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Reflective Practice in Nursing: Administering Injections in Mental Health Assignment Sample By Native Assignment Help.
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The following essay is intended to address my nursing association journey by reflecting my psychomotor skills . The following essay is aiming at expressing my journey as a nursing staff in a hospital setting while using the identified skills while focusing on the holistic nursing approaches to administer depo injection for patients in a mental health setting along with considering team working capabilities as well as leadership while providing a person-centred care process. Further in this assignment, I am aiming at discussing the significance of delegation on drawing and administering injection activities by using an EDI model of reflection.
The identified model of reflection helps in focusing nursing activities in the form of “experience (E), demonstration (D), as well as implementation (I)” (van Vliet et al., 2022). This model also helps with supporting nursing staff to engage in the naturalistic development of critical and analytical thinking while completing their activities, along with the provision of a neutralised embedding of reflection in the health curriculum while focusing on the analytical thinking of the individual.
The use of reflection in the medical field is considered a tool for continuous learning for the clinical professionals and helps them to develop portfolios and detailing experience from the overall practices (Gilson et al., 2023) and is mandatory by the professionals governing bodies such as Health and Care Profession Council. While I consider myself a reflective practitioner in the clinical field, it also made me realise that this also helps with personal development in the form of complacency and engagement while using a critical reflection process. Besides, as per the opinion of Clarke (2022), reflection is defined as the creation of a non-judgement framework while empathetic understanding of one's self in the context of managing professional practice which have significant influence on behavioural context in the clinical setting. The author also describes reflection as the "exploration of experience while curiously investigating individuals within the context of others and the wider sphere of society and culture". However, it is also required in "nursing and midwifery council" with the aim of revalidation of reflective discourse for learning from experiences of continuing professional development while formalised written context of learning from practices (Clarke, 2022).
From the overall experience of working, the identified patient is Mrs A, who is 65 years old and diagnosed with Schizophrenia last month and admitted in our hospital approximately 15 days ago. I was assigned to this hospital by my assessor with the aim of drawing and As per the guideline of NMC code of confidentiality, as a nurse or midwife or nursing associate, staff are owed the duty of confidentiality to all those who are receiving services and care aspects (Nmc.org.uk, 2023). By following that rule, I am refraining from exposing the patient's identities and in-depth medical information. In addition, it can also be notifiable that incapacity of a patient's consent is often associated with psychosis along with the severity of symptoms, lacking insights, involuntary status and treatment refusal (Nmc.org.uk, 2023). Besides, these are also applicable in terms of special risk factors in the form of schizophrenia, mania along with Alzheimer's diseases and many more mental health dementias (Snelling and Quick, 2022). Therefore, the following assessment requires the use of “Mental Health Act” in order to access consent for the treatment from family members and carers during the time of admission for patients with mental health illness and I have used this regulation while accessing consent for this patient.
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Approximately 685000 people which is considered 1% of the overall population in the UK are suffering from Schizophrenia and approximately 0.11% of the overall affected population is on antipsychotic drugs, both in oral and intramuscular forms (Mind.org.uk, 2023). While this Statistic made me realise the prevalence of the identified disease conditions, it also made me understand the importance of using injection in comparison with oral medication while dealing with patients with mental health issues. In the case of Schizophrenia, the use of long-acting injectable medications is considerably effective in comparison with oral medication while reducing the risk of hospitalisation as well as reducing the frequent consumption of medication (Milz et al. 2022). Besides, the use of antipsychotic drugs which are useful in the case of treating Schizophrenia in depo injection help with increasing medicinal adherence while balancing steady blood level and decreasing the consumption of oral medication on a daily routine (Reymann et al. 2022). This experience made me realise the importance of my knowledge and strengths while administering and drawing injections for the patient. However, at the initial stage, it made me feel difficult to communicate with the patients while developing a bond of trust that made my job easier during my working days here.
Deconstruction in reflective practice helps with understanding as well as critiquing nursing theory as well as practices while challenging the dominant paradigm in nursing practices by addressing discipline (Marshall et al. 2022). I am using this with the aim of addressing nursing theories while reflecting on my personal skills for drawing and administering depo injection for patient A. This section is also aiming at addressing decision making context along with person centred evidence-based practices while associating the patient A to continue her medication in IM form.
Clinical environment is considered a significant factor that helps with the sense of support along with comfort and the level of stimulation (Sadek and Willis, 2022). In my opinion, the creation of a comfortable and safe environment is effective for mental health patients alongside continuing showing patience and caring and it also helps with treatment and medication. In this context, the implementation of environmental theory is effective as it showcases the alteration of the environment while affecting the changes in patient's health and care process (Foli, 2022). The creation of an interpersonal relationship with patients can help the patient to become oriented to their issues along with understanding their sources of anxiety. Here, the implementation of the theory of interpersonal relationship is effective for nurse-patient while understanding the patient's needs along with frustration, conflicts as well as anxieties that impact the nurse-patient relationship while facilitating the overall health outcomes (Hardie et al. 2022). In my opinion, this is important here as it sheds light on the patient's mentality or their anxiousness while receiving medication from a complete stranger. While treating patient A, at the initial stage of administering, I was awkward to administer her injection and felt her being anxious during the provision of IM. However, with continuous reassurance along with a clear communication with patient A, I was able to make her comfortable and relaxed during the drawing and administering depo injection. On the other perspective, it can also be stated that the IM injection into a relaxed muscle is considered to be causing less discomfort in comparison with injection into a contracted muscle for the patient and it also helps nursing staff to administer the injection process while reducing discomfortness among patients (Yi et al. 2022). In my opinion, the relaxed muscle of a patient has beneficial influence while making the nurse's job easier while holding the patient positions for the medication to be injected and using a study and smooth motion during the drawing and administration of the medicine. Besides, it also helps with the overall medication and its impact on patients by being least painful. Therefore, on a wider picture, creating a comfortable environment helps with strengthening nurse-patient interpersonal relationships and thus improving the injection process for both the staff and patient.
