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Define what is meant by a safe environment
A safe environment can be defined as an absence of any threat or control of severe injury or harm for an individual working in a workplace. It is the responsibility of the organization to maintain and establishes a safe working environment for its employees. Further, the organizations are legally abided to look after the safety and security of the workforce so that any risk to the psychological and physical health is not caused. The employers need to ensure by undertaking every possible practices for the health and welfare of the employees working for its company (McPhail, Stephens and Heasman, 2018). It is role of the employer to ensure a safety working environment and follows all the code of practices, legislation and standards for workplace safety. Furthermore, the working environment should be adjusted as per the situation or the outcome of the performance and further rehabilitation should be implied. The employer needs to form a team to manage and monitor the health and safety of the workers along with the vibe of the environment. It is not mandatory that only physical hazard can take place even mental pressure and unhealthy workplace also make the environment unsafe for the individuals to continue work. Furthermore, safe environment ensures trust and loyalty of the employees which is essential for the growth of the organization. A safe environment can be created by paying attention in the change in behaviour of the employees. Discussion and monitoring the pattern of working style of the staff such as individuals who are taking sudden leaves and have an irregular schedule. Furthermore, observerving changes among the working relationship of the employees. It is mandatory to note the work pressure from time to time and understand and incorporate some motivation for the employees so that the working becomes easier and less burdensome.
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How does creating this environment aid therapeutic work?
Therapeutic environment is an idea constructed to overcome experiences before, presently or in future by rendering services in terms of mental health care. Safe environment in the workplace does not only means regulating safety and health of the employees. It also includes well being and welfare of the individual working in the organization (Oravec, Balaikova and Tomaškova, 2018). Many times it happens that an employee is unable to balance his or her work life along with the personal life. During these times, pressure is created which hampers the productivity of the work and ultimately affecting the performance of the organization. In this competitive time, every individual is busy in creating their own career. Nobody has time to invest on any one sorrow or issues. Therefore, the mental well being of the employees is also an expected responsibility of the employers. Employees are the backbone of any organization without them an organization cannot be formed. Specifically the large organization need to incorporate the welfare management and therapeutic environment for the employees along with safety. In a therapeutic environment, the individual can relax and rest his or her mind along with that verbally discusses the issues or trauma that they are facing. The creation of therapeutic environment is very beneficial for the company, as it established the individual perception about certain things and further makes them less resistant towards any uncertain activity carried out in the office premises. Positivity and confidence enhances the performance of the employees both professional and personal life. Furthermore, creation of such environment showcases the conscious and intentional efforts of the organization towards its employees which increases the retention and productivity of the work.
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Evaluate the need for an ethical framework for counselling and psychotherapy
Ethical framework is a guideline which supports the practitioners to perform their services in a proper manner. The profession of counselling and psychotherapy depends upon the services provided by the practitioners based on their knowledge and experience along with the attitude towards their patients. Therefore, it is mandatory to implement ethical framework in the good practice of psychotherapy and counselling (Lomas et al. 2020). The professionals under counselling needs to follow the ethical framework to refere to their decisions regarding code of conduct and session for their client. Counselling is a type of mental exercise which helps to mitigate or lower the stress of an individual suffering due to some past and present event which can affect the future too. The ethical framework guides the practitioners upon their limitation and understanding before conducting the service for the client. It also help the client to determine whether the client is suffering from any physical or serious health issue and need some other expert opinion. It is considered a better option to integrate ethical framework for delivering professional ethical services to their client. Furthermore, it also showcases the commitment and loyalty of the practitioners towards their profession. Even for psychotherapy also ethical framework is needed so that the practitioners are committed and determined towards their work. In addition to that, psychotherapist needs advance his or her skills through practice and diversification of the cases which can be earned thorough implications of good ethics.
Explain the main elements of one recognised ethical framework for counselling and psychotherapy
Ethical framework is important in order to understand the responsibilities and perform them ethically. As opined by Rønnestad et al (2019), Some ethical principals who support the good practice for counselling and psychotherapy. Though, still some practitioners can face certain circumstances which can make it impossible to follow every principle of ethical framework. However, decision oppose to ethical framework cannot be termed as unethical because there can be some an avoided circumstances. Some of the obligations for good practice for counselling and psychotherapy practitioners are
Being trustworthy: There should be a trust placed for the practitioner. In order to resolve ethical issues it is mandatory to be trustworthy as a fundamental understanding (Bennett-Levy, 2019). The practitioners who adopt this principle work in such a way to ensure the clients they are working accordance with trust placed in them. Furthermore, it is important to honour the confidentiality for disclosure of information about the clients regarding their personal issues.
