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Promoting Resilience in Healthcare: Strategies for Social Care Case Study By Native Assignment Help
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The concept of “Resilience” regarding health and social care can be described as the competency to sustain more appropriate personal well-being while experiencing different types of challenges. As opined by Kim et al. (2019), “Resilience” has been considered to be an influential individual attribute for health and social care workers in the respective field of healthcare and social care settings. However, although there is an increased importance of resilience in the selected care sector, there is presently a gap in appropriate skills among health and social care employees. According to WHO (“World Health Organisation”), it has been stated that constructing the aspect of resilience has been considered a critical element in safeguarding and encouraging overall health and social well-being at both the personal and societal levels. Apart from that, it also argues that different health consequences acquire a close connection to the respective circumstances, in which people are born, develop, function and generate (Euro.who.int, 2020). It has been obtained that Resilience is closely related to the ability of different systems to immerse, adjust, expect and convert their respective practices while disclosing exterior or interior menaces, risk factors and vulnerabilities (Wiig et al., 2020). Henceforth, it is specifically important to consider different healthcare outcomes while assessing and sustaining appropriate resilience aspects.
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Order AI-FREE ContentThe concept of resilience in managing appropriate health and social well-being has been influenced by different types of factors. As mentioned by Stephens and Sieckelinck (2020), the aspects of adversity, protective elements, vulnerability and risk factors are directly associated with the concept of resilience. The aspect of adversity can be defined as different negative situations, which have been experienced by individuals such as social discrimination, harassment, family pressure, working load, socioeconomic limitations and others (Castleberry, 2021). On the other hand, the vulnerability aspect can be described as the respective condition of individuals when the population group is more susceptible to reducing their maintenance of resilience (Wiig et al., 2020). The respective conditions can be a lack of appropriate knowledge about legal rights, accomplishing different diseased conditions and lower immunity power and others. Additionally, different types of risk elements such as poor health conditions, lack of social support, physical or mental torture and different protective elements such as different priorities for maintaining more effective psychological well-being are additional impactful factors of resilience (Kim et al., 2019). Therefore, it has been found that different factors are directly associated with the construction and appropriate maintenance of resilience at both individual and community levels.
The respective culture, social background and different types of practised lifestyles of Scotland acquire a direct impact on the maintenance of both individual and societal level resilience. The “National Performance Framework (NPF)” of Scotland acquires the respective purpose of promoting increased health and social well-being of individuals by treating those people with compassion, elegance, empathy and appropriate respect (Nationalperformance.gov.scot, 2019). Apart from that, the more sustainable and higher economy of Scotland also impacts the overall health and social well-being of Scottish citizens. On the other hand, there are several significant priorities established by the Scottish government to maintain appropriate resilience within the country (Breil et al., 2020). The established priorities involve the maintenance of more vibrant, nourishing and secure places, lifestyles and societies, the promotion of appropriate psychological well-being, reduction of the consumption of alcohol and tobacco smoking and being physically active (Gov.scot, 2023). Additionally, it has been discovered that Scotland has been considered a country comprising powerful national individualism and exceptional traditions and conventions (Gov.scot, 2021). Apart from that, Scottish individuals are frequently comprehended for their respective unrestricted-minded temperament and for living intense fans of different types of sports. Henceforth, different cultural practices, lifestyles and community backgrounds of Scotland acquire a more positive impact in maintaining appropriate resilience aspect among Scottish citizens.
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The Scotland government has acquired an effective strategic plan for promoting adequate health and social well-being of citizens. The respective planning involves appropriate interventions to prevent different severe diseases, increase life expectancy and healthy lifestyle, promotion of mental health and well-being and others (Publichealthscotland.scot, 2022). Additionally, an “NHS recovery plan” has been developed to promote physical and mental well-being and maintain appropriate resilience in Scotland. According to the NMC policy of resilience, the influence and needs of experienced nursing practice, nurses should be emotionally competent and resilient people for maintaining appropriate resilience among patients (Nmc.org.uk 2021). Additionally, nurses must be competent to supervise their individual health and social well-being and comprehend the time and in which way to avail support. Henceforth, the policy should be maintained in health and social care settings to promote appropriate resilience.
The target population can be selected by assessing different potential factors such as adversity conditions, risk elements, considering vulnerability levels and others. It has been found that different types of factors such as low socio-economic status, adverse psychological conditions, lack of family and social support, more vulnerability to different diseases and others should be assessed for individuals. Therefore, the mentioned factors can be assessed to identify the target population, that requires improvement in resilience and the selected target population is the middle-aged group of Scotland.
The selected nursing process is the “APIE model” of nursing, which indicates four distinct steps (“assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation”) of nursing practice to assess the target population. The respective approach promotes an organised and strict approach to acquiring effective and higher-quality patient care, integrating a holistic viewpoint of the care procedure. According to the respective model, it is required to critically assess, acquire appropriate patient-centred care planning, effectively execute the plan and finally, evaluate the success rate of care planning (Li, 2022). Henceforth, the mentioned nursing assessment model has been selected to assess the condition.
