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Decoding Dynamics: Organizational Behavior
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1. Background of organization and issues regarding in terms of staff behaviour and performance
Retail business in the UK has huge market share due to demand for retail products. One of the most successful and well-established retail organization of the UK is “Morrison’s”, it is operating business through supermarket retail chains. This organization has been considered as the fourth largest supermarket company of the UK. This retail organization of the UK has business strength around 497 stores all over the UK. This organization headquarters is situated in Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. Some subsidiary companies are being held by this organization, those are known as “McColl's Retail Group”, “RS McColl”, “Neerock Limited”. Online marketing of products provides huge revenue to this organization. Additionally, this organization delivers products within one-hour slots to customers. According to organization data fact, this organization has around 110000 manpower to operate business (Groceries.morrisons.com, 2022).
Based on working experience in this organization as an assistant, there are issues creating problems regarding staff behaviour and performance. Main factors that led staff to deliver ineffective working behaviour to an organization because staff are not enjoying their jobs. Due to lack of integrity and communication with each other leads this organization to be financially insatiable (Joardar et al. 2019). Productivity of employees has been disrupted because of undeployed performance of staff. Staff are not ready to change their work culture that impacts productivity to deliver products to customers. Staff working quality volatility has an impact on organization revenue to profitability. Another important thing is that the retention rate of employees has fallen drastically. Internal communication between staff increases organizations productivity, however in “Morrison’s” communication gap between staff also impacts on organization management structure.
2. Concept of organization behaviour such as culture, politics, power and motivation
Organization culture is defined by a group of norms and regulations to establish disciplinary activity in an organization. The importance of having b cultural behaviour among employees and management established a good working atmosphere in the organization. However, an organization has established a culture that would inform employees how to work and respond to top management (Chen, 2019). Established cultural behaviour in the organization, employees also being informed by top management about the fortune of this organization and management's future view with this organization. Employees' roles are forecast by cultural behaviour that deliver higher productivity at the final stage of job execution. Cultural behaviour organization employees work as a team and create values and beliefs by leadership. Human nature in organization culture provides employees with a natural activity and communication process that indicates about employees, suppliers and customers interaction activity. Cultural behaviour improvises employees' emotional side, through which leaders inspire employees to work effectively (Savovi? and Babi?, 2021). Organization politics is the framework that is being used to make decisions for each employee by leaders. Through Politics in Organizational Behaviour might affect other people's decisions by one person's decision. Policies in organization behaviour is making a common decision for a group of people. Power in organizational behaviour indicates leadership credibility (Ringeval et al. 2019). Along with that leadership of an organization has to be b and effective to crisis management. Using power to improvise organization productivity through collective work of employees. Authority decisions lead to employees working according to the plan and future goals (Giannetta et al. 2020). Power of authority also maintains culture at the workplace. Based on organization, a higher authority of an organization has assigned a project, that means power is the ability to make things according to the author's perspective. Motivation in organization has an impact on employee’s productivity by motivating employees to effectively. There are four components to motivation employees by biology, environment, cognition, and emotion. Implementation of motivational activity to employees increase productivity of employees, that deliver higher revenue as a result to organization.
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3. Identify cultural differences of organization by theoretical analysis
Hofstede’s dimensions of culture theory
Based on Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, it is a framework regarding cross-cultural communication for increasing productivity of organization. This theory describes the crisis of cultural activity in business because organizations are operating business all over the world. According to the Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, the description of organization behaviour with community should be cross-cultural for organization benefits (Wang et al. 2019). Moreover, organization employees and customers belong to different communities where implementing of cross-cultural activity helps to establish organizational culture. The “Morrison’s” company also performs business through cross cultural activity. Some of cases in this organization employees faced inequality related issues that demotivated them easily. Through individualism and collectivism index gain about organization function is centralized or decentralized. Individualism indicates that one person's personal goal is more important than collective goals (Lee, 2019). On the other hand, collective individualism has defined group or community well-being and goals are being considered greater than one person’s goal. Application of collectivism in organization decision making provides wider pure unity to an organization with community support. Following this theory “Morrison’s” established bigger goals for employees and management that led this company to gain more financial gain. Following this theory “Morrison’s” is facing some difficulties in managing employee behaviour toward organizations and customers that create some issues and manage customer service.
4. Evaluate power, culture and politics impact on the behaviour and performance of individuals in “Morrison’s”
Power, culture and political impact on “Morrison’s” impact on individuals in different ways. Considering that power in “Morrison’s” is being held by higher authorities, they decided about future goals and objectives of this organization. Using this power raises some issues among some staff to follow that path. Effect on term regarding decision making habits by authorities make uncertain burdens to employees which is become reason for more resignation frequently. Power impacts on behaviour and performance of individuals (Phillips and Guarnaccia, 2020), it increases individual productivity and increases work quality. Individual performance is important for collective results to organisation. Through power of authority, employees' working ability has been influenced to deliver higher productivity and better communication practice with consumers.
