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Operational Management Skills in Healthcare Case Study by Native Assignment Help
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Operational management in healthcare refers to the observation towards day-to-day practices of a healthcare facility which is considered to have a significant impact on client experience as well as meeting organisational goals (Karuppan et al. 2021). The operational management in healthcare is divided into three specific sectors including administrative action, financial action and legal actions. The following context is intended to address the care quality commissions (CQC) towards Caradoc house residential care home to monitor and inspect the oral improvement of operation of this care home. It also identified personal and nursing care for the 11 residents who are suffering from dementia.
Description of role and responsibilities
The primary role of an operational manager refers to oversee the big picture of the respective business organisation and is considered accountable for managing overall process purchasing accounting human resource inventories as well as technology to meet the organisational goals (Kumar, 2022). As the health care sector undergoes rapid changes including face to reform and pressure of reducing overall cost while emphasising on improving the service quality, organisation managers are considered to play a crucial role for the healthcare companies with the aim of increasing the overall efficiency. While addressing the role of operation management in healthcare it can be stated that the practice of these includes observing, monitoring and managing significant steps of services along with scrutinising finance, human resource and maintaining policy and facilities (Gowrisankaran et al. 2022). It also includes quality assurance care coordination alongside certificates as well as achieving licence for the health care organisation. This is followed by management of credentials observing health insurance and understanding and clean organisation medical aspects legal auditing and compliance programs (Ivanov et al. 2021). The responsibility of the operation manager includes and heading the operation budget financial goals along with objectives for finance and efficient performance. Moreover, establishment of policies and procedures for care homes while supporting high quality service and partnership with hospital management, medical teams and health care community are also part of their responsibility (Armstrong and Taylor, 2023). Operation and manager also play a significant role in managing a team of Health care professionals influencing the overall strategic planning and decision-making regarding functions and resolving issues to continue workflow.
Explanation on different personal skills
Personal skills which are important for the leaders in managing operations for the health care sector refers to empathy, communication, strategic decision making along with self-awareness and customer-first oriented (Giousmpasoglou et al. 2021). Empathy helps leaders while moulding desirable behaviour at the working environment and associating others to feel understood and appreciated. The next skill is communication, and it helps in solving issues and disputes along with delivery requirements at proper circumstances (Helmold and Terry, 2021). This strategic decision-making skill helps leaders with managing issues and demonstrating leaders’ ability while being strategic and helps in potential outcomes in the workforce. It also helps in managing communication in the organisation environment among team members. Self-awareness skills help leaders develop future success and manage a continuous learning program while improving the overall outcome (Galpin et al. 2021). Customers are first-oriented in healthcare health, encouraging employees to share ideas along with information reactions and perceptions which are effective for high-risk industries such as healthcare management.
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Analysis of core competencies
The seven-core leadership and management competencies for healthcare managers and leaders in the health care aspect refers to evidence that informs decision making skill along with operation and management and administration for the organisation (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2022). This is followed by managing resources and knowledge of the healthcare environment along with organisation operation interpersonal communication qualities and relationships in the same environment. These are capable of associating leaders to manage organisation employees and enabling significant changes and maintaining professionalism.
Evaluation of requisite competencies
The requisite competencies for becoming an effective leader alongside operational managers in the healthcare sector refer to maintenance of communication leadership professionalism knowledge along with business skills which are effective for day-to-day operation for any organisation (Dubrin, 2022). It also includes knowledge on resources in order to manage operation administration and resource management alongside knowledge of the healthcare environment and the overall organisation operation. The leadership also helps in maintaining team performance and managing strategic decisions for an improved outcome.
Description of theoretical aspects of leadership alongside assessing the benefits
Explanation on alignment of healthcare practices
These theories are capable of addressing positive and negative characteristics and could be implied under certain conditions. Authoritarian is based on the performance of activities and low in human relations where democratic includes participating leadership aspects where every team member takes part in decision making and completing the work in the healthcare sector (Karuppan et al. 2021). Where free leadership provides well established policies for the way structure organisation the bureaucracy has a high level of disadvantage of lacking security and dependency on policies. They are impactful while managing operations in the healthcare sector.
In my opinion, the development of effectiveness of walk terms in the hospital sector refers to the definition of fundamental purpose while assembling the team members and determining the key objectives. This is followed by setting expectations along with monitoring overall process in order to celebrate and accessory words for the cohesive and effective team (Trujillo-Gallego et al. 2021). I also feel the leadership aspect is capable of associating myself in order to sharpen the skill set qualities and help me in order to perform better as an operation manager. While being a leader, I believe determining fundamental values respecting culture and being capable of tolerating changes and providing employee motivation is significant in order to manage effective relationships between team members and achieve success by meeting the organisation's goal of providing proper care services.
Implementation of leadership models
The purpose of trait theory which is also known as dispositional theory refers to the understanding of human personality and helps in measuring teammates traits. This factor also helps in identifying the members habitual pattern of behaviour thoughts along with emotions and provide a concept for the leaders to deal with this (Erthal et al. 2021). This factor is also capable of associating operational managers in order to utilise the traits of team members while evaluating the members positions in the organisation and consider the strength of their contribution towards the development of the team which is beneficial for the company. This theory also contributes towards identifying personality factors and intelligence aspects of team members in order to understand their working capabilities and effectiveness of teamwork in the healthcare practices (Dorval and Jobin, 2021).
