their potential in the business environment. Men were also found to behave improperly with female business owners, and they were also sexually harassed in the workplace through which their intentions to open and regulate a business reduced, as per the study of Gupta et al. (2009). This also reduces the motivation of the female migrant entrepreneurs through which they see themselves in a lower space than the men in the new marketplace.
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One of the main challenges faced by female migrant entrepreneurs, as per the study of Birmingham-Reyes, (2023), includes the lack of access to funding and capital. In this case, it was found that around 17% of the investment capital fund is raised in the marketing environment of the UK for the start-ups, through which only 1% is provided to the female entrepreneurs. The main reason behind this is the gender-biased views which further lead to improper performance of the female migrants. In association with this, it was also found that around 66% of the women entrepreneurs are engaged with issues regarding funding for their startups. Apart from this, as per the study by Gupta (2021), it was noted that the societal views in terms of women, such as they are only able to stay at home and they should take care of their families, reduce their career opportunities. In this case, the female migrant entrepreneurs are often unable to establish a successful business because they are unable to gain trust in a new marketplace, and they also lack proper additional support from their loved ones as they have shifted to an unknown marketplace for their career goals.
Lack of support is another challenge which is faced by the female entrepreneurs from their advisors through which they are unable to stand stable. In this case, it was noted through the study of Gupta (2021) that around 48% of the women migrant entrepreneurs are suffering from poor support from their mentors through which they are unable to maintain proper professional or personal development.
To resolve the issues of funding, similar grants shall be provided to the female migrant entrepreneurs through which they will be able to promote a successful business. Another way in which the business environment of west midlands can support the interest of female entrepreneurs is crowdfunding, which can help to ensure proper flow of capital in the internal structure of the start-ups as per the study of Goorha (2021). Apart from this, the government of the UK shall take various steps to reduce the gender biases in the social environment. In this case, the stereotype voices shall be pressed down to enhance the personal development of the female migrant entrepreneurs.
Female migrant entrepreneurs shall also get out of their comfort zone to enhance their performance and maintain a sustainable business environment. In this case, they should not be afraid of failure and should learn from their mistakes. Popper analysis of the market environment can also be helpful for migrant entrepreneurs to understand the needs or trends of the customer base, which can boost the profit margin of their business, according to the study of Gasca (2017). Lastly, getting feedback and validating the competitiveness of the start-up can also enhance the customer base for the companies regulated by the female migrant entrepreneurs in the UK.
Saunders research onion will be used by the researcher through which they will be able to maintain proper methods regarding the data collection and the data analysis methods. This further includes six different areas such as research philosophy, research approach, research strategy, methods of data collection, time horizon and techniques. Research Onion also helps the researcher to present detailed literature without any former issues.
Secondary data collection methods will be used by the researcher through which they will be able to collect the datasets from the existing studies as per the scope of the predetermined objectives. Secondary data sources are useful because they provide reliable information without any budget as most of the websites are completely free, and they also help to complete the study on time as they are no time constraints as per the primary data collection method. The researcher will also be able to gain high-quality data on the challenges and the best practices which can help to enhance the efficiency of female migrant entrepreneurs all over the UK. The datasets, in this case, are also accurate, and they come from authentic sources through which the issues of Plagiarism can be resolved. The secondary data, in association with this will be collected from google scholar, IEEE, Xplorer and different books present in the Public Library of the country.
The researcher focuses on the Interpretivism philosophy to enhance the understanding of the readers regarding the different concepts, such as the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs or the best practices which can boost their confidence. This type of Philosophy will also be used by the researcher to present the social meanings in terms of the challenges through which the business economy will be able to determine the main problems and resolve them timely through which quality can be maintained in the social environment. Interpretivism philosophy can also help the researcher to judge the human actions and behaviors through which they will be able to present different opinions of the individuals in the study and will also be able to present their views in terms of the female migrant entrepreneurs. A proper study of the human interaction in the business controlled and operated by the female entrepreneurs will also be presented in the study in this case, through which the researcher will be able to present information on real-time data. The main motive of the researcher, which can be solved through interpretivism, includes an in-depth analysis of the particular topic.
Inductive research approaches will be used by the researcher through which they will be able to maintain the test theories, which can rather help to collect the data appropriately. In association with this, the researcher will be able to explain the trends through which the recent challenges can be addressed, and the female migrant entrepreneurs will be able to enhance their companies' operations for an extended period. It can also help the researcher to conduct an analysis of the steps which can enhance the decision-making plans of the entrepreneurs.
On the other hand, the researcher will use an explanatory design through which the solutions to the problems determined in the literature review of the study can be obtained. It can also help to explain the tough aspects, such as the technological use by the female migrant entrepreneurs to enhance their performance in the competitive marketing world of the UK. It can further help to maintain proper investigation, which can ensure a smooth flow of information in the study. It can also help to discuss the perceptions of the employees and the customers associated with the business environment operated by the female entrepreneurs. The explanatory design also helps to present a limited understanding of the information required in the study, it will provide appropriate statistical data on the current state of female migrant entrepreneurs all over the UK and can ascertain the challenges through which the motivation or successfulness of the female workers are reducing.
The researcher will also use a qualitative strategy to analyze the non-numerical datasets and gather relevant findings which conclude the objectives predetermined in the study. It also helps to get detailed insights on the challenges through which new ideas can be implemented by the business environment to support the needs of the female migrant entrepreneurs. Qualitative strategy also helps the researcher to understand how the female entrepreneurs experience the new economies and enhance their sales margin without proper support from the stereotypical male workers. It also provides flexibility in the gathered datasets through which proper analysis can be maintained.
