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The study is based on the application and implementation of adult nursing care for a diabetes patient who has been recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease also. The study is going to highlight the role of nursing care and the analysis of the response to the treatment of diabetes. Therefore, the study is also going to focus on the role of nursing care in analyzing the responses and nursing to Alzheimer’s disease. The study is also going to focus on the application of nursing care in the reduction of patient care with this disease.
The role of nursing care in treating diabetes can be done by various processes such as advice to prevent the disease, changes in the behaviour of the patient, and health education regarding the disease.
Nursing care to prevent diabetes can be based on giving advice to the patient to prevent the disease. The advice is based on an increase in physical activity, healthy food eating to regulate the blood sugar level, daily check of blood sugar, and stop the consumption of free sugar that can elevate the blood sugar level (Brakefield et al. 2022).
The nursing care advice is also based on the changes in the behaviour of diabetes patients. The behaviour changes include lifestyle changes such as changing the dietary intake pattern, improving the meal planning, and reducing the stress and the depression level. The behaviour change can be based on the two techniques such as the making Every Contact count (MECC) and the Support Behaviour change”.
Health education gives an important idea about the management of diabetes. Health education can be based on the improvement of the decision-making ability of the patient, self-care, and proper guidance in lowering the blood sugar level and the management of the diabetes-related health hazards such as diabetic foot, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic neuropathy, etc.
The proper nursing care includes the basic treatment for diabetes patients. The basic treatment of diabetes care includes the regular check-up of the blood sugar level, maintaining the insulin therapy, maintaining the drug therapy, proper emotional support to reduce the stress and depression, and monitoring the blood sugar level. The basic treatment also includes the treatment in critical conditions such as sudden hyperglycaemia and then sudden hypoglycaemia (Fila-Witecka et al. 2022).
Nursing care improves the condition of diabetic patients by improving their lifestyle and maintaining their medication time. Nursing care improves the awareness among the patients about the disease and its consequences. The proper nursing care is able to improve the lifestyle of the patients, and food choices of the patients. Therefore, nursing care can also improve the seriousness among the patient regarding the disease. Accurate nursing is able to reduce the chance of developing the side effects of diabetes such as diabetic nephropathy, neuropathy, and diabetic coma, diabetic foot, and so on (Mehta et al. 2022).
As per the study, the given case scenario of Josephine Taylor needs proper nursing care to manage her blood sugar level and the overall management of diabetes care. Therefore, in the given case scenario, the patient is also suffering from dementia, which also affects her behaviour changes and the regulation of her blood sugar level. As per the given case, the patient needs good nursing care involving all aspects mentioned above to improve the health condition of the patient.
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Nursing care plays an important role in managing Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer’s disease is considered a progressive disorder associated with neurological defects due to atrophy of the brain caused by the death of the brain cells. The disease is caused due to decrease in brain functioning that is associated with memory loss or dementia, reduction in physical control of the body, and reduction in the independence nature. Therefore, the patients who are suffering from this disease need proper and improved nursing care to manage the symptoms and their consequences. The nursing acre associated with the Alzheimer’s disease is as follows
The main criteria of the treatment are caring for the patients. Nursing care includes the management of the biological and physical needs of the patients, prevention of the disease, and proper treatment according to the health status of the patients. As per the study, nursing care can be improved by the regular follow-up of the patient's condition and the monitoring of the patient's health status. The treatment process is based on the progress of the health condition of the patient and the ability of the patient to tinkle the treatment. Nursing care also includes the administration of treatment by proper medication and several therapies. Therefore, the patient needs individual care to improve the disease condition.
As per the study, nursing care also includes the holistic care of the patients. Holistic care includes the psychological improvement of the patient, the development of spiritual needs, and the cultural needs of the patient.
Frustration is one of the important health issues that are associated with Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, to reduce the frustration the nursing care should take several preventive measures such as securing the daily routine of the patient, time management of the patient, improving the involvement of the patient in several activities, and improving the decision-making capabilities. The improvement of the frustration level can be done by giving simple instructions for a clear understanding of the instruction by patients with dementia. The other important part of nursing care includes the reduction in the level of destruction and the loss of the concentration of the patient. According to the study, the effect of dementia can be reduced by managing the time of napping by the nurse or the caregiver (Yuenyongchaiwat et al. 2022).
