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Strategies for Healthcare Worker Well-being by Native Assignment Help
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Working in a healthcare setting is subject to mental stress and emotional turmoil for practitioners. Mental Well-being can be defined as the state of mind where a person remains unbiased and uses his rationale to take a decision that facilitates optimum care. The emotional Well-being of a person refers to the balancing of all the emotions. Healthcare Practitioners witness a wide range of emotional and mental stress due to the state of patients (Ripp, Peccoralo, and Charney, 2020).
The discussion aims to draw critical attention towards the vitality of optimum mental and emotional wellbeing of practitioners in the healthcare setting. The cause for the same is the mental and emotional stress these practitioners have to go through as they devote significant time in their service area. The critical cases of patients and back history are upsetting and might lead to dejection in the practitioner. These practitioners need a high level of motivation and persistence to manage their emotional and mental well-being (Ripp, Peccoralo, and Charney, 2020).
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The role of the research is to study the importance of the promotion of mental health of practitioners in the healthcare industry.
Objectives of the research
Research question- Why is there a need to include a promotional program for facilitating the mental and emotional wellbeing of practitioners in the healthcare setting.
Research Approach- The research will include data collection through secondary sources and will include both Qualitative and quantitative data. For obtaining the data, journal articles will be used published on or after 2017. After the collection of data, analysis of the evaluative data will be carried out. A critical review of various scholars will be studied in the context of the subject and the conclusion will be drawn based on results obtained from the research (Robertson and Long, 2018).
Key Milestone- the quality of the research paper, Ease of comprehension, Proper structure of the research, precise argument, and lucid result are the key milestones of the paper.
Particular | wk1 | wk2 | wk3 | wk4 | wk5 | wk6 | wk7 | wk8 |
Topic Selection | ||||||||
Research Aim & Objectives | ||||||||
Literature Review |
Skills for conducting Research- Analytical mindset, presentation skills, appropriateness in the interpretation of data, and choosing the most suitable data sources, are key skills required for conducting research.
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Qualitative and Quantitative data were collected from online published journals from authentic organizations. I searched for the data of various healthcare units in the efficiency of their practitioners to manage their mental and emotional health while serving the patients. Research papers were used for critically examining the scholars' review. The notes were organized using the 'Microsoft Word application.
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During the recent Covid-19 outbreak, the number of patients increased rampantly that drew the attention of the healthcare management system and people towards the mental health of healthcare practitioners. Sultana et al., (2020) state that the mental and emotional wellbeing of healthcare practitioners is not a new issue but it was challenged by the external environment during the pandemic. These practitioners had to work longer than the usual time and therefore it significantly led to aggression, irritation, and dejection among servicemen. Wald (2020) highlights that the mental and emotional wellbeing of these practitioners is not addressed adequately because of a lack of study of their behavior and their perception. However, O’Dowd et al., (2018) state that government intervention to promote the mental health of practitioners has been significant and fruitful. These practitioners are trained to handle their mental and emotional health by remaining detached emotionally from the patient's issues and provide judicious care. It is vital to study the behavior of these practitioners in the real setting because training is quite different from reality. Some decisions need to be immediate. Wrong decisions can even lead to the death of the patient and therefore the role of the practitioner becomes prominent in saving lives and providing holistic care. Sultana et al., (2020) propel that Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model can be used for the promotion of mental health. The stressful situation leaves the practitioner tormented sometimes and he/she looks for an escape.
Gómez et al., (2021) propel that the promotion of health and emotional wellbeing is due to the surrounding of the healthcare unit. Some patients are in acute pain or are suffering from an incurable disease that influences the mental health of these practitioners because they see the state of the patient and listen to their grievances. Accumulation of all these experiences works as a burden on their mental state. This can make them feel numb from the inside and they might grow insensitive. If not insensitive, they might get depressed at regular intervals due to this burden. O’Dowd et al., (2018) believe that these situations cannot be optimized by promoting mental health because these will continue to exist even after the promotional program. Practitioners have been provided with an abundance of training before joining the healthcare unit and the promotional program will not make any significant change.
Gómez et al., (2021) state that during the pandemic, these practitioners were the most vulnerable individuals because the deadly virus led to the increased probability of them getting infected. These practitioners not only worked long hours but were extremely anxious and showed somatic symptoms of fear. Wald (2020) highlights that the promotion of the emotional and mental wellbeing of practitioners is not only important for their lives but also the patients. These practitioners take vital decisions that affect the treatment significantly. With severe stress and mental blocks, these practitioners can take wrong decisions that can even lead to the patient's death. Moreover, the accusation will be on the person and not the state that he had been in. To protect practitioners from anxiety, guilt, depression, and fear, emotional and mental health must be promoted among these practitioners.
