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People management assignment Essay
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The purpose of this essay is to critically evaluate the difference between different people management themes including organisational structure, Leadership, and organisational changes by applying theories and their effectiveness with the example of CIPD case studies. The organizational structure is selected to analyse in this essay Because it is an important part of business and people management that outlines certain activities and a system to achieve goals in order. The organizational change theme is selected to efficiently analyse the activities and strategies to achieve successful transformation in business approaches and leadership are is selected to demonstrate are most effective behaviour and management practices to achieve goals with positive individual behaviour. The essay will identify the importance of selected themes for different cultures and management approaches of organisations and demonstrate the most appropriate and relevant theories to resolve the problems faced by case study organisations.
The organizational structure is important for business organizations because it is a demonstrator sequence method to conduct are certain business activities for achieving organizational council including rules and regulations of workplaces and accountability of roles and responsibilities among each employee (Esfahani et al, 2021). The organizational structure is important for organisations to develop effective guidelines for employees and relevant to workers in the organization for managing workflow and governing the reporting relationships in the company. For example, in the case of ‘Arts Council England’ For identifying the areas to save 15% from administration budget the review of structure and culture of organisation was conducted to achieve effective recognition of cultural needs with collaboration in business departments Because the key interventions are relied on organizational structure for embedding new values and leadership commitment in regards with cultural change.
The organizational structure also requires significant changes in terms of gaining success and growth by the companies because structural changes create sound opportunities for successful adoption and better usage of resources within businesses and it also allows employees to efficiently understand them and become committed to their work and responsibilities (Gaspary et al, 2020). For example, The case of ‘London Borough of Barnet Housing Department’ demonstrated that after identifying the reporting issue the organization tender towards changes in the business structure that resulted in considerable savings and better efficiency of employees by removing five posts from the structure. However, it took the jobs of many and create unemployment for separated ones.
In the first example case study 'Arts Council England’, The problem was changes in the business environment of organizations as the artistic experiences Transformed the overall aspect to offer businesses from Certain changes like theatre, Literature, Photography, and carnivals replaced by music, dance, Digital art, and craft respectively. The most relevant theory of organizational structure portal this case is Contingency or situational approach because by understanding the situation, the management department of organisation decided to lead cultural and structural change in business to achieve better capabilities of grasping creativity and reducing the problem of duplication and streamlining accountabilities (Zachry et al, 2018). The contingency or situational approach is most relevant to this case because it Demonstrated that there should be necessary changes in the management and structure of organisation according to the business environment and current situations because Without changes adaptability is impossible and addressing business challenges will not be effective. However, the situational approach results in neglecting long-term requirements as it is focused on the immediate needs of the business is which reduces the effectiveness of task orientation. With the application of situational approach and changes within businesses the organization phase two particular problems in terms of managing values including nurturing and bold aspects.
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Similarly in the case of 'London Borough of Barnet housing department' The situation was asking for lean expertise in the business for better performance and staff management and according to the situation the decision was made to improve the organisation from hierarchy to functional structure i.e., also situational approach. However, the major issue with both cases in terms of situational leadership is was a lack of consideration of future consequences for making significant changes in the business. The multiple changes in organisational structure are associated with multiple challenges that can negatively impact the bottom line of businesses and it is neglected during the situational approach because it does not emphasize the long-term consequences offer decisions made to resolve short term problems (Thompson and Glasø, 2018). The socio-technical approach is also the relevant theory in the situation of this case because the organization was experimenting weather itself to offer better communication and service information with staff to improve interaction and technology in business. Although, the organization phased several problems associated with their alignment and appropriate methodology to improve the process for achieving effective employee involvement because the socio-technical approach criticises for striving between addressing the challenges associated with implications of change within the business (Zachry et al, 2018) The social-technical approach is also requiring appropriate availability of people and technology within the workplace to create a positive relationship between them however it is not guaranteed that the connection and learning between individuals need the same pattern that leads disappointment among certain individuals.
The Arts Council England is recommended to Understand they are short-term and long-term requirements and developer priorities before implementing structural change approaches such as situational and socio-technical approach. The case study organizations are also suggested to develop criteria for a single maturity level and emotional state of employees and other relevant people in businesses to make a decision effectively. The organisations are recommended to understand the sense of team members and their commitment to accomplish a particular task full managing skills persuasion after making certain changes in organizational structure because the changes do not welcome by each individual within the business (Bednar and Welch, 2020). The Changes in organizational structure resistance by employees and the organizations are required to analyse business needs and identify the most appropriate leadership and management style to improve the collaboration between upper and lower levels. The London borough of Barnet housing is recommended to apply changes at the little level and do not try different approaches like organizational changes without any experience. The organization was experimenting to work in a new way by considering lean management however it is recommended to employ a high expertise manager or leader in the process to reduce negative consequences and achieve desired success.