In addition, the theory of behaviour management helps operational managers to maintain productivity by identifying workers motivation as well as including expectation requirements and interest which are considered effective for group dynamics (Shareef et al. 2021). It also promotes faster knowledge and belief along with elevating self-regulation skills and abilities among members which enhance their social facilitation and associates with team development and management while managing interaction. This factor also enhances dealing with conflict situations among teams.
Apart from this, the implementation of dependency theory associate’s operation managers in order to understand the working capabilities and motivational aspects of team members while dealing with operations. It also helps organisation managers to understand the rules of the environment which have potential impact on the members and their capabilities of developing and managing team activities (Ssennyonjo et al. 2021). It also provides a potential aspect of dealing with issues among teams which is important for holding the team members together to achieve organisational goals and managing decision making.
Analysis of theoretical aspects
The context of trait theory associates with understanding teammates with right traits which are effective in order to elevate the overall organisation performance. It also manages its fundamental focus on the leaders and associates with the team members' traits (Trujillo-Gallego et al. 2021). This factor is contemplated to play a crucial role in order to affect the overall outcome of team performance. This theory impacts the employee performance and team outcome by affecting consciousness extra version openness to experience along with agreeableness. While agreeableness has a positive impact on team performance, neuroticism has a negative impact in order to achieve goals by the employees (Shareef et al. 2021). Hence, this theory can impact the positive outcome of individuals in different contexts of healthcare operation. The behaviour theory of leadership helps in promoting team development by supporting members and organisation needs which helps in achieving company goals and the overall outcome of company’s operation by managing productivity of the team (Shareef et al. 2021). Dependency theory associates with the providence of resources among the team which has significant positive impact on maximising team potential and achieving organisational goals and this factor helps in group process.
As the healthcare organisation is overwhelmed with increased demand for services, the elevation of overall cost without the implementation of quality care is becoming another issue in the healthcare sector (Galpin et al. 2021). It is important in order to change the fundamental focus of healthcare services and managing treatment and rehabilitation in order to promote quality care. While using the hierarchy of need theory, it can be stated that the easier and cheaper options for preventing down quality treatment and rehabilitation require a change of plan with the aim of promoting healthy service and preventing issues (Galpin et al. 2021). The change plan for the following context includes care approaches for dementia patients for the identified care home and the plan can be monitored by the care quality commission.
Benefit analysis
The benefits of this plant referred to ensuring dignity and autonomy of patients while keeping the primary goal to maintain independence and enjoyment of older people with dementia (Karuppan et al. 2021). This is followed by ensuring the patient's safety in the care house. As the older people with dementia are at more risk due to the reduction of function property and insights and are prone to the risky behaviour it is important for upgrading the safety process for the care home plan. In the next stage, it is also important to ensure comfort alongside dignity and quality of life of the patient with dementia in order to manage their medication and provide proper treatment to manage an effective care approach (Campbell et al. 2021).
Legal and ethical aspects
The plan also consists of managing legal and ethical aspects while providing a care process for the dementia patient. It includes ethical consideration in the form of addressing the diagnosis process for the patient while providing care and managing genetic testing which could be appropriate at times while providing counselling. This is followed by legal agreement on decision making for the future reference and understanding symptom and behaviour management to reduce the overall risk. providing beneficence, non-maleficence along with futility of treatment, maintaining confidentiality and consent on autonomy and information are important in the case of ethical and legal care. Providence of justice non amendment and legal authorisation while maintaining physician patients’ relationship are considered another significant part to manage legal and ethical consideration.
Health and safety strategies
The health and safety strategies for changing plans in care homes in order to manage health care for dimensions includes preparation for emergencies along with covering new electrical outlets with child proof plugs (Campbell et al. 2021). It also includes managing safety on staircase adjusting communication processes as well as electronic cords and locks are important steps in terms of improving safety measurements. Apart from this, taking measurements in order to elevate safety for dementia patients at care homes is capable of preventing injuries and helping the patients feel more relaxed, less overwhelmed and maintaining their independence on a long note (Chiong et al. 2022). Apart from this, providing a healthy and balanced diet for the patients is another effective step to manage overall health and safety measurements.
Human and physical resources
Physical resources for dementia patients include providing support in bathing, dressing alongside feeding, turning and repositioning while providing companionships and support as the part of caregiving (Chiong et al. 2022). The human resource for the caregiving plan includes a formal network where family friends and caregivers are part of the care process alongside healthcare assistance in order to access the patient carenet and service allocation. This is followed by maintaining coordination monitoring and evaluation on the basis of their requirements in the care home.
Outcomes for service users and service provision
The desired outcome for services and service persons regarding dementia care refers to management of physical safety, maintaining living at care homes along with the receiving of medical care related to dementia (Campbell et al. 2021). It also includes avoiding hospitalisation as well as maintaining mental stimulation while being physically active.
Monitoring and reviewing progress
It can be assessed and monitored by using assistive technology along with rotational visits from care quality services in order to maintain its activity of changes.
Conclusion and recommendations
Concluding the overall context, it can be stated that the following context has successfully addressed CQC monitoring towards identified care homes while improving operation regarding dementia patients. This factor includes addressing competency requirements for operation managers in healthcare practices along with their roles and responsibility and personal skills. This is followed by addressing appropriate theories while assessing their beneficent aspect in terms of providing and managing teams regarding healthcare practices. Demonstration of leadership skills including models and theories are described along with the providence of a plan in order to improve the area of dementia patient care. While recommending it can be stated that, continuous monitoring along with support from government alliances are considered effective options in this case while dealing with the care process of dementia patients.
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