Ornek, O.K. and Esin, M.N., (2020) state that the Tidal Model of Mental Health can be effective in determining the mental state of practitioners and draw appropriate strategies to mitigate the risk of uncertainties. Ornek, O.K. and Esin, M.N., (2020) further state that the efficiency of the health care practice depends on optimum person-centered care practice. And this exhorts the need for improvement in the mental and emotional wellbeing of practitioners. Decisions taken by these practitioners highly depend on their emotional intelligence and utility of knowledge and up-to-date research to provide holistic care to the patient.
Emotional stability is hampered in a healthcare setting due to the inability to release stress and talk about one's problems. Sometimes these practitioners get emotionally attached to the patient and are unable to make a decision that suits their treatment. Therefore, these practitioners need to inculcate basic values, emotional stability, and behaviors so they can make the most appropriate decision. Munn-Giddings and Borkman, (2017) highlight the productivity of the behavioral change model that can aid the deteriorating mental stability of health practitioners. In behavioral theory, the management system can provide information about how these practitioners can optimize their health and how they can prevent themselves from indulging in the problems and suffering of the patients.
It must be noted that attachment with the patient leads the practitioner to become the part of that suffering rather than becoming the part of healthcare treatment. With emotional distress, the practitioner cannot take courageous decisions that might be best for the patient and leads to inefficiency in the treatment. Darkhor et al., (2018) propel that the best theory that can affect the mental and emotional wellbeing of these practitioners for the long term is the Self-empowerment theory wherein the individual seeks to attain self-actualization by devoting his efforts to his service. This enables the individual to look at the bigger picture and prioritizing his service. It includes life skills such as emotional quotient, decision-making skills, and problem-solving skills. This model does not only help in achieving optimum mental and emotional health of the practitioner but also motivates the individual to explore his potential to optimize his services. The outlook of the individual is broader and he can remove the mental blocks. According to Darkhor et al., (2018), promotion of mental and emotional wellbeing will ensure proper treatment and care given to patients and maintaining a positive culture in the healthcare unit. This will help greater engagement of healthcare practitioners.
From the above discussion, we can conclude that the promotion of emotional and mental wellbeing is necessary for the healthcare setting. Mental health optimization of practitioners can be achieved through the promotional program and conducive training of practitioners. The mental and emotional health of practitioners will enable them to take optimum decisions for the holistic care treatment of patients. Promotion of emotional and mental health among healthcare practitioners will be critically expressed and evaluated to find out how the external and internal environment factors affect the mental state of the practitioner and what can be recommended based on the findings.
Research Topic- Role of Promoting Mental and emotional well-being of healthcare practitioners during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The recent SARS Covid-19 outbreak has led to increased mental vulnerability of healthcare practitioners. There has been little research on this topic and the external factors have not been defined properly. Multiple factors lead to demotivation and distress among practitioners. Furthermore, its implication on their life outside the healthcare unit is not assessed. The role these practitioners play other than being healthcare servicemen determines the level of stress they take (Blake et al., 2020). For example, these practitioners can be mothers or children living with their parents or they might be having an ailing family member that increases the risk of the virus to transmit to them. All these factors are omitted in the available researches. This research will determine the external and internal factors that cause mental and emotional distress among practitioners.
The research project aims to determine the vitality to address the emotional and mental distress among healthcare practitioners
The objective of the research
It is vital to adhere to the ethical code of conduct for the effectiveness of the research paper. During carrying out the research paper, ethical considerations such as confidentiality of participants, accountability, independence from biased judgments, and professional commitment are significant for the viability of the research paper for further consideration. The secondary data will be from published and authentic sources to adhere to the professionalism and accountability of the data (Blake et al., 2020).
Descriptive Analysis will be used to analyze and interpret the data. Both qualitative and quantitative means will be analyzed using authentic secondary sources. The analysis will be focusing on the four objectives and drawing appropriate recommendations from them. It will be made sure that the data collected is up to date and provides relevant information to critically analyze the findings.
The recommendation will be based on the effectiveness of the best model to promote mental health among healthcare practitioners. It will help the healthcare units to formulate strategies and work towards the holistic development of healthcare practitioners and inculcate resilient mental and emotional stability (Robertson and Long, 2018). This will optimize the use of their efforts for the care treatment of patients.
Conclusion- The research proposal will help in a future study on the topic of the mental wellbeing of healthcare practitioners and will also aid in deciding the best model for promoting health among healthcare practitioners.