The purpose of organizational changes is to match with the level of uncontrollable influence (in order to address them positively) of the external environment on the internal procedures and capabilities of an organization. The change is important for organizations to achieve better flexibility and develop skills to address future challenges effectively (Ján and Veronika, 2017). The organizational changes are important to folder different organizations because it leads several positive aspects including the retention of competitive edge and being strong in the business area. The organizational change is an important theme of people management to analyse and evaluate if poorer improving businesses effectiveness to balance the dramatic effect to offer external circumstances on business achievements (Pawar and Charak, 2017). For example, in the case of Arts Council England, the change was important to recognise the cultural requirements of the organisation and become moral collaborative to support effective partnership working and supporting an integrated working environment. The change was important for Arts Council England to Creative an intervention between new values and developing organisational culture to deliver better leadership commitments. Similarly, in the case of the London Borough of Barnet Housing Department, the change in leadership and business procedures was essential to understand and assess the requirements of customers regarding housing facilities at a personal level to provide a holistic and customised experience. The organization turns towards the approach of change within businesses in which it took several decisions to change the business is internally in order to achieve external benefits (AlManei et al, 2019).
The most appropriate theories of organizational changes are Lewin's change managementmodel and Kotter's change management theory. Lewin's Model of change includes the three steps; Unfreeze, change and refreeze. The theory Informs that the change within the organisation should be based on a systematic processor and should utilise three stages to accomplish in successful see and retain it for the long term (Ján and Veronika, 2017). For example, in the case of Arts Council England, the organization should recognise the requirements of changes and determine the appropriate areas to be changed That refers to stage 1: unfreeze. The organization recognised the requirement of changes and identified that is structural and cultural changes are required to save 15% from the budget. The second is Step of Lewin's theory recommends making the changes and supporting employees to understand the concept and relevance of making change i.e., step 2; change.
The Arts Council England faced issues in illustrating the importance of changes among relationship managers because it increased their responsibilities at broader Remit and it Made managers feel burdened. The final step of theory informs the reinforcement and stabilization of changes to develop sustainability and absorbing changes positively for celebrating success i.e., step 3; Refreeze. The organization employed a new team of relationship managers and team members to support the sustainability of change and achievement of an organisational mission that includes collaboration, Accountability, and a broader perspective (Hayajneh et al, 2021). However, the recruitment of new relationship managers and the team will negatively impact the quality and flow of businesses due to a lack of cultural understanding and experiences within organisation.
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Kotter’s change management theory is comprised of eight steps model to develop efficient changes within an organisation and achieve desired results from building organizational change. The creation of urgency and building guiding teams along with the development of vision Is the starting steps of Kotter's model to set appropriate starting of change approach. The case of the London Borough of Barnet housing department identified the problems to understand the customer requirements properly and is staff created the request for the change to improve customer experiences with the efficient business structure. The organization. The consecutive steps of the change management model include communication and empowering external along with celebrating small wins. In the case study, the organization does not develop an appropriate strategy to reduce the challenges of managers because working as frontline individuals the managers feel undermined that reduced their willingness (Ján and Veronika, 2017). The final step of Kotter's Change model emphasizes are the continuous review of the change process and retaining the change for the longer term. The Change leaders conducted the review process effectively and identified the gaps in skill sets that were resolved by taking intensive coaching and enabling collaborative learning and group communication to understand perspectives rather than being communicated solely.
The Arts Council England faced several problems in terms of Change management Such as lack of initiative from managers due to less understanding of responsibilities and accountability. The organization is recommended to apply the change management model of Lewin from an Expert perspective. With the integration of expertise in implementing a change management model, the businesses will be able to improve employee engagement in the process through knowledge sharing among managers and employees to support the occurrence of the change positively (Rajan and Ganesan, 2017). The organization is also recommended to help employees learn their new roles and responsibilities to reduce their stress and resistance promo change processor that will support the sustainable reinforcement to off change. The London borough of Barnet housing department is recommended to first understand the requirements of change properly and communicate it appropriately before empowering action and celebrating quick wins. The managers of the organisation also face due issues of work burden due to change in customer service processor and the direct interaction between customers and relationship manager make them feel undermined in the business. The organization should include at least one level of interaction between customer and relationship manager by employing executive or senior employees to reduce the burden on the manager and making them feel superior in the process to achieve their full potential and efficient performance.