Organization culture of “Morrison’s” also influences employee’s behaviour and action toward organization. Maintaining cross culture activity in “Morrison’s” helps to gain more participation of customers in retail shops. Political behaviour of this organization is being considered by establishing equality in the workplace. Influence of political behaviour in “Morrison’s”, gained importance in this organisation and also preferred to provide suggestions regarding each decision of management (Gilal et al. 2020). Most of the decisions of this organization have been made by authorities that would be followed by employees as further activity. Through this activity organization employees do not feel comfortable to follow each decision of management. This creates a communication gap between teams and higher purity which raises different issues to managing customers' requirements. In terms of activity of power and cultural influence in “Morrison’s” affect employee’s productivity toward organization performance.
5.Evaluation of motivation theory to staff behaviour
Motivational theories are important to inspire employees or staff to deliver more productivity. Following “Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory” to inspire employees by analysing employee’s needs, safety and psychological factors. Through the use of this theory staff need regarding self-acquisition toward organisation has been identified. Additionally, this theory also prompts to understand employees ' social and safety related needs that inspire them to increase productivity. Medical insurance and sufficient increments inspire employees to provide more effective results in financial gain. In “Morrison’s” employees are being promoted by their performance that inspired them to swerve more efficiently in further projects. Additional motivation theory is “McClelland’s Need Theory”, which is being used in this organization to motivate employees by fulfill of requirement (Denson et al. 2022). This theory mainly focuses on achievement, power and affiliation, which are being used to inspire employees for further progress. Most employees do not communicate with other staff. Long list of personality analysis would be helpful to identify the motivation required for employees. In this organization employees are being motivated by top management through acknowledgement of individual performance.
6. Recommendation
Based on different analysis and theories has explored “Morrison’s” company’s organization behaviour toward staff. This organization has delivered commencement over future goals rather than providing sufficient support to employees. Rectification of this action of top management would be effective through providing ground level support to employees, it would progress organization business activity. Establishing cross cultural activity among employees helps to gain proper communication with customers and suppliers. Power of distance index has defined inequality in organizational behaviour which indicates inequality in organisation. Transparency and communication activity in organization action and decision would inspire employees for more productivity. This organization has faced compliance from customers regarding employee’s misbehaviour, where implementing cultural activities would be effective for customer acquisition. cross -cultural activity in organization would help to encourage all communities to be customers, that would increase revenue of this organization. Furthermore, communication activity needs to established in this organization to produce higher results in future. In the current status of this organization implement decisions on the staff whereas employees’ suggestions regarding activity need to consider before decision making. That would be the most effective activity to set goals for this organization.
1. Introduction
Based on assignments regarding “Morrison’s” help to understand effective teamwork importance in organization. Through effective team work, organizations get more options to connive goals. More people involvement in the team provides more ideas for strategic activity to gain financial and operating benefits. Effective stream work provides higher efficiency to organization by different new initiatives ideas (Tripathy, 2018). Project of organization would be more effective by handling by more people than one person. Team effectiveness depends on cooperation with each other, team work would be more effective to achieve better results by proper communication process. In effective teamwork, organization analysis about crises and different issues in future activity (Welp et al. 2018). Effective team working is being used as highly effective decision-making action. Concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour would be evaluated to identify team management theory, it would be used for establishing a better work atmosphere in an organization to retain employees.
2. Compare effective cooperation to ineffective cooperation
Effective as well as ineffective cooperation is common factors, which is faced by the individual business organizations. The general agreement between the employees is considered effective cooperation. The key attribute between the effective groups is identifying the effective business pattern of Morrison’s. An effective decision-making process is necessary for effective cooperation sometimes lack of communication involves ineffective cooperation among the organizational benefits (Le et al. 2018). As compared to, effective cooperation does not hold organizational conflict. Individual society leads to disorderliness and there is no importance for teamwork development. On the other hand, lack of efficiency and poor skill development techniques are involved in ineffective cooperation.
3. Analysis and evaluate different types of organizational teams
In order to, identify the critical components of the business organization is necessary which is continuously improving through teamwork communication. Communication characteristics are necessary which is improving effective cooperation between the team members. Almost 110000 employees and more than 11 million customers are involved with the specific company. Individual staff is regularly reviewing the entire business process which is directly reflected by the individual customers (Marlow et al. 2018). Team communication indicates the organizational behaviour as well as communication strategy which is improved by the decision-making process. A virtual team, as well as a self-managed team, is necessary to enhance the leadership structures of the business.
4. Influence of organizational team behaviour in the organization such as functional, problem-solving, and project teams
The behaviour of organizational employees is improved by the company's internal and external structures and management effectiveness. The problem-solving factors of the business are depending on the individual leaders and continuously improve organizational structural performance (De Vries and Van der Poll, 2018). Organizational team behaviour is necessary which is contributing to long-term engagement. Individual leaders and members are focusing to increase organizational opportunity and improving problem-solving structures. Teamwork is important and that shares effective ideas among the team members to meet potential business solutions. The efficiency level of the team members is necessary which is increasing the problem-solving factors of the project.
