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Reflective Essay On Age And Antibiotic Knowledge Case Study By native Assignment Help!
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The title of the following essay refers to the age and antibiotic knowledge in the public Health skill and knowledge framework (PHSKF). This is a UK-based tool for public health skill management in terms of developing public health-related professional skills, which are needed for the future benefits. The knowledge regarding antibiotics and its effectiveness is positively associated with positive belief of medications (Waaseth et al. 2019). In this context, the association of age, education, as well as health literacy and antibiotic knowledge is important with the greater awareness of public health. However, it is also evident that antibiotic response has been identified in the case of elderly patients and the effectiveness of medicine may decrease over time (Gharbi et al. 2019). Besides, the presence of remaining potential antibiotics over a decade after the expiration date. However, this list excludes the presence of nitro-glycerine, insulin, as well as the liquid form of antibiotics.
In my opinion, data analysis is effective in terms of extracting useful information as well as identifying the presence of data availability in the research field. In this context, Unwin (2020) has managed to address the importance of data analysis in a research context in terms of making it a lot simpler and more accurate. I feel this process in a broader perspective includes two significant sections, such as qualitative information and quantitative information analysis. While the former one represents the non-text form of information types, the latter part relies on numerical information as well as comparison of numbers while doing research (Silverman, 2018). For the following context on the basis of age and antibiotic, it can be stated that the latter analysis process has been implied.
The overall experience can be expressed by using Kolb's reflective practice, which is essential for any researcher in terms of learning from their experiences (DunnGalvin et al. 2019). I have implied this model by using it as a basis for the structure of the reflective context on the basis of a given research topic on age and antibiotic [Refers to appendix 1]. The first step refers to concrete experience (CE, feeling) and it is followed by reflective observation (RO, watching), abstract conceptualisation (AC, thinking) and active experimentation (AE, doing or actions) (Mantzourani et al. 2019).
In the first step of CR, I have felt the requirement of using qualitative data analysis for the identified research subject. As elderly patients are considered susceptible in terms of exposing age associated with antibiotic toxicity, they are also at high risk in the case of antibiotics usage (Cattaneo et al. 2022). For example, the implementation of tetracyclines and chloramphenicol along with polypharmacy in the case of elders has a potential impact on rendering towards a high drug interaction (McKay et al. 2020). In my opinion, patients in both young and elderly age groups consist of altered pharmacokinetics of antibiotics, and it can be caused due to the difference in absorption, distribution, and elimination in comparison with healthy adults. However, as per the statement of Lewis and Reeves (2014), the therapeutic antibiotics are under monitoring in terms of using them frequently for the patients of both ages. In this context, I have also managed to understand the depth of implying interview methods in terms of identifying lacking in existing skills as well as practices while collecting information. This also made me reflect on my experience systematically in order to learn and improve the overall experience of data analysis for the given context.
On Each Order!
In addition, in the second step of RO, I have observed the pattern of using qualitative context in terms of the continuing data analysis part for the given context on age and antibiotic. This part includes the initial step of familiarising with the information (Morris, 2020). I have received the basic overview of the information on the given research topic, and I have tried spotting details manually in order to understand the context. This step is followed by me writing down the description of the overall experience while analyzing information that was collected by using the interview method. This factor is followed by defining the significant objectives of data analysis for age and antibiotic,c which reflects the identification of questions. These questions are capable of answering information in the given context. The objectives also include basic context of using antibiotics and people's perception while using antibiotics and their perspective of using antibiotics in the case of any disease (Ferguson et al. 2019). This step has made me observe the overall context of people's perception on the implementation of antibiotics and their answers on the basis of their ages, which ranges from 18 to more than 60 years old.
Apart from these, the next step of AC has made me think about the relation between the use of antibiotics in the case of age-specific context among patients and its importance in public health. This factor also signifies the use of my skills while dealing with patients of different ages, while interviewing,g and my knowledge of analysing these for the context of the given research subject. This step in qualitative data analysis is associated with the strategic planning in order to figure out the broad ideas on the research subject and assign those with the aim of structuring the overall information analysis (Hancock et al. 2021). As per the opinion of Bou-Antoun et al. (2018), the relation between the age and prescription of antibiotics for patients is stratified aggregated by age factors and results in the implementation of quality premium healthcare. This also refers to the adverse impact of toxicity and carriage of antibiotics resistant bacteria among patients irrespective of their ages. By supporting this context, Van Staa et al. (2020) have managed to address that the consumption of antibiotics in the UK is lower than the European average and in comparison, with other European countries such as the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, and many more. I have also thought about the role of NHS's quality premium service of healthcare while understanding the collected information for analysis. It made me identify the economic incentives for clinical commissioning groups in terms of reducing the overall antibiotic prescription in primary health care service in comparison with antibiotic prescribing by general practitioners on patients with elderly age (Bou-Antoun et al. 2018).