Leadership is one of the most important factors within organisation to manage orientation and provide direction in different areas of the business to achieve a set vision and mission by applying business resources and employee Calibre together. Leadership is important for managing people in different situations to provide effective and ethical procedures of achieving goals within organisation to influence positive abilities and achieve project progress (Paudel, 2019). For example, in the case of The Children’s Trust Southampton Aim to develop a business culture for partnership working in which the Leadership act as change agents to develop efficacy within the organisation in terms of creating collaboration between relevant people of the organisation including children, families and young people and providing continuous motivation for employees in the ongoing change processes to overcome financial issues. On the other hand, in the case of BNP Paribas, the leadership play important role in managing changes from top to down during real estate UK. It is supported in identifying the development requirements and introducing training programs to support the effective performance of leadership during change. The purpose of implementing leadership in business is to support successful organisational change and achieving business goals and create a learning business environment.
There are several leadership theories and practices that indulge with supporting organisations in achieving their goals and different procedures such as Change management and creating better business approaches for long-term achievements (Ciulla, 2020). The best approaches for theories of leadership role includes transformational approach and situational theory, etc. In the case of the London borough of Barnet housing department, the role of leadership is required to be changed in order to achieve better assistance of employees and improve the communication to set internal consultancy for supporting Lean coordinators. The organisation wanted to improve the commitment of employees in business projects by providing better communication among different departments in which the leadership approach was most important to develop staff confidence and gain their support. The most suitable leadership approach for this case is situation and leadership because the organisation integrated leadership changes according to the requirements of business in order to achieve better success through customer satisfaction.
In the case of BNP Paribas, the leadership was important to achieve positive maps of change on individuals for improving business lines of organisation. In this case, the transformational leadership is appropriate leadership style because the organisation is transforming itself 24 achieving better business accessibility through change. Transformational leadership aims to improve the performance and existence of individuals during the change process and support them to respond positively towards new possibilities by motivating them through several relevant aspects (Walls, 2019). The organisation wanted to improve its business culture and undertake different business lines to achieve sales benefits and it is the form of transformational leadership to change from one role to another in terms of achieving better outcomes.
In the case of BNP Paribas, transformational leadership was not applied properly because after some time it was realised that issues of Business Development are more important rather than meeting the learning of individuals without any certain purpose. It was essential for an organisation to understand the concept of transformational leadership by developing practices to encourage leaders and inspire employees to keep them motivated for the longer term and innovate their capabilities for creating better growth and shaping future successive positively (Cote, 2017). On the other hand, the situation and leadership were applied in the case of London Borough of Barnet housing department also faced issues of improper planning and application of theories. The implementation of situation and leadership was inappropriate and ineffective because it made the manager feel less valuable due to a reduction in level. Also relating the role of middle managers made them feel alienated and reduced their willpower to provide 100% of their efficiency for the organisation. Due to several issues, the Frontline workers and other leaders were required to come divider and improve the appropriate process of leadership to achieve lean management and retain employees and customers altogether.
The application of different leadership styles has the capabilities to improve the organisational performance by developing their internal strengths to achieve external goals along with addressing external environmental issues (Mustofa and Muafi, 2021). The BNP Paribas organisation is recommended to 1st to focus on individual consideration and identify the influence of different activities and changes on the individual role. The prior analysis of individual requirements will support the organisation to achieve better outcomes from applying situation leadership Theory in business because it streamlines the common goals between employees and Organisation from change. The London borough of Barnet housing department is recommended to utilise the appropriate process of situation and leadership to achieve effective outcomes and satisfied customer segments. The organisation should develop a delegation process to create a supportive nature from lower-level employees and create the flow of direction. The organisation is also suggested to implement coaching and directing procedures for both leaders and employees in order to understand the changing requirements properly and meet the appropriate level of efficiency. It is essential for both the organisations to understand the business and employee requirements properly in order to identify the best approach for leading changes in the structure and culture of organisation to achieve greater goals (Walls, 2019). As the purpose of leadership theories is to influence individuals with ideas and create inspirational motivation to lead intellectual stimulation and create positive development for employees and business. The organisations are suggested to develop the ability of individuals for supporting changes and the appropriate leadership as the potential to make individuals welcome changes and give a positive response towards a new approach of working within organisation.
To conclude, it is identified that the different themes of people management had different important roles in the organisations. It is concluded that the relevant theories of different themes are important to understand before application because they can improve the achievement of desired goals and the behaviour of overall people within organisation. It is concluded that the different case study organisations demonstrated the importance of multiple themes and also from the problems due to inappropriate application of relevant theories in the business context. The discuss do organisations in the essay should utilise recommended methods to improve their business situation and achieve desired results from applying different theories of leadership, organisational structure and organisational change.
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