Nursing care is associated with the improvement of flexibility. As per the study because of Alzheimer's disease, the patients become less independent. The flexibility can improve the decision-making capacity of the patient.
A safe environment can be made up by preventing falls. The falls can be prevented by reducing the scatter rugs, cords extensions, and different kinds of clutter that are responsible for the falls. The usage of locks in critical areas such as the main door of the house so that patients cannot leave the house, taking the medicine away from the patients because the patient may have the wrong medicine as a result of dementia can cause the major health issue (Xieling et al. 2022).
Proper and impactful nursing care is needed to improve the health condition of the patient. The application of nursing care needs proper planning for the intervention. Therefore, the intervention process is based on the two subgroups that are intervention associated with the drug therapy and intervention associated with the Non-drug therapy. Drug therapy is based on the proper medication according to the individual need and the health condition of the patient and taking the medicine from time to time.
The memory training can be provided by giving the single instruction of doing a single and setting the time limit for the task. Memory training is an important aspect of the given case scenario as she is suffering from forgetfulness. Memory training is considered a slow and gradual process. Memory training can improve the mental health and the recalling capability of the patient (Site et al. 2022). The memory capacity can be increased gradually by increasing the activity of the patient by giving several tasks.
According to the study, social health can improve the quality of the Ashley life of the patients. The intervention process is based on the engagement of the patient in the discussion of several topics. The stimulation can also be done by involving them in their favourite activity such as storybook reading and cooking as well. Mental and social health can be developed by improving the physical health of the patients, which includes the improvement of balance, physical endurance, and physical strength. Mental health can also be improved by giving mental support to the patients to reduce their stress and depression levels. The improved mental health and social health can positively affect the overall health of the patient in the given case scenario.
Another important application of the nursing role includes the management of proper nursing care. The proper health condition is based on the development of physical exercise planning. The daily routine should be formed. Physical activity improves the balance of the body and it helps to create the link between the body and the mind (Pradyumna et al. 2022). The application of the intervention needs proper training for the patient and the family.
The nurses have played an important role in the improvement of behaviour and overall health outcomes. However, a huge amount of roles and responsibilities has been included in the behavioural changes (Richards et al. 2018). However, it has been also stated that the nurse's help in preventing the advice, helps in changing the behaviour, and helps in improving the health coaching techniques. In the case of the patient care of diabetes patients, the nurses help in preventing and screening the activities and help in promoting self-care activities.
However, the implementation of the nursing care helps in providing a better living approach to the patients that helps in improving care activities (Gröndahl et al. 2019). As the patient in the case study has faced some of the risk factors for dementia due to that reason, in this older age some of the major risk factors have been faced like diabetes and some respiratory problems.
Based on that reason, nursing care helps in identifying those risk factors and helps in applying some care facilities for reducing dementia among these patients. The main of the nurses is to observe and mainly report any kind of signs and symptoms of this underlying dementia (De Boer et al. 2018). Moreover, early diagnosis is one of the better options for the options of treatments that help in making some advanced decisions. Moreover, early diagnosis is one of the better options for the options of treatments that help in making some advanced decisions that have been also done in this case study. In this case study, the improvement of dementia can be done by the identification of the risk factors that have been done by the nurses.
In the process of the care improvement of the dementia patient, mainly some the explanation needs to be given for together medication and the side effects on the family members and patients (Schablon et al. 2018). However, it has been also stated that the nurses need to be found out some of the major pieces of information that help in supporting and directing the people with more pieces of information that can improve the patient outcomes. However, they also need to provide some of the major medications that help in reducing the difficulties. Based on the case study, the supporting activities help in improving the health impact that helps in proving the health factors of this old lady who has faced Alzheimer's disease. Due to that reason, the progress in health can be done in this case study.
Alzheimer's disease is one of the main chronic diseases that have many risk factors. In the case of caring the nursing, some of the major challenges have been faced in the care-facilities have made many negative impacts on the care development. All of those kinds of negative impacts are physical discomforts that have mainly caused the medical and illness. Mainly the behavioural problems have been faced by the nurses in handling this kind of patient (Murray et al. 2018). For these behavioural changes, the negative psychological changes have been faced by the patients and their family members these changes nurses. Sometimes nurses made arguments with the patients and the family members that make a lot of impact on the patient’s care.