5. Impact of technology on organizational teams including the role of virtual team development and networking
The role of the virtual team is necessary which is improving the communication level. Individual team members need to follow technological improvement which is necessary to improve organizational business structures. Sometimes the organizational environment is focusing on the technological changes which are necessary to improve organizational management structures. In order to, using social media during advertisement is necessary which is important to increase sales volume (Aritz et al. 2018). Sometimes digital disruptions are played negative roles which are put poor effects on the business. Identifying organizational culture, as well as increasing sales volume, is necessary which is maintained by efficient teams and effective technology.
6. Role of virtual team development and networking
Individual social networking platform, as well as digital media, is trying to fluctuate business structure and that can be played a critical role in enhancing the business structure of Morrison’s. Identifying the critical roles and responsibilities of the business organization is necessary and that can create a virtual team to develop an organizational strategy (Pegg et al. 2018). Virtual teams define the action plan, coordinate with the team members, and played navigator roles to enhance more business opportunities. Strengths and weaknesses of the organization are efficiently identified by the development activity which is necessary to improve the virtual roles of the business. Virtual roles are quite different for individual leaders and they can achieve positive business goals. Networking also involves digital technology which is necessary to identify the major challenges during completing the task.
7. Evaluate different philosophies concerning organizational behaviour
Improving organizational behaviour is the best way to achieve a major succession plan for the business. Autocratic, supportive, as well as collegial systems of the business, are continuously improving organizational behaviour. Sometimes scientific management theory also focuses on the business process which manages communications factors of the entire business. Organizational behaviour describes internal opportunity which is necessary philosophy to describe a roadmap for the organization. Sometimes algorithmic reductionism process improves organizational behaviour by improving basic business opportunities (Newman et al. 2020). In order to, explain the business objective is necessary which is creates an outline of the statements by explaining the blueprint of the business. Three basic concepts improve the behavioural pattern of the organization by setting up different types of goals and objectives. Sometimes a supportive model is necessary for individual business organizations that can follow the structural business performance.
8. Positive and negative impact on the organization
Maintain organizational lifecycle, improvement strategy, as well as environmental and technological opportunities, are continuously improving organizational size. The structural performance of the business is necessary which is continuously improving basic opportunities. Cooperation, support, and efficient communication are useful and empower the business process. Sometimes organizational influencing factors are involving numerous positive elements in the business and it is necessary to coordinate with the management commitment (Mahadevan and Yap, 2019). Leadership, planning, and management are necessary to increase organizational benefits.
Negative impact
Typical changes, as well as jobless relocation, are the major difficulties that can reduce organizational benefits. There is the common impact of organizational changes which is reduced employee morale, lack of working relationship as well as organizational breakdown (Rehman et al, 2021). Sometimes ecological business functions are makes alternative solutions for the business and that can improve organizational structures. Focusing on the profit as well as low engagement in the office is a basic difficulty which makes negative impacts on the business structures. The efficiency level, as well as productivity, is the major business difficulty which is not meeting organizational goals and objectives. Development of depression as well as anxiety is the main reason for negative factors it is necessary to identify and take action plan against them. A negative impact is harmful for the individual business organization sometimes which makes it less attractive to cancel the overall selling process.
9. Tuckman’s team development model
Truckman’s model is focusing on the team development activity and explains positive business sources by improving the relationship among the team members. The strategic goals and objectives of a business are continuously achieved by the group development activity (Peralta et al. 2018). The team building development model always focuses on the efficient team structures which are necessary to improve the basic relationships with individual team members. A lot of personalities people are involved in the organization and which is considered as team building structure of the business. The structural performance of the business is focusing on the development strategy which is necessary for the business. In order to ensure team-building structures of the business is necessary which is focusing on Truckman's model.
10. Belbin’s typology for managing effective teams
Specific theory is considered as team role theory which is using a systematic pattern to improve the relationship between organizational structures. Specific theories played different roles to develop the behavioural strength of the business and continuously resolving organizational conflict (Alberola et al. 2019). In order to, resolve organizational conflict is necessary and specific theory plays an effective role in improving organizational structures. Team building opportunity is necessary for the individual business organizations and sometimes groups of junior staff are required to follow up on competitive business strategy.
Based on the above discussion it can be concluded that identifying the business situation is necessary which is minimize ineffective business cooperation. The effective business strategy of Morrison’s needs to improve and the leadership strategy must be to improve relationships among the team members. Critical analysis of the business organizations is focusing on the innovative business elements which are necessary to maintain the relationship among the organizational employees. The positive, as well as negative business strategy of the organization is important which is identified by the efficient management strategy. Theories and models are focusing on team development structures and sometimes make positive changes in the entire business. Functional opportunity is to reduce technological disruptions of the business. A negative impact is harmful for the individual business organization sometimes which makes it less attractive to cancel the overall selling process.
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