The literature review focused on the critical expression of various scholars on the vitality of promotion of mental and emotional health among healthcare practitioners. This highlighted major issues that practitioners face during carrying out their services like internal pressure and immediate decision making. The use of a variety of journals and online articles facilitated the critical understanding of the subject. During carrying out the literature analysis, I felt the need to include data from primary resources because it could have given accurate data for analysis. Moreover, the relation between the subject of different journals varied slightly that restrained the literature Review to provide an overall viewpoint on the subject. Due to the risk factor of the covid-19 pandemic, conducting primary research was not allowed. However, the research was able to highlight significant approaches and ascertain the vitality of the Promotion of mental and emotional health in a healthcare setting (Ripp, Peccoralo, and Charney, 2020). The Literature Review is effective in highlighting the discussion over the need for the Promotion of mental health. I was engaged and determined in the research because I feel mental health is not considered a major issue and significant efforts are needed to draw the attention of the reader towards the issue of mental health faced by healthcare practitioners. It is not normal to be in a stressful environment for long hours on daily basis, one needs to have a high EQ level and resilient mental stability. The prominent role these practitioners play in providing healthcare treatment and saving lives makes it even more important to judiciously and ethically promote mental and emotional health.
The literature review helped me to inculcate a sense of critical thinking that is needed to evaluate evidence-based health. I determined that emotional intelligence and mental wellbeing play a crucial role in the healthcare practitioner's life as well as holistic care treatment of the patient. The risk of emotional instability and ineffective decision-making can be lethal and therefore I was drawn towards the subject. This will enhance my innovation to analyze and interpret the data with optimum focus and determination. The subject matter must be motivating so that the individual is devoted to the research and provides true and qualitative study in a structured and comprehensive manner.
I was initially very enthusiastic while carrying out the research and devoted significant time to it. However, I started to lose my focus gradually and felt demotivated to read journals and articles on the same subject. I started taking a break in between and change my activity to reenergize myself and get back to my literature review. My main focus was to maintain the quality of the research and stick to my subject throughout the research. I was able to highlight the issues that these practitioners face and evaluate some models of mental health promotion. Altogether, the Literature review was enlightening and I gained knowledge about the significance and role of promoting mental and emotional wellbeing of healthcare practitioners
Blake, H., Bermingham, F., Johnson, G. and Tabner, A., 2020. Mitigating the psychological impact of COVID-19 on healthcare workers: a digital learning package. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(9), p.2997.
Darkhor, S., Estebsari, F., Hosseini, M., Charati, J.Y. and Vasli, P., 2018. Effect of health promotion intervention on Nurses’ healthy lifestyle and health-promoting behaviors: RCT study. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research| Jan-Mar, 8(1), p.109.
Gómez, C., Lamas, A., Ramirez-Martinez, F.R., Blunk, D. and Leiner, M., 2021. Rethinking Strategies and Programs to Improve Physical and Emotional Well-being Among Healthcare Professionals: Facing the New Normalcy. Medical Science Educator, 31(2), pp.565-572.
Munn-Giddings, C. and Borkman, T., 2017. Self-help/mutual aid as a psychosocial phenomenon. In Mental health at the crossroads (pp. 153-170). Routledge.
O’Dowd, E., O’Connor, P., Lydon, S., Mongan, O., Connolly, F., Diskin, C., McLoughlin, A., Rabbitt, L., McVicker, L., Reid-McDermott, B. and Byrne, D., 2018. Stress, coping, and psychological resilience among physicians. BMC health services research, 18(1), pp.1-11.
Ornek, O.K. and Esin, M.N., 2020. Effects of a work-related stress model based mental health promotion program on job stress, stress reactions and coping profiles of women workers: a control groups study. BMC public health, 20(1), pp.1-14.
Ripp, J., Peccoralo, L. and Charney, D., 2020. Attending to the emotional well-being of the health care workforce in a New York City health system during the COVID-19 pandemic. Academic medicine.
Robertson, J.J. and Long, B., 2018. Suffering in silence: medical error and its impact on health care providers. The Journal of emergency medicine, 54(4), pp.402-409.
Sultana, A., Sharma, R., Hossain, M.M., Bhattacharya, S. and Purohit, N., 2020. Burnout among healthcare providers during COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and evidence-based interventions.
Wald, H.S., 2020. Optimizing resilience and wellbeing for healthcare professions trainees and healthcare professionals during public health crises–Practical tips for an ‘integrative resilience’approach. Medical Teacher, 42(7), pp.744-755.
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