However, it has been also stated that some of the nurses are not focusing on reporting and monitoring the overall development programs of those kinds of patients. As the patient, Josephine has faced some of the major risk factors. Due to that reason, capacity improvement needs to be implemented in the car development of these patients (van Iersel et al. 2018). In some cases, some the nurses are not able to tackle proper responsibilities in their nursing care. That makes a lot of impact on patient care. However, it can be seen that these negative impacts can be faced because the nurses do have not proper responsibilities and capacity for patient care.
Alzheimer's patients need to give proper motivation and care for their improvements. In that case, they have faced some the major problems in the roles of nurses. Based on some of the reports of the hospitals, it can be seen that in some of the nurses the proper skills have not been presented (Labrague et al. 2018). Due to that reason, the care activities have been disrupted which is one of the major negative impacts on the nurses.
The above evaluation has shown that both the positive and negative nursing care has been faced by Alzheimer's patients. Due to that reason, some of the challenges and some of the major outcomes also have been faced by them. In the case study of Josephine who is an Alzheimer's patient who has also faced this kind of problem. Due to that reason, they need to implement the major strategies for improving the patient care for that kind of Alzheimer's patient. All of those strategies have been demonstrated below.
As this Alzheimer's disease treatment is a long-term treatment due to that reason, many problems have been faced by the patients. In that case, the nurses need to communicate properly with the patient and their family members that make a major impact on the patient care (Liu et al. 2018). Effective communication helps in identifying the needs of the patients, monitoring the risk factors and helps in monitoring the overall progress.
The implementation of the proper skills helps in improving patient care. The nurses need to take major training for handling patients with Alzheimer's disease. Some of the major responsibilities and skills development need to be given to the nurses that help in tacking the Alzheimer's disease patients (Maphumulo, W.T. and Bhengu, 2019). However, the improvement and implementation of skills help in improving the overall development of Alzheimer's patients and helps in improving the treatment process.
The nurses need to improve their overall behaviour, which helps in improving their overall development. In that case, the behavioural improvements help in making a strong relationship with the patients that make a lot of impact on the improvement of the health factors of the patients (Wei et al. 2019). However, behavioural improvement helps in motivating the patient for improving self-awareness activities. Behavioural improvement also helps in improving the care facility. Including all of those aspects, helps in improving the overall development that helps in increasing the care facilities of Alzheimer's patients.
For the improvement of patient care, some the major steps need to be implemented. For the improvement of nursing care, some major steps need to be developed. The nurses need to improve and create major relationships through which the development can be done. This strong relationship helps maintain the development. However, they also need to improve the care facilities, skills improvements, and communication improvements that help in improving the patient care development. The proper nursing care involves the proper obstruction of the physical activity according to the health condition of the patient. Societal health can also be developed by improving the cognitive skills and the communication skills of the patient with the family and the surroundings (Mehta et al. 2022). The nursing care advice is also based on the changes in the behaviour of diabetes patients. The behaviour changes include lifestyle changes such as changing the dietary intake pattern, improving the meal planning, and reducing the stress and the depression level. The intervention of non-drug therapy is based on memory training, stimulation to improve mental and social health, and proper physical exercise. The intervention of non-drug therapy is based on memory training, stimulation to improve mental and social health, and proper physical exercise.
The study can conclude the importance of the nursing acre to improve disease conditions like diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, study can conclude that the given case scenario of Josephine Taylor needs proper nursing care to manage her blood sugar level and the overall management of diabetes care. Therefore, in the given case scenario Josephine Taylor needs proper nursing care to manage her symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. The proper nursing care is capable of improving her mental health and reducing the symptoms of the disease. However, accurate nursing care to prevent Alzheimer's disease can reduce the lifetime risk, which is associated with the disease. The study also concludes the positive impact of nursing therapy to improve patient care. However, some of the negative impacts also can be faced by the patients in their care facilities that make many negative impacts. Due to that reason, some of the major strategies need to be implemented that have been discussed here to help in improving patient care. However, they also need to improve the care facilities, skills improvements, and communication improvements that help in improving the patient care development. Sometimes nurses made arguments with the patients and the family members that make a lot of impact on the patient’s care. visit for more information about nursing assignment help.
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