Middle-aged individuals have been selected as the target group in order to provide proper nursing assessment and assist to overcome critical health issues. “Assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation” or APIE has been selected as the nursing process to assist Mr X to combat critical health issues. After selecting the target group and nursing process, Mr X might be assessed for his health condition and diagnosed to assist in combating health issues. Besides, after identifying health conditions, accurate care planning is required like administering oxygen therapy and it is crucial for general metabolic demand in the human body (Nzinga et al., 2021). This therapy benefits Mr X to resuscitate him from chronic illness and maintain chronic hypoxemic health issues. Since he is suffering from chronic disease hence, using the CAP tool enhances resilience along with three different dimensions such as adaptability, transformability and robustness. The strength-based approach focuses on an individual’s strength, which includes community and social network and personal strength, not their deficits. It also promotes the well-being of Mr X and he is able to lead a normal lifestyle.
The selected target group has low resilience due to suffering from chronic disease which reduces self-esteem level and self-awareness levels. Moreover, this target group maintains a poor lifestyle and belongs to a diverse background. Hence, it is affecting their traditional lifestyle and they feel victimized. The selection of the “Resilience Assessment Tool” is essential to assess how CAP constraints resilience with its dimensions. As a result, it has impacted positively on Mr X to recovery from those disturbances and all indicators which may reliably be assessed or measured. According to the guidelines of “Nursing Process Theory”, the nursing staff is able to create a positive relationship with a patient to mitigate the issue of low resilience. This theory also demonstrates that nursing actions are affecting patients and the actions of patients are influencing nursing staff. Based on this theory, proper diagnosis plans, treatment plans and patient assessment plans have been taken and those plans are crucial for providing proper care planning to patients to combat health conditions (O’Keefe et al., 2019). The selection of this target group has faced low resilience hence; this nursing model is beneficial for producing positive outcomes for Mr X through professionalism.
Resilience planning is addressed as a process, which communities may undertake for recognizing potential threats and hazards. After that establishing mitigation, recovery and adaptation plans for reducing the negative impact of low resilience on patients. According to the guidelines of “The nursing and Midwifery Council”, the nursing staff might be provided treatment to patients with compassion, respect and kindness (Nmc, 2023). As a result, the middle-aged target group is able to overcome the negative effects of low resilience. The provision of a “Person-centred care Plan” is effective in order to enable the resilience of the selected target group.
Protective factors are beneficial for handling stressful events in an effective way and it is helping to mitigate the negative impacts of potential risks. All those variables may be attributed to families, society, individuals and communities. The “Limitation of Salt Intake” can be an accurate treatment or care plan for assisting Mr X to combat his health condition. According to the statement of Shahverdi et al. (2020), it has been stated that excessive consumption of sodium intake is responsible for fluid retention in the human body. As a result, it has occurred SOB or shortness of breath and increased heart rate in a rapid manner. In addition, it is affecting the traditional lifestyle of Mr X and other middle-aged individuals. In addition, “Oxygen Therapy” can be provided to patients who are suffering from shortness of breath and it is assisting patients to combat breathing issues. Similarly, providing Oxygen Therapy has been considered as a supplement that is a breath of air. Moreover, it supports an individual to increase oxygen intake amount in blood and exert energy at the time of doing daily activities (Wright and Richmond Mynett, 2019). Therefore, it has been stated that the provision of “Oxygen Therapy” and “Limitation of Salt Intake” is a crucial and accurate intervention plan or treatment plan to overcome the low resilience of Mr X.
Adding oxygen or supplemental oxygen, which is above an amount found in an atmosphere without an alteration has been delivered to patients through a nasal cannula. Apart from that, the limitation of salt intake is implemented by restricting salt while preparing food for patients. As per the words of Kunzler et al. (2020), oxygen therapy is considered as an accurate treatment plan, which is providing extra oxygen for breathing in. additionally, it is addressed as supplemental oxygen and only the healthcare practitioner has prescribed it. Besides, giving salt-restricted goods or providing a diet plan, which contains salt-restricted diet plan is beneficial for giving proper treatment to patients who are suffering from breathlessness (Hoseinzadeh et al., 2019). These kinds of interventions or treatment plans are helpful for Mr X to overcome critical health issues and promote resilience by improving his health status. As a result, it is beneficial for him to overcome the negative consequences of Breathlessness and Tachycardia health issues.
The main aim of the limitation of salt intake is to minimize blood pressure and CVD risks like Coronary Heart Attack and stroke. Besides, Oxygen Therapy aims to combat negative consequences, which are directly related to breathlessness issue. As opined by Balay-Odao et al (2021), this therapy is helpful for patients who are living with breathing issues and other diseases to properly function. As a result, it is helpful for mitigating all negative health issues of Mr X and those interventions have been occurred due to increased blood pressure and sodium amount in the body.