Beneficence: It is a commitment towards the well being of the client. This principle helps the practitioners to understand the best interest of the client based on the professional assessment. Further, it directs them to working strictly and provides services based on their knowledge and experience and within the limit of competence. The best way is to monitor the progress and expectation of the client to drive their interest towards the services provided by the practitioners. It ensures professional development along with expansion of customer base through upgrading of practice.
Autonomy: It a right of the client towards self governing. It emphasis the significance of developing the ability of the client towards self directing during the therapy along with every aspects of life. It showcase that practitioners respects the autonomy of the client and further ensures information or any advertising given beforehand regarding the service along with seeking adequate consent and comfortable abbot the shared information. This helps the client to be self dependent and cautious about the protection and privacy of information.
Non-maleficence: It is an essential principle which involves commitment from the practitioners that they won't hurt the client. Non maleficence means exploitation of the client by any means such as financial, sexual, and emotional or any other harm. This is the commitment of the practitioners to not to provide service by any mal practice or any undue advantage of the client. It is the ethical obligations of the practitioner to mitigate any kind of harm or mal practice towards client.
Explore the role played by the bodies that govern the counselling profession
The largest healthcare of counselling and psychotherapists are not regulated by law. In most cases the counsellor are not protected by any law or ethical framework which sometimes the practitioners take advantage of them (Finlay, 2019). Further, bodies were established to get backed by the government. Furthermore, it provides employers, public, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders with a reassurance for the protection programme of the consumers. As per Holmes (2019), the bodies make the ethical framework for the counsellor and psychotherapists so that a minimum standard is meet for the professional conduct. The member of the bodies are the experienced and experts of the health sector who oversees the training, skills, knowledge of the practitioners and then registered their names under the professional standard authority website. The bodies helps in implementing the standard or measures for the ethical framework for the counsellors. This helps the client to select the best for their services and also determines the trust towards them.
Explain why we create a contract with our client
A contract in counselling is a mutual agreement between the Clint and the counsellor in which the practitioners outlines the details of the alliance for the therapeutic treatment. The contract ensures that the processes that will be performed is safe, good and follow all the professional behaviourisms regarding the sessions (Vinay, Lakshmi and Math, 2016). It will also highlight the obligations of the counsellor towards their patients. Further, the client responsibilities will also be highlighted so that they cannot claim or take any disadvantage of the counsellor. Moreover, it is suggested that the contracts are very essential for the counsellors because these appropriately presents the code of ethics in written manner to showcase clarity for both the parties (Goldman, Brettle, and McAndrew, 2016). In addition to that, the written agreement also provides legal intervention which can be needed some time if terms are met or not. Verbal commitment is often considered as fictitious and can create misunderstanding in the future circumstances (Lamont-Mills, Christensen and Moses, 2018). Thus, it is mandatory that a contract is made where the counsellor which forecasts all his or he points regarding way of working, how many sessions to be held, fees charges and every minute details under the ethical framework that needs to be presented in front of the client. However, the motive behind the creation of the contract is to ensure that the client showers full trust and happy regarding all the terms and conditions before the commencement of the sessions. The contract is made in the form of stages such as in the initial stages both the parties throws question on each other. It is crucial to understand the case history of the client before entering the counselling sessions because that will led them to the root cause of the issue. Furthermore, the contract make it's transparent from the end of the counsellor and the clients also gains trust to start the treatment so such uncertainties can take place (The Importance of a Counselling Contract, 2020). However, the contract donor needs to be lengthy document it just a paper with few crucial condition which will be mutually signed buy the client and the counsellor.