The last step consists of AE and it refers to the action plan while conducting data analysis for the following context. Here, I have managed to find a pattern and connection in collected information while using data analysis techniques such as descriptive, diagnostics, along with predictive and prescriptive in terms of understanding the relationship between age and the use of antibiotics. This step also made me realise the interpretation of collected information from 100 participants on the basis of questionnaires and identifying the perspective of patients while using antibiotics. This step also helped me to conclude the overall context while understanding the research subject on the basis of age preference and quality healthcare while using antibiotics.
The given research context is based on the relationship between age and antibiotic, and it has implied qualitative information in order to collect information. I have collected research information by conducting interviews with 100 people from the age group of 18 to more than 60 in order to understand their perspectives of using antibiotics and their knowledge while using antibiotics. In this case, Khoshgoftar et al. (2021) have managed to address the significance of using qualitative information for the following context by understanding the determination of particular frequency of traits as well as characteristics in answers which were collected from those interviewees. In my opinion, this set of information is considered significant in terms of developing parameters which are associated with observation of larger sets of information. In addition, this particular context also helps in the medical sector in terms of addressing the questions of how and why, which enables the understanding of the overall research experience as well as comparative phenomena between age and antibiotic (Sagmeister et al. 2021). From the overall aspect, I have managed to learn the implementation of primary qualitative information which were collected from interviewees while increasing transparency and effectiveness of the overall process for the medical field.
While conducting interviews, I have questioned 100 people in terms of understanding their perspective towards the implementation of antibiotics for themselves, along with their knowledge of using antibiotics on the basis of their age. I have managed to make a questionnaire for the identified context in order to access answers and observe the context [Refers to appendix 2]. This questionnaire consists of demographic information of the interviewees in the form of age range, gender, ethnic group, as well as employment status, home country in comparison with the UK, health-related course, and use of antibiotics in the last 12 months. I have managed to put the answer options in the age range from 18 to 21 along with 22 to 29, 30 to 39, 50 to 59, and 60+ years old. These are followed by using the antibiotic knowledge of the interviewees with the options of a positive, a negative, and a do not know option. These questions are also associated with the interviewees' knowledge of understanding the work of antibiotics in the body, and the role of antibiotics to kill bacteria and many more. It is also important to understand questions on the basis of gaining understanding of their point of views on antibiotic side effects, full course of antibiotics, the presence of persistent cough,h and storage of leftover antibiotics to get in-depth understanding (Cambaco et al. 2020). However, the questions regarding the knowledge of building up antibiotic resistance among patients are not included in order to keep the basic trait of the questionnaire while including all age ranges of interviewees. I have also managed to put that information in an Excel spreadsheet in order to simplify the process of data analysis while understanding the awareness of interviewees [refers to appendix 3]. The answer has helped me to understand the potential impact of antibiotics in any type of age, as well as the healthcare sector. This factor is considered one of the world's most urgent public health issues and a chance of increasing infection irrespective of age (Khoshgoftar et al. 2021). As per the opinion of Mathew et al. (2019), a public health related educational campaign regarding the implementation of antibiotics is important for any healthcare sector. The authors also mentioned the increasing knowledge and awareness between people while understanding the adherence to treatment and minimising the overall cost of healthcare are dependent on these contexts. However, Machowska and Stålsby Lundborg (2019) have stated the cases of misusing antibiotics based on people's false beliefs, which lead to the use of benign drugs among them. These are problematic and need proper education and control while generating policies and decisions to increase awareness for public healthcare. As per the statement of Godman et al. (2020), it can also be stated that the planning of campaigns to educate people and launching these programs have a positive impact on improving knowledge of using antibiotics among patients. On the other hand, it also improves a patient's perspective as well as their attitudes and performance among people. I also feel the answers to questionnaires are associated with understanding the basic knowledge of people while using antibiotics. Therefore, there should be an elaborate study in the complexity of knowledge of antibiotics and its influence on the health decision making for using antibiotics.