Lastly, the researcher will use narrative data analysis through which they can interpret the datasets in the form of stories, which further helps to attract the readers and gain meaningful insights regarding the particular topic. In this case, narrations will also help to maintain a proper structure of the information through which the researcher will be able to pay close attention in terms of the language and symbols used in the study through which the issues of misrepresentation can be resolved. Narrative analysis will be used in the form of written texts through which the issue of re-occurrence of a particular data can also be resolved by the researcher, and they will be able to provide valuable knowledge on the topic. Formal structural analysis is further to be used by the researcher to promote a meaningful presentation which affects the perceptions of the readers positively.
The variability of the updated information, such as the knowledge of the post-pandemic challenges faced by female migrant entrepreneurs in the UK, might hinder the growth or relevance of the study. Apart from this, as the study is time constrained, the availability of proper information in accordance with the predetermined objectives might also make the study unsuccessful. Gaining poor information on the female migrant entrepreneurs in the secondary sources, such as the improper presence of the numerical data on their current state, can also promote limitations for the particular study. Lastly, as the scope of aim is huge, the proper evidence of the information can also lead to misconduct and are to be avoided by the researcher to enhance the effectiveness of the study.
To resolve the issues, the researcher shall complete each and every task on time, through which they are able to submit the study on time. On the other hand, the researchers shall also research the current or updated information from different websites through which they are able to answer the questions determined earlier with proper analysis and discussion on the challenges faced by the female migrant entrepreneurs opening a personal business in the UK. In association with this, the researcher shall also gather numerical information or shall present statistical data in the study to enhance its understanding regarding the issues faced by the female migrant entrepreneurs in the UK business environment. Apart from this, particular figures as per the subheadings can also be provided by the researcher to visualize the concepts of the study through which the popper attraction of the readers can be maintained for an extended period. Lastly, the alignment of the information with the aim of the study is also required by the researcher, through which the issues of misconduct or misrepresentations can be reduced.
Birmingham-Reyes, C. (2023) Common challenges women entrepreneurs face, When Women Inspire. Available at: https://whenwomeninspire.com/2023/03/22/challenges-women-entrepreneurs/#:~:text=Six%20common%20challenges%20of%20women%20entrepreneurs%3A%201%201.,entrepreneurs%20...%206%206.%20Fear%20of%20failure%20 (Accessed: April 29, 2023).
Bullough, A. et al. (2021) Women's Entrepreneurship and Culture: Gender Role Expectations and Identities, societal culture, and the entrepreneurial environment - small business economics, SpringerLink. Springer US. Available at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11187-020-00429-6 (Accessed: April 29, 2023).
Dajani A., Varela H., and Vershinina V., 2020. What do we know about ethnic and migrant women entrepreneurs? A review of evidence. (2022) Enterprise Research Centre. Available at: https://www.enterpriseresearch.ac.uk/publications/what-do-we-know-about-ethnic-and-migrant-women-entrepreneurs-a-review-of-evidence-sota-review-no-36/ (Accessed: April 28, 2023).
Diana, H. and Strawser, J.A. and Passerini, K. 2021. Gender and entrepreneurship: Research frameworks, barriers and opportunities for Women Entrepreneurship Worldwide, Taylor & Francis. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00472778.2021.1965615 (Accessed: April 29, 2023).
Gasca, P., 2017. 10 great tips to empower female entrepreneurs | inc.com (Online). Available at: https://www.inc.com/peter-gasca/10-great-tips-to-empower-female-entrepreneurs.html (Accessed: April 28, 2023).
Goorha, S. (2021) Council post: Overcoming some of the barriers to women entrepreneurship, Forbes. Forbes Magazine. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2021/09/21/overcoming-some-of-the-barriers-to-women-entrepreneurship/?sh=693f45472780 (Accessed: April 29, 2023).
Gupta, A. (2021) 7 challenges that women entrepreneurs face in 2021, Entrepreneur. Entrepreneur India. Available at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/en-in/leadership/7-challenges-that-women-entrepreneurs-face-in-2021/367121 (Accessed: April 29, 2023).
Gupta, V.K., Turban, D.B., and Sikdar, A. 2009. The role of gender stereotypes in perceptions of ... - sage journals (Online). Available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1111/j.1540-6520.2009.00296.x (Accessed: April 28, 2023).
Prowess, 2022. Facts about women in business (2022) Prowess. Available at: https://www.prowess.org.uk/facts/#:~:text=Only%201%20in%203%20UK%20entrepreneurs%20is%20female%3A,9%25%20of%20women%20in%20Australia%20and%20the%20Netherlands. (Accessed: April 29, 2023).
Simply Business, 2023. How to start a hair and beauty salon in the UK (Online) How to open a hair and beauty salon in the UK. Available at: https://www.simplybusiness.co.uk/knowledge/articles/2022/03/how-to-open-a-salon/ (Accessed: April 28, 2023).
University of Cambridge, 2022. Female entrepreneurship: What's holding women back? - news & Insight (2022) Cambridge Judge Business School. Available at: https://www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/insight/2022/female-entrepreneurship/ (Accessed: April 29, 2023).
Venkataramakrishnan, S. and Raval, A. (2023) UK women created a record number of new companies in 2022; subscribe to read | Financial Times. Financial Times. Available at: https://www.ft.com/content/b4dd3ddd-b175-439d-9e27-445323be91b2 (Accessed: April 29, 2023).
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