Primary goal of oxygen therapy helps to meet metabolic demand that is effective for managing oxygenation. This process involves supplementation, anesthesia and influence to overcome illness. Exchanging of oxygen rate supports for exposure of carbon monoxide. In addition, it supports avoiding consequences which are related to tissue hypoxia. Long term goal of this LoT is to improve the survival rate that delivers support for hypoxemic patients to develop their quality of life (Zhao et al. 2021). Patient X is going through the blood transfusion process, where their breathing pattern has evolved with oxygen therapy. Oxygen is provided within tissue which also enhances concentration of hemoglobin.
This selected intervention plan involves optimization, management, and balance which are crucial for overcoming emotions. In relation to case study, patient X, “oxygen therapy” has been provided related to their health safety. With help of nursing resilience, nurses are able to establish strong relation with Patient X and guide to learn from his respective experience.
Care, cure and core theory is involved with a therapeutic process that emphasizes on particular reflection. As referred to by Sumarno (2019), this theory focused to mitigate health problem which needs comprehensive care. Major components of this theory are self-love and self-actualization that support to enhance the patient’s learning. In case of importance of nursing practice, this motivates patient’s learning and influence for self-love, rehabilitation and nurturance.
Resilience provides support and assistance to improve mental conditions by removing anxiety and depression. It is a offset factor which minimizes risk and support overcoming trauma. In case of registered nurses, resilience delivers key value which helps them to survive in over workload. For example, nurses get confidence with resilience which influences them to deliver proper support and care (Ross et al., 2022). To improve resilient capacity, it delivers support to registered nurses to work flexible in a multivariate environment. Resilience is crucial in healthcare sector, as it deliver support to manage and influence them to overcome a stressful situation. Staffs who work in health care sectors, resilience play effective role to develop their well-being and health.
This is effective for high-quality work patient care and support to patient X. In case of team management, resilience is an effective strategy which assists employees to reduce their stress. Moreover, managing workplace conflicts, addresses related issues which develop resilience. According to Cooper et al. (2021), resilience is a dynamic process which is associated with human well-being and psychological development. Nursing work with adversity involves with resilience and support for strategically development.
This positive way which allows RN to work with flexibility and influence to overcome their stress. In case of a positive adaptation, this is effective to manage well-being along with mental conditions. As refried to by Tabakakis et al. (2019), psychological resilience influences workplace management which is crucial for mitigating adversity. Additionally, this is beneficial for minimizing nursing burnout. In case of emerging concepts, nursing burnout has a mediatory effect which is helpful for understanding culture and crucial for paying attention on patient’s X’s health.
Resilience is considered as an ability to cope with trauma, and loss and also influence for changing life. Establishing resilience in team assists in an adaptation of turbulent times and influence for tragedy maintained. Due to a lack of resilience among nursing, conflicts are arises including isolation, avoidance, and self-medication. This is an ability which gains substantial adversity that might help to address different working environment and situations. As referred to by Henshall et al. (2020), nurses are waked with extensive pressure which might negatively impact their well-being and mental stability. Lower resilience or lack of resilience develops burnout, stress, fatigue, depression and anxiety that are associated with resilience.
Vulnerability is a sustainable management strategy which focuses on hazard management and delivers opportunity to maintain their balance. It refers to a condition that increases nursing performance and quality care. Higher vulnerability is responsible for anxiety and stress that has a negative impact on social, physiological and psychological function. As opined by Fixsen et al. (2022), during covid-19, nurses required economic and social support which can be provided by e Scottish Government. To mitigate health problems this delivers support to meet patients’ needs. In relation to a case study, patient X needs emotional and physiological support to overcome his pain.
Proactive factors in resilience involves with community support and influence to minimise risk. Social support, self-efficacy and coping skills are effective to reducing burnout, anxiety and fatigue. Resilience is crucial as it delivers support to develop a person’s ability and influence to overcome stress and adversity.
As per “constructionist theory of resilience” influences nurses to adapt to a particular situation and have an adverse effect to overcome trauma. Personality management has higher attribution to improving an individual’s condition that supports for context management and develops existing phenomena. This theory influences adversity management and promotes resilience. “Middle range theory” support to development of growth experience that defined nursing resilience and it has higher process of contribution (Jin et al., 2022).
Community care and social care providers promote high-quality opportunity related to health and social care. In relation to RN, it delivers career opportunities, which involve delivery and care policies that are depending on workforce. The Scottish government along with UK government implements immigration policies which are fit for social care workers (COSLA, 2021). In case of involving with staff, they required freedom and empowerment. In case of workforce management to lead human rights that manage a social workforce. As per The Patient Rights (Scotland) Act 2011, nurses are responsible to develop patients’ experience and deliver high quality health care. As per NMC, RN needs to demonstrate and develop resilience which influences to manage a difficult situation.
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