Apart from that, in comparison to pills and tablets alongside other oral medication; the efficient way of providing medicine into blood refers to the injection into the vein or in muscle (Gurung et al. 2022). This helps the medication to be circulated throughout the body while avoiding degradation in the stomach. For the following assignment while treating patient a who is a Schizophrenia patient and getting depo injection for psychotic medicines, the use of IM is effective while targeting neurotransmitters in the form of dopamine, serotonin and glutamate with the aim of alleviate psychosis symptom (Greco et al. 2023). In my opinion, this also helps them to manage an acute treatment for the psychosis episodes and has a long-lasting treatment effect on their well-being. In this context, the implementation of nursing process discipline theory helps with levelling the primary intention of the nursing process while supplying the help to a patient's needs for meeting their positive treatment outcome (Chiu et al. 2022). In this context, the need of the patient refers to the administration of a successful psychosis medicine for improving the overall health outcome of patient A. This theory is effective here as it helps to focus on the interaction between the nurse and patient while managing perception validation and the implementation of the nursing process with the aim of producing positive outcome and patient improvement (Tanaka, 2022). Even with the working experience while developing connection with patient A for administering her medication, I feel developing personal boundaries is important while delivering the person-centred and authentic care aspects while empowering the patient to maintain her autonomy and deepening the therapeutic relationship in a non-judgemental way. This helps in a professional area by organising the principle of care aspects and performing psychomotor skills while drawing and administering her medication and managing effective nursing plans. In my opinion, this has helped me with maintaining the comfortable environment for patient A along with performing my own duty while preparing for the medication in an injection form. This is also connected with the following assessment as it sheds light on the nurse-patient comfortable environment in a working area while administering medications in a beneficial way for the patient and improving the overall health outcome (Anunobi and Adedo, 2023). On the other perspective, this helps with employee personal development while dealing with critical patients and promoting the importance of good mental health. In my opinion, while I started working in this word, I was nervous as I had no prior experience of dealing with patients with mental health illness. However, with the passing time, I have managed to understand the role of maintaining boundaries and good rapport with patients' impact on functioning alongside physical health and my ability to enjoy work positively. This has a significant impact on the patient outcome, responsibilities, as well as administration of medication for nursing staff (Davenport, 2022).
This has a significant impact on identifying the patient's requirements, their anxiousness and habits while receiving medication for the nursing staff to maintain a comfortable environment during the administration and achieve an effective impact from the personalised medication. In my opinion, this also affects the patient's perspective while receiving treatment, which has a significant impact on accessing the long-lasting effects of medication and reducing their overall hospital stay, and improving their quality of life.
While critically reflecting on my journey in terms of working in the Mental Health word in terms of using my psychomotor skills of drawing and administering injection for schizophrenia patient A, I feel I have faced a roller coaster of unimaginable emotion that helps me to identify my strengths and weaknesses while dealing with patient care. It also shades light on my communication skill with patients while working and openly embracing peer support from the care teams. This also made me realise the immense support that I have received from my assessor and experiences while working in this context. The guidance from my assessor alongside wise words as well as pep talk have helped me to overcome difficulties while dealing with patients and difficult consultations during patient care. It also helped me to overcome my insecurities along with worries and questions in the clinical field practices from being judged and making mistakes. This has made me strong emotionally and being confident while successfully drawing an administrative mediational process for the identified patient during the time of my shift. The work experience also taught me the creation of personal boundaries in the professional fields while identifying patient requirements and managing function as an advanced practitioner without advice and support. This is followed by successfully engaging with patients and associating them during administration with the aim of reducing their pain from the medication and improving the overall health outcome. However, from the beginning I was able to engage with everyone in a free spirit which has an adverse impact on my professional experience. On the other hand, this experience also challenges me in different ways which successfully provide me the opportunity to reflect on my overall action and identify my strengths and weaknesses in the clinical fields while working with patients. I believe I have gained professional skills and attitudinal qualities which are significant in the professional field to survive. This will help me in my future journey while growing and acknowledging the significance of a comfortable environment, proper communication, peer support and advice from guides to complete the professional activities.
Apart from that, I have also learnt to approach patient families on the basis of regulation while patient consent is not available in terms of continuing the treatment process. This has a significant impact on my communication skills and approaching strangers which is effective for me to grow as a person and professional expertise in the medical field. In my opinion, this experience is effective for me to move forward while continuing to face challenging situations in my professional field in future and it will help me to shape my values to be the best person in the professional field. The overall journey will also help me to share my emotional discoveries in terms of improving the overall administration and associating the patience for a fruitful outcome. It has a significant scope of rediscovery in my potential skills to stimulate my future clinic and journey and manage my own practices for the betterment of the patient.
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From the following assignment on the basis of drawing and administrative depo medication for treating schizophrenia patient in mental health word, I have successfully explained my personal experience while working with patient A long side and ministry had medication in injection form as well as demonstrating the overall context on the basis of using psychomotor skill as a nursing associate. In addition, I have also managed to address relevant theoretical models while using those for nursing practices and understanding my role as nursing associates to administer the overall medication process for patient A. This also includes the demonstration of relevant literature on the basis of identified subjects alongside influencing my care planning decision making and implying my skills as well as attitude and valley shapes in terms of planning the care approach for patient A. I have also discussed the role of the following experience on my future practice in the same field with the aim of improving decision making as well as elevating nursing practices while using the EDI model of reflection.
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