As the following context has implied, primary qualitative in the form of an interview in terms of collecting information, I feel this has given a basic answer while using antibiotics and its relationship with age. However, the interview of people who are connected with the healthcare sectors such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, long-term users of antibiotics, caregivers, and parents in case of children should have been included in order to access in-depth information on the impact of antibiotics and age. This part could have given a wide perspective of collecting information, which would give transparency for the context of this following research context. Apart from this, I feel I need to understand the role of antibiotic resistance and its effect on different age groups in order to understand the use of antibiotics on humans. This would help me to increase knowledge between people as well as adhering to treatment while using antibiotics and minimising healthcare costs.
As a practitioner of public health context, supervising the use of antibiotics and prescribing these for patients is an important role of mine. As per the opinion of Sunde et al. (2019), the key role of a general practitioner in terms of regulating the amount of consumed antibiotics is under primary healthcare. In my opinion, it also helps me to intervene with effective strategies and my educational context while delivering the primary care services and dictating the dose of antibiotics. For the following context, the Borton reflective model is implied here in terms of addressing the significant questions in the form of what, so what, and now what while supervising the use of antibiotics in patients.
The first step of this cycle refers to understanding what, in the form of the situation, I have faced along with my observation, actions, reactions, others' involvement, objectives, and my overall experiences. I have managed to play the role of a practitioner in terms of supervising the use of antibiotics among patients. This is followed by asking patients their opinion on using antibiotics and my supervision of the consumed antibiotics dose. In the case of the UK healthcare sector, a general practitioner is required to access full training, educational outreach as well as responsible interpretation and implementation of the dose of antibiotics on the basis of specific age group (Chowdhury et al. 2019). As this was under the provision of the primary care process, a practitioner is responsible for dictating patients in terms of addressing high doses of consumption as well as the overall prescription while intervening with patients. As per the statement of Wall (2019), this factor has a significant impact on the patients' view and attitudes of using antibiotics irrespective of their age group. For example, I have managed to take interviews on understanding of patients on the basis of following antibiotic prescription by the practitioners, reduction of doses by themselves as well as the improvement of health quality after using antibiotics irrespective of age. In the second step, I have observed the practitioners' views in antibiotics prescription and the patient's capabilities of consuming antibiotics without any medical indication. However, some of my patients were knowledgeable enough to ask questions and their views on the implementation of antibiotics. However, the majority has a habit of pressuring practitioners to prescribe antibiotics (Zetts et al. 2018). As per the statement of Lecky et al. (2020), the patients are facing the fear of being under treatment, and it leads them to put their strong opinions of requiring antibiotic treatment. For example, I have faced these whiles contributing towards the conduct of the interview process, and due to the lack of time to explain and convince patients, in some cases, I could not withstand the unnecessary pressure of prescribing antibiotics. I was shocked to witness the inability of patients to understand the difference between bacterial and viral infection and its relationship with the prescription of antibiotics as a quick fix. This factor also includes the involvement of pharmacists, caregivers, as well as nursing staff while dealing with patients. While conducting the interview, I was planning to provide detailed context of using antibiotics for patients in exchange for their views of using antibiotics irrespective of their ages. However, this made me realise the role of treatment guidelines in terms of using antibiotics, also causing confusion while using antibiotics for general information and viral infection cases (Blenkinsopp et al. 2022). On the other hand, I feel I have managed to put the idea of overusing antibiotics and its toxicity irrespective of age among interviewees. However, their constant fear of being under treatment in comparison with excessive use of antibiotics made me realise the drawback of this context.
However, in the third step, I have acted with integrity, consistency, and the purpose of increasing awareness among interviewees even though I felt irritated and frustrated at that moment. This is considered a professional challenge for me while dealing with ignorant patients, and this made me realise the development of knowledge among them and letting them know regarding the dose of antibiotics, irrespective of their age, is important. In this context, Kong et al. (2021) have managed to address the advantage of practitioners’ professional freedom while educating patients and increasing engagement in quality healthcare. This made me feel satisfied by trying these, which is different from the previous feeling. The positive aspect of this project has led me to learn the role of practitioners while dictating the dose of antibiotics as well as their involvement in increasing awareness among patients. I feel this is considered a small but firm step towards my professional development which involves crucial public health concerns.
However, while working on the project, I have managed to involve doctors, nurses, pharmacists, long-term users of antibiotics, caregivers, and parents in case of children, while dealing with patients' knowledge of age and antibiotics. It has given me the opportunity of communicating with seniors and experienced healthcare persons as well as building relationships with them. This factor is effective for me to learn and manage people while interviewing them. Communication and tone of words are important in the public sector and a crucial part while dealing with patients in the healthcare industry, which could lead to conflicts or encourage people to improve the situation. I am fortunate enough to experience the positive side of it and I feel this would help me towards professional development and my future career.
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