Describe what is included in the contract
There are no fixed set of requirements that s needed to be included in the contract. However, some of the common conditions that are included in the contract are depicting the nature of the counselling work which is like a brief paragraph as an introductory paragraph which depicts the way you work. The introductory paragraph showcases the particular modalities that hold regular reviews of progression works of the session. This presents the client a feeling and a preformed about the work that will be done. Further, the contract includes the number of sessions that is needed to be conducted initially. This depends upon the case history of the client as discussed verbally between both the parties. The verbal discussion consisted of all the past history and thorough details of the client based on which treatment will be suggested in the sessions. In this the client needs to trust and forecasts every detail otherwise the treatment can cause adverse harm to it. Next, the intervals along with when and where the counselling sessions will be conducted will be demonstrated such as the address, time. Payment and sessions fees are included as per the sensitivity and complexity of the case. In addition to that, a rescheduling or cancellations session colour is also produced for certain circumstances which can lead to such terms (Sorensen et al. 2019). The most important part of the contract is the information regarding the personal and private details of the clients which is needed to be kept confidential. It is the most essential point, because it safeguards the information and can drive the counsellor towards legal trouble due to breach of contract if any details is forecasted during or after the competition of the procedure. Furthermore, explanation a column about the discontinuity of the counselling sessions is also presented where a conflict can arise due to the contradiction of the interests which may hamper the ethical framework. Detail explanation and consent about keeping notes r recording of the whole taking and building sessions but assurance of the protection of the details and confidential data should be there. In addition to that disclosure of relevant society regarding information and memberships for complaints processes. Further, the client can customize the contract and include details of knowledge and qualifications of the practitioners.
Under which conditions would you be required to break client confidentiality?
The confidentiality between a client and dealer defines the strong bonding between the client and the dealer. Thus, confidentiality is very much essential in processing the overall business activities and accelerating the growth engines of the organization. Such confidentiality can be related with different terms which sometimes play a major role in the operation of the organization. As the clients are the main operating system of the organization and all the performance of the organization is based on the performance and growth of the client. The condition which are mainly performed by the large scale organization to break the confidentiality of the client. Therefore, the situation arises when the client chooses the substitute product or organization to perform the remaining business activities and eliminate the relation with the existing company. Thus, when the client chooses the different company and restricts all the operation with the existing performing company in this condition the organization breaks the confidentiality of the client to degrade the marketing operation of the organization. This type of misunderstanding and disrespectness affects the business environmental culture and operations of both the client and dealer. The external competitors of both the client and dealers get maximum chances to access the strong area of both client and dealer.
The confidentiality plays a major role which plays a major role in maintaining a proper business environment and facilitating the growth segments in different organizational operation. The confidentiality between dealer and clients executes the trust value and behavioural context of both the parties. Thus, strong confidentiality defines proper business environment and helps in evolving the operation between both the parties.
Bennett-Levy, J., 2019. Why therapists should walk the talk: The theoretical and empirical case for personal practice in therapist training and professional development. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry, 62, pp.133-145.
Finlay, L. 2019. Practical ethics in counselling and psychotherapy: A relational approach. SAGE Publications Limited.
Goldman, S., Brettle, A., & McAndrew, S. 2016. A client focused perspective of the effectiveness of Counselling for Depression (CfD). Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 16(4), 288-297.
Holmes, C.S., 2019. The Nature, Form and Purpose of Contemporary Professional Associations: An Extended Case Study of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (Doctoral dissertation, University of Leicester).
Lamont-Mills, A., Christensen, S. and Moses, L., 2018. Confidentiality and informed consent in counselling and psychotherapy: a systematic review. Melbourne: PACFA.
Lomas, T., Roache, A., Rashid, T. and Jarden, A., 2020. Developing ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice: An on-going, iterative, collaborative endeavour. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 15(6), pp.716-721.
McPhail, I.V., Stephens, S. and Heasman, A., 2018. Legal and ethical issues in treating clients with pedohebephilic interests. Canadian Psychology/psychologie canadienne, 59(4), p.369.
Rønnestad, M.H., Orlinsky, D.E., Schröder, T.A., Skovholt, T.M. and Willutzki, U., 2019. The professional development of counsellors and psychotherapists: Implications of empirical studies for supervision, training and practice. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 19(3), pp.214-230.
Sorensen, G., Sparer, E., Williams, J.A., Gundersen, D., Boden, L.I., Dennerlein, J.T., Hashimoto, D., Katz, J.N., McLellan, D.L., Okechukwu, C.A. and Pronk, N.P., 2018. Measuring best practices for workplace safety, health and wellbeing: the workplace integrated safety and health assessment. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 60(5), p.430.
Vinay, B., Lakshmi, J. and Math, S.B., 2016. Ethical and legal issues in psychotherapy. In Ethical Issues in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice (pp. 199-217). Springer, Singapore.
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